Super Vision

426 Chapter 426

The night sky has no stars and moons, and the gray clouds cover the pressure, and the visibility is very low.However, this did not cause much trouble for the CIA team, because they have night vision devices.

Lance Bigger led three people to follow the traces left by Xia Lei, and at the same time received information from two groups of people and directed them.Hank is next to him. Although Hank's temper is violent and has a serious tendency to violence, Hank is the man with the strongest ability to move. He has no doubt that his trust in Hank of.

"Damn it! Why did the boy wake up?" Hank scolded. "Aren't the anesthetics we took fake?"

"Catch him to know the answer." Lansbig said.

Hank took a sip to the ground, "That guy is as annoying as these ba Maos, grab him, I must break his knees, I think he can run!"

Lance Bigger said: "Fortunately he doesn't have a gun, otherwise we will be very dangerous."

"Is his marksmanship good? I don't think so!" Hank turned back suddenly, he seemed to hear something again, buzzing.

Lance Bigger also hugged his head inexplicably with his hands, very painful.

A CIA agent wondered: "Head, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's just a headache. Keep chasing." Lance Bigger endured the pain and went on.

At this time, the trace left by Xia Lei suddenly disappeared.

The four men stopped.

At this time, the voice of a CIA agent suddenly came from the communicator, "We seem to see him!"

"Where?" Lance Bigger said excitedly: "Report direction!"

"He's ..." There was suddenly no sound in the communicator.

Lance Bigger's expression suddenly became tense.

Suddenly another voice came from the communicator, "He is sniping us! He ..."

The speaker's voice is silenced again.

"Talk!" Lance Bigger shouted: "Asshole!"

The report found that the group of Xia Lei was the group on the left, four CIA agents, equipped with night vision devices.But Xia Lei's position has not been stated yet, all four people have been killed!

This result is undoubted, because if someone is still alive, there should be gunshots on the left, and someone will report.But neither of these two situations happened. Isn't it the case that all four are dead?

Suddenly ...

Gunshots suddenly came from the right.

"Where is he?" Someone yelled, "Damn, I can't see him!"

"Someone got shot!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

There was chaos on the right.The situation was urgent, and the team on the right didn't even have time to report to Lansbig.

Lance Bigger and Hank pulled their legs and rushed to the right. Two other CIA agents followed, carrying the M16A1 assault rifle, advancing away from the barber pole and watching the surroundings with vigilance.Although the night vision device allows them to see their surroundings in a dark environment, the viewing distance is limited, and they can't see far away at all.

A few minutes later, Lance Bigger rushed to the spot where gunfire was heard.

Four dead bodies lay in a piece of barnacle bush, none of them were shot with a headshot, and the marksmanship made people shudder with precision.

The teams on the left and right were wiped out in just a few minutes, which made it difficult for Lansbig and Hank to accept.

Fear spread silently.

"That guy actually hides a sniper rifle here. Does he know how we should deal with him?" Lansbig was afraid. He already wanted to retreat, but he was not reconciled.If Xia Lei can't be caught under the condition of kidnapping Shen Tu Tianyin this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance if he wants to catch him again in the future.

However, if you continue to fight and fight against Xia Lei with a gun in such an environment, the odds are almost zero!

"Retreat!" Lance Bigger took the initiative.

puff!As soon as Lance Bigger's voice fell, a bullet flew by and instantly plunged into the head of an agent.Blood and brain squirted from the ripped head and shot far.

The remaining three people fell to the ground almost at the same time.

Hank raised his gun and fired in the direction of the bullet.The shell jumped, and the height of one person's barmao rod fell.

puff!Another bullet flew into the head of a CIA agent.His head is only one foot above the ground.

"How is that possible!" Lansbig's back numb and sweaty.

In this case, unless Xia Lei shot at a very close distance, he would never have a chance to shoot at the target from this angle.Not to mention, the lush barnacles here are an insurmountable visual obstacle!

Unless, he can see through this barn bush!

"AE, it must be AE!" Lansbig was out of control. "I want to report this to headquarters!"

"What AE?" Hank quickly changed the magazine.

"You don't know, don't ask, cover me!" Lance Bigg pulled out a satellite phone.

Hank didn't ask much and shot again blindly.

Hey!A bullet flew and tore Lansbig's wrist in an instant, and the satellite phone in his hand fell to the ground.Lance Bigger screamed, and his wrist was torn alive by two thirds, leaving only a layer of skin stuck!

Three seconds later, the same thing happened to Hank.His right wrist holding the gun was torn by bullets and his palm fell to the ground.

Hey ...

The sound of footsteps came from the depths of Ba Mao Cong, coming here.

"Damn it!" Hank roared, and he climbed up, pulling the pistol out of the armband with his left hand.

Without waiting for him to shoot, a bullet flew from the front and hit his left arm.The bullet penetration of the sniper rifle was terrifying. His left arm was broken and the muscles were torn off.

Hank, a battle-hardened CIA agent turned into a waste.He fell to the ground.But he was also strong enough that he suffered such a serious injury that he did not pass out.He lay on the ground and gasped.Fear of death hit every nerve of him.

Lance Bigger climbed two steps, reaching for the satellite phone that fell to the ground.

puff!A bullet flew, and Lansbig just blew his palm of the satellite phone.Blood, meat and soil exploded together, and the picture was like a bear child putting a firecracker in the mud.

The severe pain almost made Lance Bigger pass out, and he stubbornly supported.He finally saw the man who came out of the ba Mao bush, Xia Lei.

Xia Lei carried his sniper rifle with a calm look, without any expression.

Lance Bigger gasped, "You, you won, arrest me."

Xia Lei said: "Arrest you? Well, should I still call you an ambulance and ask the doctor to come over and stop you bleeding and treatment?"

"You can't kill me, no, you can't," Lance Bigger said daringly. "I'm the CIA Asian director, my rank ... is higher than you think."

Xia Lei stopped beside Hank and looked down at Hank lying on the ground. "That's right, you kicked my woman's foot. Which feet do you use?"

Hank froze for a moment, then suddenly shouted: "Shoot me, kill me!"

"Shoot at you? Are you still worth shooting?" Xia Lei raised his foot and stepped on Hank's broken wrist.

"Ah--" Hank screamed, his chest expanded violently, breathing air.However, even if the world's oxygen was stuffed into his lungs, he could not eliminate the pain he suffered at the moment.

"Xia Lei!" Lance Bige roared: "We are Americans, you have to know the consequences of doing so!"

There was a smile on Xia Lei's mouth, "Thank you for reminding me, you didn't remind me that I forgot. Just now, you so-called Americans, the woman who kidnapped me, injected me with anesthetic, wanted to take me to the United States Go. I beg you to let my woman go, and I am willing to go with you, what do you say? "

Lance Bigger was speechless. He used to be arrogant, but at this time he could not be arrogant.Previously, Xia Lei was the fish meat on his cutting board, and he was free to chop, but now he is Xia Lei's fish meat, waiting to be cut and chopped.Changing position, he found that feeling really uncomfortable.

Princess Yongmei stood beside Xia Lei, looking at Hank lying on the ground with innocent eyes.What she looks like is thinking.

Hank suddenly muttered and talked, but there were no specific words or Chinese syllables. His voice was very vague and strange.His expression also seemed terrified.

Xia Lei was surprised in his heart, "This guy is still very tough just now, why did it suddenly change like this? It seemed like he was crazy."

"What did you do to him?" Lance Bigger also got nervous, and in his eyes, Xia Lei was undoubtedly an unknown monster.

Xia Lei only took his thoughts away. He released the foot that stepped on Hank's broken wrist and walked slowly to Lance Bigger's side.He wouldn't shoot and shoot Hank. If he did that, it would be equivalent to execution at close range. It's not good to explain to the 101st Bureau why he didn't keep his mouth alive.Moreover, he didn't need to do this, because of Hank's injury and the blood he was losing, he couldn't live for half an hour.In addition, during these half an hour, he can also observe the changes in Hank and collect information related to Princess Yongmei.

Xia Lei squatted beside Lansbig and looked at him, "Tell me, how did you kidnap my woman?"

Lance Bigger's eyes flickered, and he avoided Xia Lei's eyes.

"Tell me, what roles do An Xiuxian and Gu Kewen play in this matter?" Xia Lei continued to test.

"Call an ambulance and I will tell you." Lance Bigger said.

Xia Lei shook his head, "You don't say I also know that An Xiuxian and Gu Kewen must have participated. Without the help of An Xiuxian and Gu Kewen, you would never dare to start such an action in a place like Kyoto. Is it right? ? "

More than a dozen CIA agents kidnapped the richest Chinese woman in Kyoto. If there was no response at all in the 101th round, it would almost lose its meaning.The reason why the 101 game has no news and no response is that there must be a cowardly response.Thinking about it, who can do this except Gu Kewen and An Xiuxian?Who has such a motivation?

Lance Bigger closed his mouth and said nothing.

Xia Lei was silent for a moment, and suddenly reached out and broke a barnacle, and thrust the sharp barrage rod into the wound of Lansbig's broken wrist.

"Ah--" Lance Bigger screamed, his whole body trembling.

Xia Lei continued to thrust Ba Maogan into the flesh and blood of Lansbig, while exerting pressure, "What are you still insisting on? I really dare not kill you, after all, your identity is very special, killing you will cause great Trouble. But if you delay the time like this, if you do n’t wait for me to kill you, you will die because of too much blood loss. Tell me, what role do Gu Kewen and An Xiuxian play in this matter, I will immediately Call an ambulance. "

On one side is unbearable torture, on the other is the hope of survival, Lance Bigger's psychological defense line is quickly collapsed.

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