Super Vision

43 Chapter 43

Xia Lei greeted him and greeted with a smile, "Sister Ning, what's the matter?"

The quiet little mouth tilted slightly, "Why, can't you come to you if you're fine?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Of course I can come, I welcome you at any time here." After a pause, he said again: "I'm so sorry for yesterday's things. I messed up."

Tranquility said: "Don't blame you, I don't know that Ren Wenqiang will come, we haven't seen each other for several years."

Xia Lei said: "Your parents seem to like him."

Tranquility said: "I'm here to apologize to you. My mother was a little rude last night, and Ren Wenqiang, he was too proud ..." She looked at Xia Lei and didn't know what to say.

Xia Lei's indifferent look, "It's okay, it's normal for people of his status to look down on people like me. This is the case in this society, lacking a little trust and respect." He smiled again, "And, you Ma is also for you. Ren Wenqiang is very good. I think most mothers will choose that kind of son-in-law. "

"Oh, don't say it." Tranquility interrupted Xia Lei's words, "Not all women want to marry men with high social status, nor do all women want to marry big houses, marry luxury cars, You are not me, how do you know what kind of man I like? "

Xia Lei said: "I'm sorry, I don't mean that."

Tranquility said: "I know you don't mean that. What I want to say is, what kind of people do I like, what kind of people do I want to spend my life with, only my heart knows that my mother can't do it. . "

Xia Lei did not want to talk about this topic anymore, he said: "Please go in and sit down, I will make you a cup of tea, and then we will talk."

He looked at Xia Lei quietly, his eyes straight, "Will not delay your work?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "No, no, not much work today."

A sweet smile also appeared on the quiet face, "Can you introduce your two employees to know me? I have few friends, and I want to make two more friends."

Xia Lei said: "No problem, they will be very happy to meet friends like you."

Tranquility followed Xia Lei into the studio. Xia Lei introduced Ma Xiaoan and Zhou Xiaohong to Tranquility.The four people talked and laughed, and then quietly went to Zhou Xiaohong to use the computer and office software. The atmosphere in the studio was very harmonious.

Looking at the tranquility and Zhou Xiaohong, who are getting along well, Xia Lei has a little confusion in her heart. "How can she think of knowing Ma Xiaoan and Zhou Xiaohong as a doctoral student like Tranquility?"

People with high culture and people with low culture get along with each other. In fact, there are very few topics, and the possibility of becoming friends is even less.

But before Xia Lei came up with a reason, a black BMW sedan was parked on the roadside.It was a BMW 7 Series sedan worth millions. The body was waxed and the sun was shining. The whole car was dazzling and impressive.

The door opened, and Ren Wenqiang in suit and leather walked down from the cab.He took off his sunglasses and glanced at Rema's studio, then walked straight over.

"Sister Ning, someone is looking for you." Xia Lei said.He didn't think Ren Wenqiang came to him.If it ’s not serenity here, people with the status of Ren Wenqiang may not take a glance at a small street workshop like Leima Studios forever.

Hearing Xia Lei's words, Tranquility looked up.She suddenly froze when she saw Ren Wenqiang, and the smile on her face disappeared.

Ren Wenqiang walked into Lei Ma's studio. His eyes quickly scanned Xia Lei's face, Ma Xiao'an and Zhou Xiaohong's faces, and then stayed on the quiet face. His face also showed a beautiful smile. "Jing Zi, I called you, how did your phone shut down? I went to your house to find you, and my aunt said you were out. I went to your work unit to find you again, and I realized that you didn't go to work today. Here. This place is really hard to find. I found it so hard to find it. "

There was a reluctant smile on the quiet face, "Are you doing anything to me?"

Ren Wenqiang said: "I have been away from this city for several years. The changes here are very big. I want to see the changes. But I am missing a guide who can show me around. Would you like to take a tour with me?" No After quietly agreeing, he went on to say: "I ordered a meal on the golden beach. At noon we can eat Western food."

Luxury cars and romantic Western food, as well as handsome men, these elements have an irresistible magic for women, but the quiet seems to be an exception. She shook her head, "I don't like Western food."

Ren Wenqiang said: "Then we will eat Chinese food. I know a restaurant specializing in Cantonese cuisine. The food there is very good."

"I ..." Tranquility didn't expect Ren Wenqiang to be so obsessed, she didn't want to refuse him directly, so she said she didn't want to eat Western food, but she didn't expect people to change Cantonese food directly, so she didn't know what excuse to refuse.

At this time, Zhou Xiaohong got up and went to the water dispenser to pour Ren Wenqiang a cup of boiling water. He held his hands in front of Ren Wenqiang, "This gentleman, please drink water."

Ren Wenqiang didn't even stretch out his hand, nor did he respond politely. He didn't even look at Zhou Xiaohong.

Zhou Xiaohong suddenly froze on the spot, very embarrassed, I don't know what to do.

Xia Lei said aloud: "Xiaohong, this gentleman is too noble, you can't greet him, you can do your best, don't worry."

Zhou Xiaohong returned to the desk with a glass of water. She put the glass on the desk and buried her head to learn how to operate computers and software.She seemed accustomed to living humblely, and Ren Wenqiang was so contemptuous, but she didn't have any unhappy reaction.

Ma Xiaoan didn't have the good temper of Zhou Xiaohong's perseverance. He picked up the glass on the desk, drank the water in the glass at a stretch, and then put the glass on the desk heavily, humming authentically: "Country Leaders do n’t have such a big shelf. Pouring water to you is to give you a face. You do n’t even understand politeness. What a thing! "

Ren Wenqiang's eyes suddenly filled with anger, and he sneered. "A welded one is also so pungent. I really don't know where it came from."

"What's wrong with the welding? You say it to Lao Tzu again!" Ma Xiaoan pulled up his sleeves and had a lot of hands to fight.

Ren Wenqiang's eyes were full of disdain, "I'm going to start with a sentence? But before you start, I want to remind you that I have eight judos."

Ma Xiaoan's heel that had already stepped out was taken back again, not to mention the characters of the eighth judo, even the characters of the first judo would not win.

Ren Wenqiang looked at Xia Lei again, and his eyes were still full of disdain, "Xia Lei, right, I know it ’s not easy for you to open a small shop. At your level, you ’re pretty good, but do n’t you Think too much. Serenity is not the woman you can pursue. Do n’t mess with her in the future because you do n’t deserve it. "

Xia Lei couldn't bear his temper even better, he pointed to the door and said, "Get out of here!"

Ren Wenqiang looked at tranquility, "Jingzi, come with me, don't stay with these rough people all day long, you will be polluted by them."

"I won't go! You have to go by yourself!" Tranquility is actually enough.

Ren Wenqiang said: "Do you want me to call my aunt and uncle? I think if they know you are here, they will definitely come over. Your father's heart is not good, do you have the heart to be angry with him because of this? "

"You ..." Tears burst into silence, "Why are you so overbearing!"

Ren Wenqiang said: "I'm not overbearing, how can I protect you? Now there are too many world liars, you are so simple, it is easy to be deceived."

Although he didn't say who was the liar, he looked at Xia Lei with provocative eyes when he said this sentence. He obviously went to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei wanted to get started.Ma Xiaoan also grabbed a wrench, ready to help Xia Lei.

At this moment, three cars were parked by the roadside.A black Mercedes car, a flatbed truck, and a small crane.

The door of the Mercedes-Benz opened, and a bald old man came down from the co-driver's cabin, glanced at the shop in Rema's studio, and walked straight over.Behind him, the driver of the flatbed truck jumped down and untied the tarpaulin on the cargo compartment.Two new CNC lathes and a precision welding machine are placed on the cargo compartment.

This sudden situation halted the tension in the studio.

The old man walked into Lehma's studio.His face was thin, his eyebrows were long, and the corners of his eyes were full of wrinkles, but his eyes were sharp and deep, and there was a sense of vicissitudes that young people did not possess.

Xia Lei had never seen this old man, plus the trucks and cranes outside the store, he was full of doubts.He was about to speak, but he didn't expect Ren Wenqiang to speak first.

"Fu Bo." Ren Wenqiang was surprised and respectful. "How come you are here?"

The old man called Fu Bo glanced at Ren Wenqiang and said lightly: "Wen Qiang, what are you doing here?"

"I ..." Ren Wenqiang smiled a little awkwardly, "I come to my friend."

The old man called Fu Bo did not say anything to Ren Wenqiang again. He glanced at Xia Lei, then at Ma Xiaoan, and tried to say: "Who are you Xia Lei?"

Xia Lei said, "I am, are you?"

There was a smile on the face of the old man called Fu Bo, "My name is Fu Chuanfu, I am the old housekeeper of Shen Tujia. Ha ha, I heard about yesterday, and I really thank you very much."

He said this, and Charlie suddenly understood.Shen Tu Tianyin's appearance suddenly appeared in his mind, everything about her was so clear, as if she was in front of his eyes, still so solitary, proud and gorgeous.

Beside, Ren Wenqiang looked at Xia Lei in surprise.Everything he has now is given to him by Shen Tu Tianyin, but how can he not understand how Xia Lei, a small person who opened a small street shop, could know a woman like Shen Tu Tianyin!His mood at the moment is also difficult to express with words, and it is extremely complicated!

Fu Chuanfu went on to say: "My lady asked me to send you a few devices and thank you."

Xia Lei hadn't spoken yet, and Ren Wenqiang interjected and said, "Lao Fu, what's going on? How could Miss Shen Tu make you ..."

Fu Chuanfu frowned, "Wen Qiang, don't you know that I don't like someone interrupting when I talk?"

Ren Wenqiang froze for a moment, then closed his mouth with a red face.

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