Super Vision

436 436 Old Lovers Meet Again

Entering the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is full of historical vicissitudes and religious sacred breath.A devout Christian knelt in front of the red marble that once placed the body of Jesus, prayed, and wiped the marble with clothes.It is said that such blood stained with the crucifixion of Jesus is a sacred thing and can bring good luck.

Several white holy lights hung from the marble, emitting light.They belong to the Franciscans, Greek Orthodox Church and Armenian Sect, and are known as the light of life.

After the person praying in front left, Xia Lei also walked over to the red marble, knelt down and prayed religiously.

Tang Yuyan and Long Bing glanced at each other, and then knelt on the left and right sides of Xia Lei, praying with him.

"I am not a Christian, but I believe in your existence. If you can hear my voice, please bless my father and let him be safe. If he is guilty, please bring punishment to my head. In addition, Please bless my sister, she is a kind girl. Please bless my fiancee Shen Tu Tianyin, she is also a kind woman. "Such a prayer is not a Christian standard prayer, but Xia Lei ’s heart at this moment is indeed Is pious.

After praying, Xia Lei also took off his coat and gently wiped the spotless red marble.In the process of wiping, his left eye jumped slightly. His left eye looked like a sharp knife cut into the tofu, quickly penetrated the marble, and then sank down.

Under the marble was the slate, and under the slate was the dirt. His left eye did not penetrate to a deep level, and he found nothing.If something is buried under this marble, he will surely find out.Unfortunately, there is nothing under the marble.

Xia Lei's gaze moved to the handbag beside Long Bing. The gaze of his left eye penetrated the handbag. He saw the compass of the Ming Dynasty and the direction pointed by the pointer, and the pointer was trembling violently. .

"This sign indicates that the thing is hidden under this marble, but I can't see through to a deeper place. If it's really buried under this, how can I dig it?" Xia Lei's brows were all crumpled.No one can move the ground in this place. If it is buried under this marble, the secrets of ancient alloys and bronze books may never be solved.And Princess Yongmei, the secrets in her body will continue to be quiet and difficult to crack.

Long Bing and Tang Yuyan also took off their coats and pretended to wipe the red marble.

After wiping, Long Bing opened the handbag, glanced at it, and then pulled the handbag back.She didn't speak aloud and seemed very alert.

The three left the red marble, walked out of the temple, and then climbed up the stairs beside the door of the temple.Crossing the second floor of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the three continued to climb to Golgotha ​​Mountain.The mountain was the place where Jesus died on the cross and a holy place for Christianity.The three did not go up for sightseeing, but wanted to stand higher and observe the terrain of the area.

On the way, Long Bing called another handbag and frowned, saying, "The compass points to the temple we just came out from, and most of the things are underground."

"Is the pointer still shaking?" Tang Yuyan asked.

Long Bing shook his head, "No, it is still."

"This shows that the thing is indeed underground, what should we do?" Tang Yuyan also frowned.

Long Bing touched Xia Lei with his elbow. "You talk, what can you do?"

Xia Lei said: "There is no way for now, if it is really buried under that marble, no one can dig it."

"I don't know who buried it." Tang Yuyan said angrily: "He buried something under that marble. I am afraid no one dares to dig?"

Long Bing also said: "If the guy is still alive, I will definitely beat him hard, how much trouble he caused us!"

Xia Lei did not speak, but Tang Yuyan and Long Bing's dialogue touched his mind.

"The necklace I gave to Tianyin is the holy heart of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, but it finally appeared in the jade coffin of Princess Yongmei. The difference between the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty where Princess Yongmei is located is 200 years away. History, there must be no intersection between the two. Princess Yongmei ’s mission is to find a treasure with a compass, and has she been to Jerusalem? "Xia Lei's thinking is very active," Wait ... I forgot a very important clue The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built by Emperor Constantine in 335 AD, it is much older than the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Ming Dynasty, and after that, who can bury something under the stone slab where Jesus put his body? So, it It must have been buried before 335 AD! "

With this sorting, Xia Lei seemed to touch something.This is an inspiration, like a writer's feeling before writing.It is hazy, but if you follow this inspiration, you will definitely gain something.

"The compass to find the feeling is something from the Ming Dynasty, but the ancient alloy is not something from the Ming Dynasty. Princess Yongmei went to Afghanistan in order to find the ancient alloy and got a piece of ancient alloy. She even got Sibela in the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Princess necklace ... "Xia Lei's thinking remained active," but she died, but Chen's body in the jade coffin was very young. Is her death also related to the ancient alloy? "

This thought suddenly appeared, Xia Lei was shocked himself!

This is the first time he has guessed the cause of death of Princess Yongmei.

"What are you thinking?" Long Bing's voice came, interrupting Xia Lei's thoughts.

"Of course I am thinking of a solution to the problem." Xia Lei said.

Tang Yuyan said: "I'm thinking, if we need a long time, what should Professor Qin arrange? If we keep them in the hotel all the time, there will be too many people, which will inevitably attract some people's attention. I think they should be sent to the embassy Stay, or go back to China. "After a pause, she said again:" Xia Lei, do you think they can help with keeping them? "

Xia Lei thought for a while and said, "I don't think we need them, let them go back to China directly."

Tang Yuyan nodded, "Well, I will let them go back to China after I go back."

Xia Lei does not need Qin Changqing and Ma Li to look for treasure points or dig treasures.Especially when digging up treasures, with the danger of ancient alloys, he would not even let Tang Yuyan and Long Bing participate, let alone those experts.Leaving is a hidden danger, so it is better to let them return to China early.

Ascending the summit of Mount Golgotha, you can see the crucifixion of Jesus at a glance, where many Christians lined up to touch the hole where the cross was originally erected.There were a lot of people, but it was silent, and the whole scene looked solemn.

Xia Lei did not go over, but stood on a rock overlooking the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the area around the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.While observing these places, the "three-dimensional map" completed before appeared in his mind, one by one, looking for clues.

Several Christians left Jesus' cross and walked towards this side.

There was a young woman with long legs and long legs, Chinese, with blonde hair.Her figure is extremely sexy and eye-catching, especially a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in skinny jeans. They occupy two-thirds of her body and are perfect.

The young woman saw Xia Lei standing on the rock, and her steps paused slightly.

It happened that Xia Lei also withdrew his eyes and saw her.

The two's eyes collided together.Xia Lei stayed a little, but the woman avoided his sight and walked with her head buried.

Just then, Xia Lei's eyes moved from her leg to her face, and her left eye jumped slightly.Then his expression suddenly changed.

This woman is no one else, she is Liang Siyao.

Liang Siyao's most beautiful legs were her legs, and it was her beautiful legs that attracted his attention.He was familiar with everything about her, and he didn't know how many times he had touched those legs, with an indescribable familiarity.That is, under the urge of this familiarity, he glanced at her face and found traces of disguise.Later, his eyes penetrated the mask of disguised human skin and saw her face.

This process almost ended in two or three seconds, but the result left him at a loss.

"How could she appear in Jerusalem?" Xia Lei raised such a question in his heart.

Liang Siyao kept on walking and gradually walked away among the Christians.She didn't look back, but she had the same doubts in her heart, "That person is obviously a stranger, but why do I feel familiar and intimate? Why is his height and his body shape so similar to him?"

Xia Lei can make exquisite human skin masks and make his face into someone else's face, but he can't change his height and his body shape.However, Liang Siyao does not have the ability of Xia Lei. Although she is familiar with his body, she cannot see his real face.

As he walked forward for more than ten meters, Liang Siyao looked back.She found the strange man still looking at her, her eyes burning.Her eyes followed the two women who were standing next to the man, and the size of one of them also gave her a very familiar feeling.All of a sudden, she seemed to think of something that shocked her.

Long Bing's eyes also fell on Liang Siyao, his eyes full of suspicion and vigilance.

Liang Siyao turned back, speeding up, and never looked back.

"That woman ..." Long Bing said: "How do I think she looks like a person?"

Xia Lei said, "Who does it look like?"

Long Bing shook his head again, "I'm not sure, forget it." She changed the subject, "Did you find anything?"

Xia Lei tried hard to drive Liang Siyao away from his mind. He was silent for a while before saying, "I have a hunch that the place we are looking for is below this mountain."

Tang Yuyan interjected and said, "Below this mountain? Isn't it harder to dig than in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "No, it may be easier than you think."

Long Bing and Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei together, almost simultaneously, "What do you mean?"

Xia Lei said: "Let's go back, I need a set of tunnel exploration equipment, rubber coat and oxygen cylinder, searchlights or something, prepare me as soon as possible.

Tang Yuyan and Long Bing looked at each other, but the eyes of the two women were equally confused.

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