Super Vision

465 Chapter 465

"What's the situation?" Jiang Ruyi crawled to Xia Lei's side.

Xia Lei didn't answer, but waved his hand against Jiang Ruyi's hips.There was a snap.

"You ..." Jiang Ruyi looked at Xia Lei aggrievedly.

"What are you doing here?" Xia Lei lowered his voice, but his tone was severe.

"I'm worried about you. I want to follow up. In case you have any trouble, I'll help you." Jiang Ruyi said.

She came and was too busy to help, but the chaos added a lot.Xia Lei could have let go and fight, but as soon as she came, he couldn't let go of his hands and feet.

"Who are those?" Jiang Ruyi asked.

Click!The trunk where the two were hiding shuddered.

Xia Lei hugged Jiang Ruyi's waist and rolled sideways with her.He and Jiang Ruyi just rolled away, and another armor piercing bullet penetrated the tree.

The armor-piercing projectile hit a rock on the ground, and Mars splashed.

Jiang Ruyi was so scared that her face was white.

"Did you see it? You said, how can you help me?" Xia Lei said fiercely, and slapped again on Jiang Ruyi's hips.

Jiang Ruyi leaned the corner of his mouth, but didn't pay it back, not to mention it.

"Surround them!" Someone shouted in Korean.

boom!With a muffled sound, a grenade hit the tree trunk, and the edge of the forest burst into flames.The fragments of the trees were shoved with shrapnel in all directions, and the sound was amazing.

The three South Korean gunmen have been outspoken.

Xia Leila started Jiang Ruyi and ran deep into the forest. He avoided the direction of the hyena.

The other party now has only four people. As long as Xia Lei takes Jiang Ruyi to hide in the depths of the forest, it is difficult for the other party to find him and Jiang Ruyi.

"They ran and chased!" A South Korean gunman shouted.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Some people shot blindly, almost all of the bullets hit the tree trunk, and they could not threaten Xia Lei and Jiang Ruyi at all.

hiss!During the running, a crackling sound came out of Jiang Ruyi's body, but her trousers were torn open by thorns, revealing a large piece of snow-white leg skin.

"My pants!" Jiang Ruyi's voice.

"What trousers do you still care about at this time? Is life important or pants important?" Xia Lei kept walking, and there were bushes in front of him, but he didn't stop. He ran over.

He passed by, but Jiang Ruyi heard the tearing of the fabric again, and then her entire thigh and hips were exposed in the air.There is still a black lace inside, otherwise, she may already be running bare ass.

"Who are they?" Jiang Ruyi asked again.

"Don't talk!" Xia Lei wished to cover her mouth.

Bang Bang Bang!Gunshots sounded behind him.

"Chase! They are in front!" Someone shouted.

Xia Lei and Jiang Ruyi fled ahead, and there could be no trace in the forest.Although the three Korean gunmen are not as good as hyenas, but they can participate in this operation, they cannot be three-legged cats.What's more, Jiang Ruyi's voice guided the direction of tracking.

Finding that he was doing something wrong again, Jiang Ruyi could not help but lick his mouth.

hiss!There was another crack, and her lace suddenly hung on the branches of a bush.At this time, the snow-white was completely exposed to the air as if the full moon were there.As her long legs ran, she shivered, shook again and again.

"Ah!" Jiang Ruyi screamed, reaching for her butt.

Just then, Xia Lei pulled Jiang Ruyi in front of him, and then he turned and raised his gun.

Soon, a Korean gunman came into his sight.After a second, he pulled the trigger.

puff!A face of the Korean gunman who rushed to the front was suddenly burst by a bullet. He was shot without even screaming, and his body was taken off the ground by the impact of the bullet and hit a tree trunk.

The remaining two suddenly stopped, hiding behind the tree trunk, and dared not show their heads.

Obviously they are chasing and killing Xia Lei, but now they have a feeling of being trapped by Xia Lei.

The real situation is indeed the case. Xia Lei is hiding only one hyena, not the four of them at all.In Xia Lei's eyes, they are not an opponent of the order of magnitude!

Just now, Xia Lei was within the hyena's range. With the addition of a few South Korean gunmen, he didn't dare to stay in the same place for a long time, so he would pull Jiang Ruyi to escape.Once he runs out of the effective range of the hyena, he is not a prey, but a hunter!

After killing one, the other two went into hiding, but Xia Lei pulled Jiang Ruyi's mind away again.He stretched out a hand, gestured to Jiang Ruyi, and motioned her to lie on the ground.

When Xia Lei did the second pass, Jiang Ruyi fell down.Snow-white buttocks entered Xia Lei's line of sight unobtrusively. At this moment, Xia Lei was messy.

Jiang Ruyi could still take care of her ass. She stared nervously at the direction when she came, holding the pistol in both hands, waiting for the target to appear.

Xia Lei squatted down and whispered in her ear: "You are lying here, don't move around, don't shoot unless the target is within your range, remember?"

Jiang Ruyi nodded.

I don't know what happened, Xia Lei reached out and patted gently on her hips, and the movement of closing the hand was still very slow.

Jiang Ruyi stared at Xia Lei with wide eyes. Although she was terribly nervous at the moment, she knew that Xia Lei was not hitting her, but was touching her deliberately.Her face suddenly turned red.

Xia Lei pretended that nothing had happened, bypassed a few trees, and sneaked into the hiding places of the two gunmen from the side.

Dark forest, even if the starlight and moonlight of the sky can illuminate some places, the visibility may be only a few meters away, and it is still blurry.However, this environment is like daylight for Xia Lei, not affected by the slightest.His eyes can even penetrate a few trees to lock the two Korean gunmen.

The two Korean gunmen leaned back against the tree trunk, breathing heavily and nervous.

The two companions are already dead, and I don't know who will die next moment.Faced with such things, no one can remain calm.

A Korean gunman took out a walkie-talkie and lowered his voice. "Mr. Hyena, Xia Lei and a woman are in front of us. We are already dead. Please come to support us!" By the way, he again He said to the intercom: "We'll hold him back. He took a woman and couldn't run fast at all."

Another Korean gunman said, "Damn, why didn't Shaodong bring people to support us? That kid was already trapped on this island, and it's time to round him up!"

"Mr. Hyena may have spread the news that Xia Lei was on the island. Wait, there will be reinforcements to support us soon. At that time, the Chinese kid was dead!"

"I hope young Dong can hurry up, I always feel that the kid is very evil, not easy to deal with."

puff!The face of the Korean gunman who was saying that Xia Leixian was torn apart, and his head hit the tree trunk hard, then fell to the ground.

Another Korean gunman realized that Xia Lei had touched them and hurriedly adjusted the direction of the muzzle.But without waiting for him to shoot, a saber flew over and slammed on his arm.The gun in his hand also fell to the ground.

Xia Lei rushed up from his hiding place and flew to kick the Korean gunman to the ground.

The last Korean gunman wanted to draw a knife, Xia Lei dropped the XL2500 in his hand, and the muzzle came to his forehead.The last Korean gunman suddenly became honest and looked at Xia Lei in horror, guessing his own destiny.

Xia Lei said in Korean: "I don't know you and have no grievances. I don't need to kill you. So, if you cooperate with me, I just stun you and won't kill you. Do you agree? Suddenly, if I disagree, I will send you on the road immediately. "

The last Korean gunman nodded quickly. He had no doubt that as long as he said nothing, Xia Lei would blow his head.

"Is there only six of you on this island?" Xia Lei's first question.

The last Korean gunman nodded, "Yes, only six of us."

"Who is commanding this operation, An Jinjian or An Xiuxian?" Xia Lei's second question.

"Yes, it's Shao Dong."

"Where is he?"

"I, I tell you, will you really let me go?"

"Yes, I said, I don't need to kill you. I believe you are only ordered to do things, and you can't help yourself." Xia Lei said, very sincerely.

"I tell you." The last Korean gunman said: "An Xiuxian is on a small island nearby. Once we succeed, he will come by helicopter."

Xia Lei's face suddenly froze, his eyes fierce, "Do you believe me to kill you?"

"You, what do you mean?" The last Korean gunman suddenly became nervous. "I have told you everything I know."

"Damn, I heard you talking just now. You said that once you confirmed that I was on the island, An Xiuxian would arrive with reinforcements!"

"I ... I ..." The last Korean gunman looked uncomfortable and said nervously: "I didn't mean to lie to you, I said, I said ... An Jin admons that there are people on another island, dozens, those The people are the gunmen he recruited from South Korea, as well as the gunmen of the Russian gangsters. This time he is going to kill you, there will be no deal. You let me go, hurry up, he will soon take someone coming."

His words just fell, and Xia Lei stepped on his neck.

Click!The neck broke and the last Korean gunman stopped breathing.His death was ugly, his tongue spit out, his eyes protruded, and he looked dead.

Xia Lei said faintly: "Sorry, for people like you, I never talk about credit."

After killing the last gunman, Xia Lei took off his equipment, and the equipment of the other two gunmen was not left.Finally, he pulled out two body armours and took two walkie-talkies.An Xiuxian is probably already on his way to Sanshen Island at this moment. It was a big battle and he needed these weapons and equipment.As for the body armor, it was mainly for Jiang Ruyi.

Returning to Jiang Ruyi's hiding place, Xia Lei saw Jiang Ruyi still lying on the ground, staring nervously at the direction when he came.She maintained the posture of lying down and shooting, her fertile buttocks was especially protruding, and the color was whiter than the moon in the sky.

"You killed them ...?" Jiang Ruyi saw a bunch of weapons carried in Xia Lei's hands, as well as body armor. Even if she was stupid, she could guess what happened, but she couldn't believe it. .

Xia Lei nodded, "Well, we are temporarily safe."

"Why didn't you pull me a pair of pants back?" Jiang Ruyi said dissatisfiedly.

Xia Lei was surprised, "Hey, when did your pants break?"

"You ..." Jiang Ruyi was speechless.He just touched it just now, but then he made a look that he only discovered. This is obviously a deliberate bullying!

Xia Lei pretended to be stern, "It's okay, who will make you fight? It deserves it."

Jiang Ruyi got up from the ground and snorted, "You are my man, am I still afraid that you look at my ass? I let you see enough." After she finished, she suddenly turned around, bent over, and turned up Snow white.

A second later, a bunch of guns in Xia Lei's hands and a bulletproof vest fell on the ground.

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