Super Vision

468 Chapter 468

The dog's sense of smell and vision are far better than humans. In the night, the dog can see far, and the vision is very clear.Coupled with the fabric that fell from Jiang Ruyi's pants, it's no surprise that a trained military dog ​​can track here so quickly.

The military dog ​​appeared, and those gunmen must have been nearby.

Xia Lei's left eye jumped slightly, and in his left eye's field of vision, several military dogs rushed towards this side, barking while running.Sometimes they also stop, sniff the scent remaining in the air, and then follow the scent and traces again.

Soon, a team of gunmen also entered Xia Lei's sight.The team of gunmen ran in the direction the military dog ​​was tracking. The forest was rugged, but their speed was very fast.At a glance, it can be seen that they are carefully selected elite and have strong fighting qualities.

Unfortunately, Xia Lei did not see An Xiuxian and Hyena.The two did not show up, making him a little passive.In his plan, he wanted to seduce An Xiuxian and hyena to appear, and then kill An Xiuxian and hyena. Once these two goals were resolved, these gunmen would be equal to the fish on his cutting board. .But these two main targets did not show up. If he shoots and kills the gunmen and military dogs, it will definitely cause An Xiuxian and Hyena to be vigilant.

How to choose?He can hardly make a decision.

In the process of pondering what to do, the military dogs and the gunmen came closer.

"Where are they?" Jiang Ruyi looked nervous. "I heard the dog barking. Did those people come?" Her hand holding the gun shivered.

She was a civilian policeman who caught a thief, but she was able to deal with these intimidating professional killers and gunmen, and her ability to be patient was simply negligible.

Xia Lei gently shook her hand, "Don't be afraid, there is me, as long as I am alive, I will not let anyone hurt you."

Jiang Ruyi's heart was moved and warm.For her, what is more touching for a woman than being cared for and cared for at the critical moment of life and death?This will make her feel that it is the right choice to entrust her life to the man in front of her, a happy choice.

Xia Lei urged: "Remember, you can just hide it, don't show your head, because the other party has a very powerful sniper. Once you show up, you will be shot dead."

"But ... they have dozens of people, you alone can't fight all of them." Jiang Ruyi looked worried.

Xia Lei smiled for a while, "Just look at it. In addition, when I need fire suppression, you shoot down with a gun, but don't look up."

"That's okay?" Jiang Ruyi couldn't believe this was what she had to do.

Xia Lei raised his slap.

Jiang Ruyi hurriedly said, "I listen to you. If you let me not show my head, I will not show my head. If you let me shoot, I will shoot."

Xia Lei smiled a little, and turned his eyes to the forest below.

At this time, a military dog ​​had rushed out of the forest on the top of the mountain and ran in the direction of this rock.

Xia Lei adjusted the muzzle of the XL2500 sniper rifle and pulled the trigger.A bullet flew from the muzzle and penetrated the military dog's head two seconds later.The military dog ​​didn't even have time to bark, and the galloping body was lifted by bullets, fell heavily on the ground, and slid for several meters before stopping.

The remaining few military dogs just paused and then rushed forward fearlessly.They have been specially trained and nothing prevents them from completing the tasks that their masters let them perform.

Jiang Ruyi glanced down, but saw nothing.She only saw Xia Lei shot, but Xia Lei was shooting what she didn't know.Until Xia Lei fired a second shot, she couldn't help saying, "Lei Zi, what are you shooting?"

As soon as her words fell, Xia Lei fired a third shot.The XL2500 sniper rifle with silencer sounded softly, and the third military dog ​​fell to the ground thousands of kilometers away.

"It's the other's military dog." Xia Lei said, then adjusted the direction of the muzzle, locked the last military dog, and fired.

The fourth military dog ​​also fell to the ground.

If the military dogs are lost, the gunmen will also lose their eyes. They have to judge Xia Lei and Jiang Ruyi's hiding place thousands of kilometers away, and they have to pay a heavy price.And a thousand meters, that is the life and death line delineated by Xia Lei, he will not allow any gunman to break into this range.After all, although this sniper spot is perfect, if the other party launches this rock with a grenade launcher loaded on the M16A2 assault rifle, even if he and Jiang Ruyi are not hit, it may kill her and Jiang Ruyi.

"Okay, it's all done. You remember, if they attack in groups, I let you shoot, you shoot, no matter if there is a target, just shoot at the bottom. Also, don't take a head." Xia Lei Sheng was afraid that Jiang Ruyi would forget something, and told Jiang Ruyi again.

"Well." Jiang Ruyi nodded her head cleverly this time, and at the same time did not forget to praise Xia Lei. "You are so powerful. You said, why didn't I find you so powerful before?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Before you only knew bullying me, where would I find my good."

Jiang Ruyi raised her mouth, "Can I be wrong?" After she finished, she suddenly kissed Xia Lei's cheek, then said with a smile: "This is my compensation, oh no, this The interest on compensation is good, and we will compensate you all when we leave here alive. "

This is obviously an implicit suggestion that one cannot help but guess the content of the "compensation" she promised.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the forest below.Xia Lei quickly counted the number of people. This team has twelve people. They are still tens of meters away from the body of the military dog. They are about to walk out of the edge of the forest.

Xia Lei pointed his muzzle at one of them, but did not shoot. He whispered: "They have come, remember what I said to you just now."

Jiang Ruyi suddenly became nervous. She glanced down quietly, but unfortunately she could not see anything.At a distance of more than a thousand meters, not to mention the night, even during the day she wanted to see the gunmen very difficult.

This is the case with Jiang Ruyi, and the same is true of those gunmen.They did not know that they were exposed to Xia Lei's field of vision and they had become Xia Lei's targets for hunting.At this time, no matter who Xia Lei wants to kill, it is a breeze.

"Damn, why doesn't An Xiuxian show up, he hides behind the team and doesn't show up. I want to kill him." Xia Lei scolded in his heart, and continued to search for An Xiuxian's figure in the forest. .Unfortunately, An Xiuxian is very cunning and never shows up.

An Xiuxian did not show up, but the gunmen appeared on both sides of the mountain top.This time even Jiang Ruyi found them because they had tactical flashlights in their hands.The bright beam of light dangled in the mountain forest, and could be seen from far away.

Xia Lei's heart moved, "The gunmen on both sides were flashlights, but the middle didn't hit all the way. The other party obviously didn't want me to find someone in the middle ... An Xiuxian must be behind the middle gunner. He was too cunning. I was too careful. I wanted to kill me but did n’t want to be my target. "

Sure enough, just when Xia Lei made this judgment, An Xiuxian appeared in the middle forest.Suddenly seeing him, Xia Lei felt that he was a bit exaggerated.He was wearing a thick combat expert. Those armor protectors were not ordinary body armor, but advanced armor like armor made of carbon fiber.This set of protective gear protects him from head to toe, without an inch of skin exposed.Moreover, in addition to this sci-fi combat gear, he also holds a bulletproof shield in his hand.

For such protection, it is calculated that the XL2500 sniper rifle cannot kill him.

Fortunately, this kind of combat armor is something that cannot be mass-produced. Otherwise, if every gunman on this island wears this kind of combat armor, then this battle does not need to be fought, and Xia Lei has already escaped with Jiang Ruyi went.

Suddenly, there was a shouting voice in the mountain forest on the right, "Xia Lei, I am An Xiuxian, and I know you are on it. I have brought what you want, as well as ancient news. Come on, let's complete the transaction! "

An Xiuxian is clearly on the middle road, but someone on the right road claims to be An Xiuxian, and the voice is exactly the same.

Xia Lei shifted his eyes, and at a glance, he saw a gunman holding a megaphone walking quietly toward the top of the mountain. While walking, he used the megaphone to play the sound that An Xiuxian had already recorded.

There was a sneer in the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, and he secretly said: "If you want to kill me, you don't want to take risks, let your people attract me to show up. An Xiuxian, An Xiuxian, no matter what you do, I want to kill you You have to die on this island. "

puff!The XL2500 sniper rifle sounded softly, and the gunman in the middle of the road who was close to the body of the first military dog ​​fell to the ground.There was a fist-sized hole in his forehead. Blood and brains kept pouring out of the hole, terrifying.

"He showed up!" A gunman found the companion's body and alerted him with alarm.

puff!A bullet hit his open mouth, and a hole larger than his fist was opened in the back of his head!

Bang Bang Bang!The gunman in the middle fired first, and they shot towards the top of the mountain.It is a pity that the M16A2 assault rifle they equipped only has an effective range of 600 meters, and beyond this distance, the bullets are almost flying randomly and cannot hit the target at all.However, they shot wildly, and some bullets still hit Xia Lei and Jiang Ruyi's hiding place on the cliff below, splashing a bunch of Mars.

This is the reason why Xia Lei will not let them burst into the range of one kilometer anyway. Not only is the grenade launcher a threat to him and Jiang Ruyi, but even stray bullets are also very threatening.Who can guarantee that the random bullets will hit where?If luck is bad enough, maybe it's head.

Xia Lei was calm and comfortable, but Jiang Ruyi was so nervous.From small to big, where did she go through such fighting scenes.When the gunshots were loud, she held her head and shivered.

Xia Lei fully understood her feelings, thinking that when he was in Afghanistan for the first time, when he was engaged with American special forces and CIA agents, he also hid behind the rock, daring not to move, and was so nervous.His first time was so unbearable, not to mention Jiang Ruyi, a woman who screamed in shock when she saw cockroaches.

Xia Lei was no longer able to comfort Jiang Ruyi. He quickly searched for the target in the forest. No matter who he was, as long as he was locked by his left eye, he would report to King Yan in the next second!

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