Super Vision

49 Chapter 49 Arrogant Female CEO

The woman changed her clothes, she closed the door of the closet and twisted the handle.

This is a very strange movement. The closet is closed. What is she doing with the doorknob?

But when Xia Lei was curious, the closet suddenly moved to the side, revealing an alloy safe door.

Xia Lei was a little surprised. "It turns out that there is a safe behind the closet. It is probably the place where her home stores valuables and cash."

Xia Lei didn't go through the safe, because of the material and thickness of the safe, it would be very difficult to see through and would consume a lot of energy.It takes so much effort to look at a pile of cash or gold bars or something, obviously not worth the loss.

The woman took two steps back, grabbed her briefcase on a chair, and returned to the safe.

Xia Lei's heart moved, and his left eye fell on the briefcase in the woman's hand.The material of the briefcase is leather. In terms of Xia Lei's current strength, it is actually no different from a layer of paper.His left eye penetrated it instantly, and the contents of his briefcase entered his sight.

There are several things in the briefcase. There is a document, a passport, a Parker gold pen, and a patent application.

The first thing Xia Lei saw was the patent application. Its front faced him.That is a patent application for an automatic surfboard.The applicant for the patent is Liu Ying, and she is the legal representative of Yuedong Sports Equipment Company.

Under the patent application is the passport, and Liu Ying ’s name is also on the passport, as well as her picture, which coincides with what he saw.There is no doubt that she is "Sister Liu" in Chi Jingqiu's mouth.

Below the passport is the thick data, and above is the design drawing of the automatic surfboard, the parameters of various accessories, etc., the content is very large.However, no matter how large the amount of content is, it is difficult to escape Xia Lei's eyes. His eyes are like a greedy snake, eating the upper layer of paper, followed by the lower layer of paper, less than fifteen seconds, He then "done up" all the papers for that document.

The door of the safe opened, and Liu Ying put the briefcase in it, closed the door of the safe, and returned the big wardrobe to its original position.Finally, she left her room and walked towards the stairs.

Xia Lei returned his gaze and thought to himself: "It turns out that Liu Ying's customized parts for Chi Jingqiu were used on automatic surfboards. This surfboard is powered by electricity, and you can swim freely even in windless water The market prospect is definitely very good. She is still applying for a patent. This novel product is not yet on sale and is still in the stage of trial production and preparation. If I can take her order and establish a cooperative relationship with her, Then I will process all the parts of this automatic surfboard in the future. "

Knowing the other party's business secrets, he will be confident in the next negotiation.

He reached out and pressed the doorbell, then waited quietly.

The nanny opened the door, and she looked at Xia Lei cautiously, "Who are you looking for?"

Xia Lei smiled and said politely: "I'm looking for President Liu."

The nanny did not make way, "Who are you? Is there an appointment?"

Xia Lei said: "I just called General Manager Liu, and she asked me to come here to find her. Could you please let me know."

Then Liu Ying's voice came from the living room, "Let him come in."

The nanny then took out a pair of plastic shoe covers from the shoe cabinet and handed it to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei put the shoe cover on the shoe, and walked in with the bag.

Liu Ying glanced at Xia Lei and said, "Please sit down."

"General Liu, I'm really embarrassed and disturbed." Xia Lei took the initiative to stretch out his hands and wanted to shake hands with Liu Ying.

Liu Ying didn't reach out and shook hands with Xia Lei, but just said lightly: "This is free, I just applied hand cream, it's inconvenient. You sit down."

Xia Lei withdrew his hand awkwardly and sat across from Liu Ying.

In Liu Ying's view, Xia Lei was only a errand of Chi Jingqiu's men. She didn't need to lower her body to talk to him.Without shaking hands, even a glass of water did not let the nanny pour Xia Lei.

Xia Lei did not care about this. He opened the canvas bag he brought, took out the processed parts inside, and then put the processed parts on the canvas bag, which was convenient for Liu Ying to inspect.

Seeing the processed parts placed on the coffee table, Liu Ying's face suddenly showed a smile, "Jingqiu's business is really refreshing, so I took the samples so quickly. By the way, why didn't Jingqiu come?"

Xia Lei said: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Liu Ying looked at Xia Lei with strange eyes.

Xia Lei smiled for a while, "Mr. Liu, take a look at this set of processed parts first."

Liu Ying's eyes returned to the processed part. She reached out and picked it up, and handed it to her eyes to observe.

Xia Lei then took out a piece of printing paper and a micrometer from the canvas bag and handed it to Liu Ying. While saying, "Liu, this is processed according to your requirements, whether it is material or accuracy. Meet your requirements. You can simply test it now. If you feel that the micrometer is not accurate, you can let the experts of your company check it. I guarantee that there is no problem with its quality. "

Liu Ying said: "I understand a little bit about mechanical processing. This part is good, there should be no problem. By the way, who processed this?"

Xia Lei said: "It's me."

"It's you?" Liu Ying's eyes fell on Xia Lei's face, with some surprise in her eyes, "You are so young, is it impossible?"

Xia Lei said: "This is indeed my processing, if you don't believe it, you can go to my studio, I can do it for you again."

"Wait." Liu Ying interrupted Xia Lei's words. "Chi Jingqiu said that she has a friend who is very good. Is she talking about you?"

Xia Lei nodded, "She is talking about me, my name is Xia Lei, my studio name is Leima Studio. I have processed very important high-precision machining parts for Dongfang Heavy Industries, and I am also for Beechcraft The company has processed parts. Our quality and reputation are guaranteed. "

Liu Ying looked straight at Xia Lei, and suddenly smiled again after half a ring, "I understand, I asked Chi Jingqiu to place an order, Chi Jingqiu asked you to process, you bypassed Chi Jingqiu and came to me, thinking Sign the contract directly with me, is that true? "

Xia Lei also smiled, "You give 301, she gives me 260, after completing the order, I still have to draw 8% of my success, and my workers and I can't earn her money from exhaustion. . So, why do n’t I talk to you directly? Mr. Liu, you are a very smart person, and you should be able to understand why I did this. ”

"Little brother, it's not good for you to do so, it's not in compliance." Liu Ying said.

"What's wrong with it?"

"I asked Chi Jingqiu to place an order. She plays the role of an agent in this business. If you want to make money, you can only make money from her, not me." Liu Ying said.

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying, "I understand. You asked her to place an order because of her position in Dongfang Heavy Industry. Can she speak in front of Chairman Ning?"

Liu Ying did not say yes or no, she just looked at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei continued: "Mr. Liu is looking forward to the future cooperation, but I can tell you that Dongfang Heavy Industry is currently talking with the Shentu family's Vientiane Group about a large-scale wind power plant project. Your company's order I ’m afraid they wo n’t even look at it. Even if Dongfang Heavy Industries is willing to take your small order, they may not do their best. If you are waiting for it, but there are no parts to assemble your product, what should you do? ”

Liu Ying's eyes hesitated.

Xia Lei also said: "We are different, we have technology and talent, we are an emerging team, we just meet your needs. In fact, as far as your product is concerned, all parts can be processed by us. President Liu, you do n’t need to go to a large state-owned enterprise like Dongfang Heavy Industries. Looking at us is a very wise choice. "

Liu Ying said: "Little brother, we only met for the first time, but you have to talk to me about such an important thing. Except for your name, I know nothing about you, what kind of studio is your studio? I do n’t know, you tell me, why should I believe you? "

Xia Lei said: "You can give me 10,000 orders, I'm done, and you will give me a new order."

Liu Ying said with a smile: "Little brother, are you kidding? When did my company do this business? Are you a kid playing games?"

With such a lack of respect, Xia Lei felt a little uncomfortable, but he could still hold back.He wants to win the order of Yuedong Sports Equipment Co., which is very helpful to his career. He cannot give up because of a little discomfort in his heart.He lowered his posture again, "General Liu, I just provide a plan that can prove my sincerity and the strength of my studio. If you are not satisfied, I will provide another plan. You should consider it again, we cooperate In fact, it is actually a win-win situation. "

"Well, I will call Chi Jingqiu, I will talk to her, and then I will answer you again, OK?" Liu Ying put the parts that Xia Lei personally processed back on the canvas bag, together with the micrometer and Xia Lei's That piece of information was pushed to Xia Lei together.

This is the meaning of giving away guests.

She replied after contacting Chi Jingqiu, but she was too lazy to ask Xia Lei's contact information. Her attitude was already very clear. She would not cooperate with a small person like Xia Lei.

Xia Lei slowly put away the processed parts and stood up. "Then let's see you, Mr. Liu."

"Well, don't give it away." Liu Ying responded lightly, then got up and walked to the child playing with toys. "Ouch, mother's baby, come to mother and let mother hug."

The child glanced back at Liu Ying, and then went back to play with his transformers.

Xia Lei stopped after two steps. He took out his mobile phone, dialed a random number, and then said on the mobile phone: "Hey, Xiao An, you immediately contact the sports equipment company, you tell them, I have A good idea is to be given to them, but their parts must be made by us. "

There is no Ma Xiaoan's voice in the phone, only the system prompts the empty number.

It was this phone call, and Liu Ying, who had just walked to her son, suddenly turned around and looked straight at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei continued: "What's the idea? Automatic surfboard, is this idea powerful enough? Tell them, I still have a processed transmission part in my hand ... Okay, I will come back immediately."

After talking, Xia Lei pretended to hang up the phone, did not even look at Liu Ying, and strode to the door.

"Wait--" Liu Ying suddenly ran over, blocking Xia Lei's way.

Xia Lei frowned and looked at her, "What do you want to do?"

He whispered and asked Liu Ying to cooperate just now, but now he is always too lazy to cry.

"You can't go!" Liu Ying looked nervous. "You have to make it clear before you can go!"

Xia Lei sneered. "Joke, I'm not your prisoner, nor your subordinate. Is there anything I need to explain to you?"

"You--" Liu Ying suddenly got angry on the spot. Once upon a time she always felt so angry!

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