Super Vision

497 Chapter 497 Arrogance

No one doubts that the patent certificate issued by the lawyers of the Hanwu Weaponry Company is fake. If others dare to take it out, it means that it can be verified by the court.

"How could this be? The Lehma military factory actually steals Hanwu Weapons' patented technology? This is too bold!" Some people said.

"This is the end of the Lehma Army Factory. Even the patented technology of Hanwu Weapon Company dares to steal. If it is stolen, it will dare to be used to participate in the exhibition. Isn't it a self-investment? Really he." Some people said.

"Hey, it's a pity that a private enterprise finally entered the arms market, and now it's okay, it's finished." Someone sighed.

A voice of discussion, many people are sorry for Xia Lei.

Xia Lei remained silent, he frowned, thinking about something.

"Speak!" The lawyers of Hanwu Weapon Company were aggressive, "How can this matter be resolved?"

Xia Lei said, "Wait, I'll let our lawyer come."

Ye Kun said with a sneer: "It doesn't help if you ask a hundred lawyers to come over, Xia Lei, you are waiting to eat the lawsuit!"

Xia Lei is lukewarm. "Even if you have a lawsuit, you have to get a lawyer to come over. I'm not very familiar with legal matters. My lawyer will talk to you."

Xia Lei took out his mobile phone to make a call.He wanted to make a call to the lawyer of the Rema Group and let someone come.In fact, the lawyer had already given Xia Lei's instructions and was waiting outside the Kyoto International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Later, Xia Lei called Ling Hao again, "Ling Brother, where are you?"

Ling Hao's voice was heard from the mobile phone, "On the way to the convention center, huh, huh, I'm not alone, and there are some military representatives. We came over to see what good things are in your Lehma military factory. You do n’t know, the XL2500 sniper rifle you produce is now very popular in the military. "

Xia Lei smiled, "Well, I'll wait for you."

"Wait, what's the matter with you calling me?" Ling Hao asked.

Xia Lei said: "There is indeed one thing, but it is inconvenient to say on the phone. Since you are coming, please meet again. Goodbye."

Xia Lei hung up the phone.Ling Hao came with military representatives, which is good news.

Noisy around, Ye Kun and Mu Jianfeng could n’t understand who Xia Lei called, but Xia Lei did n’t panic and smiled, both of them were puzzled- This kid, don't know how serious this matter is?

"Akun." Mu Jianfeng whispered in Ye Kun's ear, "How do I think this matter is a bit strange, are you sure there is nothing wrong with this matter?"

Ye Kun said with certainty: "Of course not, this matter is under my control from beginning to end. Teacher, this kid is bluffing, don't worry. I want him to be arrogant now." After he finished, he gave Several bodyguards around, and several lawyers gave a look.

This is a hands-on code.

"The exhibition at the Lehma Army Factory is over, you all leave!" A bodyguard shouted at a foreign merchant in the exhibition area.

There are also bodyguards who are pushing reporters and onlookers.

The lawyers of several Hanwu weapons companies also took action. The leading lawyer said to Xia Lei seriously: "Xia Dong, I'm sorry, we want to seal your blast assault rifles. They are your Lehma military factory that steal our Hanwu weapons Evidence of the company ’s patented technology, they will become evidence in court. "

Waiting for someone to greet, several strong and strong Hanwu Weapon Company employees rushed in through the entrances of several wooden boxes, and really wanted to seal off the blast assault rifle at the Leima Military Factory.

Xia Lei's expression was cold, "Who dares to seal!"

"Humph! Seal me!" Ye Kun sneered: "Not only your gun, you have to follow us!"

Two Ye Kun's bodyguards suddenly reached out and grabbed Xia Lei's arm.

Xia Lei raised his hands suddenly, avoiding the capture of the two bodyguards, and then struck the bodyguards of the two bodyguards with lightning.Before the two bodyguards even turned back, the nose bridge was hit by those fists. The huge impact force crushed their nose bridge bones. At the same time when the blood was sprayed, their bodies also lost their balance and fell down.

Xia Lei made another kick. An employee of the Hanwu Weaponry Company, who was preparing to seal off the blast assault rifle, was suddenly kicked in the shoulder by him and flew directly from the wooden box out of the exhibition area.

"You, how dare you do it!" Ye Kun was stunned and almost mad.

Don't dare to do it?

Just when Ye Kun's words fell, Xia Lei grabbed an employee of Hanwu Weapon Company, grabbed it, held it high, and threw it out of the exhibition area.The unlucky guy originally wanted to earn a little performance in front of Ye Kun, but unexpectedly he flew out of the exhibition area of ​​the Lehma military factory, and fell into a seven-and-seven element, and would not climb for a while stand up.

Qin Xiang was not idle, kicking between the legs of a Hanwu Weaponry company employee, and then when the guy squatted to the ground while holding the vital point, he kicked another foot on the man's ass , Kicked the man out of the exhibition area of ​​the Lehma Military Factory.

There were a few remaining, before Xia Lei and Qin Xiang shot again, they all escaped with a clatter.

No one wants to fly out of the exhibition area of ​​the Lehma Military Factory like a bird.

"It's against the sky!" Mu Jianfeng angrily spoiled, shouted: "Go, call the police!"

In fact, there is no need to call the police because the police were watching when the incident happened.Ye Kun has greeted them for a long time, don't interfere.However, who once thought that Xia Lei would be so strong, he dared to throw out the people of Hanwu Weapon Company like a straw!

As soon as Mu Jianfeng's words fell, a group of policemen crowded the crowd and came to the scene.

"Grab him!" Ye Kun ordered directly, "He hurt our people, and grab me immediately!"

The officer in charge of the team is not clear about Xia Lei's details, but he knows Ye Kun's identity, so he hardly needs to consider this matter.As soon as Ye Kun spoke, he followed his commander to arrest Xia Lei.

Several policemen rushed to arrest Xia Lei.

"What are you doing?" The lawyer of the Lehma Army Factory arrived and said aloud: "Who gives you the right to catch people? I tell you, it's easy to catch people, but it's hard to let them go!"

The leader's police officer looked at the lawyer at the Leima military factory coldly, "Who are you?"

"I am the legal adviser and chief attorney of the Leima Military Factory, Ai Wenqing." The lawyer of the Leima Military Factory self-reported his identity.

The leader's police officer frowned, and the lawyer was the one who ate by mouth, the most difficult thing to do.The lawyer at the Lehma Army Factory appeared, and he hesitated a little.After all, there is no arrest warrant for him to arrest people.

"You people unreasonably interfere with the normal exhibition of our company. This is an infringing act. You also hit our exhibition area, destroy our company's property, and hurt our company's female employees. Who gave you such a great right?" Ai Wenqing has a word and a loud voice.

This Ai Wenqing is a very smart person, otherwise Xia Lei will not hire him as the legal adviser of the Rema Group, which is specifically responsible for legal affairs.

Ai Wenqing said this is actually a hint.

Sure enough, he had just said that several female employees of the Leima military factory covered their stomachs, groaning free of illness, pretending to be under attack.They actually had physical contact with the staff of the Hanwu Weaponry Company just now. The other parties are strong and strong men, and they are all charming women. If they pretended to be injured by the male staff of the Hanwu Weaponry Company If so, how many people will doubt it?

Several policemen who were ready to arrest Xia Lei also hesitated and looked back at the leader's police officer, hoping for the next step.

The leader's police officer also had a headache, and he looked at Ye Kun.

Ye Kun said angrily: "What are you waiting for? Take the people away! Seal the things! I have something to shoulder!"

This sentence is enough, the police officer of the leader followed the order, "Take people away!"

"Dare you!" Ai Wenqing stepped forward to organize.

The leader's police officer said: "Take this noisy person away to assist in the investigation."

The two policemen seized Xia Lei's two arms, then turned back, and immediately turned Xia Lei's hands behind Xia Lei.One of the police officers also put Xia Lei in handcuffs, which made it a real arrest.

Shen Tu Tianyin, who had been suffocating all the time, couldn't hold her breath anymore. She rushed up and stood in front of Xia Lei. 'S arrest warrant! "

"Yes! You dare to arrest people without an arrest warrant. Who the police do you serve?" An employee of Shen Tutianyin took the lead in coaxing.

"Yes, is there anyone in our country who is above the law? Is this too crazy?" A star friend of Shen Tutiany said aloud.

"Why catch people?"

"Why do you catch people?"

The onlookers crowded up, and the waves were higher than the waves.

The leader's police officer was already sweating on his forehead.

"Take it away, leave her alone!" Ye Kun was also anxious.

Mu Jianfeng also worried that the longer things dragged on, the more variables he would produce, and he also said, "Listen to Ye Dong's, take people away, what's it like to be noisy and noisy here, and don't continue this exhibition ? If something goes wrong, none of you can afford it. "

Ye Kun and Mu Jianfeng spoke at the same time, and the leader's police officer dispelled the last trace of conscience in his heart. He waved his hand and said sharply, "Take anyone away, who dares to obstruct, I'm taller than her crime of obstructing official business!"

Shen Tutianyin was so angry that she was not the kind of woman who could be scared by being scared. She was still standing in front of Xia Lei and not letting the police take him away.

Xia Lei said: "Tianyin, let go, you just look at it next to it."

"But they ..." Shen Tu Tianyin was full of worry.

Xia Lei grinned, "Don't worry, I will be fine, do you think I will be fine?"

This sentence suddenly awakened Shen Tu Tianyin, yes, Xia Lei was counting people from beginning to end, digging a pit for Ye Kun and Mu Jianfeng to jump, now these two people are just opening their teeth in Xia Lei's pit, and again How can Xia Lei be hurt?What's more, leaving this layer aside, as far as Xia Lei's other identity is concerned, that is not the person Ye Kun wants to be able to harm!

To understand, Shen Tu Tianyin no longer worried, she gave way.

Several policemen escorted Xia Lei and went outside.

Kaka, almost all the media reporters are shooting this scene wildly.

Instead of causing Ye Kun ’s scruples, the reporter ’s crazy shooting led him to a sneer, "What about the shooting? Just take the patented technology of the Hanwu Weapon Company in the real Lehma military factory. No amount more. "

Mu Jianfeng also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this stage, things were considered to be 80% successful.The remaining 20% ​​is just a walking process.

But at this moment, an angry voice suddenly came, "What are you doing? Which department are you from!"

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