Super Vision

512 Chapter 512: Murderous Wild Mandarin Duck

There were three people in the cabin, one was stunned and two were awake. No one spoke, and the atmosphere became awkward and ambiguous in silence.

"That ..." Xia Lei broke his silence with a scalp, "The previous thing, I'm sorry, I, I didn't control myself, I'm sorry."

The real situation is that Long Bing didn't control herself and climbed to Xia Lei and took the initiative. Xia Lei also seemed very smart when he said this. Woman, after all, was shallow, he said that he was the initiative, Long Bing It's less embarrassing.

However, Long Bing did not appreciate it. She glared at Xia Lei. "Do you want to tell me this is wrong, and you will not make the same mistake again?"

"I ..." Xia Lei wanted to say "yes", but seeing Long Bing's eyes had a sentimental meaning, he swallowed this sentence again.

It is also true that a woman took the initiative and reached that level, but things were not done.He said that again at the point of the knot, which was equivalent to sprinkling salt on the wounds of others.He can't do anything like this.

Regarding Long Bing, he has always had the kind of unclear feelings, especially during his entrepreneurial period, Long Bing helped him a lot.And he has always been a kind and grateful person. When others treat him well, he is very kind to others.And what does Long Bing treat him better than one point?It's all there.Therefore, in the face of such a sentimental woman with more than a month of cohabitation, he could hardly control the part of his heart that liked her.

That part seemed to be a seed. The seed that Long Bing had planted long ago was previously buried in the soil and could not be seen, but now it has regained consciousness and started to take root and sprout out of the soil.

But just when Xia Lei didn't know what to say in order to let Long Bing calm down and feel better, Long Bing suddenly came together and hugged him impulsively.

"Dragon Bing, we ... uh!"

Xia Lei's words were not finished yet. There was already a soft and sweet lilac tongue in his mouth.

Long Bing has always been the kind of woman who speaks less and acts more. She is not the kind of woman like Jiang Ruyi, and she does not need to use tears to impress Xia Lei.She only needs to pay for action, so she will not talk nonsense to Xia Lei at all.

Xia Lei's sense of reason and morality collapsed again, and in front of the wild Long Bing, his barriers of reason and morality were weak and pitiful.

He also found out that the vast majority of cold ice is like iceberg-like dragon ice, and she sometimes becomes an active volcano.The heat energy she emits can melt the hardest objects.

It was originally the initiative taken by Long Bing. In the entanglement, the irritated Xia Lei was also restless, and his hands also took the initiative.But just before he was about to succeed, Long Bing grabbed his hand and pushed him away, blushing authentically: "I thought your will is stronger than the Great Wall, but actually thinner than paper."

This sentence made Xia Lei choking enough. She repeatedly ignited twice and ignited, but she fled with a fire extinguisher, allowing the flame to spread, regardless of his discomfort.

However, Xia Lei's concentration is still there.He took a few deep breaths, and the heat in his belly was controlled.Although it is still a little bit uncomfortable, it has been able to bear it.

But just tolerate it, Long Bing suddenly got up again.

"Don't come!" Xia Lei raised her hands against her and smiled bitterly: "What the hell do you want to do?"

Long Bing didn't give in, and ignored Xia Lei's pair of flat palms. With a quick step, the most protruding part of the body slammed past and merged with Xia Lei's palms.Xia Lei was so nervous that he hurriedly retreated, but only two steps back and hit the door.

However, Long Bing continued to squeeze the past.

The posture of her and Xia Lei is like the posture of competing for inner strength in a martial arts movie.And her internal force is obviously much deeper than that of Xia Lei, and she squeezes Xia Lei on the door panel without using her chest muscles.

Long Bing's nose hit Xia Lei's nose, and the tone was aggressive, "You remembered me, you are the first man to sleep with me, and the only one, you owe me, you don't want to get rid of me. "After a pause, she added another sentence," Don't even think about it. "

Xia Lei's head is seven or eight years old.

In retrospect, the period when we lived together in Germany ostensibly performed tasks, but others did not think so.Now it is proposed that it is necessary to go back even with profits.I have known for a long time that he has to be a sibling, not a couple.

Long Bing finally let go of Xia Lei, she behaved so wildly, but her cheeks also turned red after the wild, revealing a rare shyness.

Xia Lei sighed, "It's not fair to you, I'm married. Really, you want it, I can't give it to you."

Long Bing's eyes chilled at once, "How do you know what I want? Don't tell me you don't like me, whether you like me or not, I can feel it and I can see it at a glance." When talking, she 'S eyes moved between Xia Lei's legs.

Xia Lei suddenly understood what she was talking about, and hurriedly moved her hands below the waistband, and looked embarrassed.

"You mentioned Shen Tu Tianyin to me again and again. I know you are considering her feelings, but have you ever considered my feelings?" Long Bing's voice smelled with dissatisfaction, "Well, even if one day Shen Tutian Yin knew of my existence, and if she would make trouble with you, I would first ask her to settle the bill. She could also come to me to make trouble, if she wanted to squat in prison. "

Xia Lei, "..."

He had already begun to regret telling Long Bing about Shen Tu Tianyin and Gu Kewen, and now it was done, and it became a good card for Long Bing.He even suspected that Long Bing had this series of incidents because he knew this.

At this time, he thought of his father Xia Changhe inexplicably, and also had a monk chanting voice in his heart, "I don't know if Dad knows that my emotional life is so confusing, how will he feel? Never mind, He is not much better. Every assistant is a young and beautiful Russian girl. I do n’t know if he inherited it to me ... "

Long Bing gave Xia Lei a punch, "What do you mean by speaking, you don't speak?"

Xia Lei smiled bitterly: "Is it important to say anything? Anyway, you can do whatever you want, and I can't stop you. Just now you repeatedly provoke me, don't I follow what you mean."

Long Bing's mouth showed a smile, but his voice was a lot lower, "I didn't mean it, I couldn't help but want to be with you ... But this place is so dirty, I don't want the most precious in my life Was once in such a place. "

It turned out that for this reason, Xia Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He thought, "Perhaps, she was only impulsive for a while. This impulsive momentum passed, and when she calmed down, she might have changed her mind. "

Long Bing looked at Xia Lei, her eyes fluttering, and she stopped talking.Then she closed her eyes, as if waiting for something.

Xia Lei is already a person coming over, he can't see that Long Bing is waiting for him to take the initiative to kiss her.He hesitated for a moment and wanted to kiss her, but he couldn't walk.Every time he wants to go up, Shen Tu Tianyin will come out of his mind, his face full of anger, giving him great resistance.

At this time, the diesel motor of the fishing boat suddenly became quiet, and the fishing boat stopped.Only the waves are pushing the hull and the fishing boat is dangling.

There were footsteps in the hallway, not one person, but several people, gathered from both sides of the hallway.

Long Bing suddenly opened his eyes.She is one of the top agents in the 101 innings, and she can maintain professional vigilance even when emotional.And she went into battle, it was just an instant matter.

Long Bing only heard footsteps, but Xia Lei had already seen the situation in the corridor.

In the hallway, six Japanese were walking towards the cabin where he and Long Bing were, all holding pistols in their hands.On the left, the leader is Captain Takeshino.

Xia Lei retracted his gaze, then pulled out a small hunting knife hidden in his waist.

Seeing Xia Lei draw a sword, Long Bing already knew what was going on outside.She also stooped and pulled a hunting knife from her boot.

The two did not have guns on their bodies. That was because they had to enter Russia ’s military base on the island, and they had to borrow their Il-38 transport plane. During the whole process, the other party had clear requirements that they could not carry weapons.It now appears that this requirement has become a problem in front of us.

With a knife and a gun, even though he had been through a hundred battles, Long Bing was still nervous.

Xia Lei gently took her hand and whispered in her ear: "Six people, three on the left and three on the right. You step back and stand behind me. I killed the first one, you took his gun . "

Long Bing froze a little, and his heart felt warm.

Whether a man loves a woman or not, a crisis will surely manifest itself.In Germany, in Israel, Xia Lei will not hesitate to block her, leaving the most dangerous part to him, and always turning the tide in the rain of bullets, bringing her a sense of warmth and security. Man, how can she not love?

Without waiting for Long Bing to make a decision, Xia Lei had already pulled her behind him, and he just affixed it to the wooden wall beside the cabin door, waiting for the moment the door opened.

The iron lock on the wooden door was opened, and a sailor suddenly slammed open the door. Without waiting for the door to fully open, he rushed into the cabin.

Xia Lei suddenly reached out, grabbed the sailor's right hand holding the gun, and at the same time slammed the hunting knife into the sailor's heart.

The heart of the first sailor who burst into the cabin broke within a second, and then died, but his body was still blocking the door, blocking the sailor's way behind.

Long Bing grabbed the pistol in the sailor's right hand. After a second, the gun rang.A bullet flew out of Xia Lei's cheek and plunged into the head of the second sailor.Blood splattered, and the sailor fell on his back in the corridor.

In the whole process, the time before and after was only two or three seconds, but the other party had been killed.

The cooperation between Xia Lei and Long Bing has reached the extreme!

In terms of life and career, Shen Tu Tianyin and Xia Lei are a perfect match.But in Xia Lei's other identity, in the career of gun lance and rain, Long Bing and Xia Lei are a perfect match.She and he are a pair of killing wild mandarin ducks!

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