Super Vision

515 515 Iceberg Beauty's Plan

In the evening, a Mitsubishi SUV came out of the high-speed exit and entered downtown Tokyo.

This city is the largest city in Asia and the second largest city in the world, like a huge forest irrigated with steel and cement.There are many tall buildings, shuttle vehicles, and lights intertwined with each other. The prosperity here is like a strange dream.

Many Chinese do not like Japan as a country, but they have to admit that it is a powerful country.The pragmatic attitude of the Japanese is also worth learning and affirming.

The Mitsubishi off-road vehicle travels forward along a street.In this car, Xia Lei was driving in the cab, and Long Bing was sitting on the back sofa.She is in charge of Gu Kewu.No accident, Gu Kewu was in a comatose state.Since he came out of prison, he was almost concussed by Long Bing.

"It's really bustling." Xia Lei sighed a little.

"Do you like the city?" Long Bing withdrew his eyes from the window.

Xia Lei shook his head, "I don't like it, I like the quiet and simple environment, um, like quiet mountain villages, charming islands or something, what about you?"

"Like you, I also like the quiet and beautiful places, there are mountains and water, a tile house, um, and a bamboo forest. I want to live in such an environment, it is okay to read a book and bask in the sun."

"Why is there a bamboo forest?"

Long Bing thought for a while, "I don't know, but don't they act like that in the movie, there is a bamboo forest beside the grass cottage and the tile house, which is very beautiful."

Xia Lei smiled, "I didn't expect you to have a classic feeling, so, if we can successfully complete the task, after I go back, I will find a piece of land for you, build a tile house you want, and then give you next to you How about planting a bamboo forest? "

Long Bing froze for a moment before saying, "Why, thinking about building a house for me so quickly, is the golden house hidden? Are you afraid that Shen Tu Tianyin knows, will you divorce you?"

"Uh, when I didn't say that." Xia Lei was actually embarrassed. He just felt that Long Bing had such a wish, and he could easily help her fulfill her wish. There was absolutely no meaning of Jinwu Zangjiao.Besides, is a woman like Long Bing the kind of squeamish woman?

"No, you have to count it. After going back this time, build a house like this near your military factory and plant a bamboo forest. Well, I want Nanzhu." Long Bing said with a smile.

"Why, why should I be near my military factory?"

"The environment there is good, and it can meet the conditions of mountains and water. Uh, I understand, are you afraid that I live too close, haunt you?"

"No, no, no matter what I mean."

"So what do you mean? Er, are you afraid of being suspected by Shen Tu Tianyin?"

"Can't I cover you?"

Long Bing said, "I'm joking with you. I own a house. I won't want your house. Besides, our current relationship is very good. I don't want to change anything."

Xia Lei, "..."

This man and woman were in a state of being together before they had that relationship, and after that relationship they would be in another state of getting along.What makes Xia Lei more depressed is that he and Long Bing seem to have entered the second state somehow.After all, he and she haven't had that relationship.

Talk about it, half an hour later, under the guidance of the navigator, Xia Lei drove to a street.He parked the car in front of a video store, then got out of the car with Long Bing and entered the video store.

The audio-visual store is not large, full of various audio-visual products, there are regular audio-visual products, as well as adult audio-visual products.In Japan, such films are available for public sale.

Several middle-aged uncles in the audio-visual store were picking that kind of disc. After seeing Long Bing coming in with Xia Lei, their eyes looked very strange.It is common for men to visit this kind of audio-visual store, but it is rare for women to buy discs.

Xia Lei picked a few regular movie discs, including A Tang Ge's "Mission Impossible 5" and "Speed ​​and Passion 7" and so on.As he was about to walk to the cash register, Long Bing quickly picked up two adult films and transferred the booty into Xia Lei's hands.

Xia Lei saw the two discs she selected, "The Desire Searcher" starring Hatano Yui, and "Girl in Jeans" produced by ***.Then, his eyes moved to Long Bing's face, his eyes blank.

Long Bing glared at Xia Lei and said nothing.

Xia Lei came to the cash register to check out.

A man in his early fifties stood on the cash register, very common.He scanned a few discs and said in Japanese: "Sir, a total of five thousand yen, thank you."

Xia Lei took out his wallet and took out five thousand yen from it to the owner of the audio-visual store.The first Japanese yen has a "X" pattern drawn in pencil.

The owner of the audio-visual shop saw the pattern, his eyes moved to Xia Lei's face, and his eyes became cautious.

Xia Lei said aloud, "Boss, can I borrow your toilet? I drank some more water and I couldn't hold it anymore. I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's no problem. Go in from this door and walk to the end to find the bathroom." The boss pointed Xia Lei to a door next to the cash register.

"You are waiting for me here." Xia Lei said to Long Bing.

Long Bing nodded and took the discs from Xia Lei.

Xia Lei opened the door and entered a narrow corridor.The end of the corridor is not a toilet, but a security door with an electronic combination lock.He walked to the door and entered his pass code for the 101st round on the electronic code lock. The heavy security door made a click and opened.

Behind the door is a room of only ten square meters, empty, with a large handbag on the ground.Xia Lei went up and unzipped the handbag, which suddenly revealed a large number of gun parts and ammunition.

The parts of these firearms are all shipped from China, and can be assembled into an XL2500 and a blast assault rifle, as well as two pistols.

After a glance, Xia Leila closed the zipper and left the room with the handbag.

This place is an intelligence station of Bureau 101.

After leaving the audio-visual store, Xia Lei and Long Bing got in the car and drove off the street where the audio-visual store was located.When Xia Lei came, he drove very slowly, but when he left, he was very fast.It was not nearly ten kilometers after leaving the audio-visual store that Xia Lei parked the car again in a parking space on the roadside.

Xia Lei took out the satellite phone, dialed Gu Kewen's number, and came straight to the point: "I'm already in Tokyo."

"It's fast." Gu Kewen's voice.

"Tell me the time and place."

"What are you doing so anxiously?" Gu Kewen's voice, with a playful meaning, "My brother is still in your hands. I'm not anxious, so, you find a hotel to stay, I recommend ..."

Xia Lei interrupted Gu Kewen's words, "Don't play tricks with me, you let me come to Tokyo, I'm here. If you don't want to trade, I can kill your brother now."

"Okay, I'm at Mount Fuji, Shino Hachikai, come here. When I get there, I'll contact you again." After that, Gu Kewen hung up the phone.

The Mitsubishi off-road vehicle starts immediately, and gallops in the direction of Mount Fuji according to the instructions of the navigator.

In the car, Xia Lei said with resentment: "The slut Gu Kewen, her brother is in our hands, she dared to threaten me. Isn't she afraid of me killing her brother?"

Long Bing said: "A woman like Gu Kewen, what else can't she do? Now I suddenly feel that she doesn't seem to care about her brother. If she really cares about her brother's life and death, this morning in Hokkaido, She should agree to your terms and come to Hokkaido to trade with you. "

"You mean ..." Xia Lei seemed to realize something. "From the beginning, Gu Kewu was just a guise? Her real purpose was not to save her brother, but to deal with me?"

Long Bing was silent for a while before saying: "Xia Lei, let's go back. Don't go to meet with Gu Kewen, it's too dangerous. I can even predict where the danger is, she is not alone, she must have laid it in that place Tian Luo Di Wang, just waiting for you to get in. We leave Tokyo, find a place where no one kills Kuke Wu, and then go to Okinawa to do what we should do. "

Xia Lei's right foot was placed on the brake, but hesitated and did not step on again and again.

Leaving Tokyo, this is undoubtedly a correct choice.However, once he gave up the deal, killed Gu Kewu, and left Tokyo, the handles in Gu Kewen's hands would appear in China, leaving Shen Tu Tianyin in great trouble.He promised Shen Tu Tianyin to solve this trouble for her.How can he leave like this?

Xia Lei's right foot returned to the throttle and banged the throttle. The Mitsubishi SUV was like a beast running on the road.

Long Bing sighed, "Hey, Shen Tu Tianyin is really lucky. He married you as a man. In order to solve her troubles, wipe her ass, knowing that it might die there, you still have to go. There are really few men like you in this world. "

Xia Lei smiled bitterly: "Are you praising me or hurting me?"

"Both are there." Long Bing said.

"By the way, when you get to Shinobu Yakai, you get off in advance and take a sniper rifle to find the sniper point. I'll meet Gu Kewen." Xia Lei said.

"This is your plan?"

"Do you have a better countermeasure?"

Long Bing thought for a while, "The authorities are obsessed with bystanders, have you heard this sentence?"

Xia Lei froze a little, "Of course I have heard, what do you want to say?"

"I want to say that because of Shen Tu Tianyin, you have been chaotic. This is exactly what Gu Kewen wanted. The more you are eager to kill Gu Kewen, destroying what she can threaten Shen Tu Tianyin. , The harder it is for you to reach your goal. Even, you will fall into the trap that Gu Kewen prepared for you. "

Xia Lei does n’t understand the situation in front of her. Gu Kewen has been in Japan for a while. She has prepared for such a long time. She ca n’t just dress up and meet him, and then the transaction is over. ?However, if he knew it was a trap, he would go.Because, he has no choice.

"I hope you are alive and don't take unnecessary risks because of Shen Tu Tianyin's reasons. So, listen to me."

"What is your plan?"

Long Bing thought for a while, "I heard that the hot springs there are good. Let's find a hot spring hotel to live and enjoy the Japanese hot spring culture."

Xia Lei, "..."

Is this her plan?

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