Super Vision

522 522 Suicide Charge

Bang Bang Bang ...

Da da da……

Snow flakes, bullets flew in the cold wind, fluttered in the fluttering snowflakes, smashing anything they touched.Trees, roof tiles, glass and wind chimes hanging under the eaves, and human flesh and blood.

The most deadly people were those Japanese gang members bought by Gu Kewen, who charged Long Bing like a flock of sheep attacking a lion.The blast assault rifle in Long Bing's hands is comparable to a sniper rifle, with an effective range of two kilometers and a recoil of almost zero, which is simply not comparable to the poor pistol in their hands.Not to mention combat literacy, they usually bully bully ordinary people, but in the face of the elite agents of the 101st Bureau of China, they are not opponents at a level.After a wave of charges, when they woke up, more than a dozen corpses had been left on the ground.

The blood stained the snow and was shocking.

"Damn it! Damn, who are we meeting!" The gang leader is going crazy. He hides behind the corner of a house, his eyes full of terror.

"Head, let's ... run away!" A gang member's voice trembled. "We've been cheated! We can't make that money at all, we will die here!"

"You go get the car!" The gang leader shouted, "we cover you!"

The gang member who talked to him nodded and was ready to sprint.

"Get rid of that bitch!" The gang leader roared and probed, shooting at Long Bing.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Bang Bang Bang ...

The sound of the gun was loud, and the bullet flew in the direction of Long Bing.

The gang member who took the car took a deep breath and suddenly rushed out of the hiding place to the parking lot in front of the gate of Nobu Hachikai Onsen Hotel.

puff!He had just rushed out of the hiding place, and a rifle bullet came out of him, punching a hole in his head.His body fell to the ground, sliding a few meters on the snow.The blood stains left on the ground are like blossoming cherry trees scattered on the snowy mountains.

The gang leader's body froze at once, hardened, and forgot to shoot.

At this moment, a bullet suddenly flew and hit his right hand wrist protruding from the corner.The moment the bullet passed through the wrist, the flesh was torn open, the bones were broken, and there was only half of a strong wrist!

"Ah--" The pain came, and the body of the gang leader also lost his balance and fell to the ground.

puff!Another bullet flew, just across his head just outside the corner.His skull suddenly lost a piece, and blood and brain plasma flew outwards under the impact of the warhead, one by one, little by little, innumerable.

A hundred meters away, Long Bing's mouth showed a sneer, "This shot is because you look at my chest."

The gang leader was killed so cruelly just because he gave her another look at the village entrance.And the man who touched her or even kissed her chest was alive and well.

This world has never been fair.

On the other side, on the hillside, fighting is another situation.

Although the number of gunmen from the outsourcing is not large, all of them are elite soldiers, and they have a combat quality that is not inferior to that of the US Marine Corps.He shot and killed only two, but each time it attracted powerful firepower to suppress it. The distance was not enough.In addition, the gunman's equipment is very sophisticated, and he is not afraid of fighting. He has no choice but to retreat to a higher place.

Gunshots sounded behind him, and bullets were flying like locusts in the forest.

"What is your situation?" Long Bing's voice came from the intercom.

"It's okay, those guys are chasing me very tightly, and their firepower is fierce, but as long as they distance, I will kill them one by one." Xia Lei said: "You have to be careful of Gu Kewen and that woman, she is very powerful! "

"Did you see her?"

"See ... hey?"

There was suddenly no sound in the intercom.

Xia Lei's heart sank suddenly. In this case, the other party obviously blocked the radio signal in this area.Doing so would not only cut off the connection between him and Long Bing, but also prevent the villagers of Nobunichi from making a report.

There is a gun battle here, if someone calls the police, I am afraid that not only the police, but also the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces!

"Don't she deal with Long Bing?" When the thought came to her mind, Xia Lei stopped suddenly.He raised his eyes and looked at the village at the foot of the mountain. Unfortunately, trees blocked his sight.He couldn't see Long Bing at all.

Bang Bang Bang!

A shuttle bullet suddenly burst into Xia Lei's direction, and several trees shook violently, shaking off a pile of snow.

Someone below shouted in incomprehensible language. Although he couldn't understand what he said, Xia Lei also knew that the other party was reminding his partner of the target's position.Fighting in the snow, he could not hide the traces left by him.The other party can track him without even using the search dog, and can't get rid of it!

Xia Lei looked at the XL2500 sniper rifle in his hand. He regretted it now. He should have brought two blast assault rifles.In this short-range combat environment, assault rifles are far more suitable than sniper rifles.

Below the forest, dozens of heavily armed gunmen surrounded by fans.

In front, there is a tens of meters high cliff, the slope is almost ninety degrees.Such a cliff, even a professional rock climber, may take half an hour to climb.Xia Lei can also climb up, but he estimates that he also needs at least ten minutes.In ten minutes, before waiting for him to climb up, he might be hit by a bullet into a honeycomb!

In front is the dead end, in the back is chasing soldiers, the radio signal is also cut off, Xia Lei is in a desperate situation.

"Surrender!" Suddenly a voice came from below. The person who yelled was in English with a loud voice, "You can't escape!"

This time Xia Lei understood, he pressed his body against a tree trunk, and then protruded the XL2500 sniper rifle from the tree trunk.Two seconds later, he saw the man who yelled at him, a white gunman with oil paint on his face, as strong as a cow.

The white gunman who shouted was very cunning. After he shouted, he hid in a tree trunk and hid it completely.He seemed to have a hunch that Xia Lei was aiming at him, and he was hiding before Xia Lei shot him.

Xia Lei frowned, these people are very cunning, fighting literacy is very high, one is so difficult to deal with, let alone a group.The team formed by these guys is fully capable of launching a raid in a small country, or beheading.

"Who are you?" Silent, Xia Lei also shouted to the following, "Why kill me?"

"You will know, but not now." The white gunman who shouted before responded: "Surrender, I assure you that no one will hurt you. We can also let her leave your companion."

"Are you from the CIA?"

"CIA? Hahaha! Did you compare us to the trash?" The shouting white gunman laughed, and then half of his head emerged from behind the hidden tree trunk, looking up.

When the white gunman showed half of his head and observed the situation above, Xia Lei pulled the trigger.

A bullet exploded from the muzzle of the XL2500 sniper rifle, with almost no time interval, the head of the white gunman who had just protruded his head exploded, and the brain plasma and blood flew in all directions.


This is Xia Lei's response!

Bang Bang Bang ...

Da da da……

There was a sudden gunshot below, and the rain of bullets generally came over.The wood sawdust around Xia Lei flew across, including the trunk that he relied on to hide.


A strange noise suddenly came.

When the noise reached his ears, Xia Lei suddenly tightened his body, and then flew to the side. When the body hit the ground, he rolled away further by the impact.

Bang!A grenade exploded in the place where he had just hidden, and the tree that was about to be interrupted suddenly broke and fell to the ground.

Xia Lei rolled over from the ground and climbed up, and the XL2500 sniper rifle was transferred to his shoulder.He took out the pistol in his waist and sprinted quickly down the mountain.

These gunmen want that kind of nearly melee fight, then he let them get what they want!

Bang Bang Bang ...

The bullet was like rain, chasing after the sound from the mountain forest.Those gunmen could not see Xia Lei in the dark mountain forest, but they were carrying night vision equipment, but what was more terrifying was their experience and reaction.They can judge Xia Lei's position based on the sound of Xia Lei's running, and shoot him to kill him.

However, Xia Lei's speed is too fast, comparable to the beast in the jungle!

Moreover, these gunmen simply did not expect Xia Lei to take the initiative to charge them!In their view, this kind of charge is undoubtedly a suicide charge!

However, they soon discovered that their judgment was a mistake.

The trees in the mountains are dense, but Xia Lei's left eye looks like daylight in the dark environment. The positions of the gunmen who shot him, the trees around them, and the trees around him are all clear and clear!More importantly, his brain has been fully activated and entered an unbelievable state.His left eye said everything he saw, and his brain was calculating everything, the distance of the gunman, the position of the gunman, the distance between the trees, and even how many guns a certain gunman fired, and how many were still in the magazine The bullets are under his control and calculation!

Of course, the most important thing is his speed.The potential of the body is also fully activated, the light energy of Tang Men.Wing Chun's body method, he charged in the mountain forest like a cheetah going down the mountain, moving ghostly among the trees, letting him shoot and rain, but no one can hit him!



A gunman, who was changing the magazine, fell to the ground on his back. His eyes widened. He saw Xia Lei, who was blowing in the wind from his side, but he could not see the blood hole Xia Lei pierced with his pistol on his forehead!Until death, he could not believe it was true.

And just when his body hit the ground and was still cramping, the gunman in the same group suffered the same thing, and was shot by Xia Lei with a pistol at close range!

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