Super Vision

530 Chapter 530

The coastline went farther and farther, and finally became invisible.The yacht continued to move forward, and the vibration of the compass pointer became more and more obvious.

"We are close to it." Xia Lei said with excitement.

Long Bing looked up and saw nothing more than the rolling waves. She said: "There are no islands in front, is it really in the sea?"

Xia Lei said: "Whether it is on the island or in the sea, we have already come, saying that we may not necessarily find the treasure point tonight and take what we need."

"Hopefully, we killed five American soldiers. The sooner we leave, the better." Long Bing said.

As the yacht moved forward about one nautical mile, the tremor of the pointer suddenly became intense.

Xia Lei turned off the yacht and stopped.He and Long Bing both came to the deck.There is nothing in this sea area, only sea water, and the waves are ups and downs in sight, and there is no end in sight.

Xia Lei took the compass to confirm it, and quickly made a decision, "The treasure point is just below us. Let me go down and see. You stay here waiting for me."

"No, I want to go down with you." Long Bing said.

Xia Lei said: "We are all down, who came to see the ship? And our weapons and equipment, in case the ship came over again, seeing that there was no one on our ship, tow our ship, how do we go back?

"But ..." Long Bing couldn't rest assured that Xia Lei went to sea alone.

Xia Lei said: "Well, let me take a look first. If you are in trouble, you will come down to help me."

"Well, it's so decided." Long Bing felt that Xia Lei made sense.They all went to sea, and if the boat drifted away, or was towed away, it would be troublesome.

Xia Lei took out a set of diving suit, took off his clothes and prepared to put on.But at this moment, there was a light in the distance, and the bright beam suddenly enveloped the small yacht.

"That's ..." Long Bing covered her eyes with her hand, but she couldn't see through the strong light behind the light.

Xia Lei saw it, and his expression became dignified.Nothing else, just because he saw a destroyer carrying the Japanese flag.

"Lei, what kind of boat?" Long Bing also became nervous.

Xia Lei frowned and said, "It's a Japanese warship."

"Can you see clearly?" Long Bing looked surprised.

Xia Lei could still explain why he could see the Japanese warship in the distance. He said, "Have our guns been hidden?"

"No hide, all in the cockpit."

"That won't work, we have to hide them just in case." Xia Lei followed into the cockpit.

Warships usually do not take ordinary yachts, but in case of special circumstances, the navy on board the warships inspected the ship and found that the guns were very bad, especially their guns were XL2500 sniper rifles and blast assault rifles.These two guns are not available in Japan.

Also, even if the yacht is full of guns, it is definitely not a destroyer's opponent.The crisis in front of us, with a gun is equal to no gun.

Long Bing stood on the deck and continued to look at the beam of bright lights. She looked at the flowers without seeing what kind of warship it was, and she secretly said in her heart: "It's strange, even if his vision is good, It ’s not so exaggerated. I still do n’t know what kind of ship it is, but he saw it as a warship. I do n’t know if his children will have such exaggerated vision? Wait ... I ’m thinking about what a mess s things?"

Xia Lei came out of the cockpit. He carried a large tote carrying a blast assault rifle and an XL2500 sniper rifle to the side of the ship. He then tied the tote with a rope, and then threw the tote into the sea.

The tote bag quickly sank into the water, and the one tied to the fence was even straightened.

Xia Lei said: "I hit the union, if someone wants to board the ship to check and I can't take it off, you have to tie a knot and sink our equipment to the bottom of the sea."

Long Bing nodded and expressed his understanding.

Xia Lei stood beside Long Bing and looked at the destroyer closer and closer to her side by side.At this time, he saw the mark on the hull, which was the Japanese Navy's destroyer Taikofeng.

A few minutes later, the destroyer Tai Chi Feng approached the small yachts of Xia Lei and Long Bing.The searchlight of the bow still shines on the small yacht, and the glare of the glare.A sound amplified by speakers also came from the destroyer, "Who are you, what are you doing here?"

Xia Lei said aloud in Japanese: "We are Japanese citizens, and my wife and I are on our honeymoon!"

No more voices were asked from the warship, but the warship had stopped.

Xia Lei whispered: "Your Japanese is terrible, I will tell them later that you are dumb, don't talk."

Long Bing nodded and turned to the ship's side.Xia Lei responded to the people on the warship, and she needed to throw her and Xia Lei's equipment into the sea.This is something that Xia Lei does not need to explain again, because if the other party does not have the mind of boarding and checking, they will not stop at all.

Long Bing's speed is very fast, not only sinking his weaponry into the sea, but also walking into the cockpit and throwing the compass into the trash can.Afterwards, she took out the cake and red wine from the rental company owner and prepared to play a show with Xia Lei to cope with the immediate crisis.

Sure enough, Long Bing had just taken the wedding cake and red wine to the deck, and a rubber speed boat was lowered from the side of the Tai Chi Feng Heng.The eight navy soldiers were fully armed and looked indifferent.

"Stop the air, calm the air." Xia Lei whispered to Long Bing, who was lighting candles.

Long Bing didn't speak, but nodded gently.

The situation in front of me, if there is a battle, will definitely die.Escape is also inescapable, the opponent can blow up the yacht with one shot.

Now, Xia Lei also began to regret being too anxious.If you come here tomorrow morning, there will be no such trouble in front of you.

The rubber boat quickly came to the side of the small yacht.A navy warrior hooked the fence of the yacht with a rope hook. After the rubber speed boat was fixed, all eight naval warriors boarded the yacht.

Xia Lei's heart was extremely tense, but the face was still calm. When eight Japanese navy soldiers boarded the deck, he greeted him with a smile. A piece of cake. "

A military officer said: "Thank you for your kindness, but we are on a mission. Do you have any identification documents? Please show me."

Xia Lei took out his driver's license from the clothes he took off.

"Kato Osuke?" Juncao looked at Xia Lei's driver's license and Xia Lei himself. "Are you from Hokkaido?"

Xia Lei said: "Yes, a small fishing village, and I am also a fisherman. When I was young, my grandfather often told me that when he was young, he often went to the island to catch fishing. But the Russians occupied us. I hate Russians when I was a kid. I had a dream when I was a kid, and one day I was able to get a weapon and recapture our four northern islands! However, because of poor health, this wish has never been fulfilled. "

The four northern islands are a pain in the hearts of Japanese people. Xia Lei said that there is only one purpose, that is to set a near, so that these Japanese navy soldiers have a sense of identification with his "comrade" and do not easily find his trouble.In fact, not to mention that the four northern islands have no relationship with him. Even if Russia cuts off Honshu Island in Japan by half, it has no relationship with him.

Xia Lei said this, the cavalry leader finally showed a smile, "I didn't expect you to be a patriotic youth, it doesn't matter if you can't join the army now, there will definitely be a chance in the future." The driver's license was returned to Xia Lei.

A navy soldier looked at Long Bing and said, "Madam, what about your ID?"

Long Bing did not move, looking at Xia Lei for help, the expression on his face was a little nervous.

The military sergeant who led the team also said aloud: "Madam, what about your ID?"

Xia Lei bowed and said, "It's rude, my wife is a dumb. I'm sorry to have you take her ID."

"It turns out this way, I'm sorry." Jun Cao is also very reasonable.

Xia Lei made a gesture to Long Bing, Long Bing pretended to react, and then took out her health insurance certificate, holding it in two hands and handing it to the military sergeant.

Jun Cao looked at Long Bing's health insurance certificate and Long Bing.

The photo is the same as the real person. The two of them "updated" the photo on the ID card on their way to Tokyo.Otherwise, if the photo on the ID card is still the original photo after changing the appearance, it would be a low-level mistake.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Sir, my wife and I are from a village, and we grew up together. She is a very good woman, but she can't talk. Being able to marry her is the best blessing in my life. I will take care of her all my life. "

Jun Cao also returned Long Bing's health insurance card to Xia Lei, and then said, "Sorry, bother you. But we have to check your ship."

"No problem, no problem." Xia Lei said: "This boat is chartered by us, huh, huh, I want my temperament to experience the feeling of being rich. But I will work hard to let her live a real life The life of the rich. "

No one took the charge of Xia Lei. The military officer gave an order, and the navy soldiers who followed him began to search the entire yacht.

A few minutes later, a navy soldier picked up the compass from the trash can.

At this time, Xia Lei and Long Bing's heart seemed to be dragged by a palm, so nervous.Fortunately, the navy soldier just looked at it and threw it into the trash can.He probably thought it was an ornament, or a scrapped nautical compass or something.No one else wanted it, and he was too lazy to take another look.

"Sir, we are all ordinary people, why should we search our ships?" Xia Lei tried out.

The military officer said: "A military exercise is being carried out in this sea area. You are misinformed and we are ordered to search. You may not know that now that China's intelligence is powerful, we have to avoid some bad situations.

"Oh, this is the case." Xia Lei casually hit a haha.

"Military Cao, there is nothing suspicious." A navy soldier returned to the deck and said aloud.

Several other naval fighters had the same result and found nothing.However, this situation is also expected by them, not surprised.

"Withdraw," said the cavalry leader. "Hurry up and leave here. You are the exercise area. It's dangerous for you to stay here."

"No problem, but can you let me and my wife finish the cake and go away?" Xia Lei said cautiously: "My wife lit the candle, and we are also preparing to make a wish.

The military sergeant who led the team frowned, "Then hurry up."

"Okay, we will not cause you any trouble." Xia Lei said with a smile: "I wish you a successful exercise."

The rubber boat left.

Xia Lei and Long Bing slumped on the deck, and their backs had been sweating for a long time.

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