Super Vision

537 537 Princess Memories

In fact, he had already asked all the questions that Xia Lei wanted to ask, and the target was also Princess Yongmei.But this Yongmei princess is different from the previous Yongmei princess. The Yongmei princess in front of him is the most perfect one among all the Yongmei princesses he has ever seen.

"What do you look like to me?" Princess Yongmei stretched her arms and turned a circle in front of Xia Lei.Her appearance is sinking.Her body is chic, sexy and hot.Without clothes, all her secrets are visible and unobstructed, coupled with extremely realistic visual effects, she can easily evoke the desire of a man and is willing to give everything for her.

"Don't make trouble, please answer my question seriously." Xia Lei said.He has the goal of domesticating Princess Yongmei, but he knows that this road will not be smooth and will have many difficulties.After all, the person he wanted to domesticate was once the princess Daming who had been adored by thousands!

"Okay, I'll answer your question seriously." A smile smiled on Princess Jade's jade. "A woman, a woman without clothes."

Xia Lei, "..."

The princess Yongmei was not only arrogant but also naughty.

"I answered this, are you satisfied?"

Xia Lei said: "You don't even have a body, what a woman?"

"Is it necessary to have a body to be a woman? There will be a day of aging and death in the human body sooner or later, but the human soul can live forever. You represent the former, I represent the latter.

Xia Lei's brain hole seemed to be opened, and he couldn't help thinking in this direction.In religious parlance, some souls will go to heaven after death, and some will go to hell.Those who live in the world cannot see them.Many scientists have also studied some phenomena after death, but no one can prove what soul will remain after death.The theory of soul is also considered nonsense by the present people.However, there is a living example in front of her, she came from the Ming Dynasty!

Princess Yongmei has given the answer in this way, she is a soul.

"You say you are the soul, but why is there only you?"

"I do not know either."

"You don't know? How is this possible."

"I am also looking for answers."

"If you are a soul, there can be no one soul in this world. I can see you, then I can see other souls. But the truth is that I do n’t see any other souls except you. What is this What's going on? "

Princess Yongmei shook her head, "I don't know."

"Also, I found your body in Afghanistan, and you were also found in the shipwreck on the sea floor of Ryukyu. What's going on?"

Princess Yongmei suddenly leaned in front of Xia Lei, her face was almost touching his face, and her eyes were full of surprise, "What are you saying? I have two bodies? How is this possible?"

Charley suddenly froze on the spot.

Judging from Princess Yongmei's reaction, she apparently did not know that she had two bodies.Moreover, she does not seem to want her body to be called a "corpse".

"Do you have a twin sister?" Xia Lei asked.

"No, absolutely not." Princess Yongmei said, then she stared at Xia Lei again, "Tell me, is this true? I have two bodies?"

Xia Lei said: "This is true, I saw it with my own eyes, exactly the same. Also, don't be too close to me, you don't know how cold you are."

For a moment of close contact, Xia Lei seemed to be frozen.It was cold from the bone, indescribable.This phenomenon is not obvious in the open space, but it becomes obvious in the closed cockpit.

"I must figure out what this is all about." Princess Yongmei stepped back a few steps and said leisurely, "I know you want to figure out what those metals are, and the truth of the matter . But what I want to tell you is that I do n’t know. In fact, I also ordered the compass to find those metals on the orders of my father and emperor. "

"Did your emperor tell you why he was looking for those metals?"

"He once mentioned it to me once for eternal life."

"Eternal life?" Xia Lei's heart beat violently.

"Eternal life ..." Princess Yongmei smiled suddenly, "I passed Afghanistan, I conquered the Huns tribe, but only found a piece of metal. The compass guided me to continue west, I went to Jerusalem, but I couldn't help Dig something in that place. That place is the holy place of Christianity, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jesus. Unless, I occupy that holy city, but I do n’t have that kind of strength at all. My Da Ming ’s army ca n’t cross the Himalayas and go to Jerusalem I went back to Afghanistan, where I built the white horse tomorrow city, prepared to use this city as a base, recuperate, recruit sergeants, and save military power. But then I was sick, I do n’t know what the disease is, the doctor I brought Failed to heal me, and later ... "

Princess Yongmei didn't say anything.

"What happened later?" Xia Lei said anxiously.

Princess Yongmei smiled bitterly, "I didn't know anything until I saw you."

This is the treasure hunt of Princess Yongmei?

Xia Lei also fell into contemplation.Princess Yongmei's memory seems to be missing a lot of important parts, but he believes that what she said is true.Princess Yongmei has been to Jerusalem, which explains why her jade coffin contains the necklace of the "Holy Heart" of Queen Siberia, the last queen of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.In addition, Princess Yongmei does not know what disease she has, but he knows, because people who come into contact with ancient alloy have only two endings, one is madness and the other is death.Tranquility still lives in a tightly supervised hospital. She is a living example.

Xia Lei's brain quickly sorted out the clues provided by Princess Yongmei.

The treasure hunt for Princess Yongmei is Afghanistan, then Jerusalem.

Princess Yongmei went to the treasure hunt on the order of Yongle the Great, in order to get eternal life.

Princess Yongmei went crazy because she was in contact with ancient alloys. She didn't know everything after going crazy.

These are all the results of this conversation with Princess Yongmei, which is much better than nothing before.But now Xia Lei's head opened a huge brain hole, that is, from the memories of Princess Yongmei, he determined that she had only been to Afghanistan and Jerusalem, and not to Ryukyu, which was then a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty.So, what is the ghost of Princess Yongmei in the shipwreck?

"I can tell you one thing, your illness is mad. People who come into contact with that metal will either go crazy or die. You may be the former or the latter. But I do n’t understand Yes, you don't remember what happened after you went mad, but why can you recall those experiences of your life after meeting me? "Xia Lei raised new questions.

Princess Yongmei was silent for a while before saying, "I can see it, in that weird space. There, sometimes the things I did sometimes appear inexplicably to my eyes, I can see me walking, I eat, Talk to people and write letters to the father emperor. But, I have never seen ... how I became like this. "

This is a euphemism, she wants to say that she does not know how she died.

"I asked you one last time, are you sure you haven't been to Ryukyu?"

"I'm sure. Hakuba Tomorrow Castle is thousands of miles away from Ryukyu. I have the emperor's life. How can I go to Ryukyu against my father's will?" Princess Yongmei said.

It seems that the female corpse in the shipwreck on the seabed has really become a mystery.

Xia Lei's feeling is very strange, but he already bears too many strange things on his body, so it is not strange.Compared with the secret of AE, the female corpse in the shipwreck on the bottom of the sea is really nothing.

"My last question. I know you want to get close to the necklace around my neck. I have talked to you before. You also know that there is a pill in the pendant of the necklace. My question is, why do you want to get it?"

"It makes me feel warm, close to it, I feel like I am alive, with a flesh and blood body. Also, it seems to make me stronger." Princess Yongmei looked at Xia Lei with begging eyes, "Can you bring me close to it? I swear, I won't damage it. I have no body, and I can't eat it, so you don't have to worry about losing it."

Xia Lei hesitated, "Only this time, I let you out, you come out."

Princess Yongmei said excitedly: "Okay, I promise you."

Xia Lei took off the alloy necklace on his neck and handed it to Princess Yongmei.He didn't want Princess Yongmei to come running around his neck, which felt very uncomfortable.

Princess Yongmei's body suddenly collapsed, compressing into a stream of light in the blink of an eye, and instantly dropped into the alloy pendant.

Xia Lei felt the alloy pendant in his hand suddenly became cold, like a piece of ice.But this cold feeling soon disappeared, and the alloy pendant returned to normal temperature.

What is Princess Yongmei doing inside?

The thought suddenly appeared in his mind, Xia Lei's left eye jumped, and the alloy shell of the pendant disappeared into his left eye.He saw the AE capsule hidden in the pendant, and then saw the powder in the AE capsule.

There is only medicine powder, no princess Yongmei, and no light.

A minute later, Xia Lei said: "Okay, come out."

Princess Yongmei did not come out. The AE capsules were still AE capsules. There was no more or less reduction.However, the princess Yongmei disappeared.

"Hello? Didn't you hear me? Come out, otherwise I will put you in that space." Xia Lei threatened.

Princess Yongmei still didn't show up.

Xia Lei then moved the perspective of the perspective to the ancient alloy to see through it.The feeling of terror swept through the body and then disappeared.Previously, every time he did this, he could either release Princess Yongmei or shut him down.But this time was an exception. He experienced the pain of "opening the door." The door opened, but Princess Yongmei didn't enter.

"This ..." Xia Lei was shocked in the cockpit, not knowing what to do.

Princess Yongmei disappeared so strangely.

The yacht continued to drive towards the waters of China, riding the wind and waves.

Xia Lei's heart flew with the sea breeze to a place he didn't even know. What to do next, he had no idea in his heart.

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