Super Vision

541 Chapter 541

Two days later, the headquarters of 101 Bureau, Shi Boren's office.

Xia Lei placed a radiation-proof metal box on Shi Boren's desk.Shi Boren was originally sitting on an office chair. When he saw the metal box on the desk, he got up and left, and stood far away.

Ling Hao sitting on the sofa was slightly nervous.

Only Long Bing looked as usual, standing quietly beside Xia Lei.

"Things were found on the seabed of Okinawa, a total of twenty-one pieces." Xia Lei made a simple statement. "In addition to these twenty-one pieces of ancient alloy, I have a new pointer."

"Is there a new pointer?" Ling Hao frowned. "Oh, trouble, when will this search be a head? This time it is Japan, where will it be next time?"

Shi Boren also said: "If you have any difficulties, you must find out, what direction the compass is pointing to, we can prepare well."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "No need to prepare."

"What do you mean?" Ling Hao puzzled: "Are you sure where the next treasure point is?"

Xia Lei said, "Look at it yourself." After that, he took the compass out and put it on the desk, and then installed the pointer he removed.

The pointer on the compass is still.

Shi Boren said in surprise: "What's going on? Is it broken? You repaired it quickly. You once repaired it. I believe you can repair it this time."

Ling Hao also said: "Yes, the X Secret Gold Project is very important for our country, you must find a way to repair it."

Xia Lei did not speak.

At this moment, the pointer on the compass suddenly stood up, suspended above the compass, and pointed straight to the sky.

The reason why Xia Lei is too lazy to explain is here, because he knows that the pointer he found this time will stand up and point to the sky after accumulating some energy.When the energy is exhausted, it will return to its original position.Accumulate energy again, erect again, repeat again and again.

Ling Hao and Shi Boren stared at the compass with a stunned look, and stared at the upright pointer, without speaking for a while.In the process of the two people stunned, the pointer on the compass has already repeated a movement process.

Xia Lei shrugged. "Now do you know why I don't need to prepare? The next treasure point is in the sky. With our current ability, we can't find the next treasure point. Use the compass and pointer to find treasure The matter is over. "

Ling Hao only recovered, "Why ... how?"

Shi Boren said: "Did that metal come from aliens? Are there really aliens?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "I don't know if there are aliens, but I know this metal is definitely not simple. I put together a box with all the ancient alloys I have found, but the last one is missing."

"Box?" This time, including Long Bing, was moved, because she also heard Xia Lei talk about his research for the first time.

Xia Lei said: "Yes, a box. It's in the box. But I don't recommend you to check it. I took a picture. Look at the picture."

Several photos appeared on the desk.

Shi Boren, Ling Hao and Long Bing all gathered to watch.The photos were indeed photos of a box. Xia Lei took the whole box and every side of the box.As he said, this box is missing one horn and is not complete.

After seeing the photos, Ling Hao and Shi Boren glanced at each other, both of them were unwilling and full of confusion.

"In the sky, an incomplete box, what the hell is going on?" Ling Hao sighed. "I don't know how to explain such things."

Shi Boren stared at the picture without one corner again, and then said, "Lei Zi, look at the picture you took, this box is only one piece short. Find this piece and you will be able to Put together a complete box to solve the mystery of the X secret gold project, right? "

"The problem is this last piece. I can't find it." Xia Lei was also helpless.

"Lei Zi, what do you think you would get if you put this box together completely?" Ling Hao stared straight at Xia Lei, waiting for his answer.

Xia Lei said: "I don't know, but I can be sure that no matter what the result, it will shake the world."

In fact, if he tells the truth he already knows, only the secret of Princess Yongmei can shake the world.

A real soul, killing invisible!

Unfortunately, she was gone.

Ling Hao thought for a while, "Well, you leave the compass, and I arrange for someone to take it to fly around the world, and if there is no result, then let people take it to the space station. Treasure point is on the moon, there is still a little hope. "

"What if it is a planet other than the moon?" Xia Lei asked.

Ling Hao smiled bitterly: "Then there is no way. The US Mars plan will not be launched until 2030. As for us, it is estimated that it will be decades away. You may have a chance to take the compass to the outside of the earth The planet goes to find the last piece of ancient alloy. "

Xia Lei didn't think he had such an opportunity, and even if it did, the Chinese state had the ability to send him to the moon or even Mars, but he might not be able to find the last piece of ancient alloy.

Shi Boren patted Xia Lei's shoulder. "Lei Zi, don't be discouraged. The compass pointer might not be due to other reasons. Be optimistic. You first take back those ancient alloys you found. Research, you can research what results are the best, and you ca n’t blame you if you ca n’t. We all know that you have done your best. "

"Yes." Ling Hao said: "Look for the next treasure point and leave it to the government to do it. You will take over after seeing it."

Xia Lei nodded, "Well, then I will take these ancient alloys back to study, no matter what I find, I will report to you."

Shi Boren said: "Hurry up and take these things away. I will panic when you look at your suitcase. Also, the X Mysterious Gold Project needs to be researched, and the gun will also be built. Our army is still waiting for your blitz As for the rifle, don't you guys mess up this matter, otherwise I won't spare you. "

Xia Lei smiled and left Shi Boren's office with the suitcase.

The task of Japan's treasure hunt is considered to be over here.

Long Bing followed Xia Lei and whispered, "Lei, are you going back to the Lei Ma military factory or Shen Tu Tianyin?"

Xia Lei said: "I first put the stuff back into the laboratory of the Leima military factory, and then go to Tianyin. After coming out for such a long time, I should go back and have a look."

"Go back, I will wait for you at home on Saturday." Long Bing said.

Xia Lei, "..."

"You two are muttering here to discuss what bad things?" Tang Yuyan's voice suddenly came from the other side of the corridor.She was wearing a black combat suit, with several broken spots on her dress, and some blood marks on her neck.But it was such a look just off the line of fire, but her mouth was ridiculous with a cute smile.

"Did you go to war?" Xia Lei said with a smile.

"A group of terrorists slipped in from the east, and I led the team to chase them for seven days and seven nights before killing them." Tang Yuyan said, and then glanced at Long Bing, his eyes were a little strange, "Huh, I haven't seen you for a while, Long Section Chief, you look better It used to be much better. Are you dating? "

Long Bing gave Tang Yuyan a white look, "Talk about your head."

Tang Yuyan glanced at Xia Lei again, without saying something: "I just heard a woman say who she is waiting for at home on Saturday. I also heard that love will make a woman more beautiful. Xia Lei, this trip to Japan You leave me behind, shouldn't it ... "

She didn't talk down, but Xia Lei and Long Bing knew what she wanted to say.

The women in 101 games are really not simple, and Tang Yuyan is a woman born with a fox.

Long Bing was also annoyed secretly, and an unintentional sentence was actually overheard by Tang Yuyan.In one sentence, coupled with the change in her complexion, it was enough for Tang Yuyan, the little fox, to smell something.

Xia Lei smiled, "Yu Yan, Chief Long and I made an appointment on Saturday and ate at her house to celebrate our successful completion of the mission this time. I will go with Tianyin if you are interested. , You can also come to participate. It is best to bring your boyfriend to let us know. I think you look good, it must be moisturized by love. "

"Moisturize your head, I'm not interested." Tang Yuyan gave Xia Lei a white glance and walked quickly. When she passed by, she suddenly stretched her foot and stepped on Xia Lei's instep.

"You ..." Xia Lei couldn't help crying.

Tang Yuyan twisted her waist and walked to Shi Boren's office. Without taking a few steps, she turned back and wanted to say something, but turned Xia Lei and Long Bing towards the exit of the corridor.Her expression suddenly dimmed, and she stayed for a few seconds before turning back.

Walking out of the underground base, Long Bing said with a smile: "It's still your wit, otherwise Tang Yuyan will certainly be suspicion. I'm not afraid of other people's rumors, but if Shen Tu Tianyin knows, you will be in trouble.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Isn't this forced? If this happens a lot, the experience will be rich."

"Remember, I will wait for you at home on Saturday."

"Well, I will come to your house on Saturday." Xia Lei said.

A few minutes later, Xia Lei and Long Bing left the 101 innings in two cars.Xia Lei drove his Chevrolet Suburban off-road car straight to the Lehma military factory.

Back in Kyoto, he had to complete the task to the 101st game in the first time. There was no time to study the box consisting of 29 parts.Now, he takes the box back to the laboratory to do a research.Of course, the most important thing is to go home. He plans to return to his home with Shen Tu Tianyin, Lei Yinju after studying the box.

Chevrolet Suburban off-road vans are running on the street, the city views passing by the window.

Xia Lei's thoughts also flew back to his laboratory in advance, from the first ancient alloy parts to the box composed of twenty-nine ancient alloy parts.Those experiences, those people and things related to AE flashed through his mind.His brain can't control the thinking about these people and things.

Only one part is needed to make up a complete box. So, can he solve the secret of AE by only one step?

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