Super Vision

548 Chapter 548: The Heart of the Thunder Horse Army Factory

In the workshop, the German personnel visited the production line of the Leima military factory, and they all showed a surprised expression.In fact, in the eyes of most Westerners, socks and shirts are the most representative of China, and there are cheap vuvuzelas used on football fields.As for weapons, they are either modeled after Russia or those modeled in Europe and the United States, which is not worth mentioning at all.

But now, the advanced production line of the Lehma Army factory, the reasonably laid out and neat production environment makes them shine, and they are out of imagination, their feelings can not help but become complicated.

Not everyone is happy to see the rise of China, because this rise directly threatens the interests of Western countries.So there was a technical blockade, so there were trade barriers, so there was all kinds of discrimination and injustice, but under the strict technical blockade of Western countries, a small light weapons company in China broke out. It became a world-class dark horse!

Looking at the advanced production line of the Lehma Army factory and the finished product of the XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle that can be left in the workshop, how can these Germans feel happy?

Among the personnel from Germany are firearm experts, as well as top electrical engineers and mechanics such as Joseph. They soon entered the state. They walked between the workshops and carefully checked each machine on the production line. Some even even Will start the machine and perform tentative operations.

Ling Hao got close to Xia Lei and lowered his voice, "Lei Zi, are they stealing your company's technology like this?"

Xia Lei smiled and said in a low voice: "Brother Ling, you can rest assured that those technologies are not just a random look, you can steal them by operating the machine. They want our technology, they have to use equal value. Technology to exchange. "

Ling Hao patted Xia Lei's shoulder and relaxed. "You can rest assured if you say that. After taking them to visit, we will negotiate with them. You sit beside me. Don't just say anything. When you need it, I will give you a hint. "

Xia Lei nodded.

At this time, Joseph, who processed a small thing with an intelligent machine tool, suddenly said: "How is this possible?"

Anina walked over, "Joseph, is there something wrong?"

Joseph said: "A lot of the design of this machine gives me a familiar feeling. Well, what I want to say is that it is similar to the intelligent machine I designed. However, its performance is better than what I designed. The smart machine tool is better. "

Anina smiled, "Joseph, BMW and Mercedes-Benz are all producing cars. The cars they produce all have four wheels, an engine and a steering wheel. I think what you said is similar The situation is all intelligent machine tools, there must be many similarities. "

Joseph shook his head. "No, I know some unique designs. They are unique. Your analogy cannot be used in this matter."

Philip walked over, "Mr. Joseph, did you find anything wrong?"

Joseph said: "The machine tool here has a lot in common with the machine tool I designed. This is very strange, because many designs are unique."

"What about performance?" Philip looked at Xia Lei subconsciously, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Joseph was silent for a while before saying: "The machine here is more advanced than the one I designed, it is more perfect."

Philip leaned into Joseph's ear and whispered, "I ask you, have you visited their smart machine tool, can you cover our smart machine tool after returning? Reach the level of smart machine tool here."

Joseph thought for a while before saying, "The intelligent machine tool I designed is already very advanced. It is a very difficult thing to improve its performance. I have tried again and again, but I can't improve its performance, but I haven't I thought of the smart machine tool here. You asked me if I could improve our smart machine tool. This is my answer. I ca n’t see the design inside and its electrical engineering. I ca n’t do it. Unless, you take To the drawings, there is another such intelligent machine tool. "

Philip was disappointed.After talking for a long time, I still have to trade.In his will, the expert members he brought this time are best to see at a glance the secrets of the Rema ’s military factory and take away the technology of the Rema ’s military factory at no cost.This idea is very good, but also very naive.But it would be another matter if expert members like Joseph had the perspective of Xia Lei.

"But, Mr. Philip." Joseph said in Philip's ear: "If they want to use this technology in exchange for the engine technology of the typhoon fighter, it will be very cost-effective for us. If you agree to this deal, then It means that we are holding diamonds of the same weight for the same weight of gold. "

Philip sneered, "You don't have to worry about this. We have prepared a lot of options for them, 3D printer technology, as well as car engine technology and some avionics technology. If their stuff is nothing more, then they can only Switch to something of equal value. We are not the wrongdoers. "

These conversations were all carried out under Xia Lei's gaze, and he also interpreted them with lip reading.He quietly informed Ling Hao of the conversation between Philip and Joseph.

Ling Hao frowned, "3D printer technology? We can't lose their European and American countries now, as for car engine technology, that's not what we want. Avionics technology may have a certain value, but will not be in this transaction Medium. If the engine technology of the typhoon fighter cannot be exchanged, this transaction will be cancelled. "

Xia Lei's eyes moved to Anina, and he said tentatively, "Ling Brother, what about Anina?"

Ling Hao said: "If the deal is not established, she will be taken back to Germany. You have to understand that we will not fight against the EU leader because of a woman. Leizi, you have done what you should do if Can't help her, she will understand you too. "

Xia Lei thought for a while, "What if I can facilitate this transaction?"

Ling Hao said: "Then there is no problem, but what are you going to do?"

In fact, although he personally led the team to negotiate with the Germans, he was actually not optimistic about the deal.After all, this time it is the fighter engine technology of the typhoon fighter.The Germans will face the double pressure of the European allies and the United States, and they are still under the general environment of surrounding the rise of China.If there is no interest for the Germans, will the Germans be willing to bear this pressure because of the two gun technologies and the better intelligent machine tool technology?Obviously not.

"Well, look at me." Xia Lei said this, and then he walked to whispering Philip and Joseph.

"He's here, don't talk anymore." Philip saw Xia Lei coming and immediately ended the secret talk with Joseph.

Joseph looked at Xia Lei, his eyes still full of confusion and suspicion.In fact, he already suspected that "Lucas" and Xia Lei were the same person, and he also suspected that Xia Lei had stolen the technology of his intelligent machine tool.However, he has no evidence to prove it.

"Oh, Mr. Joseph, I know that you are the top electrical engineer in Germany, and even the top mechanic. You are an expert in this field. How about our smart machine tools?" Xia Lei opened the door.

"Very good." Joseph said: "It does have some advanced features, but I have to be honest, if you want to use it in exchange for our engine technology, you are a bit naive."

Philip observed Xia Lei's reaction.

Xia Lei chuckled, "Mr. Joseph, you deserve to be the top expert in this area. But what I want to tell you is that the failure to see and operate is the lowest level of intelligent machine tools in our Lehma military factory."

Joseph froze for a moment, "The lowest level?"

Xia Lei shrugged. "Otherwise, how could it appear on the production line for processing pistol parts. Do you think I will use this intelligent machine tool technology for the engine technology of your typhoon fighter? I will not open such a low-level joke."

Joseph said: "I don't believe there are more advanced intelligent machine tools."

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Because that is impossible!" Joseph said bluntly: "I admit that the intelligent machine tools here are indeed more advanced than the intelligent machine tools I have researched and manufactured, but the degree of advancement is limited. I'm sure this is the limit, you can't be in this Go beyond it on the basis! "

Xia Lei said lightly: "You don't believe it, it's because you are still biased against China's manufacturing industry. We are indeed behind for a while, but this does not mean that we will be behind forever."

Philip showed a look of disdain.He is too lazy to argue with Xia Lei, he is sure of his judgment.Hua Guo, at the current manufacturing level of Hua Guo, it is impossible to manufacture more advanced intelligent machine tools than this!

Philip also said: "Mr. Xia, you said you wouldn't make low-level jokes, but in my opinion this is indeed a low-level joke. Our experts are far away from the other side of the earth. We have not seen your most advanced technology. "

"Don't worry, please come with me." Xia Lei smiled and made a gesture.

Philip and Joseph glanced at each other without moving.

"Why? Don't you even have the courage to take a look?" Xia Lei said with a smile.

"I'll go with you." Joseph said.

A large group of Germans and a team represented by Ling Hao followed Xia Lei from the first workshop and came to another workshop.

This workshop is smaller than other workshops, and the alloy door is locked, so you can't see the inside.

"Anina, open the door." Xia Lei said.

Anina smiled at Xia Lei with a sweet smile, then walked to the alloy gate, entered the code on the electronic code lock, and then put her pupils in front of a scanning instrument.After completing these steps, the alloy gate slowly opened.

As soon as the alloy gate opened, a Big Mac suddenly entered the sight of all visitors.

At that moment, Joseph's mouth widened and he could no longer close.

This giant machine tool is the heart of the Lehma Army factory. Whether it is the stability system of the XL2500 sniper rifle or the shock absorber of the blast assault rifle, it is processed here. Can enter this workshop, is the core engineer and mechanic of the Leima military factory headed by Anina!

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