Super Vision

565 Chapter 565

The plane arranged by Germany took off at ten o'clock and flew to Germany ten hours later.Because of the time difference, it was only three o'clock in the afternoon after arriving in Germany.

The plane landed at the airport in Essen. Under the escort of a team of German special forces, Xia Lei and his party left the airport and came to Anina's suburban home.According to the German plan, Xia Lei and his party were actually going to a military base.But Xia Lei made a request to let Anina go home to see.The German side also agreed, but only allowed to stay for one night.

Snow-covered mountain forests, frozen rivers, and German-style wooden houses located in the middle of the forests and rivers, Xia Lei still feels that he has entered an oil painting.The peaceful and picturesque feeling he can feel from here is hard to feel in China.

"This is my home." Anina introduced Tang Yuyan and Long Bing and said enthusiastically: "Please come in, I will give you something to eat."

Tang Yuyan said, "Can you eat anything in your refrigerator?"

Anina has been in China for more than a year. Even if there is food in her refrigerator, I am afraid that she cannot eat it.

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my way." Anina said with a smile.

"Then I will help you." Tang Yuyan followed Anina to her house.

Long Bing and Xia Lei walked behind, and Long Bing whispered: "She is very honest along the way, and it feels so strange."

Xia Lei smiled, "Do you still want her to make something wrong? Honestly, I don't want to cause any trouble."

Long Bing raised her lips, and she obviously did not believe that Tang Yuyan would become an honest girl.

"Xia Dong." A young man dragging his suitcase caught up with Xia Lei and Long Bing. "Do you have time to talk?"

The young man is tall, tall, and tall, with a sturdy shape.He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, looks handsome, and is handsome.Although it was with Xia Lei, it was not easy to be ignored.

The young man, Liu Zhengnan, is a senior talent recruited by the Rema Group from the talent market only recently.He has the experience of studying at the University of Munich, Germany, and obtained a doctorate in electrical engineering from the university.He speaks German, is familiar with the German environment, and is a PhD in electrical engineering. It is the talent required for this task, so Xia Lei brought him from China.In addition, Xia Lei also has a purpose, that is to inspect him and want to train him as his assistant.

There is still a small story about Liu Zhengnan joining Reima Group. At that time, China Industrial Group also took a fancy to him and hired him at a high salary, but he chose Rema Group, which is much smaller in size.He said a word during the interview. Xia Lei is the top mechanic and electrical engineer in China and his idol.And he is willing to join the Lehma Group and contribute his youth to China's first private military industrial enterprise.

Xia Lei said to Long Bing: "Go ahead, let me talk to Zhengnan."

Long Bing nodded and entered Anina's house.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Ma'am, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Xia Dong." Liu Zhengnan supported the picture frame and said politely: "I know this place, this place is very chaotic. The city of Essen is an industrial city developed after World War II, but it is not the industrial center of Germany. If we If we are to build a workshop and machine tool here, it will be difficult for us to ship parts from China. This will extend our stay in Germany, which will increase our risk. "

Liu Zhengnan did not know the identity of Xia Lei's 101 bureau consultant, nor did Tang Yuyan and Long Bing, but he was a very intelligent person.Hua Guo came to Germany to build the production workshop of XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle, as well as the heart-level super integrated intelligent machine tool of the Rema military factory. He can guess some by this alone.Therefore, he was worried about Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "I know you have some worries, but don't worry. We just stayed here for one night, not to build a production workshop here. I think Germany doesn't want to build such an important workshop in this place. Oh, By the way, I also want to ask you. "

"What do you want to ask me?"

"You have been in Germany for several years, you also have many classmates, do you have any classmates or friends in the construction industry?"

"Do you want my classmates to help us build a workshop?"

"No, the workshop we are going to build, the German side will be in charge of civil engineering. You know Anina, she helped me start a business, and paid a lot. She has a dream, a medieval-style castle, and a farm or something. Xia Lei smiled. "You know, every girl has a princess dream. I want to help her realize this dream. I want to build a medieval-style castle for her. If your classmates and friends have such strength, You can contact him. "

Liu Zhengnan thought for a while, "No problem, Xia Dong, I have a German classmate at the University of Munich who is studying architectural design. He is very talented, especially good at designing classic-style families. However, he is still starting a business, I do n’t Know if he has the strength to meet your requirements. "

Xia Lei said: "Talent is enough. If he has no money, I can pay for the materials and labor."

"Then there is no problem, I will call my friend now, he will be happy to die." Liu Zhengnan is very happy, he took out his mobile phone to call.

Xia Lei walked to Anina's house.Many German special forces standing around the house looked at him, some with indifferent eyes, some with strange eyes, and some with awe.With these special forces protection, Xia Lei is actually not too worried about how the CIA and FA organizations can treat him.This is Germany, the territory of the Germans, no matter who is here to destroy the interests of the Germans, the Germans will certainly not be willing to take it easy.

Entering the house, Xia Lei saw Tang Yuyan and Long Bing.Tang Yuyan was sitting on the sofa to recuperate. She said that she would help Anina, but that was just talk, no actual action.Long Bing also took a nap on the sofa.The feeling of jet lag is uncomfortable, even a tough woman needs a little time to get used to it.

But this feeling is not very obvious to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei entered the kitchen and saw that Anina was making bread with the prepared flour.In addition, she prepared a large piece of ham, which is thawing.

"Can this ham still be eaten?" Xia Lei said: "You have been away for more than a year. I'm afraid it's expired."

Anina discovered that Xia Lei entered the kitchen. She was very happy. "It will not expire. The climate on our side is different from yours. The ham on our side can be kept for two or three years, one year. A little more ham is the most fragrant ham. "

"It turns out this way, I'll help you." Xia Lei said.

"Well, then help me deal with that piece of ham." Anina said.

Xia Lei thawed the ham in water, and then rubbed the ham with his hands to reduce the time for the ham to thaw. He said, "Anina, I let Masao contact his friend. His friend is a talented architect. , I want him to help you build your castle, do you think so? "

Anina suddenly fell silent.

Xia Lei froze a little, "What's wrong with you? Don't you like it?"

"No!" Anina suddenly got into Xia Lei's arms, wrapped Xia Lei's neck with her hands, and said excitedly: "I am touched, I am so touched, Lucas, my angel, I love you!"

Xia Lei smiled, "Then it's so decided. By the way, where do you want to build your castle?"

"Just here, I like it, this is my home."

"That's easy to deal with. When the architect comes, we talk to him, and we finalize the matter. What do you have, even if you want him to mention it. Well, let's cook now."

Anina was still tired of Xia Lei's arms, she kissed Xia Lei's cheek, and her blue eyes were tempting, "Lucas, come to my room tonight, your two I will arrange another room for them. Oh, and Liu Zhengnan, he also needs a room. But you do n’t need a room, sleep with me. "

The trouble has begun to manifest itself.

Xia Lei was looking for an excuse to let Anina give up the idea, and suddenly footsteps came from behind.He got rid of Anina's hug alertly and took two steps back.

It was then that Tang Yuyan appeared at the door of the kitchen and said lazily: "Is it alright, my stomach is hungry."

Xia Lei said seriously: "Did we see that we are busy, Miss Tang?"

Tang Yuyan yawned and turned to leave.

Anina couldn't help but to come to Xia Lei, Xia Lei blinked.

Tang Yuyan suddenly appeared at the door, staring at the two in the kitchen.

Anina said a little speechlessly: "Miss Tang, do you have anything else?"

"You are busy." Tang Yuyan disappeared again.

"Lucas, are you afraid of her?" Anina seemed to see something.

Xia Lei said with a headache: "With her in, we can't be affectionate."


"She will tell my wife the secret between us, do you now understand why I am afraid of her?"

"She's so bad." Anina raised her lips, looking upset.

"Forget it, cook." Xia Lei quickly changed the subject.He also secretly sighed in relief. Although Tang Yuyan was a trouble, he was also a shield.

Dinner is very simple, two men, three women, very little language.

The three women sat on the left side of the dining table, and Xia Lei and Liu Zhengnan sat on the right side of the dining table.

Liu Zhengnan is very handsome, but he did not attract the attention of any of the three women across the table.The three women on the opposite side aim at Xia Lei in addition to looking at the food, some aim directly, or secretly aim.

Liu Zhengnan seemed to smell something unusual, he hurriedly ate something and got up and said, "Xia Dong, I'm going out to pick up my friend, he's coming soon."

Xia Lei nodded, "Go, go."

Liu Zhengnan turned and left, glanced back at the dining table when he went out.He sighed inexplicably. "At Lehma Military Factory, many people are talking about Xia Dong's private life. It seems to be true. The three women at the table, except for Miss Long, Miss Tang and Ani Na ca n’t wait to eat Xia Dong ... Hey, Xia Dong, do n’t blame me for not being loyal, I ca n’t help you. ”

At the dining table, Xia Lei shuddered suddenly.

He determined that when Liu Zhengnan went out, someone kicked him from under the table.

He looked nervously at the three women on the opposite side, guessing who was teasing him.

The three women on the opposite side were enjoying dinner quietly with bread, ham and red wine.He looked at three women, and three women looked at him.As far as their expressions are concerned, no one is suspicious.

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