Super Vision

569 Chapter 569

Xia Lei and his party were arranged into the internal guest house of Rheinmetall. Mark Amin emptied a floor. There were many rooms. Tang Yuyan could not live in a room with Xia Lei.The sentence she said "I'm going to live in a room with Xia Lei" is just a joke.

The guest house is not open to the public, and all the important customers of Rheinmetall and the important guests from other countries can visit.So its environment is very comfortable and clean.

Xia Lei randomly chose a room, and Long Bing and Tang Yuyan lived in the left and right rooms of his room, respectively.It was as if the two women were sitting on the sofa with him, sandwiching him in the middle.Anina was deprived of her chance to live next to Xia Lei. She moved into Long Bing's left side.Liu Zhengnan lived in Tang Yuyan's room next door.

Such an arrangement is actually an unnecessary security measure. Xia Lei is the key to the success of this transaction. There must be no loss, not to mention that he is also carrying the research task of the X Secret Gold Project.He is almost the national treasure of China now. Shi Boren arranged Long Bing and Tang Yuyan beside him in order to protect Xia Lei.

After dinner, Xia Lei received the phone opened by Ling Hao.

"Xia Lei, how are you over there?" Ling Hao opened the door straight away.

Xia Lei said: "I started to have some trouble, but it was all resolved."

"Having trouble? What trouble?"

"We were placed in Rheinmetall. The CEO of the other party wanted to delay the time and was very arrogant. However, it has been resolved."

"Rheinmetall is a world-class military industry, and it is normal for their attitude to be arrogant. You don't need to mind."

"I know the weight, you can rest assured, Ling Brother." Xia Lei said.

"You are a general person, and I am certainly at ease. In addition, you just said that the other party's CEO wants to delay time. Although I don't understand his motives, I have to remind you that the project on your side is simpler. You have to delay the time. Otherwise, you have completed it in advance, and the people who stay here will not necessarily keep their promises and give us the complete technology. Do you understand what I mean? "This is the purpose of Ling Hao's call. .

Xia Lei said: "I understand, I know what to do."

"In addition, I called to ask you to be assured of the affairs at home. Your company is managed by your wife, and we also give certain preferential policies. In short, your company will not have any losses." Ling Hao said.

Xia Lei smiled, "Brother Ling, you called me to take a pill."

"I gave you one while you were still in China. Now I will give you another one. The purpose is to let you do it well and make it beautiful."

"I will, promise to complete the task." Xia Lei thought for a while and then said: "Yes, Brother Ling, please one thing."

"what's up?"

"You know, I have many opponents. The American CIA is also my rival. I'm in Germany, and I'm a little worried that some people will start with people around me. I want to ask you to send some people to protect them secretly, can you?"

"Of course, you can just give me a list."

Xia Lei said: "My wife Shen Tu Tianyin, my sister Xia Xue, and ... my good friend Jiang Ruyi."

"Good friend Jiang Ruyi?"

"Well, good friend Jiang Ruyi."

"Hehe." Ling Hao smiled. "Well, in fact, I have already sent someone to protect your wife and your sister. The Jiang Ruyi you mentioned, I will send someone to protect her." "

"Thanks, Brother Ling."

"You have to contact me for any situation over there, okay, so, goodbye." Ling Hao hung up the phone.

Xia Lei put away the satellite phone and said to himself: "I said my good friend Jiang Ruyi, what did he laugh?"

Ling Hao's inexplicable smile made Xia Lei a little speechless, but the calming pill Ling Hao gave him this time completely solved his worries.In Ling Hao's identity, the bodyguards he sent must be the most elite bodyguards in China. As far as the professionalism of those bodyguards is concerned, I am afraid they are stronger than the agents of the 101th round.With such protection in Shen Tu Tianyin, Xia Xue and Jiang Ruyi, he can do things with confidence.

Xia Lei came to the window, opened the curtains, and looked at the factory in the distance.Although at a distance of not less than a kilometer, it was also in the night, but his left eye could still clearly see the situation inside the factory area.He saw workshops, some of them were workshops for assembling Leopard 2 tanks, and some were workshops for assembling infantry vehicles and self-propelled artillery.Although the lights were on in those workshops, except for a few guards, there were no workers working overtime.

The labor cost in Europe is very high, and even large military companies like Rhine Metal are reluctant to pay workers overtime.This is the exact opposite of the situation in China. In China, few workers do not work overtime.Some factories even work in three shifts, with workers working 24 hours a day, working very hard.

Xia Lei's left eye glanced over the workshops, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind, "Rhine Metal's artillery technology is unique in the world, and their forging and finishing technology are also the most advanced in the world. Since I came, Can't you always go back empty-handed? No matter how easy it is to take the sheep and take away some advanced techniques? "

Forging and finishing are the weaknesses of China. If you can get the experience here, it will definitely be a huge gain.Presumably, when expanding the Rema Military Factory in the future, these technologies will come in handy and become artillery, tanks, and self-propelled artillery of the Rema Military Factory, and become a real military industry!Instead of just producing light weapons!

This idea made Xia Lei a little impulsive. He even wanted to immediately dive into Rheinmetall's workshop to see through their machines and steal their skills.But in the end he restrained himself and did not do that.

But just when Xia Lei was about to take back his eyes and take a bath and sleep.At the corner of a workshop, a black man suddenly entered his sight.His skin and the black clothes on his body blended into the environment around him. If Xia Lei's left eye had extraordinary ability, he could hardly find the existence of the black man.

The black man held a high-power military telescope in his hand and looked into the direction of the guest house.

"Is he monitoring me?" Xia Lei's heart suddenly became alert, and his left eye locked the black man.

The black man obviously didn't think that Xia Lei could see him hidden in the dark at such a long distance, so he did not hide, but continued to look at Xia Lei with a telescope.He did not know that Xia Lei not only saw him, but even his eyes hidden behind the telescope.

Ten seconds later, Xia Lei looked away and closed the curtains.But his left eye could still see through the curtains to see the black man thousands of kilometers away.

After another ten seconds, the black man put away the telescope and left the corner.

Xia Lei was also lost in contemplation, "What is his identity? Is it the person of Rheinmetall, who worked for Mark Amin, and Mark Amin sent him to monitor me? However, it is unlikely, I am in Rhineland In the metal, Mark Amin wants to monitor me, he can let the guest in this guest house do this kind of thing, so it is much easier. If it is not a person from Rheinmetall, who is he? A CIA agent? Or FA organization People? "

In the end these two speculations made his mood heavy.

Boom, sound of knocking on the door came.

Xia Lei looked back and found that Tang Yuyan, he followed and said: "Come in, the door is not locked."

Tang Yuyan opened the door and walked in. She took the door to the room. "Just now Mr. Shi contacted me. He said that we must protect you closely so that you won't lose a bit of it. From now on, Long Bing and I will operate in separate groups. , I protect you in the middle of the night, she protects you in the middle of the night. Neither Long Bing nor me, during our protection of you, you can not leave our sight. "

Tang Yuyan came over to raise the security level just now, and Xia Lei couldn't help but guess, "Have you got any information?"

Tang Yuyan said: "We suspect that the CIA has known your whereabouts. Although it is not clear from which source they obtained the information, we must take security measures."

Xia Lei frowned. "We came to Germany secretly. Even German towns have German special forces to protect us and block roads. How can Americans know our whereabouts?"

Tang Yuyan shook his head, "I don't know about this. As soon as there is information, President Shi will inform us. In short, from now on, Long Bing and I will work in shifts to protect you 24 hours a day."

Xia Lei thought for a while and said: "I just found out that there is a very suspicious black man outside the guest house. He seems to be monitoring me. Is it really a CIA person?"

"Where is he?" Tang Yuyan walked towards the window.

Xia Lei said: "Don't go, he's gone."

Tang Yuyan stopped, "It seems that the information we obtained is likely to be true. The CIA has taken action. For your safety, from now on, no matter what you do, you can't leave my sight."

"Wait ... you said you can't leave your eyes no matter what I do?"

"Of course. This is the highest level of protection."

"What if I want to take a shower?"

"Can't leave my sight, but you can wear pants to wash." Tang Yuyan said.

"What if I want to get rid of it?"

Tang Yuyan bit her lip, "Then you turn your back to me!"

"What if it's big?"

"You ..." Tang Yuyan raised her cheeks, "Are you deliberate?"

Xia Lei smiled, "You still go back to sleep, I don't need this kind of personal protection. At night, you and Long Bing pay more attention and listen to some movement. We are not fighting together, you know mine strength."

"Humph! I'm too lazy to protect you! Let's go!" Tang Yuyan left Xia Lei's room vigorously.

Xia Lei just gave a breath.He was lying on the bed, but the black man was thinking.

In the middle of the night, Long Bing really came.She locked the door as soon as she entered, and then got into Xia Lei's bed.

"I'll protect you."

"How do you want to protect me?"

Long Bing leaned into Xia Lei's ear and snorted into his ear. "I swallowed you into my belly, it was safe and warm. Are you okay?"

Xia Lei turned suddenly and pressed her under ...

Although they are the chiefs of the 101th bureau and perform the same tasks, the treatment of Chief Long and Chief Tang is different.

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