Super Vision

57 Chapter 57: Blushing Misunderstanding

Thanks to the few cars on the road at night, Xia Lei finally drove Liu Ying's car to the Gold Coast community safely.However, it only took half an hour to drive, and he spent more than an hour.

Liu Ying has fallen asleep, her breathing is steady, and there is no obvious drug reaction.It is precisely because of this reaction that Xia Lei did not drive the car to the hospital, but her home.According to Liu Ying's reaction, he estimated that the middle-aged man was probably sleeping powder, or powder with psychedelic nature, would not be life-threatening.

Xia Lei carried Liu Ying into her bedroom, then took off her shoes and carried her to the bed.

At this time, Liu Ying suddenly showed signs of waking up, and she mumbled and said: "Her husband ... I want you to hug ..."

A woman in her early thirties will still be coquettish, and her voice is soft and soft, and she doesn't lose at all to the coquettish taste of those girls who are eighteen or nine.Coupled with a beautiful face rosy in white, a delicate skin and tender curves, Xia Lei almost couldn't help but hug her.

However, Xia Lei finally refrained, and after placing Liu Ying on the bed, he found her mobile phone from her handbag.The text message was still there, and he dialed the number that sent the text message.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is empty ..." A system prompt sound came from the phone.

Xia Lei was not surprised in this situation. The other party could not send such a text message with a mobile phone that could trace his identity.

Xia Lei was sitting by the bed, feeling a little squirming in his heart. "Am I calling the police, or will I wait for the next contact?"

The other party sent Liu Ying such a threatening text message, and certainly would have expected the possibility of Liu Ying's alarm, but the other party still sent it, which shows that the other party is not afraid of Liu Ying's alarm.However, if you don't call the police, just wait for the next contact, it will be too passive.

Hesitating again and again, Xia Lei took out his mobile phone and was ready to make a call to Jiang Ruyi.Although Jiang Ruyi was not responsible for the case, she was ultimately a branch office, and the situation would be much better if she helped.

But just when Xia Lei just opened the contact page, he suddenly had another person on his back.The back was pressed tightly by a soft object, and both hands were wrapped around his neck to hug him tightly.He also had a small cherry mouth in his ear and spit out heat to him, "Husband ... why are you still not sleeping? When do you want people to wait?"

All of a sudden, Xia Lei's nerves tightened around him, and the fabric of his pants seemed to become smaller.

"Her husband ..." Liu Ying's cherry mouth almost touched Xia Lei's earlobe.

Xia Lei couldn't hold it anymore, and he put Liu Ying lying on his back on the bed with his back on his back, and then he put his hands on his back and escaped Liu Ying's arms and feet.

Liu Ying wriggled on the bed, like a fish without bones.She mumbled something in her mouth, but what she said might not even be clear to herself.Between the creeps, the skirt opened wide, and the spring appeared, an indescribable mature and sensational taste.

Xia Lei shook his head bitterly and left the room with her mobile phone.He didn't dare to stay in her room, she always regarded him as her husband, and asked him to go to bed in life and death, in case she didn't hold it, it would be troublesome to be her husband.

Xia Lei called Jiang Ruyi's phone in the corridor, "It's me, Ruyi."

"What's the matter? Calling me so late, I fell asleep ... yawn ... woke you up again." Jiang Ruyi said yawning, very unhappy.

Xia Lei said: "Report the case."

"Cough, is it a surrender?"

Xia Lei said: "I'm not kidding you, I'm talking about it, it's like this ..."

He briefly recounted the whole incident, from the girly thief to Liu Ying who received threatening text messages and was drugged tonight.

"The other party is too arrogant? Actually, she was prescribed medicine!" Jiang Ruyi said angrily.

Xia Lei said: "Yeah, your police will solve the case as soon as possible. If you continue like this, I'm worried that the other party will really do something to hurt Sister Liu and her children."

"I'll call and ask the colleague responsible for this case." Jiang Ruyi said.

Xia Lei said: "Thank you, that's it, I'll wait for your news."

"Wait ..." Jiang Ruyi said suddenly: "Are you in Liu Ying's house now?"

"Yeah, I sent her back."

"you will not……"

Xia Lei said silently: "What are you thinking about? I think in your eyes, I am the kind of mastermind?"

Jiang Ruyi giggled, "What are you doing so anxiously? Before you finish talking, you think in that direction. What I want to say is, won't it be the car you drove to take her home?"

"Of course it's me, right. Give me back my car tomorrow. I can drive on the road now."

"Hey? Why can't you hear what you're talking about? Hey? What signal is this? I complain to the telecommunications company tomorrow!" Jiang Ruyi suddenly hung up.

Xia Lei stood in the corridor for a long time and never recovered.

Returning to Liu Ying's bedroom, Xia Lei was shocked by the sight in front of him.

The floor beside the bed was full of things thrown away by Liu Ying, her evening dress, her stockings, her ... she was rolling on the bed while calling her husband, the scene stimulated him to want to have a nosebleed.Obviously, her hallucinations did not weaken over time, but became stronger.

Xia Lei hurried over to cover her with a quilt, and then pressed her shoulder tightly across the quilt, otherwise she would move.

Liu Ying struggled for a few times before she could get rid of it, and slowly the energy was almost consumed, and finally she became quiet.

Xia Lei went to the bathroom again, wet the towel to give Liu Ying a cold compress, and then he went to the kitchen to give her a glass of orange juice drink and feed her to drink.After this tumult, Liu Ying fell asleep, but he was exhausted.In the end he was also sleepy and fell asleep beside the bed.

He had a dream, dreaming of Shen Tu Tianyin, she took his hand on a soft white cloud, the white cloud fluttered, flew over the mountains, over the sea, and finally landed on a green meadow on.She hugged and rolled with him, rolling and rolling, for a while he pressed her on top, and for a while she pressed him on top, so intimate.For a time, she leaned over her small mouth and whispered in his ear, her cheek rubbed against his cheek, it felt itchy ...

"Lei Zi?" The woman's voice.

"Hehe, don't be like this, itchy, hehe ..." Xia Lei mumbled.

"Did you take off my clothes?" The woman's voice.

"Aren't you still wearing clothes?"

"You ... Which eye saw me wearing clothes?" The woman's voice.

This is an inexplicable conversation between the dream and the dream.

Xia Lei suddenly woke up and saw Liu Ying sitting on the bed with his eyes open.She was covering her breasts with a quilt. A big white leg with white flowers was exposed under the corner of the quilt, and she could see her small waist.She didn't even have a rope on her body, let alone clothes!

Liu Ying was looking at him with a strange look, staring straight, without even blinking, as if to penetrate his heart and find the truth that she had no clothes.

Looking at each other for a long time, the atmosphere in the bedroom was extremely embarrassing.

"Lei Zi, you ..." Liu Ying broke the silence. "What did you do to me?"

Xia Lei suddenly became nervous, and quickly explained: "Sister Liu, don't get me wrong, I didn't do anything, really."

"Then why am I lying in bed, and my clothes ... are they flying away by themselves?" Very strange, Liu Ying suspected that she had been taken by her, but her reaction was calm, and there was no big noise, No crying, no tears.

Where does Xia Lei have the mind to observe these subtle links? He dared to explain: "Do you still remember that Lin Bowen took you to see someone? The middle-aged man gave you medicine, he will take you away Stopped him. I brought you back to your house. You have some reaction to the medicine. That ... you took off your clothes yourself, and I dare not put it on you. "

Liu Ying frowned, and she seemed to be trying hard to recall what happened last night.

Xia Lei went on to say, "I used a towel to cool you down, and then fed you a glass of fresh orange juice. Later, when I was sleepy, I fell asleep beside the bed. If you don't believe it, you, you ... You can check."

After all, it was the first brother who had never touched a woman. When it came to the word "check", Xia Lei's face was red.

Liu Ying suddenly smiled and smiled genuinely: "You tell me, where should I check?"

"Check ..." Xia Lei could not continue.

"What's funny with you." Liu Ying sighed. "Thanks to you last night. If it weren't for you, I would have fallen into their hands. Those guys are really abominable. If they can't steal, they will grab it. Is there national law? "

Xia Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief, "I have called you the police and the police will intervene."

"Without evidence, what can the police do?" Liu Ying was not optimistic that the police could solve her problem.

Xia Lei said: "If only the girly girl could be seized, he would be able to confess to the person who instructed him. But this is too difficult."

"I didn't expect Lin Bowen to collude with others to hurt me! I must expel him!" Speaking of anger, Liu Ying's emotions were out of control, and she smashed the mattress resentfully.But the moment she hit her fist to smash the mattress, the quilt on her chest fell off ...

Xia Lei quickly removed his eyes.

Liu Ying's face suddenly turned red, and she hurriedly pulled up the quilt to cover her chest.

The two fell into awkward silence.

The nanny's voice suddenly came from outside the door, "Boss, a policeman came to you and said that he wanted to understand the situation."

Liu Ying recovered just now, "You let them wait, I will come down immediately."

Xia Lei quickly got up and flashed, and said, "I'll go out and wait for you."

"Wait ..." Liu Ying suddenly stopped.

Xia Lei was inexplicably nervous, "Is there anything else?"

Liu Ying blushed and pointed at a lace that fell on the carpet. Zhiwu said authentically: "Give me that."

Xia Lei, "..."

The policeman who came was the last policeman, not Jiang Ruyi, but their arrival was related to Jiang Ruyi.After receiving a call from Xia Lei last night, Jiang Ruyi called a colleague in charge of the case, and the other party sent someone to understand the situation early in the morning.

The two policemen took notes for Xia Lei and Liu Ying, and then left.

"Investigate, investigate." Liu Ying said dissatisfiedly: "They will say this sentence, and there is no actual action."

Xia Lei said: "Sister Liu, you have to complete the patent application a little bit faster. In addition, Lin Bowen really wants to fire it. I will also step up to produce parts for you, and strive to complete the patent application and let the first batch of products go on sale. After completing the patent application, your product is also on the market, and they are useless for anything. "

Liu Ying frowned and said, "I also want to complete the patent application quickly, but that process takes time."

At this moment, Liu Ying's cell phone suddenly rang.

Answering the phone, Liu Ying suddenly slumped on the ground.

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