Super Vision

587 587 Self Redemption

Xia Lei emerged from the pool under the waterfall and went down the river.

Intense gunfire came from time to time in the distance.This matter will not start and end according to Ye Mosha's wishes, and the Germans and the CIA are not fuel-efficient lamps.Previously, Ye Mosha led an agent of the FA organization to ambush the caravan escorting Xia Lei, occupying the advantages of time and place and heavy weapons and equipment. Now, the CIA and the German special forces intervene to search and kill the FA organization from the air and ground Free agent.

Who will be the last winner in this battle, and how many free agents of the FA organization can leave alive, these things Xia Lei no longer cares about.The current situation is very favorable for him, because the CIA and the Germans would think that the FA organization robbed him.The CIA and the Germans will go crazy to kill the free agents of the FA organization, and all the free agents of the FA organization can do now is to escape.Therefore, neither the CIA nor the Germans nor the free agents of the FA organization will hunt him down.

The river is cold, and there is also a great risk, but Xia Lei dare not climb up from the river.Because only in the river he can leave here without leaving traces. Once he climbs ashore, the footprints and blood stains he left will become the clues for the Germans and the CIA to pursue him.Another point is that running down the river, the speed is much faster than his lame running on the land.

after an hour.

Xia Lei loosened a piece of wood he held tightly, and his probe grabbed a branch on the shore, and then dragged the branch to climb to the shore.

This place is almost ten kilometers away from the waterfall where he escaped.Although the distance is not completely out of the danger zone, there will definitely be no hunters here.

Xia Lei glanced up at the sky, and then quickly got into the woods on the river bank.He now has to guard against not only CIA agents and Germans, but also drones and satellites in the sky.

Xia Lei did not go deep into the woods. After entering the woods, he stopped.He sat on the ground and tore his trousers, revealing the wound on his thigh.

The wound on the thigh is still bleeding, and there are signs of inflammation around the wound.

Xia Lei's left eye jumped slightly, and soon saw the warhead hidden in flesh and blood.It was about four centimeters deep in the wound and could not be picked out by hand.If you have a pair of tweezers, it will be much easier to take the bullet, but now he has nothing but a gun all over his body.

There are no surgical tools, no anesthetics, and no beautiful and sexy female nurses. There is nothing but trees and stones in this environment.However, the bullet in the wound must be removed, and the blood in the wound must be stopped.Otherwise, even an iron-clad Superman will die because of excessive bleeding.

Xia Lei's eyes searched around, and soon locked the fragments of a rock.It is thin and looks sharp.

"It's it, my scalpel." Xia Lei moved over and picked up the fragment of the rock.

A minute later, Xia Lei bit a wooden stick in his mouth, holding sharp rock fragments, enduring severe pain, and cut his wound a little bit.

After cutting the wound, Xia Lei bit the wooden stick tightly, extended the index finger of his right hand into the bullet hole, and squeezed a little bit inside.This is an extremely painful process, each time his finger advances, the pain doubles.The accumulated pain tortured his nerves and destroyed his will.Normal people can't bear this kind of pain, because it has exceeded the limit of pain that humans can bear. Under this magnitude of pain, ordinary people have long passed out, and they can continue there.

But Xia Lei can continue, because whenever he is about to faint, his brain will release that kind of magical energy to keep his brain running normally and always awake.

Xia Lei's fingers finally touched the warhead, and his fingers fell against the edge of the warhead, then dragged the bottom of the warhead and yanked the warhead upward.

The blood ran, and the bullet came out of the wound.

"Exhale-inhale-" Xia Lei gasped.

On one side was the heartache, but on the other side was a very sober brain, and I didn't even feel a bit dull.This is a very strange state.

"Ye Masha, this is what you gave me. I will let you taste this feeling when I have the opportunity." Smile.

Without time to ease the pain, Xia Lei took out the pistol snatched from Sean, removed the pistol's magazine, and took out two bullets.Then he found a stone, smashed the shells of the two bullets, dumped the gunpowder in one of the shells on the stone, and dumped the gunpowder in the other shell on the wound on his left leg.

Two minutes later, Xia Lei smashed the gunpowder dumped on the big stone with a small stone, and the pile of gunpowder burned immediately.He handed the prepared hay bale to the flame of gunpowder, and then put the ignited hay onto the wound on his left leg.

laugh!There was a weird noise, a flame burst into the thigh wound, and Xia Lei hugged his left leg violently, clenching his teeth before he could make the screaming sound come out.

At this point, the wound treatment is complete.

After briefly covering the wound with a cloth strip, Xia Lei walked downstream in the direction of the river bed.

The night came down.The city of Düsseldorf is shining brightly, overlooking from the night sky, it is like a pearl on the Rhine.

Tonight is different from usual. There are many German soldiers with live ammunition in the streets of Düsseldorf. They are very sensitive to people with yellow skin. Almost all men with yellow skin will come to cross-examine, check their documents, and verify their identity. .This is just plain. In subway stations, airports and hotels, CIA agents in black suits do the same thing.It's just that they didn't come forward to interrogate, but once they found a suspicious target, they often approached the target quietly and surrounded it.

Whether they are Germans or CIA, their only goal is Xia Lei.

The battle between the Germans and the CIA and the FA organization ended long ago. They failed to capture the culprit of the ambush team, Mosah, but confirmed a situation that Xia Lei was not taken away by the FA organization. He escaped. .So, there was this overwhelming search.

Now, the entire city of Dusseldorf is like a huge cage, not only CIA agents, not only German police and military personnel, but also CIA spy satellites, and a large number of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in action.

However, Xia Lei disappeared, he was like a fish swimming into the sea.

Where is Xia Lei?

The CIA and the Germans want to know this question, and Long Bing and Tang Yuyan also want to know.

In the basement of a Chinese restaurant in Düsseldorf, a television is broadcasting current news.

On the TV screen, a hostess stood in front of the door of the Rhine Metal Company and interviewed a sexy German woman.

"Isn't that the German bitch?" Tang Yuyan recognized Sylvia who was interviewed at once.

Long Bing's Silvia watching the TV, and the sign of the Rhine Metal Company behind her, her eyes were cold.

"Miss Sylvia, I received news clues that there was a very serious accident at Rheinmetall. The military and the police are now operating. Is it also because of the accident? Please tell me." The host's sound.

Sylvia said: "A group of terrorists attacked Mr. Mark Amin's home. They tried to kidnap Mr. Mark Amin, but they were unsuccessful. Mr. Lei was kidnapped by the terrorists. The military and police are trying to rescue Mr. Xia. He is a very good person. I pray for him and hope he is safe. "

"Is Mr. Mark Amin okay?"

"He was receiving treatment in the hospital, which is why I am standing here. He is no longer able to be interviewed."

"Is this terrorist attack related to our refugee policy?"

"Perhaps yes, maybe not. I am just an ordinary person. I don't know much about these things. I now only hope that our army and police can rescue Mr. Xia from the terrorists."

The interview continued, but Tang Yuyan was already out of control. She kicked on a beer box and said angrily: "That bitch she is lying! Apparently they took Xia Lei, but now they say what horror is The elements captured Xia Lei! Shameless! "

Long Bing said coldly: "She is German. In the case of today, what she said, someone had already arranged for her."

Tang Yuyan kicked the beer box again, and the unlucky beer box was suddenly kicked by her.

"According to our information, the battle between the Germans and the Americans on that road is not a winner. There are now two possibilities. The first possibility is that Xia Lei was taken away by that group. The second possibility is Xia Lei. Fleeing while the two sides are fighting, "Long Bing said.

Tang Yuyan finally became quiet, "What kind of possibility do you think?"

"Now the German soldiers and policemen are everywhere on the street outside, and the CIA agents are looking for people. The intelligence brought back by our intelligence personnel is the German soldiers and policemen who are interrogating young yellow-skinned people on the street, some He also held a portrait of Xia Lei. The CIA was looking for people at airports, subway stations, and hotels, and used several unmanned reconnaissance planes. "Long Bing looked at Tang Yuyan," You said, what is the possibility? "

Tang Yuyan also stared straight at Long Bing, "You mean ... Xia Lei fled while fighting on both sides?"

Long Bing nodded, "Ninety percent possible."

This seems to be the reason why she has always been calm.

"Then where is he now?"

"do not know."

"Then let's go to him now! He must need our help!" Tang Yuyan suddenly became excited.

"You calm down!" Long Bing said coldly: "Don't affect your IQ because of hormones. Now the streets are full of people who catch Xia Lei, do you think we are not on the list of the Germans and the CIA? We go out Not only can he not help Xia Lei, it will also become his burden and bring him trouble. "

"Shall we wait here?"

"Yes, we have to stay here and wait. He knows this security station and he will come to us."

"Are you sure he will come to us?"

"I confirm."

"You just know him that way?"

"At least better than you."

Tang Yuyan stared at Long Bing and stopped talking.She felt that Long Bing was showing off.

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