Super Vision

594 Chapter 594

Langley, Washington, CIA headquarters.

Liang Siyao walked into the elevator. Just as she was going to close the elevator door, a woman suddenly walked into the elevator.

Liang Siyao's eyes moved to the woman's body, and he was stunned.In her impression, this woman has already died in Japan.Unexpectedly, she will appear in front of her, and she will share an elevator with her.

Gu Kewen gave Liang Siyao a grin, "Miss Liang, we'll meet again."

"You ..." Liang Siyao hadn't recovered, and couldn't believe her own eyes.

"I'm still alive, Miss Liang, are you surprised?" Gu Kewen's mouth kept the intriguing smile.

"Just alive." Liang Siyao quickly calmed down and tried to say: "What are you doing here?"

"This is where I work, can't I come?" Gu Kewen said.

"You now have permission to come here? Who gave it to you?"

"Mr. Sean." Gu Kewen said: "I work for him now, and our cooperation ended as early as Jerusalem, didn't we? I was lucky this time and didn't do it by you."

Liang Siyao's eyes were cold. "You'd better pass your brain before speaking. Don't talk happily at this time, you should regret it later."

"Giggle ..." Gu Kewen laughed, "Liang Siyao, I used to be afraid of you, because I was too weak and had to show you weakness. Now, when I talk to me, I don't need to worry about anything."

Her meaning is already obvious. I am no longer the old Gukwen. I am not afraid of you now!

Liang Siyao also sneered, "Strange, how do I think you are still the old Gu Wen, arrogant and arrogant. In the past you still have arrogant and arrogant capital, what do you have now? You better be smart, or the last point of the ancient The blood will also be broken. "

"Are you threatening me?"

"Think what you love."

"Oh, I should be the threat you gave me, but I don't care." Gu Kewen said: "My Gu Kewen is back, you can tell Xia Lei, I guess you still have feelings for him, right? ? "

"What are you talking about?" Liang Siyao suddenly waved his hand to Gu Kewen's cheek.

Gu Kewen suddenly backed away, his body was like a flexible bobcat, and he easily avoided Liang Siyao's slap.

Liang Siyao was surprised in his heart. The Gu Kewen in front of him was really different from before. She not only had agile skills, but also appeared very confident.The feeling to her is that the old Gu Kewen was like a scout, but now he has grown into a professional soldier!

Gu Kewen said coldly: "I said, I'm no longer the old Gu Kewen. No matter who wants my life, he has to take his life as a bet. You are no exception, Liang Siyao. "

"Good skills, Raguai dare to talk to me like this, then I will try your skill." Liang Siyao forced Gu Kewen to pass.

There was no fear in Gu Kewen's face.She put her hand on her waist, which was a movement ready to pull the gun at any time.

Liang Siyao suddenly stopped, she had a trace of fear.

The atmosphere in the elevator suddenly became tense.

Just then the elevator door opened suddenly.

Liang Siyao took a step back, shrugged and smiled, "It is indeed a bit patient, but if your self-confidence is based on this, I will give you a piece of advice, Gu Kewen, you will not live long."

"I also believe in the old saying that there is always a blessing after a big disaster. You and Xia Lei want my life, but I am still alive. I and your accounts will be settled with you one by one. "After finishing, Gu Kewen walked out of the elevator first.

Liang Siyao secretly said: "This guy not only survived, but also became Sean's person. What secret must be hidden in her, what secret? It seems that I really have to send a message to Xia Lei ... … "

Liang Siyao passed through several security checks and entered a conference room.

There are already several people sitting in the meeting room, including the new head of the Americas branch, Lampard, the head of the European branch, Sean, the head of the African region, the director of Oceania, Robert, and her head of the Asian region. Several executives from the CIA Intelligence Unit gathered.

In addition to the intelligence department, the CIA also has the management department, the operations department and the science and technology department. Among them, the intelligence department is the most important. The people in the intelligence department require extremely high academic qualifications, as well as excellent military literacy and spy warfare skills.

In addition to several senior executives of the intelligence service, Liang Siyao saw Gu Kewen, and she sat beside Sean.

This is not normal, because this is a closed-door meeting of the executives of the intelligence service, and Gu Kewen is simply not qualified to come in.

"Miss Liang, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I haven't had time to congratulate you since you rose to the head of Asia. It's rude." Shaun broke the silence in the conference room.

Liang Siyao said lightly: "This is not necessary."

"Miss Liang, you must know what happened in Germany, can you tell me, what intelligence did you collect?" Sean's tone was questionable.

Liang Siyao said: "I haven't collected any intelligence, if any, I will tell you."

"Humph." Sean snorted softly. "You as an Asian supervisor, Xia Lei has fled back to the country. You don't know, are you still a little more dereliction of duty?"

Liang Siyao didn't know that Xia Lei had returned to China. She only postponed the information for some time before reporting.

Sean added: "The Germans knew about Xia Lei's return to China before us. Shouldn't you give us an explanation?"

"What explanation do I give you?" Liang Siyao said lightly: "You are responsible for Europe, and I am responsible for Asia. When did you start to care about the intelligence of Asia? And, everyone was caught by you and you can still escape. , I think it ’s you who should give the most explanation? Can you be more negligent? "

"You--" Sean was very angry.

At that time, the FA organization was ambushed. The FA's free agent took advantage of the right place and heavy weapons. He could not prevent the FA organization from sabotaging his actions, so that Xia Lei took advantage of both parties' chaos. Escape during the war.Now Liang Siyao recalled the old things, and he felt dull.

The door of the meeting room was pushed open, and a bald man came in.The executives of several intelligence offices in the meeting room followed.

This old man is Williams, the director of the CIA Intelligence Service.

In addition to the identity of the CIA Intelligence Director, he has another identity. He is a major general in the US Navy.

Williams is not tall, but gives a very sophisticated feeling.His eyes were sharp and fierce like the bald eagle in the American emblem hanging on the front wall of the conference room.

"Sit down." Williams sat on his exclusive seat and opened the door straightforwardly: "Today you are summoned mainly to announce two things. The first thing, Liang Siyao, your position as Asian supervisor was released. "

Liang Siyao froze on the spot.

"Your ability to work is questioned, and we suspect that your work is mixed with personal feelings, so you are no longer suitable as an intelligence director in Asia. After the management office's research and decision, Gu Kewen will take over your work. "Williams said.

Liang Siyao's eyes moved to Gu Kewen.

Gu Kewen was also looking at Liang Siyao.

The eyes of the two women met in the air, no sound, no sparks, but it seemed that two sharp swords were touching together.

Gu Kewen's mouth showed a smug smile.

Williams said again: "Liang Siyao, do you have anything to complain?"

Liang Siyao shook his head, "No, since you have decided, then execute it."

Williams said: "During this time you stay in the United States, waiting for new work arrangements."

"Yes." Liang Siyao said.

"I will talk about the second thing again," Williams said. "The production line of the XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle built by Xia Lei in Germany and the Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool are out of order and cannot be produced normally. Annoyed, very dissatisfied with our insistence on catching Xia Lei ahead of time. Germany is our ally and we have a wide range of cooperation. We have to find a way to get the technology of the Lema Military Factory. Gu Kewen, you are now Asia District supervisor, do you have any suggestions? "

Gu Kewen glanced at Liang Siyao, with a sarcasm in his tone, "Mr. Williams, since someone is no longer eligible to stay here, why doesn't she leave? I have a plan, but she is not qualified to listen, and She heard, it will bring great hidden dangers to my actions. "

At this moment, Liang Siyao can't wait to rush up to tear Gu Kewen's mouth!

Williams said: "Liang Siyao, go out. You can't go abroad during this time."

"Yes, I know." Liang Siyao got up and left.When she went out, she looked back at Gu Kewen.

Gu Kewen sneered at Liang Siyao.

This time, she is the winner and Liang Siyao is the loser.

Liang Siyao walked out of the meeting room, and the door of the meeting room closed automatically.She can no longer hear the conversation inside. Every room in this place has a top-level soundproofing function. Even if she is holding a medical stethoscope against the door panel, she cannot hear the conversation inside.

"Gu Kewen said that she had a plan, which is probably the reason why Williams liked her and let her replace me? Williams actually restricted me from going abroad. This is a signal to me, I can't wait any longer. I have to see Xia Lei ... "Liang Siyao thought while walking.

In the meeting room, Gu Kewen stood up, "Mr. Williams, my plan has actually started."

"Uh?" Williams looked surprised. "What is your plan? You said you have started the plan, but I don't know, what's going on?"

Gu Kewen said: "Mr. Williams, my father used to be the top entrepreneur in China. Our family is also one of the largest families in China. I have many friends in China and have many ways. My plan is to build on Based on these, my plan is ... "

There was a smile on Williams' face.

He felt that it was a very wise decision to replace Gu Siwen with Liang Keyao.

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