Super Vision

598 Chapter 598

Like most private clubs, the location of the Mingyue Palace private club is slightly remote.From the outside, it looks like a mansion of Qing dynasty members sealed by cultural relics protection units. It is quiet and elegant, with ancient fragrance everywhere.But this is just an illusion, as soon as you go in, you will know that it is actually a drunken and passionate place.

Although the Chevrolet Suburban off-road car driven by Xia Lei is beautiful, but it is not a luxury car in the eyes of the security guard of Mingyue Palace.He blocked Xia Lei's Chevrolet Suburban off-road car.

"Sir, we only accept members here, do you have a membership card?" The burly and sturdy security guard asked in front of the cab.

"Can't spend money?" Xia Lei asked.

The security guard shook his head, "No, please leave."

Although this sentence is polite, there is already a persecution in the tone.

Xia Lei frowned, reached into the suit's inner pocket and took out a document, which he handed to the security guard.

The security guard opened the document and looked at it, suddenly ignorant.

The certificate given to him by Xia Lei was a certificate from the National Security Agency, and his identity was an agent of the Security Agency.This document is of course fake, but this fake is even fake for the 101st Bureau, but it is true for the outside.Who dares to ignore its existence, who will not be able to walk around.

Xia Lei reached out and said lightly: "This is my membership card. Can I go in now?"

"Sir, this ..." The security guard hesitated.

Xia Lei's face and eyes suddenly froze, "I'm here to deal with the case, who hinders, who's unlucky. Also, if you leak out, no matter who your boss is, you have to go in and sit for three years. So much, open the door! "

The security guard shuddered a moment, then returned Xia Lei's certificate to Xia Lei, and then opened the door.The rules of the clubhouse are important, but it is not worth it to go in and sit for three years in order to defend this rule.What's more, in the identity of others, his boss would not dare to offend!

Xia Lei parked the car in the parking lot.There are many luxury cars parked in the parking lot, Lamborghini, Bugatti Veyron or something, one is more luxurious than the other.His Chevrolet Suburban off-road car is like a bodyguard among a group of rich people in this parking lot, which is guarded by guards.

Xia Lei entered the welcome hall of the clubhouse, and a sexy lady in a lady's suit followed her up with a sweet smile on her face. "Sir, the game will take a while to start. Do you want a drink first? Or , You can look at the player's information to make your choice easier. "

"Game?" Xia Lei didn't know.

The sexy girl looked at Xia Lei with strange eyes, "Sir, are you your first time?"

"No, I've been here before, but just stayed abroad for a long time. I just came back and didn't know much about the situation here." Xia Lei said.

"It turned out to be like this." The sexy girl said with a smile: "It's a fighting game. The players are from all over the world. They are all sexy and beautiful women. You can bet, or you can spend money for them to serve you. For money, they are willing to do anything. do."

"Oh, it's really interesting." Xia Lei took out her wallet and handed out two hundred-dollar dollars from the wallet to the sexy girl. "This is a tip for you."

"Thank you sir." The sexy girl smiled happily. "Sir, I will take you to the venue."

Xia Lei nodded, followed the sexy girl, and asked, "Oh, did my old friend Gu Dinghai come?"

"Is Mr. Gu your old friend?"

Xia Lei said: "Of course, several years of friendship. Well, I also have business cooperation with him abroad."

"What a coincidence, he came here half an hour ago, and you can easily find him in the venue." The sexy girl is very fond of Xia Lei, a young and rich man. He always smiles when asking questions and answering questions. .

The sexy girl led Xia Lei out of the hall, into a corridor, then into an elevator in the corridor, and took the elevator to an underground space.

This is an underground bar with a bar, seats and wine table, and a T-shaped stage similar to the Victoria's Secret model catwalk.At the end of the T-shaped stage is a huge iron cage, which looks very different in this bar, and also looks out of place with the ambiguous style of the bar.However, its existence adds a bit of violence and special elements to this underground bar, making it easy to distinguish it from other bars.

When the sexy girl took Xia Lei into the underground bar, an Eastern European woman was dancing on the T-shaped stage, a very simple but sultry twisting hip dance.She has almost no clothes on her body, and the triangular bra and *** on her body can only cover important parts of her body.But with her twisting dance posture, mysterious scenery is constantly exposed, extremely sexy.

"The ancient board is there." The sexy girl raised her hand and pointed to Xia Lei in a corner.

Following her finger, Xia Lei saw a middle-aged man with a slightly fat figure, similar in appearance to Gu Dingshan.He also had two tall black bodyguards standing tall, standing behind him like two bears.

He was Gu Dinghai. He looked at the Eastern European women on the T-shaped stage with little interest, and did not find that Xia Lei had stared at him.

"Sir, do you want me to take you there?" The sexy girl looked very polite.The man who tipped two hundred dollars easily seemed to have many ideas in her heart.

Xia Lei smiled, "No, thank you. If I have time, I will come to the lobby to find you."

The sexy girl grinned her lips, blinked at Xia Lei's big eyes, and turned away.

Of course Xia Lei wouldn't go to her, he said that he just didn't want her to haunt him.

Xia Lei walked to Gu Dinghai.He hadn't got close to Gudinghai, the two black bear-like bodyguards found him, and both bodyguards stared at Xia Lei with vigilance.

When Xia Lei was approaching Gudinghai, one of the black bodyguards raised an arm to block Xia Lei.

Another black bodyguard said in crappy Chinese: "Sit elsewhere."

Gu Dinghai discovered Xia Lei at this time, he was a little stunned, but quickly calmed down, he said lightly: "It's alright, let him sit."

The black bodyguard blocking the road then lowered his arm.

Xia Lei sat across from Gu Dinghai.

"Mr. Xia, what would you like to drink?" Gu Dinghai smiled. "Red wine or whiskey? Or vodka?"

Xia Lei said: "You know I'm not here to drink."

"Oh, come to the bar and don't drink, are you looking for me?"

Xia Lei smiled, "You must know why I came to you, right?"

"I know, of course I know. But this is not the place to talk about things. Well, the game is about to start. Watch the game first." Gu Dinghai said.

Xia Lei closed his mouth.This Gu Dinghai seemed to know that he would come to him from the beginning, not surprised, not nervous, always calm and calm.This is a well-thought-out performance, but he can't think of any reliance on him.

At the sound of a gong, an Asian woman in a bikini came out of the entrance of the catwalk.

The host dragged a long line of news, "Wolf in the jungle-Man-Ya-Wei! A player from Thailand, who learned Muay Thai from an early age, beat Thailand's invincible hand. He is one meter six and five meters tall, weighs one hundred pounds and measures 76cm , 60CM, 80CM! "

The Thai female boxer known as Man Yawei jumped on the T-shaped stage, two chest devices were suddenly thrown up, and then fell heavily, until her feet settled on the T-shaped stage Are still shaking.Then she waved her fist to salute the audience.

Some people applauded for her, and some bets for her.

Man Yawei walked into the iron cage, twisting his waist and hips, pressing his legs, and sultry.

The host then dragged the line and reported, "Red Rose-Popo-Eva! A player from Russia, who learned boxing from an early age, won the third place in the Olympic Games. He is 1.8 meters tall, weighs 130 pounds, and measures 81cm. , 65CM, 84CM! "

Popova walked onto the T-shaped stage, and when he reached the middle, a sideways kick came suddenly.One of her jade legs stretched straight in the air, buttocks tightened, and the muscle lines of her legs were obvious.But these are not the places that attract the audience. The place that attracts the audience is the black bikini on her body. It tightens violently under her action, so that the fabric becomes another layer of her skin. The shape of the place is outlined so beautifully, very attractive.

Some people applaud her and bet on her.

This is the world of the rich, only ordinary people can't think of it, and they won't play without them.

"Mr. Xia, don't you bet?" Gu Dinghai's eyes moved from the iron cage to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "Is it fun to play like this?"

Gu Dinghai sneered, "Mr. Xia, you make so much money, don't use it to play, what's the point of making money?"

"Let's take a step to speak." Xia Lei has lost patience.

"The game started." Gu Dinghai said.

Another gong sounded and the two women in the iron cage entered a fighting state.Both women turned into fierce boxers after sweeping away the coquettish and charming appearance.They fought in the iron cage, fisted to the flesh, and shuffled, cross-locked, and kicked in the legs.For a time, the spring in the iron cage was rolling, and the sexy and bloody fighting scenes of women were mixed together, stimulating the nerves of men all the time.

"Mr. Xia, I placed a million bets on that Russian woman. Do you say I will win?" Gu Dinghai glanced at Xia Lei again.

"You will lose." Xia Lei said.

But just when his words fell, the Russian female boxer Popoeva in the iron cage punched Thai female boxer Man Yawei into the iron cage with a heavy punch.

The referee blocked Popoeva and counted down Man Yawei.

"I won it so soon. It seems that your eyes are not good." Gu Dinghai's mouth had a hint of disdain.

Xia Lei smiled, "I said, I am not interested in the game here, I am talking about you, you will lose."

Gu Dinghai's eyes turned cold, "Mr. Xia, I don't know what you are talking about."

"You know what I'm talking about."

Gu Dinghai sneered: "I'm not my brother, I am more careful than him, and all I do is legitimate business. How can you take me?"

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