Super Vision

601 601 Dealer and Leek

Walking out of the Mingyue Palace private club, Xia Lei called Long Bing, "A Bing, something happened, I might not be able to come to you."

"What happened?" Long Bing's voice was full of concern.

Xia Lei said: "I'm sure that Gu Kewen is still alive. She also attacked the stock of Vientiane Group this time. She released some news to the media, and Tianyin will be in great trouble. At this time, I have to accompany her Around. "

Long Bing was silent for a while before saying, "It doesn't matter. She really needs you to be with her at this time. However, let your wife be taught something. She is a woman born with a golden key, and has not suffered any setbacks. This It would n’t be a bad thing for you to suppress her arrogance and ambition once. ”

"Well, then I'm going." Xia Lei hung up the phone.

He didn't tell Long Bing what had just happened in the clubhouse, because such a thing was not a problem in Long Bing's eyes.It doesn't matter in his eyes.Because the other party first attacked him with a weapon, he was a self-defense character.In addition, as a super adviser in the 101th round, he used a knife or shot to hurt his attacker. Who would investigate him?Not to mention hurt, even if he just killed those two people, he will not have any trouble!

After a short drive, Xia Lei came to the Tianyi Building at Vientiane Group's Kyoto headquarters.

When Xia Lei found Shen Tu Tianyin, she had just concluded the board meeting chaired by her.Xia Lei saw a lot of people from the Shen Tujia family, as well as a few raw faces. These people's faces were very dignified.

Shen Tu Tianyin and Xia Lei had an eye contact, and asked her to come to Xia Lei, "Follow me to the office."

Xia Lei nodded and followed her.

Entering the office, Shen Tu Tianyin closed the door. She didn't speak and handed her mobile phone directly to Xia Lei.

The phone is awake and there is a photo on the screen.In the photo, several dancers wearing only bikinis are sticking to him, some are climbing his shoulders, some are squeezing his arms with their chests, some are holding his hips with their hands, and some are simply The leg wrapped around his waist, the picture was unsightly.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "You listen to my explanation, I go to that place ..."

Shen Tu Tianyin interrupted Xia Lei's words, "I don't need any explanation, I want the result."

"Whether you want to listen or not, I will tell you." Xia Lei said: "That place is called Mingyue Palace, which is a place of Gu Kewen. I got information, and a person named Gu Dinghai holds 100% of your company. The stock of the second. And he, he is the cousin of Gu Dingshan, that is, the cousin of Gu Kewen. I suspect that there are also some big households holding your company's stock. I went to that place to help you solve the problem, not Go play with women. "

Shen Tu Tianyin hesitated, not daring to look at Xia Lei's eyes, but she still softened, "Her husband, I'm sorry ..."

Xia Lei embraced her in her arms and comforted: "It's okay, I can understand your mood. It's impossible for a person to be smooth sailing all his life, and this point is not difficult at all. With me accompanying you, I will definitely help you solve the problem. . "

"Gu Kewen's bitch, I wish I could kill her!" Such words came out of Shen Tu Tianyin's mouth, and Xia Lei was also surprised.

"I'm looking for her. Once I know where she is, I will kill her for you." Xia Lei patted her shoulder, comforting her.

"Those media have already started to report on the deals I previously worked with Gu Kewen. The share price of Vientiane Group is falling fast. My troubles are just beginning. It is useless to kill her and kill her." Shen Tu Tianyin Look tired physically and mentally.

Xia Lei suddenly remembered something, "Tianyin, tell me, how much Vientiane Group stock do you still have?"

"Twenty-five percent."

Xia Lei said in surprise: "How come 25%?"

Shen Tu Tianyin smiled bitterly, "The market has continued to fall again, and I have to avoid risks. Now listed companies, everyone is doing this. When the market trend is not good, everyone will reduce their holdings and cash out to avoid risks. Then lower If you buy it back and go in and out, it's all real money. "

"Listed companies are listed to circulate money, it seems that this statement is true." Xia Lei said, somewhat helpless.

The stock market is doing well, and the stock price has soared. At this time, the shareholders of the listed companies' CEOs will certainly not sell their stocks.They will wait for a certain price and have enough profit before they will throw out the stock.Before the sell-off, they tend to release good news and entice retail investors to take orders.After the retail investors took over the market, they would spread bad news again. This was not good or bad, which caused panic. The stock price fell, and retail investors panicked and sold their stocks.At that time, the shareholders and insiders of those listed companies had already established positions at a low level, waiting to eat.

As soon as this came in, a lot of real money went into the pocket.

Poor those retail investors, cut like leeks like leeks.

Shen Tu Tianyin sighed, "Everyone does this with capital and the way to survive. I'm pretty good. The chairman of some listed companies has a shareholding ratio of less than 10%. The listing is not Who will go public for money? "

"Tianyin, you told me, how much did you hold before you dumped the stock?"

Shen Tu Tianyin said: "51%, I absolutely control. My dad gave some shares to the family, which added up to 10%, so Vientiane Group is a real family company of Shen Tujia. However, they do not have many stocks in their hands now, and the market is going down. They also want to throw away their suspicions and buy them back when the price is low. "

"Can you buy it back now?" Xia Lei said: "You just said that because of the bad news, the share price of Vientiane Group has been falling."

"I am eating, but the other party is also eating. Now, I have to fight with them for speed and capital reserves." Shen Tu Tianyin said.

"If you don't have enough money, I have it here."

"I helped you manage the Rema Group for a period of time. I know how much cash you have in your account, but more than a billion yuan is not enough." Shen Tu Tianyin said.

The market value of the Vientiane Group is hundreds of billions, and more than one billion will be thrown into it, and even a splash will not rise.

"So what can I do for you?"

"You help me deal with Gu Kewen, I will take care of things in the stock market myself."

Xia Lei said: "Well, I will find out where she is hiding as soon as possible."

"Sorry, husband, I just ..." Shen Tu Tianyin stopped talking.

Xia Lei smiled, "It's normal for a couple to have a misunderstanding. I understand your feelings, so don't mention it again."

"Her husband, if Gu Kewen handed over the evidence she had to the procuratorial organ, what should I do?" Shen Tu Tianyin always had a heavy stone in his heart, pressing her, making her nervous and making her breathe Not angry.

Xia Lei thought for a while before saying, "If it really gets to that point, I will plead with it. I have done a lot of work, and the people above will take care of it a little bit."

"I don't want to go to jail, I don't want to do it all day."

"You won't go to jail, I won't let you go to jail."

"But those evidences ... they can send me to prison!" Shen Tu Tianyin's mood collapsed.

Xia Lei hugged her and comforted her quietly.

The human heart is really a strange thing.Previously, Shen Tu Tianyin's ambitions expanded, and the Vientiane Group also expanded rapidly under her ambitions.Among them, the fall of the ancient family gave her a once-in-a-lifetime chance. During that period, she had eaten more than 20-30 billion of assets, and those assets did indeed add a pair of flying wings to the Vientiane Group. Go to the mall and go all the way to triumph.But now, it is precisely because the assets of these ancient homes have become a hot potato, so Shen Tutianyin can't throw it away!

If you do business in a down-to-earth manner and earn money earnestly, it would take at least thirty years for Shen Tu Tianyin to give her father to her Vientiane Group to achieve the scale of today.At that time, she was already in her fifties.If she wants to achieve Vientiane Group to the extent of Apple and Microsoft, it will take at least a hundred years, and it is only theoretically possible.She simply couldn't wait that long.Therefore, she will take a shortcut.

In fact, there are several capitalists in the current shopping malls who did not take this "shortcut" to get rich, and how many capitalists have clean ass?Most people are robbed along the way, rob others, rob the country, and then turn the robbed assets into their own.These people, on the surface, are infinitely beautiful, but how many people can sleep peacefully?

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...

Xia Lei's cell phone suddenly rang.

The phone call was from Shi Boren.

"Your boy!" Shi Boren said fiercely as soon as he opened his mouth. "You come to me immediately!"

"Sir, what's the matter?" Xia Lei didn't want to go, "I'm here ..."

"What are you there? Your wife is in trouble, right? Tell you, I let you talk about your wife's business, come over immediately, or you will regret it." Shi Boren hung up the phone.

Xia Lei put away his mobile phone, "I have to go to 101 innings, and CEO Shi finds me."

"What is he doing to you?"

Xia Lei said: "He said he was talking about you, but he didn't elaborate. I'll see if I go to see it."

Xia Lei said casually, but Ke Tu's face suddenly paled, "Oops, I must investigate me above ... What should I do? What should I do?"

"Relax, Mr. Shi must be on our side. He must have heard something and asked me to let me know. I will inform you as soon as I have the news."

"Then I'll wait for you to call." Shen Tu Tianyin reached out to tidy Xia Lei's belt. "Go, drive carefully on the road."

"Well, I'm gone." Xia Lei left Shen Tu Tianyin's office.

In the hallway, a large group of people from Shen Tujia were discussing, and they saw Xia Lei coming out of Shen Tu Tianyin's office, and those people shut their mouths again.They looked at Xia Lei's eyes, and they never felt that kind of family.In fact, since Xia Lei and Shen Tu Tianyin communicated, these people never thought of letting him enter the door of Shen Tu's family.

Thinking too lazy to take care of these people, he didn't greet anyone, and just walked past.

"Drag what? Like he is the savior."

"That is, I have never liked him. If Tianyin listens to me, how could there be such trouble today?"

"Yes, if Xia Lei killed Gu Dingshan, Shen Tu Tianyin's husband is probably Gu Kewu. Will the family beat the family?"

These Shen Tujia people seem to have heard some inside stories about Gu Kewen.

There was a bit of a wry smile in Xia Lei's mouth, and he accelerated his pace.

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