Super Vision

67 Chapter 67 Perspective and Kung Fu Application

Xia Lei can master a foreign language in just a few days, and his ability to learn is unstoppable.Who is more difficult to learn foreign languages ​​and learn kung fu?Obviously the former.Therefore, learning a skill is not difficult for Xia Lei.He can quickly memorize teaching materials, and can quickly remember all the movements of the coach. His body is also very strong. All he lacks is experience and some tips.

Once he masters these, how powerful will he become?

I'm afraid this question doesn't even know Liang Zhengchun who has been soaked in Wing Chun for a lifetime.

However, the result of this competition was that Liang Siyao won and Xia Lei lost.The reason for the loss is only known to Xia Lei himself.

"Are you all right?" Liang Siyao said with concern, she extended a hand to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei did not refuse her good intentions, grabbed her hand and climbed up, he patted the dust on his body, said with a smile: "It's okay, I said earlier that I can't beat you, do you believe it?"

"Do you really only have a few days to learn Wing Chun?" Liang Siyao's eyes were full of temptation.

Xia Lei shrugged. "It's really only a few days. Why should I lie to you?"

Lie requires motivation, but he has no motivation to lie.

Liang Siyao seemed to believe Xia Lei's words. She walked to Liang Zhengchun's side and leaned into her father's ear and said, "Dad, you seem to have picked up the treasure. Otherwise, you should collect him as your close disciple and let him serve us Wing Chun is glorious. "

Liang Zhengchun didn't say good or bad, just looked at Xia Lei, with a suspicion in his eyes.

Lu Sheng heard Liang Siyao's words, his face suddenly gloomy.He has been learning boxing here for more than three years. His purpose is to worship Liang Zhengchun as a teacher, but Liang Zhengchun never nodded.Liang Siyao also knew this, but she never helped him to say a good word in front of Liang Zhengchun.Now, Xia Lei, who didn't know where he came from, came. Liang Siyao actually said good things to Xia Lei, and asked Liang Zhengchun to accept Xia Lei as a disciple.Where can he balance in his heart!

"Humph!" Lu Sheng snorted coldly and strode towards Xia Lei.

"Monk." Liang Siyao grabbed Lu Sheng and said with a smile: "I haven't practiced with you for a long time. How about practicing with me?"

Lu Sheng looked back at Liang Siyao, did not speak, very unhappy.

Liang Siyao shook Lu Sheng's arm and sweetly said: "Brother Sheng, you should practice with me."

Lu Sheng barely squeezed out a smile, "Well, I will practice with you." In his view, there are many opportunities to clean up Xia Lei, but there is a rare opportunity to accompany Liang Siyao to practice.

At this time more students came in, Liang Zhengchun went to greet the students and guide them to practice.Several students who watched the excitement also dispersed and continued to catch the right pair.

Xia Lei secretly relieved.When Lu Sheng came to him just now, his eyes were terrible, he knew what it meant.He is also very clear that his current strength is not Lu Sheng's opponent at all. If he plays with Lu Sheng, it will definitely be miserable.

Lu Sheng has already practiced with Liang Siyao. His hands, feet, and occasionally are supplemented by fists, elbows, and although his movements are slow, he looks very professional.

Xia Lei's heart moved secretly and said: "I just wanted to see Liang Siyao's muscle and bone strength, but that was in actual combat, she would not give me the opportunity to see her at all, now I am idle, just right You can observe the strength of her muscles and bones. Having mastered this know-how, my strength should be improved. "

As soon as this thought moved, his left eye jumped slightly. His left eye was like a burning flame, instantly burning the clothes on Liang Siyao's body, and then her skin.In his left eye, Liang Siyao is no longer a normal and complete human being. She is like a semi-anatomical puppet in biology class. She has no skin, hair and other things, only muscles, ligaments, bones and blood vessels!

But in Xia Lei's right eye, Liang Siyao is a long-legged beauty, every movement makes people feel pleasing.In this world, only Xia Lei can enjoy such a spectacle.

The left eye is perspective, and the right eye is normal, which gives Xia Lei a condition for comparison and analysis.In a very simple example, Liang Siyao made a straight punch. Xia Lei's left eye saw muscles and ligaments, as well as bone movement. They accumulated energy and then released energy.In Xia Lei's right eye, what he saw was a palm-changing fist, an instant attack.In this way, with the cooperation of the left eye and the right eye, the secret of how Wing Chun fist exerts force is presented in front of him without reservation!

"It turns out this way ... turns out this way ... Ha ha!" Xia Lei smiled at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Liang Siyao and Lu Sheng's training, and he couldn't help learning Liang Siyao's movements.

This time imitating the action, he imitated not only the shape but also the inner content!

"What is that kid doing?" A student saw Xia Lei who was imitating Liang Siyao's movements, and was very curious.

The students who practiced with him also stopped, looked at Xia Lei curiously, and then said halfway, "Is that fool playing an imitation show? What actions does Si Yao do, he does what he does."

Soon, more students also discovered Xia Lei's strange behavior.Debates also arise, some ridicule and curious.

Liang Zhengchun's eyes also shifted to Xia Lei's body. He observed it, and suddenly opened his mouth wide, and was shocked.The students watched the fun, Xia Lei was like a fool imitating others, but what he saw in the eyes of his expert was the doorway!

Just now, when Xia Lei hit a wooden stake, many people said that Xia Lei had studied Wing Chun for at least one year, but in his expert's eyes, Xia Lei, a beginner, was actually nothing to escape, because Xia Lei only learned a few movements, he didn't exert force at all.It doesn't work hard, and it's pretty fancy even if it's pretty, it doesn't have any power at all.Therefore, he believes that Xia Lei is just a clever imitator, a man who wants quick success.When Liang Siyao asked him to accept Xia Lei as a disciple, his heart was actually not willing.People who practice martial arts do not like people who want quick success, and he is no exception.However, looking at Xia Lei, who imitated Liang Siyao's actions at the moment, he was shocked and moved!

Liang Zhengchun walked to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei saw Liang Zhengchun coming to him, followed by ending his perspective on Liang Siyao, and stopped imitation.A slight illusion appeared before his eyes, but it soon disappeared.

Liang Zhengchun stared at Xia Lei staring staringly, saying with amazement: "Lei Zi, you learn very quickly."

Xia Lei smiled and said politely: "Master Liang, I just have a good memory."

"Look at me, learn from me." Liang Zhengchun said.

Charley suddenly froze for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

In these days when he came to the boxing gym, Liang Zhengchun only taught him some of the most basic things, but he didn't give any formal instructions on advanced content.He didn't know why Liang Zhengchun suddenly changed his mind, but this was an opportunity to learn true kung fu, and he certainly would not miss it.

In fact, he just chose to see Liang Siyao instead of Lu Sheng for a reason. In his view, Liang Zhengchun's descendants of Yan Yongchun's descendants must have something that will not be taught to outsiders.But Liang Siyao is not an outsider. She is Liang Zhengchun's daughter. Liang Zhengchun will definitely hand over some undisclosed things to Liang Siyao without reservation.Therefore, he chose to look at Liang Siyao and study and study Liang Siyao's Wing Chun instead of Lu Sheng.

Now, Liang Zhengchun personally shot, and seeing him is definitely better than seeing Liang Siyao, and he can also learn more advanced things!

Liang Zhengchun posed a starting hand and asked, "Are you ready?"

Xia Lei also put on a hands-on style like Liang Zhengchun, "Master Liang, I'm ready."

What he prepared was actually his eyes.

Liang Zhengchun Qing took a sigh, stepped out his fist, stepped down and pressed his elbow, striking Yongchun fist with a clear eye.

Xia Lei's left eye once again entered the perspective mode, locking Liang Zhengchun.How did Liang Siyao study and study just now, now how to study and study Liang Zhengchun.

Liang Zhengchun was really powerful, his movements were more accurate, like thunder and lightning in fast time, and like willow in wind when slow.His force is free to be released, like a torrent of shock when attacking, like a tide receding when it is closed.The conversion is also fast, and Jane reaches the point where the fire is perfect.

Everyone stopped, including Liang Siyao and Lu Sheng, also stopped the pair training and moved to Liang Zhengchun and Xia Lei to watch.

"What is Master Liang doing? Is he teaching the kid Wing Chun?" Someone said.

"Does this still have to ask?" Someone said.

"This kid is only a few days old. Master Liang taught him personally. I really don't know what good that kid is," someone said.

"Good imitation." Someone said.

"Hehehe ..." Someone laughed.

A piece of discussion, almost everyone still thinks that Xia Lei's ability to imitate is very strong, and there is nothing remarkable.

Lu Sheng's complexion became more and more gloomy, and his heart became more and more unhappy.When Liang Siyao asked Liang Zhengchun to accept Xia Lei as a disciple, Liang Zhengchun did not agree, but in less than ten minutes, Liang Zhengchun actually taught Xia Lei to play Wing Chun.Moreover, he discovered that Liang Zhengchun taught Xia Lei to play the Wing Chun boxing, some of the moves, even he saw it for the first time!

"Humph!" Lu Sheng looked more and more angry.

Liang Siyao did not find Lu Sheng's emotional changes. She looked at Xia Lei who followed her father Liang Zhengchun in Wing Chun. Her eyes were filled with joy and curiosity.

After a few minutes, Liang Zhengchun closed his fists and his eyes moved to Xia Lei's face, looking directly at Xia Lei's eyes.

Xia Lei slumped on the ground, gasping for breath, sweat beads on his forehead and neck, and his clothes were half wet with sweat.

Continue to use the left eye's perspective ability, his body consumed too much energy, insisted that he was exhausted by this time.

When he slumped on the ground, hallucinations appeared.The boxing hall became a kindergarten, and the walls were covered with cartoon patterns, sunflowers, red suns and bears.The students who watched the excitement around them also turned into cute children. They all looked at him curiously, and the red dot on their forehead was particularly eye-catching.Then he saw Liang Siyao, she was actually wearing crotch pants, and her little ass was exposed outside.The most outrageous is Liang Zhengchun, who became an aunt in a kindergarten, wearing a big black braid ...

"Lei Zi, are you okay?" Liang Zhengchun approached Xia Lei. Xia Lei looked like he was sick, which made him a little nervous.

Xia Lei shook his head hard, and the illusion in front of him disappeared. He propped himself up and said, "It's okay, it's okay ... I'm just a little tired, just take a break."

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, Master Liang, don't worry about me." Xia Lei smiled. "Thank you for teaching me Wing Chun. I learned a lot."

Liang Zhengchun tentatively said: "Then tell me, how much have you learned?"

Xia Lei thought for a while, "I don't know, a little, or a lot."

Liang Zhengchun's seemingly dissatisfied with such a vague answer, his brow furrowed slightly.

"Humph!" Lu Sheng snorted coldly, "You probably want to say that you learned a lot of things? Let's play a game, let me see how much you have learned."

This time, neither Liang Zhengchun nor Liang Siyao made a statement to stop Lu Sheng.

Xia Lei grinned, "Okay, but give me a half-hour break, and I will fight you after half an hour."

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