Super Vision

70 Chapter 70 Warm Treatment

Xia Lei also went to the police station.Although it is self-defense, the ins and outs of the matter should be explained clearly, whose responsibility is to be determined, and the matter also needs to have a preliminary processing result, which should be sent to the hospital, the detention of the detention.It all takes time. It was a little late when he came out of the police station.

Xia Lei did not go home directly, but drove to the Leima studio.

The Rema studio was not closed, and the lights were on.When Xia Lei got out of the car, he saw Zhou Xiaohong cleaning the garbage in the studio.A large pile of bricks and rubble has piled up beside the trash can on the roadside, as well as some smashed things and glass fragments.

Under the lights, Zhou Xiaohong carefully cleaned the studio floor with a broom and dustpan.When she stood, she could not see anything strange, but when she moved she was limp.

Xia Lei suddenly remembered that she was hit by a young man with a steel tube in her thigh, and she couldn't help worrying.He quickly walked into the studio and said with concern: "Xiaohong, you have a leg injury, why are you still working?"

Zhou Xiaohong didn't realize that Xia Lei was coming until Xia Lei spoke. She quickly put down her broom and dustpan. "Brother Lei, you're here, I'm fine ... I'll pour you a glass of water."

Xia Leila stopped her and pressed her into a chair. "You sit, I'm not thirsty. You rest, I'll clean it."

Zhou Xiaohong followed and said, "What should I do? I should do this rough work."

She was about to stand up, and Xia Lei pressed her down again. He smiled and said, "I haven't done anything yet? I used to be like you, before, as long as I could make money, I did all the dirty work. You sit down Let me clean it, or I will be angry with you. "

This trick worked, Zhou Xiaohong became honest, sitting motionless on the chair, staring at Xia Lei for cleaning.

In fact, Zhou Xiaohong had already cleaned almost before Xia Lei came. Only some corners were left uncleaned. Xia Lei cleaned it in ten minutes.

Xia Lei came to Zhou Xiaohong and asked Wen Wen: "Xiaohong, have you ever seen a doctor?"

Zhou Xiaohong shook his head, "I didn't go to the doctor, hospitals in big cities are very expensive ..." She smiled embarrassedly, "I can't bear the money."

Xia Lei frowned, "You fool, is money important or people important? If your injury is serious, delaying treatment, your life is gone, what do you need money for?"

"Living for my parents and reading for my brother." Zhou Xiaohong seemed very cheerful.

"You wouldn't think about it for yourself?"

"I'm fine, Brother Lei Zi, I'm really ..." When I said this, Zhou Xiaohong moved a little, pulling the injury on his leg, and it was so painful that he couldn't speak.

Xia Lei said nervously: "Why, does it hurt badly?"

Zhou Xiaohong wanted to deny it, but one mouth became a groan.

"No, I will take you to the hospital to see." Xia Lei said.

"Don't go, I'm so ... oh ..." Zhou Xiaohong seemed to have a worse pain.

Xia Lei couldn't care too much, he looked at Zhou Xiaohong's left leg hit by the steel pipe, the layer of blue overalls disappeared instantly, and a full and round thigh was suddenly exposed to the sight of his left eye Among.

Zhou Xiaohong's left leg was red and swollen near the root, and the skin was directly hit by the steel pipe. The wound was red and there were obvious signs of inflammation.At this point, Xia Lei's brows were higher.Such injuries are not dangerous, but if left untreated, they are likely to become inflamed, ulcerated, or even purulent. The most dangerous and worst cases may also occur: muscle necrosis and tetanus.

"You're so badly hurt that it's not serious?" Xia Lei said reproachfully.

"You ... didn't see where I was injured, how do you know?" Zhou Xiaohong looked at Xia Lei curiously.

Xia Lei realized that he had leaked his mouth, and he said, "You look so painful, I guess. You can guess it. So, it's too late at this time. The surgeon is probably off work. I went to the pharmacy to buy hydrogen peroxide and Gauze will help you deal with it, um, and amoxicillin, you have to take some anti-inflammatory drugs. "

Zhou Xiaohong is even more curious, "Brother Lei, how do you understand this?"

"Of course you learn from books. If you're fine, read more books and learn more useful knowledge. Well, wait for me, I'll go to the nearby pharmacy to buy medicine for you." Xia Lei left Reima to work Room, walk to the nearest pharmacy.

His medical knowledge is indeed learned from books, but they are just some simple medical knowledge.He never thought of being a doctor, and he didn't have that condition in reality, so he didn't go deep.

Today's pharmacies sell all kinds of medicines. You can buy the medicines you need by swiping your card.Xia Lei quickly bought the drugs he needed, but when he returned to Leima's studio, Zhou Xiaohong disappeared.

Xia Lei came to the door of Lizhong and said, "Xiaohong, are you inside?"

"Um ... I'm ... you come in." Zhou Xiaohong's voice was a little strange.

Xia Lei pushed the door and went in.The light in the narrow small room was dim, and Zhou Xiaohong was lying on the humble wire bed. A thin blanket covered her legs, but the exposed feet were smooth and pleasant, without socks.She blushed under the light, very shy and nervous.

The scene in front of him made Xia Lei slightly stunned, but he didn't know what to do with a large pack of drugs.

"Brother Lei, you said ... you have to help me treat the wound. I, I don't think I can take off my pants outside for treatment? So, so I came in." Zhou Xiaohong said more and more blush, finished There was no red skin on his face.

Xia Lei recovered now, he coughed, and came to the wire bed.The girl in the mountain of the other person has a shallow face, and of course she cannot take off her trousers outside. So when people enter the room and take off their trousers, the patients are all ready to receive treatment. What good ink does this "doctor" have?

Xia Lei gently uncovered the blanket covering her leg, and a pair of good white tender legs came into his sight uncovered.The wound on the left leg is very eye-catching, and the injury is not in place. It is close to her briefs.His eyes fell on her wound, but he couldn't avoid seeing the mature place.He was a little embarrassed, and he regretted that he helped her treat the wound. He should take her to the hospital to be the most correct way.How embarrassing?

"Brother Lei?" Zhou Xiaohong's neck was red. She suspected that Xia Lei was peeking at her somewhere.

"Uh, sorry, I was thinking what to do." Xia Lei said awkwardly.

"Have you thought about it?" Zhou Xiaohong's mouth showed a smile, but she didn't mind.

"Okay." Xia Lei took out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and sprayed Zhou Xiaohong's wound twice.

White hydrogen peroxide wetted Zhou Xiaohong's thighs, wet her wounds, and wet her cloths.

"Ouch, oh, it hurts, it hurts." The hydrogen peroxide diamond meat, Zhou Xiaohong's tears all hurt.

"You are such a big person, you're still afraid of pain? Forbear, it will be better soon." Xia Lei comforted her while cleaning her wounds with cotton swabs.

Zhou Xiaohong clenched her silver teeth and looked at Xia Lei with tears in her tears. Her heart moved.

After cleaning the wound, Xia Lei sprinkled some white powder on her wound, and then wrapped her wound together with her thigh with gauze.When knotting the gauze, he squeezed a little harder, and as a result, the flesh of his thigh dipped down, and the fabric above showed a gap ...

All of a sudden, both were silent, and the atmosphere became strange.

"Uh, well, I'm going back, you have a rest. I'll give you a few days off, and I'll work if I'm injured." Xia Lei said, he didn't dare to stay at this place.

"Brother Lei, I can work, really, I don't have to take a vacation." Zhou Xiaohong was anxious.

Xia Lei pulled the blanket over her and patted her on the shoulder. "Don't listen to me again? Rest, the days will always get better."

Xia Lei left, Zhou Xiaohong giggled while covering the quilt.

The days will always get better and better. Every time I hear Xia Lei say this to her, she feels very happy.

Pulling on the rolling door, Xia Lei got into the car and drove the car toward the house.However, at a crossroads, he suddenly changed his mind and turned his head towards the direction of the beauty salon.

Chen Chuanhu was sent by He Laoqi. Chen Chuanhu was detained. Will He Laoqi just forget it?

"I'm probably just a humble little person in the eyes of a character like He Laoqi, but I hurt Chen Chuanhu so many people today. Will he still treat me as a little person? When he strikes me again, he will send Is it like Chen Chuanhu's garbage? Definitely not. He wants to fix me, but I don't even know his details, this is not possible ... "While driving, Xia Lei was thinking about these things in his heart.

Regarding He Laoqi, he only knows one name so far, which is certainly not enough.

Who is He Laoqi?Where do you live?Who are there around you?Xia Lei wanted to figure out these questions, but he couldn't find someone on the street to ask these questions. Qin Xiang was the most suitable one to think about it.

Qin Xiang's beauty salon Salai Lei came once. Although it happened to be found that time, he remembered the route very clearly.Half an hour later, the POLO car he drove quietly approached the beauty salon.When he was still 500 meters away from the beauty salon, he stopped the car, and then stuck his head out of the car window, looking at the situation of the beauty salon.

The distance of five hundred meters can only see a blurry scene for ordinary people's eyesight, but for Xia Lei it is as close as five meters ago.He can clearly see all the goals at a distance of 500 meters, even if it is a beauty product placed in the window of beauty, he can see clearly!

Soon, Xia Lei saw Qin Xiang, who was making hair for a woman.His partner Alan was trimming the woman's nails.The three people talked and laughed. The woman was obviously a regular customer of Qin Xiang.

Xia Lei covered his right eye and increased the visual distance of his left eye, and then locked on Qin Xiang's lips. The movement on Qin Xiang's lips immediately entered his sight, very clear.

"Sister Hua, it's not me who praises you. Your skin is really great. It's much better than my skin. If you take your bags away, your husband will definitely pounce on you like a wolf if you are five years younger. Qin Xiang said to please customers, and then said: "I just got a batch of beauty products from South Korea, would you like to try it?"

Lip interpreted here, Xia Lei loosened his hand covering his right eye, too lazy to interpret.He also restored his left eye to a normal state and rested his left eye.

In this case, monitoring Qin Xiang has no effect, and you have to find another opportunity.

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