Super Vision

716 716 Borrowing a knife to kill

Xia Lei quickly left, and the four members of the Knights of the Hospital also changed their course, following Xia Lei at the end of the way.

Xia Lei walked in the direction of the bathroom, calling while walking, "It's me, Xia Lei."

"I know it's you, do you want to ask me the result? You are too anxious. They are still in a meeting to discuss, and I will tell you the result at night." The voice of Jacqueline Eva came from the phone.

"I'm not asking you the result." Xia Lei lowered his voice. "The people who kidnapped me are here again. They are following me in the exhibition center. I'm in danger. Come and save me quickly!"

"Don't be nervous, I'll send someone over immediately!" Jacqueline Eva was also anxious.

"Hurry up!" Xia Lei hung up the phone.

The toilet was in front of him, but Xia Lei suddenly changed direction and walked in another direction.

"Did he find us?" The black youth said in Italian behind Xia Lei.

"It's impossible." Sauron's tone was sure. "He never met us, but we have his detailed information. Alfonso, relax, don't create tension for yourself."

The black youth called Alfonso still wanted to say something, but he finally closed his mouth.This is not because he thinks Sauron's analysis is reasonable, but because Sauron is the knight of their team.Sauron ’s words were sometimes orders.

"Aubayan, Jack." Sauron's voice was not loud. "The two of you went up from the right side and went around in front of him."

The two white youths nodded at the same time, and then speeded up and walked up from the right side.

"Head, are you going to do it here?" Alfonso said carefully.

"We are not the old men, we have to be careful when we go down the stairs. If we weren't the last one to carry out the task, would we have the trouble like today?" Alfonso's eyes flashed a little. Cold light, "His bodyguard is not around, he is only one person, this is an opportunity to catch him. As long as we catch him, we can get the relic, and then give him a due ruling. "

"But there are a lot of French policemen and soldiers in case of a crossfire ..." Alfonso stopped talking, and he was very worried about this.

"Alfonso, I can't see the spirit of the knight in your body. The relic is very important to us, we will get it no matter what the price is. We can get the approval of the Lord Your Head, that is ours It ’s an honor. The group of old men has been pressing us, questioning our existence, and it ’s time to prove to them our strength and chivalry. ”Such a language seems to add an aperture to Sauron ’s head, plus defense. Agility and strength and magic attributes.

Alfonso no longer spoke. He looked at Xia Lei's back, his eyes full of intriguing light.

This is the power of faith.In the Middle East, such a force can allow a person to pack a bomb on his body and then rush into the vegetable market.

Xia Lei speeded up.

In front are two empty exhibition halls, and a passage that traverses between the two exhibition halls.

Xia Lei walked to the middle of the two exhibition halls, preparing to go to the right.But at this moment, two white youths came on the other side of the same path.He turned around backwards, but behind him came two young people, one black and one white.There was no way to go before, and there was no way to go back. He suddenly fell into a difficult position.

The four hospital knights quickly gathered up.

"Come with us!" Sauron's voice was cold.He uses Italian.

"Who are you?" Xia Lei replied in Italian, very nervous.

Sauron said fiercely: "Don't talk nonsense, follow us, or you will die here."

"Are you French police? I didn't break the law, why should I go with you?" Xia Lei reached out, "Show me your documents."

Sauron gave a glance to the people behind.

Obayan suddenly reached into his waist.

This is the action of pulling the gun.

Xia Lei would let him put a gun.When Aubayan reached into his waist, he suddenly returned his hand and slammed Aubayan's throat with a palm.

"Well!" Aubayan grunted, covering his neck with both hands and staggering back.The throat was hit hard, the muscles of the airway contracted automatically, and the brain was deprived of oxygen. He lost his fighting power almost instantly.

Xia Lei moved forward.

Jack hurriedly backed away, his hand stretched out to his waist too, and he drew his gun while avoiding Xia Lei.But Xia Lei did not attack him, but suddenly reached for Sauron's neck.

Sauron ducked away.

But this was actually a fake action. Xia Lei's hand suddenly sank, and a look, a catch, like a bag and grabbed Sauron's pistol in his hand.

Wing Chun is the best at close combat.The skill of empty hands learned from Qin Xiang has strengthened his means of winning white blades with his empty hands!

This series of actions seems complicated, but it can be over in a blink of an eye.Alfonso and Jack did not pull out the gun until Xia Lei grabbed Sauron's pistol in his hand.But by this time Xia Lei's muzzle had already reached Sauron's head.

"Don't move!" Xia Lei's right foot turned, and the whole person walked behind Sauron like a compass, and his right hand used a gun against Sauron's head from beginning to end.

He snatched a subtle time difference.

Although Jack and Alfonso have guns in their hands, they dare not shoot.Not to mention Cavalry Chief Sauron in Xia Lei's hand, even if Xia Lei's hand is an ordinary hostage, they have no confidence in shooting Xia Lei, because Xia Lei's body has been completely hidden behind Sauron, there is almost no shooting Angle.

"Leave me alone!" Sauron roared, "Kill him!"

Xia Lei said quietly: "Don't move, or I'll kill him!"

Sauron's three men hesitated and exchanged a look.

"Executing the order!" Sauron's spirit was extremely excited, and his eyes were full of excitement. "If I martyred, it would be my glory!"

Sauron's three men no longer hesitated.

Obayan and Alfonso moved to Xia Lei's left and right sides at the same time, and Jack held the middle of the road with a gun.The cooperation of the three is quite tacit.Although Xia Lei controlled Sauron in his hands, he couldn't keep his left and right sides and back at the same time.Once Obayan and Alfonso went behind him, his situation would become very dangerous.

"Put down your weapon!" Sauron sneered: "Otherwise you will die here!"

Xia Lei was suddenly nervous. He clamped Sauron's neck with his left hand and dragged him back.

"Useless, put down the gun and follow us. As long as you bring something out of the maze, we won't hurt you." Sauron continued to attack Xia Lei.

"Let them stop!" Xia Lei said sharply.

Sauron sneered: "Don't be stupid, our understanding of death is different from yours. You shoot and kill me, but you also know the result of the shooting, you will also die, so let go ..."


A bullet suddenly flew out of the muzzle and plunged into all the cheeks.Blood and minced meat exploded from Sauron's cheek, and the white gum was exposed under the ripped face!

"Ah--" Sauron screamed.The power of faith could not resist the damage of the bullet, and this gun also took away his glory.

This is Xia Lei's response.

Dare to shoot?

Laozi just fired a shot!

Obayan and Alfonso froze at once.Including Jack, Sauron's three men did not expect Xia Lei to be so ruthless, even daring to shoot and hurt Sauron under the bag of three guns!

"Kill him!" Sauron's mouth was bleeding, his voice vague.

"Don't move!" A heavily armed special soldier suddenly appeared, and he issued a warning in French.

Behind him, a large group of agents of the French National Security Agency and special forces of the French National Gendarmerie approached with guns.The gun is in front, the person is in the back, the momentum is impressive!

This is actually the confidence that Xia Lei dare to shoot.He had long seen French personnel coming from the reflection of the stigma.If it is not for the reinforcements to arrive, he will not choose to shoot, and he will find ways to delay it for a while.With the hostage of Sauron in hand, it is not difficult for him to achieve this.

At this time, Sauron's face was no longer bloody.This is not the reason why Xia Lei ruined his face. The main reason for living was that he was confident to carry out the task. He wanted to take Xia Lei away and get the relic, but he didn't expect to be in despair in the blink of an eye.

"Put down the gun!" An agent from the French National Security Agency shouted in French.

"Don't shoot!" Aubayan raised his hands.

Jack and Aubayan also raised their hands, but did not put the gun down.

The three seem to be waiting for an instruction from Sauron.

A large group of special forces armed to the teeth surrounded them.

"Xia Lei, you will regret it." Sauron's voice was filled with hot hate.

Xia Lei suddenly released Sauron, but his hands shrank slowly.

Sauron suddenly grabbed Xia Lei's wrist, pressed down, and captured Xia Lei's pistol.

Xia Lei slammed into Sauron's back and fell to the ground.

Sauron stepped forward and suddenly turned around, shooting at Xia Lei.


No gunshots.

Sauron froze for a moment, then pulled the trigger again, but this time there was no gunshot.Only then did he find that the pistol had no magazine.He suddenly realized something, and his brain suddenly went blank.

Bang Bang Bang ...

There was a gunshot, and the raindrops usually flew over.Sauron's chest and head were torn apart.Obayan, Jack, and Alfonso were not spared, and were screened in almost a second.

The gunfire stopped.

Xia Lei got up from the ground. He looked at the corpses on the ground, and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth. He secretly said: "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that there is no magazine in the gun."

A few seconds ago, he removed the magazine before releasing Sauron.His technique was very clever, Sauron didn't even see this very thief's movement.

That's why he released Sauron and borrowed a knife to kill.The knights of these hospital knights died, and the French intelligence service could not dig up any intelligence from their mouths.

Special agents from the French National Security Agency and special forces from the French National Gendarmerie rushed in.Several special forces used guns to poke bodies on the ground.The guns in the hands of those special forces had just been fired and the muzzle was hot.Under such a muzzle, the four bodies suddenly gave out a burnt smell and an unpleasant smell.

The four bodies did not respond at all.

Use a hot gun to check if the target is dead. This method is cruel, but it is very practical.

"Mr. Xia, have you been injured?" A middle-aged French man in casual clothes asked Xia Lei.

"I punched them a few punches, but it should be fine, thank you." Xia Lei said.

"Miss Eva is on her way, she will be there soon."

"Well, I know." Xia Lei said.

Jacqueline Eva's presence is no longer important to him, because he has borrowed a knife to kill people.

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