Super Vision

721 Chapter 721

Bang Bang Bang Bang ...

The high wind assault rifle roared, a bullet was ejected from the muzzle, and the target at 1000 meters was shot and hurried away. The poor target was shredded in the blink of an eye and did not form a target.The most shocking thing is not the range and power of the blast assault rifle, but the obvious tremor of its five body, and the recoil is almost zero!

The effective range is 1000 meters, the accuracy is extremely high, the power is terrifying, and the recoil is almost zero. The blast assault rifle that combines these characteristics, I wonder what other assault rifle in the world can match it?Not to mention the several assault rifles brought by Lockheed Martin this time. Even if Lockheed Martin brought all of its assault rifles here, it could not pick out one that could beat the blast assault rifle.

This is true for blast assault rifles, especially for sniper rifles.Although the Rema Group is still only a small company that produces light weapons, it can't be compared with Lockheed Martin, but in terms of the light weapons field, the Rema Group has already led the world!

Xia Lei threw the blast assault rifle into the ammunition box.He clapped his hands, turned around and walked away, and said, "I have finished demonstrating to you, what is the performance of the Rema Group's weapons, I think you are also very clear? Then so, see you guys."

He left now?

The people and weapons of Lockheed Martin are not taken into account at all!

A large group of visitors and soldiers and officers of the French Foreign Legion silently watched Xia Lei leave.

The most embarrassing thing is Bai Lier.She came here on behalf of Lockheed Martin to test the performance of the Lehma Group ’s weapons, and then let the French see the inferior weapons of China. Everyone's heart!

What made her even more annoyed was that Lockheed Martin hadn't started testing weapons yet, and Xia Lei actually clapped his hands and left.This gesture, this attitude, is more than contempt, it is simply a crime!

Xia Lei didn't even look back.

"Mr. Xia, please stay away." Masao Takebu said in English, and he walked towards Xia Lei as he spoke.

Xia Lei stopped, "What are you doing?"

Masato Takeshi smiled, "Mr. Xia, I'm going to delay you for a while, please take a step to speak."

"I'm still in a hurry to go back to work. If you have anything to say, hurry up." Because of Bai Li'er, Xia Lei didn't have much affection for Zheng Xiong.

As the saying goes, a father must have a daughter.Bai Lier is that kind of arrogant man, where can Masao Takebu be better?What's more, Masao Takeshi is the land general of the Japanese Land Self-Defense Force.This identity also disgusted him.

"Mr. Xia, I won't be able to delay you much time. The things I want to talk to you are also good for you." Masao Takebu is not stubborn.

Xia Lei hesitated, "Okay."

"Please follow me." Masao Takeshi walked to no one.

Xia Lei walked with Masato Takeshi, guessing what Masato Takeshi wanted to talk to him.In fact, he was willing to give Masahiro Mori a little time not because of any "benefits", he just wanted to figure out why Masahiro Mori came here.As for the benefits, even if the Japanese give him great benefits, he will not trade anything with the Japanese.

Feeling far enough away, Masao Takeshi stopped and turned to face Xia Lei, smiling very friendly, "Mr. Xia, you are the greatest genius I have ever seen. I respect you very much, and make a friend." "

A member of the Japan Land Self-Defense Force will take the initiative to make friends, and almost no one will refuse such a thing.But Xia Lei has a weak interest and a light attitude. "Are you calling me here just to say this? Make friends and avoid it. Tell me something."

There was an awkward look on Masao ’s face, and he felt very uncomfortable, but he did n’t break out, and his face still maintained a friendly smile, “Mr. Xia, is it because of my daughter? She really does not Sensible, I apologize to you on her behalf. "

"She didn't do anything wrong, you don't have to apologize to me." Xia Lei seems to have lost patience, "I convince Mr. Department, if you are really okay, I will be out of tune."

Masao Takeshi was silent for a while and said: "I want to buy your weapon, so the type of weapon, XL2500 sniper rifle, blast assault rifle and hell dog artillery. If you can transfer your technology, then we give the price It's quite impressive. "

Xia Lei froze for a moment, then could not help laughing again, "Mr. Hattori, do you want to buy our Leima Group's weapons? Is this true?"

Masao Takeshi is very serious, "Mr. Xia, do you look like I am kidding you? As long as you nod, we can give a price higher than the market price. The same is for weapons, you sell France, UAE and Saudi Arabia , Why not sell it to us? We are willing to give a price 20% higher than the market price. You are in business and you should pursue profit maximization. "

"I want to make money, and it's also the nature of the businessman to pursue the greatest profit." Xia Lei turned sharply, "but ..."

"But what?"

"I want to buy Japanese electronic technology, you can make a price." Xia Lei said.

"This ..." Masahiro Hattori immediately frowned.

The United States is the most technologically advanced country in the world, but it is not as good as Japan in the electronics field.Japan ’s electronic technology leads the world, and Japan ’s SLR cameras almost monopolize the world. This is an obvious example.In fact, many electronic components in China also have to be imported from Japan, and it is very passive whether it is industrial production or national defense construction.

Xia Lei smiled, "Why? Don't you want to sell? As long as you are willing to sell, I promise to give you a good price."

Masao's face suddenly became ugly.Just now he thought that Xia Lei was considering whether to accept his proposal, but he did not expect Xia Lei to circumvent him in a circle.What is his identity?When was it treated like this?

"Reluctant? I want to buy your Japanese electronic technology, and you are not happy. Are you looking for me to buy my things, do I have to agree for that little money? What logic is this? Is this Japanese logic? "

"Mr. Xia!" Masao Takeshi had a look of anger in his eyes. "Even if you don't sell, we can buy it from the place where you are. You are a private business owner, you don't make money if you are rich, don't you feel stupid?" "

Xia Lei sneered, "If you can buy it from elsewhere, that's your skill, I can't control it. But, you want to buy it from me, don't talk about it. Xia Lei does not lack those bad money."

"Humph!" The conversation ended so unpleasantly. Masao Takebu snorted coldly and turned away.

Xia Lei said: "Mr. Hattori, I will give you a piece of advice. There is no empire that will never fall in this world."

Masao Takeshi looked back at Xia Lei, "What do you mean?"

Xia Lei ’s tone was faint, “I ’m not talking about Japan because it ’s never an empire. I ’m talking about America. The ancient Persian Empire, Roman Empire, Tang Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty all disappeared. So, do n’t Create new hatred, or the fire will burn you one day. "

Masao Takeshi said coldly: "If you are in Japan, if you say this, I will send you to prison."

Xia Lei said: "If it is in China, I will not send you to prison, I will beat you."

"You ..." A Chinese character face of Masao Takeshi was instantly angry.He was so inspiring that a general Lu would be preached by a Chinese kid!

However, this is France.Former President Sarkozy can scold a fisherman kid on this land, a Chinese kid kidding him here, how can he treat others?

Xia Lei turned and left.


Lockheed Martin staff still fired the label anti-tank missile.The missile flew out of the launcher and went straight to a scrapped tank target with a fire tail.

The biggest shortcoming of this javelin-launched anti-tank missile, which is launched with a tube body, is that the launching tail flame exposes the position of the shooter. However, the shooter still needs to keep the infrared lock and cannot move.It usually takes almost 10 seconds for a wire-guided missile to be launched and hit. If it is found in such a long time, if the tank is bombarded, then bye.

The anti-tank missile flew a few seconds before hitting the tank target. A violent explosion sounded, and the tank target was also destroyed, and the fire was skyrocketing.In terms of power, the javelin anti-tank missile is stronger than the Hellhound single artillery. However, regardless of the time of launch, the speed of hitting the target, or the shooter's survival rate, it is much lower than the Hellhound single artillery. .

The same is the battle mission of destroying a tank. If the soldiers are allowed to choose, he will definitely choose the hell dog artillery artillery artillery artillery instead of the javelin anti-tank missile.

Sure enough, after the Lockheed Martin's javelin anti-tank ballistic hit the target, the French did not applaud and applaud, not even a little surprised expression.Many of them just glanced lightly, and their eyes moved to the hell-dog individual artillery left by Xia Lei, and others moved their eyes to Xia Lei.

Judging from the reaction of these French people, they are interested in Lockheed Martin's javelin anti-tank ballistics, but they are full of longing for the Rema Group's hell dog artillery.

It all fell into Xia Lei's eyes, and he couldn't help but show a smile, "Those French will soon draft the contract, and then sign the contract with me."

As soon as this thought fell, Jacqueline Eva walked over quickly.

"Xia, are you really leaving?" Jacqueline Eva said.

Xia Lei said: "Well, I understand what their weapons are. I can't look down on them at all. It's meaningless for me to stay, so I want to go back."

"Let's go together." Jacqueline Eva lowered her voice. "They have negotiated and concluded the deal. After an hour, they will fax me the contract, and I will sign the contract with you at that time."

"It's no problem, but I want to know how do I get what I want?"

"This is not the place to talk about this kind of thing, let's talk back to the hotel."

Xia Lei nodded.When leaving, his eyes moved to Bai Lier, who was looking at him.Her eyes looked very cold, even with a hint of resentment.

Xia Lei dismissed it, and said secretly in his heart: "A helper, what kind of cow? You are also worthy to talk to my assistant. I can talk to you, that's already giving you a face."

"Okay, don't look at it anymore. You're so angry with people, you must be out of play." Jacqueline Eva said narrowly.

Xia Lei suddenly remembered something, "Yes, I have a condition."

"What conditions do you have?" Jacqueline Eva suddenly became nervous. "I've already told those people that you can't just add conditions."

"I have fixed this condition." Xia Lei said: "My technology cannot flow into Japan, and the weapons you produce cannot be sold to Japan. If you do it secretly, once I know it, I will not provide intelligence. The core original machine tool. "

Jacqueline Eva shrugged her shoulders and smiled, "What condition do I think you are when we French are philanthropists? We paid so much, how can we share with the Japanese? You can rest assured This kind of thing won't happen. "

"I want to write this into the contract." Xia Lei said.

Jacqueline Eva, "..."

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