Super Vision

725 725 Opportunity in the Crack

After all, the Paris International Army Weapons Exhibition finally opened.Businessmen, tourists and media people from all over the world poured into the Villepinte Exhibition Center, and all the exhibition halls were crowded and lively.

The employees of Reima Group are looking forward to it, looking forward to the merchants coming to visit and place orders.But it was not a merchant, but a group of European media reporters.

"Caiyue, you have to deal with them, I will hide." Xia Lei said just slipped away.

Qing Caiyue looked at Xia Lei's back silently, and only half a word came out, "Take me as a shield and ask the cattle to work, but don't feed the cattle ..."

I don't know what kind of cow she is talking about and what kind of grass is the grass.

A large group of European media reporters flooded into the exhibition hall of the Lehma military factory.

Qing Caiyue greeted him, "We Xia Dong is away, I am his secretary Qing Caiyue, do you have any needs?"

"Where has Mr. Xia gone?"

"Sorry, I don't know." Qing Caiyue said, "You have any questions for me."

"Miss Qing, I heard that your company's weapons are modeled on German design? Can you talk about it?"

Qing Caiyue suddenly froze.

"Miss Qing, does the Rema Group only have these three light weapons? Some media said that your Rema Group is a dark horse in the military industry. Is this your hype?"

Qing Caiyue's face is blue.

"Miss Qing, I heard that your weapons fell into the hands of terrorists and caused tremendous damage to civilians on the battlefield in the Middle East. Can you talk about what is going on?"

Blue Moon, "..."

"Miss Qing, why doesn't Xia Lei, our chairman of the Rema Group, give an interview? What is he afraid of? What can the Rema Group not see inside? Can you talk about it?"

A large group of reporters, a lot of embarrassing questions.Even with Qing Caiyue's eloquence, she was speechless.But she also understands why Xia Lei asked her to deal with these reporters. European media have always liked to discredit Hua Guo and Hua Guo companies. How could they let Lehma Group pass.

It is not an easy task for Europe to change its views on China and its companies.This is still the case, and the difficulty of opening the European market can be imagined.This is why Xia Lei avoided these reporters. He knew that this was the result, so there was no need to be interviewed by these European reporters.

"Miss Qing, why don't you speak? Please answer our question."

"I don't know." Qingcaiyue was already irritated.

Just as a group of journalists besieged the Blue Moon, a group of people in Arab robes walked into the exhibition hall of the Rema Group.The one headed is Prince Caliph.

Qing Caiyue was worried that she had no excuses to get rid of this group of annoying European journalists. She simply dropped the group of European journalists and greeted them with a smile, saying in English: "Sir, do you have any questions?"

Prince Caliph looked at it, "What about Xia Lei?"

"We Xia Dong ..." Qing Caiyue subconsciously glanced at the lounge behind the booth.

Xia Lei hid in the lounge, but she didn't know whether to tell the Arab in front of her.

The door of the lounge suddenly opened, and Xia Lei came out from inside.

"My friend." Harry walked past with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been recently?" Xia Lei also greeted him with a friendly smile on his face.

His Royal Highness Prince?Qing Caiyue froze.She did not expect Xia Lei to have friends of this level.

But without waiting for Xia Lei and Prince Caliph to greet a few words, the group of European media reporters came up.

"Mr. Xia, why are you hiding?"

"Mr. Xia, are you afraid to accept our interview? What is the reason?"

"Mr. Xia, I heard that your products are copied from German designs. Is this true?"

"Mr. Xia, have you sold weapons to terrorist organizations in private? Have you ever thought about the suffering civilians and children?"

"Mr. Xia, I only saw the three light weapons products you exhibited. At this scale, you are not eligible to participate in the International Army Weapons Exhibition in Paris. I would like to ask if you can come to this weapons exhibition because you Did you send the money? "

As soon as Xia Lei appeared, the problems of these European media reporters became more offensive.

"My friends, what's the matter with these guys?" Prince Caliph frowned, "Do people who need me help you get them out?"

"Thank you, but you don't need to. We can talk elsewhere." Xia Lei said.The European media reporters asked him a lot of questions, but he didn't want to answer any of them. He had the right to treat those questions as farts.

"Okay, let's talk outside." Prince Caliph said as he walked away. "You actually know the purpose of my visit this time. I want your hellhound artillery."

"No problem, when did I reject your order?"

"Hehe, then don't tell me, I also have to wait two years before I can get the Hellhound Artillery."

"How come, I will give priority to the order of His Royal Highness."

The two walked while chatting, and the group of European journalists followed behind their ass and continued to ask embarrassing questions. Even if Xia Lei ignored them, they would not give up.

"The guys in the back are really annoying. His Royal Highness, you go to my secretary to place an order, and I will deal with them." Without going far, Xia Lei changed his mind.

"Okay, let me talk to your secretary." Prince Caliph turned to the exhibition hall of the Rema Group.

Xia Lei confronted the group of European journalists, "Okay, I will accept your interviews. Please ask questions one by one, I will just talk one by one, I cannot satisfy all of you at the same time."

"Mr. Xia, is your weapon copied from a German design?" A reporter asked.

"Please raise your hand, and I will answer your question before raising my hand." Xia Lei said.

The European journalist was stunned for a while, but he didn't wait for him to raise a hand next to him. He also raised the question, "Mr. Xia, can the Reima Group come here to participate in the exhibition, did they bribe French officials?"

Xia Lei smiled, "Dare you really dare to ask like this, are you afraid of being prosecuted?"

"France is a country with free speech, and the public has the right to know the inside story." The reporter who asked the question was upright.

"I can tell you with certainty that the Lehma Group can come here to exhibit without any bribes."

"How is this possible? Given your scale, people are simply not eligible to participate in this weapon exhibition."

"Then I can't talk to you. If you have the evidence, report it."

"Mr. Xia." The reporter who didn't raise his hand just now raised his hand reluctantly. "I still have the problem just now. Is the Lehma Group copying German design?"

"Your question makes me embarrassed, but I am still willing to answer you." Xia Lei pointed out the direction of the exhibition hall of Rheinmetall, "then you are the exhibition hall of Rheinmetall, they represent the highest level of the German military industry, You said that I copied German designs, but I myself did not receive any accusations from Germany, nor received any protests from Germany. You said that I copied German designs, the Germans are not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry ? "

The reporter who asked the question was speechless.

"Mr. Xia." Another reporter raised his hand. "The weapons of the Lehma Group played a disgraceful role in the Middle East battlefield, and a large number of civilians and children were injured. Can you tell me can? Why did the group sell weapons to Those terrorist organizations? "

"Your problem is already a very serious accusation." Xia Lei said lightly: "Our Lehma Group's weapons are sold to legitimate governments and companies, and never to terrorist organizations. If you have evidence, you can go to The Hague The court charged me, and I am willing to bear the responsibilities I should bear. "

"But your weapons do indeed fall into the hands of terrorist organizations. Do you have any explanation for this?"

Xia Lei said: "As far as I know, the largest terrorist organizations active in Iraq and Syria use the most American-made weapons, American tanks, American tanks, American rifles, American ammunition, and even American fans. Tank missiles, can I say that the United States is secretly supporting them? "

"This ..." the reporter who asked the question was speechless.

Xia Lei shrugged. "Okay, I don't have time to bullshit you. I know you won't write my good words, and I won't discredit me anymore. Just write whatever you love. What you are best at is also This one."

Xia Lei is gone. A large group of European journalists are still unwilling to leave.

Write as much as you like, I don't care.

Everyone said so, then interview a fart!

Xia Lei returned to the exhibition hall of Lei Ma Group, Qing Caiyue gave Xia Lei a thumbs up, the smile on his face was particularly cute and sweet.Then she leaned into Xia Lei's ear and whispered: "Xia Dong, your prince friend wants 20,000 hell dogs artillery artillery artillery artillery, this order is too big, I dare not sign, or you He talks. "

Xia Lei was also taken aback by Prince Caliph's appetite. 20,000 Hell Dog Soldier Artillery This is not a small order. In terms of the price of 50,000 US dollars per Hell Dog Soldier Artillery, the total order of Prince Caliphate The price has reached one billion US dollars.This order is also the largest single export order the Rema Group has received since its establishment.

"My friend, you won't let me down, right?" Prince Caliph said with a smile.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Yes, I signed with you, but I need money, you have to pay half of my deposit first."

"No problem, I can pay you now." Prince Caliph snapped his fingers, and a follower followed his mobile computer and walked over.

For the prince of the UAE, the problem that can be solved with money is definitely not a problem.

Prince Caliphate had just left his forefoot, and several merchants from South America came to the exhibition hall of Lehma Group.

Argentina wants 10,000 individual hell dog artillery, 50,000 blast assault rifles, and 5,000 XL2500 sniper rifles.

Venezuela wanted five thousand hellhound single artillery, 20,000 hurricane regiments could not enter, and one thousand XL2500 sniper rifles.

Send away merchants from South America, and merchants from the Middle East are here again.

Xia Lei is all bad ...

What if the Rema Group has only three light weapons?No matter which one is the most advanced and powerful infantry weapon in the world.European and American weapons Large weapons are indeed very advanced, but the price is not affordable by anyone, and even if they can afford it, Europe and the United States may not necessarily sell it.But the light weapons of the Rema Group are different. The light weapons of the Rema Group are not only cheap but also invincible. The countries in the third world cannot afford large weapons in Europe and the United States. ?

This is actually a development opportunity for Lehma Group!

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