Super Vision

730 Chapter 730

For Masao Takeshibe, the best result is that his daughter captures all of Xia Lei's body and mind, and can get all the technology of Rema Group without paying artificial intelligence technology.But now it seems that the Chinese kid in front of him is very suspicious of being a pig and a tiger. His daughter needs to sleep and artificial intelligence technology also needs to!

Masahiro Hattori wanted to scold Xia Lei for a bloody dog, but Xia Lei took it seriously.Business belongs to business, love belongs to love.If he uses Xia Lei's relationship with Xia Lei again and asks Xia Lei to devote his skills, wouldn't he wake up Xia Lei's peach trap?

"Although I am very uncomfortable, but you are right." Masahiro Takebe endured the anger in his heart, deliberately maintaining a calm tone, "Well, Xia Lei, I can give you my artificial intelligence technology at any time, you When can I give what I want? "

"I have already prepared it." Xia Lei reached into his pocket and took out a mobile USB stick on the dining table. "This USB stick contains relevant drawings and control procedures. You can build the XL2500 according to this drawing. The production line of sniper rifles, the production line of blast assault rifles, the production line of the artillery of hell dogs, and the intelligent machine tool of Thunder Dragon. "

The clothing department suddenly reached out to grab the USB flash drive on the dining table.

Xia Lei's hand flicked and grabbed the USB stick in his hand.

"You say you love me, sweet words." Buya Yifu finally got angry. "But I can't see any sincerity. You're lying to me. You're a liar!"

Xia Lei's innocent expression, "Buddy, you hurt my heart. I love you, I can swear to heaven ..."

"Enough!" Yabu Hattori slammed the knife in his hand on the table. "Apart from you swearing, what else will you do? I won't believe you anymore, you broke my heart!"

Xia Lei was not upset at all, "Buya, how do I know you are not lying to me? How can I be sure that you are not with me for my skills?"

The anger on Budgari's body was like being wiped out by a basin of water.It was not until this time that she seemed to recognize her opponent. In front of him, the man started from scratch and built the Rema Group with his hands. He is not only the father of the Chinese rifle but also an academician and deputy dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Even European and American powers must be eye-catching. Just such a man, will he be a stupid person who can cheat with him when he sleeps with him?

"I said that I am a principled person, business belongs to business, and love belongs to love. Dentist, I haven't used the love between us to trick you into giving me artificial intelligence technology?" , "Uncle, I haven't made such a request to you yet? Why do you associate pure love business together? Isn't this blasphemy love?"

If there is a time stopper in this world, Masao Takeshi really wants to stop the time, stop Xia Lei's shadow emperor's face, and then walk over and pierce a knife on his forehead.He might also inscribe a turtle on his forehead with a knife, or a poop.

"Cough cough." Although I wished that one foot would come down to kick flat, but Masao's face showed a harmonious smile, "Xia Lei, you are right, I and Yayi are too anxious. Since you have already Things brought, then let's trade. "He stood up." I made a call to let our engineers pass by. As long as you are sure that your things are true, we will complete the transaction. "

"Uncle, where are your engineers?" Xia Lei tentatively said.

"They live in a nearby hotel and can come over in a few minutes."

"Well, you let them come." Xia Lei said.

Masao Takeshi left the restaurant.

"How do you want to inspect the goods?" Buyi Yifu asked Xia Lei.

"I can see its authenticity by myself." Xia Lei said.

This is not a lie. Although artificial intelligence technology is much more complicated than intelligent machine tool technology, some of the foundations are the same.He is the most powerful electrical engineer in the world. His brain can easily solve Riemann's conjecture. Can he still see whether the artificial intelligence technology given to him by Masao Takeshi?

Haiya Buyi looked directly at Xia Lei, his eyes looking strange.

"Buddy, what are you doing with me like this?" Xia Lei asked.

"I suddenly remembered what you said."

"What's the matter?"

"You say your wealth is not your company but yourself. I believe this sentence is true, and you are probably the smartest person in the world I have ever seen."

Xia Lei smiled, "Everything I say to you is true, but you don't want to believe it."

There was a sneer in the corner of Budgar's mouth.Xia Lei didn't even touch her USB stick, would she still believe the sweet words he said to her on the pillow?Go to hell!

Now looking at the man opposite, she couldn't help but think of the lowly things she did last night to please him, and his perverted demands, and her heart was full of hate.

"Wait, you dysfunctional, erotic, obscene pig, you will go to hell as soon as the transaction is over. At that time, I want you to kneel in front of me and wipe my soles with your tongue!" Hattori Hattori Thinking bitterly.

Xia Lei pretended to be ashamed, and he avoided the sight of Bubu's clothing, and moved to the direction of Masao's departure.His left eye jumped slightly, and the wall that blocked his sight disappeared silently into his sight.

In the room behind the wall, Masao Takebu is calling someone.

Masao Takebu uses Japanese, but this is not difficult for him.He locked his lips with his left eye, and began to interpret his words with lip reading.

"The Chinese kid has installed the drawings of the Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool and the control program, as well as the related technologies of the XL2500 sniper rifle, blast assault rifle, and hell dog soldier artillery. You come quickly, I You need to judge whether the content in the USB flash drive is true or false. "Masao Takeshi said.

Lip interpretation is very practical, but there is also a very obvious shortcoming, that is, he can't interpret the voice inside the phone.

"No need to inform the ambassador! You have to remember that you are a member of my service department. You just need to do things according to my orders. If you don't care about other things, I will naturally handle it. Well, come here immediately!" Hang up the phone.

Although the voice on the phone could not be deciphered, Xia Lei could also guess some according to Masao Takebu.The person who received the phone from Masao ’s Masao is likely to be a person from the family business of the Ministry of Service, with a high position.The other party was asking whether Masahiro Hattori would notify the Japanese ambassador, and Masao Hattori refused.Masao ’s mind has been made clear, and he wants to gobble up Leima ’s technology!

People are not their own, and they are destroyed.

If the service department family has acquired the technology of the Rema Group, with the financial and material resources and manpower of the service department family, if the service department family wants to create a behemoth that can challenge Lockheed Martin, it is not impossible!

"He really has a good abacus." Xia Lei said secretly, and then he sneered again in his heart, "However, this is of no use."

Without the super-precision core parts that he hand-made, even if he handed over all the drawings and control procedures to Masao Takeshi, he could not make a qualified blast assault rifle.

What happened to the German is a typical example. He built the XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle production line. The Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool is about to be assembled, but he just destroyed a few core parts and let the two production lines. And that Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tool was scrapped.Even if the ability of the Germans can't be solved, can the Japanese still do it?

It is just such a thing that the Germans will never come up with and the Japanese will never know.So looking at this transaction according to the thinking of normal people, he brought the drawings and control procedures, then this is a complete transaction.The Japanese have enough confidence to turn the drawings into real production lines and the world's most advanced intelligent machine tools, and then create more powerful war weapons.

However, whether they are Germans or French, or now the Japanese, they have overlooked a very obvious problem, that is, the most powerful technology of Xia Lei is not a machine tool or a weapon, but his brain. , His left eye and his hands.

Masao Takebu stayed in that room for more than ten seconds, then he picked up his phone and dialed a number.

Who is he calling?

Xia Lei suddenly thought of someone in his heart, and his eyes locked on the lips of Masao Masaru again.

"It's me, he's already at my house. The plan is going smoothly, but you have to delay the time of arresting people ... why? My daughter has stolen a very important piece of information, he has a plan x , I guess it ’s related to the massive expansion of the Rema Group. I need a little time to figure out what this X plan is ... He ’s cunning? I know he ’s cunning, but even if he is the most cunning person in the world, it ’s useless. He is here with me and I can take him anytime. "

The person that Xia Lei just guessed was Gu Kewen, and the content of Zheng Xiong's call has proved that his guess is correct.

"How much time?" Masao Takebe glanced at the wrist watch, "From now on, six hours. Six hours later, no matter if I have figured out what the X plan is, you can come to me to take him Take away ... I ’m not talking to you, my decision wo n’t change ... You and your people are better not to destroy my plan, just like that, six hours, not even one minute in advance. "

Masao Takeshi hung up the phone.

Xia Lei withdrew his gaze.

Gu Kewen is nearby, ready to rush in and grab him at any time.But now because of a non-existent X plan, Masao Takeshi has drawn a time limit of up to six hours for Gu Kewen, and his attitude is tough, even one minute in advance.

"Six hours, at that time, the transaction was already over, so what way would he dig out the secret of Plan X from my mouth?" Xia Lei couldn't help thinking about this question.

Masao Takeshi returned to the restaurant, "Xia Lei, follow me to the study, our experts are coming soon."

Xia Lei got up and smiled, "Uncle, no problem, everything is up to you."

"Wait," said Bubu Yubu.

Xia Lei puzzled: "What are you doing?"

The clothing department bud clothing walked around the table and walked to Xia Lei's side, saying softly: "Your mouth is a little dirty, I don't want outsiders to say that I don't know how to take care of my man." Just in the soft voice that can melt the bones of people Here, she gently wiped off a grease stain on Xia Lei's mouth with a napkin.

Japanese women are really gentle.

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