Super Vision

747 Chapter 747

The forest is not quiet.The wind blew, and the trees shook, making a rustling sound.There are insects in the grass, they seem to be warning human intruders.

On the hillside, two people and two XL2500 sniper rifles blend with rocks and vegetation.

Two gunshots, at the same time.

On the grass below the hillside, two gunmen fell to the ground at the same time.One is a sniper in disguise, and the other is a assault rushing in front.Xia Lei killed the former, and Tang Yuyan killed the latter.The cooperation between the two is very tacit.

However, the strength and weakness still manifested after a second.After firing the first shot, Xia Lei barely paused. The muzzle of the XL2500 sniper rifle moved a centimeter, and the second bullet flew out.

Another gunman fell to the ground with a headshot.

Tang Yuyan is still targeting in the sniper mirror.She can't complete the operation of killing the target without using a sniper mirror like Xia Lei. She must use a sniper mirror to lock the target.And all she wants to shoot are targets with extremely high military literacy, the other party will not give her the opportunity to lock.

After dropping three bodies, the people on the slope rushed into the forest.Some people shot blindly, and the bullets flew in the direction of Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan. Most of the bullets flew over the two people ’s heads, but some bullets hit the rocks next to the two and sputtered a bunch of Mars .

"Go!" Xia Lei got up from the hiding place and turned to climb higher.

Tang Yuyan also got up from the hiding place, followed Xia Lei to climb higher.She is well aware of Xia Lei's plan to use the XL2500 sniper rifle's range advantage and terrain advantage to fight guerrillas with the other party and kill them at zero cost.

"Just now, how did you kill the second person?" Tang Yuyan raised the question in his mind while moving quickly.She didn't actually see the details of Xia Lei's shooting just now, but she saw Xia Lei killing the third target in the sniper mirror, and at that time she hadn't been able to lock her next target.

"Shoot, otherwise how to kill that guy?" Xia Lei did not explain.

Tang Yuyan raised her mouth in dissatisfaction.She was a little bit dissatisfied, but she knew very well that if snipers all over the world competed once, then no one could beat Xia Lei. He is the strongest sniper in the world.

After climbing fifty meters, Charlie stopped.He turned to observe the direction under the hillside, and the dense trees blocked his sight.He couldn't see anyone moving in the woods.

Tang Yuyan entered the sniper state ahead of time. She climbed on a rock and supported her XL2500 sniper rifle with the rock.She was still wearing the hot denim pants, so short that she could only cover her hips.She took a sniper lying position, her upper body raised slightly, and her legs were separated by forty-five degrees.This posture made her hips look more plump and rounded. The trousers of the hot pants stretched out because of the posture, exposing the black lace inside.There is no doubt that this is a very seductive sniper pose.

Xia Lei couldn't help but smile a bit bitterly, because he remembered what had happened in the car before.In that narrow car bedroom, in that chaotic entanglement, he not only unbuttoned his hot pants, he even almost gave them ...

He knew exactly what Tang Yuyan wanted, and he almost gave it to her.He felt speechless for his self-control in that area.

"This time, let's compare to see who killed the enemy first." Tang Yuyan said, she didn't look back, her left eye was against the sniper mirror, and she carefully searched for the target.

"What's the difference? No matter who kills the enemy first is a good thing." Xia Lei said.He glanced to the left and right, and then his eyes stayed on a willow tree.The willow tree is very large, and it is unique to the left-handed willow in the western province.The trunk that needs two people to hug is twisted to the left, circle after circle.Its canopy is very dense, and the branches that make up the canopy are large enough to allow the next person to stand and do something.

"If I win, how would you accompany me to Shudi's hometown?" Tang Yuyan said: "You and I have known each other for so long. You haven't been to my hometown yet. Okay? Hello ... Why don't you talk?" Looking back, I saw that Xia Lei was climbing a tree, and his movements were as sensitive as a monkey.

Go to Shumen Tangmen?This bet Xia Lei felt a headache when thinking about it, let alone agreed.

"Huh! Hiding me again ..." Tang Yuyan withdrew her gaze, her mouth raised high.

On the willow tree, Xia Lei climbed to a branch just below the canopy.His height is almost fifteen meters above the ground, and the willow tree is on a higher hillside, and he suddenly has a visual field drop of at least thirty meters.At a height of thirty meters, almost ten floors.He looked down the hillside from such a height, and suddenly he saw a large mountain.

He quickly discovered the target.The leader wearing a monk's robe and a gunman walking in front of him.To his surprise, the leader in the robe walked almost perfectly.He never walks three steps in the same straight line, and almost all the routes he chooses have trees as his bunkers.Even if he appeared in the sniper field of vision, the sniper who aimed at him had little time to shoot him and he changed position.

However, the perfect route of a leader wearing a monk robe can only deal with a sniper of Tang Yuyan's level, which is useless in Xia Lei's eyes.

Xia Lei put the XL2500 in his hand on the branch in front of him, and then tilted the gun down.He quickly locked the sniper in a monk's robe, but the moment before the shot he changed his mind and replaced the target with the assaulter walking in front.


There was a gunshot.

It wasn't Xia Lei, but Tang Yuyan.

Just when Xia Lei changed his target, Tang Yuyan shot and killed one.

Xia Lei also pulled the trigger after that.After the gunshots sounded, the assaulter walking in front of the prince in the robe also fell to the ground.

The leader in the monk's robe hid behind a large tree without a centimeter of skin exposed all over his body.

"Let you live for a while." Xia Lei said secretly.He left the leader in the monk's robe, not because he didn't want to kill him, but because he wanted to keep a most valuable living mouth.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Dense gunshots sounded in the forest.After being attacked, the other party also judged the direction of Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan, and then shot blindly.Instant bullets like rain, fragments of rocks, fragments of trees flying around.

Xia Lei jumped from the tree.Tang Yuyan also shrank behind the rock, waiting for the other party to subside.


A grenade exploded just a few meters below the rock when Xia Lei climbed to Tang Yuyan's side. The mud and stones lifted by the grenade slammed into the two of them, making them like It was a zombie who had just crawled out of the grave.

After the explosion, the two climbed up almost at the same time and ran quickly up the hillside.


Another grenade fell, and the rock where the two had just hidden was exploded.

"They still have four people." Xia Lei said while running. "The next time is the end, you just have to kill one, and leave the two to me."

"I am responsible for one, you are responsible for two, and the remaining one ..." Tang Yuyan suddenly understood, "You want to keep a live mouth?"

"Leave the guy wearing the monk's robe." Xia Lei said: "Japan's regular soldiers cannot have this kind of courage. They are very unlikely to be Japanese agents and special forces. I want to figure out what their identity is."

"Okay, just what you said." Tang Yuyan agreed with Xia Lei.

After some distance, the two stopped again.This time Xia Lei did not climb onto the tree anymore, but lay down on a rock together with Tang Yuyan.There are only four people left in the other party. As long as they enter the field of vision again, he and Tang Yuyan can get the other two at once.Without the advantage in numbers and firepower, he has reduced the opponent's threat value to a very low level.

"I won just now." Tang Yuyan leaned on Xia Lei's waist with his elbow. "After this incident, you have to accompany me to my hometown."

"I didn't promise to bet with you." Xia Lei said.

"I don't care, I want you to accompany me back to my hometown." Tang Yu Yan Jiao said authentically.

Xia Lei had a headache. When he was looking for a reason to refuse, the sound of barking suddenly came from the right side of the mountainside.He looked around and saw a lot of flashing beams.That is the beam of a tactical flashlight, very strong.

Tang Yuyan also heard the sudden barking of the dog, she moved her eyes and saw the beams of the beating tactical flashlights.Those beams are beating in the mountains and forests, and the number is staggering!

"Who is it?" Tang Yuyan was nervous.

Xia Lei's left eye jumped slightly, and his left eye quickly locked on the person running in front.He saw the man's costume and face clearly, and his expression became horrified at that moment. "It's ... Indian soldier!"

Tang Yuyan immediately frowned, "How is it possible? This is our territory, how is it possible for Asan's soldiers to appear?"

Xia Lei said with a deep voice: "This is our territory, but those soldiers of A3 don't think so. You forgot, this is the southern frontier of the Western Province, and India has occupied more than 90,000 square kilometers of our territory. They are nearby Most of them have barracks, maybe our gunfire attracted them. "

"Damn! How many of them?" Tang Yuyan also observed, but she didn't know the number at all.

"At least fifty, we have to leave here." Xia Lei didn't dare to stay any longer. He climbed up from the rock and climbed towards the top of the mountain.

Going down the mountain is the best way to get rid of Indian soldiers, but there are four gunmen up and down.Once entangled by them and caught in a crossfire, he and Tang Yuyan would be surrounded by Indian soldiers chasing after them and fall into the danger of being caught by the enemy.

Horizontal movement is also not the best choice, because the other party has many people and powerful firepower, he and Tang Yuyan can't confront it at all, even if the two people's marksmanship is not like God.

The only option left is to continue to move to the top of the mountain. Only by taking advantage of the terrain to continue the guerrilla mode just now will you have a chance to escape.

The terrain on the hillside is getting steeper, the vegetation is becoming more sparse, and the wind is getting stronger.The top of the mountain was covered with snow. Xia Lei was already a problem area during running. Tang Yuyan was only wearing hot pants and a T-shirt. He was also in a cool summer dress. How can he resist the cold on the top of the mountain?

Wang Wang Wang ...

The sound of a military dog ​​roaring came from behind.

Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan can get rid of human sight, but they can't get rid of the dog's nose.

It won't take long for the two to catch up, because even Tang Men's light skills can't run the dog on the steep mountain.

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