Super Vision

752 Chapter 752

Tang Yuyan was dragged out, her body covered with blood.The cold and the drag did not wake her up, she was too weak.

Two CIA agents threw Tang Yuyan on the snow.Her face was irritated after contact with ice and snow, and her eyelids moved, but she didn't open it.

Gu Kewen said: "You guys don't think she is dirty, she is a famous big beauty. If I were a man, I would never give this opportunity to you."

There were two black special forces from the Marine Corps with a wretched smile, eager to try.

"Enough!" Xia Lei said angrily: "Gu Kewen, you have caught me, I will follow you, and let Tang Yuyan go!"

"Giggle ..." Gu Kewen gave a naive laugh like a little girl, "Xia Lei, are you begging me?"

Xia Lei bit his teeth. "Yes, I beg you."

Gu Kewen's voice became colder, "Are you so appealing?"

"What do you want?"

Gu Kewen shouted at Xia Lei: "Kneel!"

The anger was burning wildly in Xia Lei's heart. He wanted to twist Gu Kewen's neck, but when he thought of Tang Yuyan, his legs bent.

Dignity is sincere, but it is nothing compared to life.

Thumping, Xia Lei knelt on the ground.

Tang Yuyan's eyelids moved slightly again, and this time it finally opened a little.She saw Xia Lei kneeling on the snow, saw Gu Kewen, and saw the wolves of CIA agents and special forces standing beside Gu Kewen.Suddenly she understood what was happening.

"Xia ... No ..." She wanted to say something, but the sound from her mouth was too weak, and even so weak that she could not hear herself.

"Okay, I'm already kneeling in front of you." Xia Lei lowered his head and lowered his posture to the lowest. "I beg you, you put Tang Yuyan. I'll follow you, you can do anything to me."

Two tears rolled down from the corner of Tang Yuyan's eyes, dripped on the snow, and melted a little snowflake.What Xia Lei said was the most beautiful love story she ever heard in her life, and her heart was melted.

"You killed my father, you killed my brother, you let me lose everything and become what you are now." Gu Kewen looked at Xia Lei coldly, "You think you are kneeling, between us Will your grievances disappear? Will I let you go? "

"I haven't let you let me go. I said, you can do anything to me, but please put Tang Yuyan. This is the grudge between me and you, it has nothing to do with her." Xia Lei moved his knee to Tang Yuyan moved over.

No one stopped a person walking on his knees. Xia Lei, who had changed the CIA agent's smell, has now become a poor worm.

"You just let it go? I said, I'll be happy to do anything that hurts you." Gu Kewen gave a glance to the two black special forces around him.

The two black commandos grasped the experience, and they walked to Tang Yuyan.

Xia Lei lay prone on Tang Yuyan's body, protecting her, "Don't touch her! Otherwise I will kill you!"

"What's this guy shouting?" A black commando kicked on Xia Lei's back.

Xia Lei didn't let go of Tang Yuyan, his hand stretched into Tang Yuyan's waist while taking advantage of the vibration of his body.

"Take him away!" Gu Kewen ordered. "You have ten minutes to kill this bitch after playing."

The two black special forces laughed.

Two CIA agents came up to grab Xia Lei's arm and lift him from Tang Yuyan.

Xia Lei did not resist, but looked at the direction behind the mountain.His eyes were full of anticipation and anxiety.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Kewen glanced in the direction Xia Lei looked, but she saw nothing.

Xia Lei closed his mouth tightly and said nothing.His hands clenched his fists, while his right fist was loose.

Gu Kewen came to Xia Lei, leaned in his ear, lowered his voice, and said in Chinese: "Xia Lei, are you waiting for your rescue? I tell you, some of your four men deal with it . The woman in Japan, do you remember? She will take care of your men. No one will come to save you, today is your end. "

"Yeah!" Xia Lei spit on Gu Kewen's face.

"Asshole!" Gu Kewen waved his hand to Xia Lei's face.

Two black special forces lifted Tang Yuyan and walked to a leeward place.They obviously don't want to do that kind of thing in the cold wind.

"You don't do it yet, what are you waiting for?" Xia Lei suddenly shouted in Italian.

"What are you talking about?" Gu Kewen froze for a moment, staring at Xia Lei alertly.

Xia Lei shouted again in Italian: "What are you waiting for, what are you waiting for?"

"Asshole!" Gu Kewen slapped Xia Lei again. "What the hell are you calling?"

Xia Lei stopped roaring, looking at Gu Kewen coldly, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Head, he seems to speak Italian." A CIA agent said: "It seems to be asking why someone hasn't done it yet."

Gu Kewen sneered: "Are you crazy? Are you--"

Her voice came to a halt.

The two black special forces carrying Tang Yuyan to do that kind of thing also stopped.

Almost all the sights were gathered in the direction of Houshan.

As everyone watched, a blonde girl with a pointed witch hat and a wooden staff climbed up the steep mountain road.The wooden wand in her hand looked like a wand, but apparently it was not, because the wands in the movies and novels were inlaid with gemstones, and the top of her wand was inlaid with a pink plastic ball .Moreover, there is a "MadeinChina" label on the wand.

The scene was originally very dark, very sinful, and very repressive. As soon as this blonde girl appeared, the style of the scene changed at once, adding a lot of joy that should not appear.

Wow!Dozens of guns were raised flat, and the muzzle was all aimed at the blonde girl.

As long as Gu Kewen ordered, the strange blond girl in front of him would be beaten into a sieve.

But Gu Kewen did not issue such an order, because the blond girl had no weapons and seemed to have no attack power.But this is definitely not the reason why she killed the blonde girl immediately without killing. The reason why she didn't order the shot immediately was that the blonde girl was so weird.

Who is she?

How could she appear here?

These are the questions that Gu Kewen wants to know the answer.

"Sorry, I came a little late, but I definitely didn't do it on purpose. My parachute hung on a stone, and I spent a lot of effort to untie the rope. My buttocks were swollen." The blond girl said , Very standard Italian.

"What did she say?" Gu Kewen said urgently: "Translate her words!"

Waiting for a CIA agent who understands Italian to translate her words, the blonde girl followed and said in Chinese: "Without translation, I can use the language of all the nations in this world. Look, I am talking to you in Chinese now, Can you understand it? "She looked at the CIA agents and special forces, and said in English:" Do you have Eskimos? I can say hello to him in Eskimo. Maya can also, I can also Maya . "

She is Xia Lei's Skyfall.

But as soon as she appeared, Xia Lei felt like a hundred alpaca lined up past him.

Is she here to perform the show?

"Who are you?" Gu Kewen drew his gun and pointed it at the blonde girl's head.

"Maritina." The blonde girl smiled and introduced herself generously. "I still have a Chinese name, Zhu Xuanyue."

Zhu Xuanyue.

As soon as the name entered, Xia Lei's heart seemed to be held by one and could not beat.

She has come back.

In this incredible way!

"Why are you here?" Gu Kewen's voice was cold.

Zhu Xuanyue pointed at Xia Lei with the "MadeinChina" wand in his hand. "I'm here to help him. Well, I will kill you. I don't want you to know my secret." After a pause, she said again: " Are you finished? Can I do it? "

"Damn, mental retardation!" Gu Kewen pulled the trigger.

Bang Bang Bang!

Gu Kewen fired three shots in an instant, and three bullets hit Zhu Xuanyue at the same time, one hit the head, one hit the heart, and one hit the right lung.Each of these three shots is a fatal wound!

Zhu Xuanyue fell to the ground, his blood stained the snow.

This is the end?

Xia Lei looked at the blonde girl who fell in the pool of blood with a stunned look.

He determined that Zhu Xuanyue was a counterfeit, because even the incomplete Zhu Xuanyue, her method of murder was ten thousand times stronger than the blonde girl in front of her.In that operation in Japan, Zhu Xuanyue appeared to kill more than 20 Japanese navy soldiers for him.At that time, she was like a wind rushing into the heads of those Japanese navy warriors, and those Japanese navy warriors died and no blood shed.At that time, Zhu Xuanyue was so powerful that he was afraid, and he dared not release her.But now Zhu Xuanyue, she descended from the sky, carrying the "MadeinChina" wand, an enemy was not killed, but was killed by Gu Kewen!

Who the hell is this kidding joke about?

"Hahaha ..." Gu Kewen smiled. "Xia Lei, is this your rescuer? Did you find it from the circus?"

Xia Lei was about to speak, but his words froze.In his sight, the blonde girl who fell in the pool of blood melted like an ice cream under the hot sun.Her blood was flowing more and more, more and more blood was flowing in the snow, and her body was getting smaller and smaller.

"She, she ..." A CIA agent spoke in horror.

Just a blink of an eye, the blonde girl's body completely melted into the snow.

The scarlet blood spread quickly, and in just a few seconds, everyone stunned the ground on the top of the mountain!

An overcast wind suddenly blew.

Cloudy wind, blood, dark sky without crescent moon, it feels like suddenly falling into hell from the world.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Gu Kewen roared in horror.

Agents of the CIA and special forces of the Marine Corps assisting the CIA in this task also panicked. They searched suspiciously for suspicious targets, and their faces were filled with fear.Some Christians even cross the hand, hoping to overcome fear in this way.

At this moment, the mysterious energy lurking in Xia Lei's brain shook and released.Almost at that moment, Xia Lei's vision seemed to be swept by a gust of wind, and the illusion of confusion was gone.

On the snow, there are no blond girls, no blood, only a group of frightened CIA agents and special forces.

Everything just now is an illusion!

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