Super Vision

787 Chapter 787

In the afternoon, many online media and social platforms have appeared videos of Mu Jianfeng slapping Ye Kun ’s woman, as well as Xia Lei ’s information about Mu Jianfeng. The shady materials.For a time, the Internet was booming and booming.

Who can embrace such a fire of public opinion?

Whoever is trapped burns to death!

That night Xia Lei received a call from Fan Fan.

"I really have you. I think you should switch to being a director. It's just that you are making weapons." Fan Fan's voice, with a sense of ridicule and a sense of joy, "I was so fooled by you The suppressed report material appeared again. I was informed that an investigation team had been established to investigate. Mu Jianfeng had been restricted in his freedom and his passport had been confiscated. "

"Actually so fast?" Xia Lei said with a smile: "I thought this matter would have to be brewed and fermented for some time before it broke out. I didn't expect this to control people for most of the day."

"Don't you like it so fast?"

"Of course I like it. Another nasty fly for me."

"Actually, the main reason for handling Mu Jianfeng so quickly is your new material plan. I have submitted the report. The people above are very happy and even excited. They moved you at this time. Their IQ is anxious. "Fan Fan's voice was still so happy.

"There is also your credit in it. Well, my phone is running out of power. I will talk again next time." Xia Lei said.

"Hurry so early, wouldn't you have a date with a beautiful woman?"

"Are you jealous?" Xia Lei lowered his voice.

"I've eaten your salty food. What is it that eats your sour food?"

Xia Lei, "..."

"Is Long Bing dating you?"

"I'm alone, oops, I'm really out of power ..." Xia Lei hung up the phone, and then he looked at Long Bing, who was drinking red wine next to the dining table, slightly embarrassedly and said: "She is like her name, annoying very."

"It's good to have her help, I think she is quite feminine." Long Bing said.

"Well, let's stop talking about her, let's eat." Xia Lei walked over.

Long Bing poured a glass of red wine to Xia Lei, and then a glass for herself.When Xia Lei sat down on the other side of the dining table, she took a wine glass around her and sat down beside him.

Xia Lei smiled and raised his glass. "Let's have a drink. I haven't had a drink in your house for a long time." At first, he promised that Long Bing would stay at her house for one night every weekend, but he didn't make this promise. Do it.Every time he thinks about this, he feels a little bit sad in his heart, feeling a little owed to her.

But Long Bing didn't care about this, she and Xia Lei touched the glass, and then drank the wine in the glass.Her alcohol is as good as her marksmanship.

"I'll pour it on you." Xia Lei brought her a bottle of wine.

Long Bing looked at Xia Lei and suddenly said, "Is there no femininity in me?"

Xia Lei froze a little, then leaned over her snow neck and sniffed gently, "Why is there no femininity? I just smelled, fragrant, I especially like the smell on you."

Long Bing gave Xia Lei a white look, "Are you teasing me? I mean femininity, but it's not the smell on me."

"What's that smell?" Xia Lei looked ignorant.

"I'm talking about ..." Long Bing thought for a moment. "Well, it's like the taste on Fan Fan's body, especially charming and very intellectual. Or the kind on Shen Tu Tianyin, Especially noble and feminine. "

Xia Lei smiled, "I said what's going on with you today? Are we drunk after we drank a glass of wine? You are you. If you become that kind of woman, you're not the dragon ice I know." "

"No, I want to try it. Change it."

"Do you think it's changing clothes?"

"It won't be possible to learn."

"You don't want to toss yourself, we still drink the bar, and then ..." Xia Lei's grinning smile.

Perhaps the grin on his face caused a chemical reaction to her, and she suddenly stood up from the chair, twisted her waist, and sat on Xia Lei's lap.

Her snow white is so soft and elastic.There is a flag in Xia Lei's heart, and it has now begun to shake.

"Don't you want to eat?" Xia Lei said.

"Don't disturb." Long Bing circled Xia Lei's neck and looked at Xia Lei, "Is this feminine?"

"Poof." Xia Lei couldn't help laughing.

Long Bing glared at Xia Lei, "Don't laugh! I'm serious."

Xia Lei "..."

Long Bing twisted her soft white snow twice, "So? Is it feminine?"

Xia Lei bit his lip before he smiled.However, Long Bing made such a move, and his root as a man's exclusive nerve inevitably produced a physical response.

Long Bing soon felt the changes in Xia Lei's body. She looked at Xia Lei and said seriously: "Want to make it wrong?"

Xia Lei nodded solemnly.

Long Bing kissed Xia Lei's lips in one sip, and her hands were skiing, and the chain-like bite was taken away with a clatter.

The dry wood met with fire.

She is her, she is cold, she is the inaccessible iceberg.She is also wild and wild, when the passion is like fire, just like that volcano, even the hardest rock can melt into magma.

She doesn't need to change anything, and her charm cannot be resisted.

Women like her don't need femininity at all, but women like her can only be conquered by men under her.

The name of the man under her is Xia Lei.

The gun he made is the best gun in the world.

The cannon he made is also the best in the world.

The night is long and there are many stories and gestures in this city.

Early the next morning, when Xia Lei got up, Long Bing had already left.But she prepared breakfast for him, a box of instant noodles made by Master Kang.

Xia Lei sighed, "Women want to treat themselves better, how can one day's diet be irregular?"

After eating instant noodles soaked in by Long Bing, Xia Lei took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Xiaohong.

"Brother Lei!" Zhou Xiaohong laughed at the other end of the phone, as if receiving a call from Xia Lei was the happiest thing in her life.

The woman in the countryside knows how to be grateful. If Xia Lei had taken her and let her work in a studio on the street, she might be wondering which restaurant to wash dishes in.Xia Lei gave her everything she has now, and she always cherishes a grateful heart for Xia Lei.

"That's it. Help me find a better aunt from your hometown, who will be able to cook and take care of people. Well, even if our company asks her and the salary is paid in our company, she only needs to take care of one person. Give She cleans the room and cooks something. "Xia Lei said.

"It's no problem. We have many aunts here, who know a lot about cooking and take care of people. Can I ask who will take care of them?"

"Dragon Bing, you have seen it."

"Okay, I get it now."

"Also, if you find someone, we will buy five insurances and one gold for others. Also, she will not live in Longbing's house after she comes to Kyoto, and we will rent a house for her." Xia Lei said.

"Well! Brother Lei Zi, when will you come to Shudi? I ..."

"what happened?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you ... I don't mean that, I just want to see you." Zhou Xiaohong looked nervous.

Xia Lei smiled, "I will come to Shudi when I'm busy this time, take care of myself, so be it, I hang up."

"Goodbye, Brother Lei Zi." Zhou Xiaohong's voice was full of melancholy.

After finishing the call with Zhou Xiaohong, Xia Lei left a note for Long Bing: No more instant noodles in the future, I asked you an aunt to help you clean and cook.Women should treat themselves better.I can't take care of you by your side, just leave the aunt I asked you, don't refuse me.

Long Bing gave him enthusiasm like fire, he gave her tenderness like water.

Even if she is a woman living in the rain of bullets, she needs to be cared for and cared for.

Back at the Lehma military factory, Xia Lei had just discussed with Silvia and Anina about the plan to mass-produce a scavenger infantry fighting vehicle, and after talking about the idea to start designing Lehma ’s own tank The female knights of the four hospital knights came to the door again.

After Silvia and Anina left, Xia Lei said, "What are you doing again?"

"Do you think we want to come to you?" Said Teresa, who was ritualized by Xia Lei, "We are here to explain the latest situation to you."

Rosa closed the door of the office.

Xia Lei said lightly: "What's new in there?"

"Our people have already launched operations in Siberia, and our people have removed the FA training base in Siberia." Giovanna said.

Xia Lei suddenly smiled, "That's good, this is really good news."

Stella placed a mobile phone in front of Xia Lei, on which was a photo of the body.The deceased person in the photo is a teenager, who is no more than sixteen years old and is not an adult.He had at least a dozen shots on his body, and his blood stained a large area of ​​snow.

Xia Lei reached out and slid the screen, another photo of the corpse, not one, but several.He turned over one by one, and each photo was a photo of a corpse, with dozens of them.

Xia Lei quickly turned to the last photo, and he couldn't look away.

The last photo was also a photo of a corpse, but it was not shot dead, but the head was cut off alive.Then, someone used his head to write a Chinese sentence on the snow-Xia Lei, to kill me, you have to come in person!coward!

This sentence was not named, but he could still guess who wrote it, it was Ye Mosha.

"This body is not a FA organization, it is ours. Ye Mosha killed him, and then fled into the forest. Our people are searching the forest. We will inform you when there is news." Theresa said She looked at Xia Lei's eyes unfriendly.She still annoys Xia Lei that her place smells of salted fish. She always thinks it is the smell of bread.

"Thank you." Xia Lei returned the phone to Stella.

Stella said: "Mr. Xia, Ye Mosha is a top killer, FA's strongest agent. If our people can't kill her, or catch her, please understand."

Xia Lei frowned, "Is this what you wanted to tell me, or did Arthur tell you?"

"Yes ..." Stella was about to speak, but Rosa touched her waist, and she closed her mouth again.

Xia Lei smiled. "It turned out that Arthur told you to tell you. You told him that killing or seizing Yemasha is a very important part of the agreement between us. If you don't implement it, you won't need to say it? "

"Then please help us." Qiao Fanna said: "Ye Mo Sha is very strong, she wants to escape, we are difficult to catch her. If you participate in the pursuit and hunt, she will treat you as a target, no Will run away. In this way, we can kill her or catch her. "

"Is this what Arthur asked you to say?"

Giovanna nodded. "Yes, this is the real situation. We are doing things for you, and you have something."

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying: "You go back first, I will consider it, and I will tell you the result of my consideration after I have considered it."

"Let's go." Theresa White glanced at Xia Lei.

Giovanna took two steps and turned back to Xia Lei: "Mr. Xia, please hurry up. If you let Ye Mosha escape, it will be very difficult to kill her again."

Xia Lei just nodded.

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