Super Vision

791 Chapter 791

Entering the forest, Xia Lei quickly selected the camping place, and then the members of the Chinese zodiac team propped up several marching tents.The sisters of the Gray family and the sisters of the Russo family also propped up two tents next to Xia Lei's tent and became Xia Lei's "neighbors."They are Arthur's eyes and ears, but Xia Lei regards them as "microphones".

The cold wind blew the canopy and ran across the trees. The whole world was the kind of whine sound, as if there were thousands of innocent ghosts crying.Only in this kind of environment can people feel the power of carrying people and feel awe in their hearts.The Chinese zodiac team was hiding in the tent except for An Gu Mi Khan who was sent off.No one wants to be exposed to the wind and snow. In that case, it will be frozen into a popsicle in less than two hours.

An Gu Mihan was on guard outside the tent of Xia Lei, which made the sisters of Grey and Russo dare not to approach Xia Lei's tent.

In the tent, Xia Lei was looking at a box-shaped electronic device in his sleeping bag.It is only six inches in size and looks like a mobile phone.Its screen is showing a timely image of the cabin.

Arthur is in a video call with someone.

"Your excellency," Arthur said respectfully. "Xia Lei has arrived in Siberia, and our plan is going smoothly."

"How many people did he bring?"


Xia Lei's fingers enlarged the display size of the military laptop on the touch screen, but he still couldn't clearly see the person talking to Arthur on a video call.After all, the window of the video call is only a few inches of the window on the display, and then put it on the terminal of a few inches in his hand, even if the ability to wake up the micro vision is useless.

But he was n’t worried about not seeing the “Big Head”. The spy device wrapped in chewing gum took the video and took it back to use a more advanced device to get a clearer image.At that time, he could see clearly what the "big head" of the hospital knights looked like.

There was a voice from the head of the military laptop, "Six? He is really bold. The six people are easy to deal with. This time is a good opportunity for us. I want to hear your plan." "

Arthur said: "We are trapped by Ye Mosha, but she is not alone, there are at least twenty FA organizations in that area. I will let Xia Lei take his people with the FA organization Fight and consume his personnel. When he was the only one left, I grabbed him and asked his father to exchange him with a sacred object. "

"What if his father didn't know where the holy thing was hidden?"

"No problem, I will personally go to Kyoto, China. The sisters of the Gray family and the sisters of the Russo family have lived in Xia Lei's house for a while, and have also been to the Leima military factory. . So as long as I catch Xia Lei, I will be able to take back our relics. "

The person in the window was silent for a while before saying, "You must remember that this operation can only succeed, not fail. If you fail and Xia Lei escapes, then it will be more difficult for us to take back our relics."

Arthur said: "This is Siberia, a restricted zone for human beings. Without transportation, he can't escape. Tomorrow there will be a battle. The FA organization will die, and the Xia Lei will die. . Your Excellency, wait for my good news. "

"Well, if you catch Xia Lei, you will get the reward you deserve."

"Guard the faith and help the suffering." Arthur knelt at the table, crossed his hands, very pious.

The video call ends.

"I didn't expect there are more than 20 people in the FA organization. It seems that the people of the hospital knights are deliberately surrounding and not killing, just waiting for me to come." Xia Lei's mouth sneered.He took out the communicator used inside the zodiac team, and lowered his voice, "Moono Kyoko, come to my tent."

"Huh." Yueye Kyoko's voice came from the communicator.

Two minutes later, Yue Ye Xingzi got into Xia Lei's tent and looked at Xia Lei with strange eyes, "What do you ask me to do?"

Xia Lei took out the bug that Arthur had placed on him.

Yueye Kyoko opened his mouth, "Ao, Ao, Ya Lidie, Ya Mei Die, Yiku ..."

Xia Lei looked at her stunned.

Yueye Kyoko pointed to the bug in his hand.

Xia Lei just wanted to remind her not to talk nonsense, but she didn't expect that she interpreted the script from another angle and also performed.However, it is undeniable that people are authentic Japanese, and a library of Yali butterfly is called out from her mouth. They are all authentic Japanese products, authentic and pure in taste.

Yueye Kyoko spread his hands, a strange look.

Xia Lei only reached her ear and whispered, "Tomorrow ..."

Kyoko Kino nodded, while continuing to issue authentic Japanese accent, "Hala Xi Tie, Hala Xi Tie, expanded to kill Haci Kashi, ah, ether, ether! Ah she Shinowa cool you! Yami butterfly , Yami Butterfly, one by one in the last stage, one library, one library! "

Xia Lei suddenly raised a question, where did she learn this set from?Is it a compulsory course for Iga girl ninja?

Russo ’s sisters ’tent.

"It's disgusting! He actually did that kind of thing with his women in such an environment!" Rosa's voice.

"I hope the cold wave in Siberia will freeze his tintin." Theresa also imitated the movement of freezing, "Slap! Fell to the ground, and then turned into debris."

In the tents of the Greys.

"What's that woman screaming at?" Stella listened.

"Japanese, it's such an exaggeration, it's a blasphemy to us." Giovanna crossed her hands and asked for forgiveness.

"Huh! This is probably the last time he has enjoyed it, and he will be finished tomorrow."

"Hush ..."

The dawn dawn dispelled the darkness, and the wind and snow stopped.But the sky was still covered with gray clouds, and no sun was visible.

Xia Lei and the members of the Chinese zodiac team ate a little energy food, then pulled out the march tent and trudged in the established direction.Russo's sister and Gray's sister also followed Xia Lei and his team.For Xia Lei, the four women stick to him like brown sugar.

The soldiers of the hospital knights also launched an action, and the soldiers marched in three directions in the established direction.

Arthur led a team of thirty men and advanced in the direction of six o'clock.This direction is not far away from the direction that Xia Lei and the Chinese zodiac team are responsible for. The direction of the two teams is only a 90-degree right angle, and they will eventually encounter.

The snow in the forest is getting deeper and deeper, and the snowboard comes in handy.But for Xia Lei, this is another first time after the first skydiving. He is skiing for the first time.He carried almost thirty kilograms of equipment on his body, coupled with his unfamiliarity with skiing, he fell many times along the way.One of them also hit Giovanna and fell into the snow with her.

But Giovanna was not angry, but secretly happy.Xia Lei skied like this, how could he escape this time?The information that Xia Lei could not ski also passed to Arthur at six o'clock through her ...

After an hour of difficult trekking, Saimu suddenly pointed in one direction and said, "There is blood on it!"

The team's formation suddenly broke up, and then carefully approached the place.

The blood left on the snow has dried up, and there are some bear hairs and the internal organs of the discarded bear, intestines and stomach.It looks terrible and bloody.

Xia Lei reached out and touched the blood stains and a piece of animal internal organs, there was no temperature, but the sight of his left eye was directly inside the blood stains and internal organs. When he saw the inside, he quickly made a judgment, "The time they left In less than half an hour, they were carrying bear meat, and it was impossible to chase it soon! "

Before anyone could determine the direction of the pursuit, Xia Lei had already stepped on the side of the snowboard and chased up.

"How did he make such a judgment?" Giovanna looked surprised. "I saw nothing but blood and internal organs of animals."

"Yeah, the FA organization has covered up their footprints. How can he judge the direction of the other party's departure?" Teresa was also full of surprise.

However, the sisters of the Grays and Russo did not hesitate, and they chased after the team.Giovanna, at the end of the team, gliding on the snow while talking to the collar of the winter jacket, "Xia Lei has found traces left by the FA organization. We are tracking in the direction of two o'clock. The report is complete."

Not far behind, footprints appeared on the snow.It's messy, it's not a footprint.

"They have six people." Xia Lei said: "We are not far from them, be careful."

Other people are still looking at the footprints on the snow, but he has already judged the number of each other.

The Chinese zodiac team responded quickly, and each found a bunker and entered the state of battle.

Xia Lei took off the snowboard on his feet, and he walked to Giovanna, with a face full of anger and said, "Isn't it just that Ye Masha is alone? How can there be six people's footprints?"

"Me, how do I know?" Giovanna looked nervous.

boom!Suddenly there was a gunshot.

A bullet suddenly flew from the forest and hit a trunk of a coniferous pine.Sawdust flew across, and the snow on the canopy plummeted down.

"They are in front, about fifty meters!" An Gu Mihan's voice.

Bang Bang Bang!Members of the Chinese zodiac team shot back.

Bullets flew around in the forest, accompanied by a whizzing sound and debris from crushed trees.The scene of the battle became hot in just a few seconds.

Xia Lei no longer asked Giovanna, he also put into battle.

"What shall we do?" Theresa whispered.

"Let them fight," Stella said. "We just fired two shots at the back."

Giovanna lay on the snow and spoke again to the neckline of the winter jacket. "Xia Lei and his men have already exchanged fire with the FA organization ..."

At this moment, Kyoko Tsuno suddenly yelled and fell on the snow.A ray of blood overflowed from under her, stained with red snow.

Qiao Fanna's voice was also excited, "The FA organization has already killed a member of Xia Lei!"

"No!" Xia Lei roared and rushed to Yue Ye Xing Zi's side. He shook Yue Ye Xing Zi's shoulder, "You can't die, you get up!"

Yueye Kyoko did not respond at all, but her eyes blinked slightly.

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