Super Vision

900 Chapter 900: The Knight's Wish (5)

"The excellent weapons of the Rema Group not only caused harm to ordinary people on the battlefield in the Middle East, but also aggravated their suffering, and even hurt the United States and its allies. On the battlefield in Afghanistan, on the battlefield in Syria, on the battlefield in Iraq Many of the soldiers and their allies died under the weapons you made. "Folson's tone is aggressive," Mr. Xia, you are a personal success, but is this success what you want? This is you Is there peace in your hand? "

All eyes gathered on Xia Lei.

Xia Lei was silent for a while, "You said my weapon fell into the hands of terrorists, is there any evidence?"

There was a sneer in the corner of Fawson's mouth, "I knew you would say that, I brought a video."

Her words fell, and a video screen soon appeared on the big screen behind them.

In the video, a terrorist in black robe is shooting a group of women, children and the elderly with a blast assault rifle.There was a dead body where the bullet had passed, blood stained the ground.At the end of this set of shots, the bearded terrorist who shot the villagers with guns said the blast assault rifle was the best rifle he ever used ...

The screen switched, and a US military convoy carrying out missions in Afghanistan was attacked by terrorists.The armored vehicle driving in the front was destroyed by a shell from the Helldog's individual artillery, and the US soldiers who participated in the battle were killed by a XL2500 sniper rifle.At the end of this set of shots, a terrorist armed man showed off the XL2500 sniper rifle in his hand, praising it as a weapon given by Allah.Then another armed person kissed the Hellhound single artillery, saying that with it, he dared to challenge a US tank ...

After about two minutes of video playback, Fawson took a deep breath and said in a painful tone: "Mr. Xia, shouldn't you say something?"

Xia Lei said: "I also have a video."

Soon, there was a new video on the big screen behind them.

In the video, two M1A1 main battle tanks rushed into an Iraqi town, firing artillery shells at the fleeing villagers and the Iraqi government forces guarding the town.A terrorist shooting a video appeared at the end, smiling and saying thanks to American tanks ...

Screen switching, Syrian battlefield.A US Hercules transport plane whistled through the air.Pieces of boxes containing weapons fell from the air on parachutes, but the weapons were not collected by US-backed counter-attack forces, but by terrorists ...

The video stopped before Xia Lei was broadcast.

Xia Lei said lightly: "Ms. Folsom, you let me express your opinion about the emergence of the Rema Group's weapons in the hands of terrorists. I also invite you to express your views on the content in the video just now."

"Airdropped weapons are mistakes. As for those tanks, it was the equipment left in Iraq during the Gulf War. After Saddam's fall, some of these weapons and equipment flowed into the hands of terrorist organizations." Folson said: "This is not our will. Not intentionally. "

Xia Lei smiled, "Did I mean it on purpose? Your tank fell into the hands of terrorist organizations because of mistakes, your airdropped weapons and equipment were dropped to terrorist organizations by mistake, and my weapons flowed into the hands of terrorist organizations through some channels. Is n’t that understandable? "

"The nature is different! Mr. Xia!"

"Yes, your mistakes are legal, my mistakes are illegal. Only your mistakes are allowed, not my mistakes. Do you mean that?" Xia Lei asked back.

There was a flash of anger in Fawson's eyes, but she disappeared in a blink of an eye. She shrugged her shoulder in disbelief. "You avoid my question in this way. I have nothing to say."

Xia Lei said: "This is your different treatment, the same thing, you can forgive yourself, but you are not willing to forgive others, no matter what the reason. In fact, Rema ’s weapons flow into terrorists for whatever reason You do n’t want to understand at all, right? "

"Time will prove that what you said is wrong." Fawson said.

Xia Lei said: "Time has proven that your color revolution in Ukraine and the Arab Spring in the Middle East have failed."

"Oh!" Fawson said loudly: "This is a non-governmental talk. We should not talk about politics, and I don't want to talk to you about politics."

Xia Lei smiled, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"You." Fawson said.

Do not know why, Xia Lei suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart.

Fawson's eyes were cold, "Mr. Xia, your father Xia Changhe is a member of the FA organization, an illegal agent organization in the world. He sneaked into the AE Research Center in the United States and stole American scientific research results, AE capsules, and it created you!"

There was silence in the audience, silent.

Soon, there was another whispered discussion.

"What kind of institution is the AE Research Center in the United States?"

"What is the AE capsule? It sounds like a medicine."

"Is it the kind of medicine that makes people particularly powerful after taking it? Like the superheroes played in Hollywood movies, Hulk, Spider-Man or something?"

"It's possible! Many media have told the story of Xia Lei. He was just a odd worker who moved bricks on the construction site a few years ago, but now he is a billionaire. His current achievements are as good as others. Nothing can be created! "

"Yeah, I always wondered why he suddenly became so powerful. The weapons he researched and manufactured are leading the world, even in Europe and the United States. This is unscientific."

"It's not unscientific, it's not normal. I think that Ms. Folsom knows something, or she won't say it on such occasions."

"Aren't you debating the subject of peace and stability in Asia? What do you say about Xia Lei's private affairs?"

"Can't you see it? There is no debate at all, this is simply the struggle between the two arms giants!"

"I also think so. How can Lockheed Martin watch the rapid development of the Rema Group and snatch its market. Furthermore, the US government is also reluctant to see the Rema Group develop and produce excellent weapons for our country?"

Discussions like this appear in every corner of the venue.

Shen Tu Tianyin stared directly at Xia Lei, his eyes flashing, not knowing what was in his heart.

On the podium, Xia Lei was also a silent person.There was anger and worry in his eyes.

The thing he was most worried about still happened-one day his secrets would be made public, and he, he would become a monster in the eyes of the world.He doesn't really care what people think of him, but he cares about his loved ones and how his friends think of him.

To make matters worse, once this secret is made public, it is not a good thing for him and Reima Group!

Now, the Rema Group is in a critical period of development. If this secret is interrupted because it is made public, the last laugh will be Lockheed Martin, the government of the United States and Japan.What's more, he finally overthrew domestic opponents and paved the way for the development of Reima Group. Now that this secret has been announced, will there be new opponents?New resistance?

"Please be quiet," Fawson said loudly.

The venue was quiet.

Fawson ’s eyes turned to Xia Lei again, "Mr. Xia, your father has stolen the scientific research achievements of the United States, and you are the beneficiaries of this achievement. We have enough evidence to prove that you have surpassed the current human evolution, And you are using the support of the Chinese government to build your kingdom. You have carried out military operations in Germany, India, Afghanistan, Russia, France, Italy, and you have hundreds of people in your hands. You are here In terms of achievements, even professional killers ca n’t compare. I ’ve said a lot, are n’t you going to say something? ”

Fan Fan suddenly rushed onto the stage.

Seeing her behavior seemed to force the termination of Fawson's speech, but Xia Lei stopped her with a look.This is a live conference all over the world. In her capacity, she forced the termination of Fawson's speech. Negative public opinion would cause her trouble.

Fan Fan's heart was angry, but Xia Lei's eyes she saw clearly, she also forcibly suppressed the urge to pull Folsom off the stage.

"Mr. Xia?" Fawson's mouth sneered.

Xia Lei raised his hands and clapped his hands, then smiled and said, "Ms. Ferson, your story is wonderful. I think your talent for managing Lockheed Martin is not as talented as your screenwriter. You should switch careers. To be a screenwriter or an actor, join the Avengers. "

"Mr. Xia, if I do n’t have evidence, I wo n’t tell you that. Since I said it, I can come up with evidence. I assure you that there will be a lot of media coverage of your story in a later time. "Folson sneered:" Here, I just want to hear your excuses. If you remain silent, I have nothing to say. After all, the last thing we humans want to admit is the crimes we have committed. "

Avoid talking about it, it is equivalent to default.

Facing the problem directly, Fawson said all the facts, so he couldn't talk about it here, let alone justify it.

Xia Lei's mood was so bad that he did not expect that the first debate in his life would be such a result.

"Mr. Xia, do you really not excuse me? Folsom pressed hard.

Xia Lei smiled a little, "Ms. Fawson, I don't know who you were instructed, but I want to tell him that one day he will take responsibility for what he did. You will too."

Fawson frowned suddenly.She is a wise man, and she can hear Xia Lei's words.

Xia Lei continued: "And what do you say about the AE capsules developed by the AE research center in the United States, and eating can make people smarter. I have a question, is that the research center is a fool? Is it so powerful? Why not mass-produce medicines to make smarter Americans? Is that not in the best interest of the United States? Well, finally, if the AE research center is still producing that kind of medicine, can you buy it for me? A little? I want to give it a try. My speech is over, thank you. "

Xia Lei left the podium and walked to the door without looking back.

### 0904 The power of love

Not two minutes after Xia Lei left, Fosen also walked off the podium.

"Ms. Ferson, can you be interviewed?" A reporter with a recording pen followed.After him, a group of reporters also rushed up, not only from China, but also from other countries.

Fawson stopped and smiled, "Of course, but I don't have much time. I'll give you five minutes."

"Ms. Fawson, are all the things you just said true?"

"Ms. Fawson, does the United States really have an AE research center? Studying drugs that can promote human evolution?"

"Is Xia Lei your experimental subject?"

"Has Lei really killed hundreds of people? Do you have any evidence?"

"Will the United States sue Xia Lei? If so, where will it be prosecuted? And on what charges?"

"Ms. Folsom, will the Lehma Group be affected by this incident? Is this what Lockheed Martin would like to see?"

Faced with a lot of reporters and a lot of messy questions, Folsom calmly said: "You have a lot of questions, I can't answer them one by one. I will briefly explain the situation. What I said on the stage just now is true Xia Lei's father stole the drugs from our AE Research Center in the United States and created Xia Lei. He should be the most perfect human being in the world at present, or his evolutionary height has exceeded the level known to us . This also created his ambition. My accusations against him are true. He should stand up and take responsibility ... "

After talking, Fawson walked away from the crowd and walked quickly into a passage.

At the exit of the passage, a woman was standing quietly waiting for Folsom.This woman is in the clothing department.A black lady's suit outlined her graceful figure, and her full breasts and buttocks were always tempting.

"The car has been arranged, Ms. Fossen." Buya, the clothing department, looked very respectful.

"Go back to the hotel." Ferson walked to the parking lot.

The clothing department Buya followed closely, "Ms. Folsom, will Xia Lei come to see you?"

"Twenty percent possibility." Fawson said.

"It's almost impossible to come." Yabu Hattori looked disappointed.

Fawson said: "Don't worry, now he is not only facing us, but also their own people. It doesn't matter if he doesn't come, let them fight."

"What if the infighting we expected to happen did not happen?"

"Do you think it's possible? You know the Chinese, you should know that it is impossible." Fawson's mouth gleamed with a confident smile.

Two minutes later, a Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan left the Boao Forum under the escort of several Chevrolet Suburban off-road vans.

At the same time, in a room in a single-family courtyard.

Fan Fan and Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei nervously, and they were very worried about his current state.The three did not speak, and the atmosphere in the room seemed a bit dull.

After returning from the Boao Forum, Xia Lei has not spoken, and is very worried.This time, Fawson caused him a big trouble, and this trouble is still in its infancy, and it may break out at any time.

After a minute, Fan Fan couldn't sit still. She got up and poured a glass of water for Xia Lei, and then handed it to Xia Lei. "Her husband, drink some water."

"Thank you." Xia Lei held the glass but didn't drink water, but he also knew that Fan Fan wanted him to talk, not want to make him think.

"Behind that Fossen must be the US government. Without the authorization of the US government, she would not attack you on the occasion just like that." Liang Siyao said.Of all the women in Xia Lei, she is the only one who knows the secrets of Xia Lei.Therefore, she was calmer than Fanfan and was not surprised.

"Her husband, that Fawson said ..." Fan Fan tried out the tunnel, and her mind couldn't help but show the images of getting together in the rain, especially when thinking of Xia Lei's IQ of 998, this is her The data measured by herself, she had to doubt that what Fawson said was true.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Do you want to know if what Fawson said is true, is it?"

Instead, Fanfan became nervous. "No, no, I don't want to know that. If you don't want to say, you can tell me."

This is really marrying chickens and chickens and dogs and dogs. Xia Lei's child is in her belly. The first thing she thinks about is not the question of truth or truth, but her child, her family, and happy.If the truth she wanted would affect these, then she would rather not.

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying, "We are a family, and I should tell you the truth. That Fossen, what she said ... is true."

Fan Fan froze for a moment, then shrugged again, "Really, I don't care."

"You listen to me first." Xia Lei continued: "It's almost ten years, I have forgotten the specific day. My father gave me some pills to treat me. At that time, my There is a brain tumor in the brain, which threatens my life. I thought I would die, but after taking the medicine my father gave me, the brain tumor in my brain disappeared miraculously. Then my father disappeared. I do n’t have the ability to investigate the origin of those medicines. I lived with my sister during that time. It was really difficult during that time ... In fact, until now I do n’t know what that medicine is. It may be called AE capsule. Maybe it ’s a different name. But what I know is that because of it I got some incredible abilities. I ’ve been investigating the origin of this medicine, but unfortunately there has n’t been much progress until now. "

"What did you find out?" Fan Fan was full of curiosity.

Xia Lei shook his head. "All I can tell you is this story. I can't tell you anything else."

Fan Fan's expression suddenly dimmed, "You ... haven't you believed me until now?"

"Sister Fanfan, you misunderstood your husband." Liang Siyao said.Where Fanfan is called her husband, she is also called husband.

Fanfan is still a grievance that is not loved.

Xia Lei grabbed her hand and dragged her into his arms, pressing her on his thigh.Fan Fan's buttocks are full and fleshy, but his thighs are also strong and strong, like a bench, carrying the woman on the thigh firmly.

It was this kind of intimate move, where there was any grievance in Fan Fan's heart, but she still raised her mouth and looked unhappy.

Xia Lei pinched her beaked cherry lips with her finger, "When did you become stingy? The reason I didn't tell you is not that I don't believe you, you are my woman, my child's mother, we are Family, can I tell you that I will hide you? The reason why I do n’t tell you is simple, because I do n’t want you and Siyao to be hurt. "

Fanfan and Liang Siyao glanced at each other.Although the two women said nothing, neither of them was an ordinary woman.Especially Fan Fan, she is the director of the ZN Bureau and has a very important position in China. Who dares to threaten her?

"Are you talking about the US government?" Fan Fan was not afraid.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "The American government? No, I'm talking about a more terrible existence than the American government."

"Ah?" Fan Fan and Liang Siyao made a surprised voice at the same time.

In this world, there is a stronger and more terrible existence than the US government, which is clearly beyond the scope of what Fan Fan and Liang Siyao can understand.No wonder they are surprised, no wonder they do not believe.

Xia Lei waved to Liang Siyao, "Si Yao wants you to come too."

"What are you doing?" Liang Siyao hesitated.

Xia Lei said: "Let you come and you come, I have something to tell you two."

Liang Siyao had just walked over. As soon as she walked over, Xia Lei separated his leg and pressed her on that leg.In this way, Xia Lei's two legs became two benches, one for Fanfan and one for her.

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