Super Vision

904 Chapter 904: The Knight's Wish (9)

A warm and romantic atmosphere in the bathroom.

Liang Siyao rubbed Xia Lei's back and shampooed him.The slippery shampoo splashed on her, turning her into a wet mermaid.

"Sister Fanfan, will there be any trouble?" Liang Siyao said with some concern: "I called her in the car before, but the phone was turned off."

"I don't know, but you don't have to worry, there should be no problem." Xia Lei said: "If they believe in the existence of AE capsules, the person they should find is me, and the person in trouble should also be me."

Liang Siyao sighed, "I hope it's okay, I'm really worried for her."

Xia Lei slowly stood up, "Tomorrow I will find someone to inquire, I will tell you as soon as there is news."

"Well. Don't move. You haven't washed it yet. Sit down and sit down." Liang Siyao pressed Xia Lei down again and continued to wash his hair.

Xia Lei sat obediently on the plastic stool Liang Siyao prepared for him, "Si Yao, I will call the lawyer to make a will tomorrow, and you will put it away."

"I don't want it!" Liang Siyao hit Xia Lei on the back. "No more wills will be mentioned in the future."

Xia Lei grabbed her catkins, "Si Yao, listen to me, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about our children."

Liang Siyao froze for a moment before lying on Xia Lei's shoulder. Her smooth and soft body was tightly pressed against Xia Lei's back with no gap.The shampoo shone down Xia Lei's head, turning the two's skin into loach-like slippery autumn.She wanted to lean on him tightly, seeking the kind of security that a woman longed for, but when this feeling didn't appear, another feeling invaded her body, making her look impatient and even short of breath. Got up.

"Si Yao?" Xia Lei seemed to notice that she had changed.

"I have been through so many hardships with you. Do you have the heart to leave our mother and son?" Liang Siyao's eyes were filled with tears and his voice was sobbing, "Promise me, don't leave me and the children, will you?"

"Si Yao ..."

"Promise me." Liang Siyao hugged him tighter, feeling like he was going to tuck him into her body.

Xia Lei nodded his head, and he held back the sadness in his heart: "Si Yao, let me wash your head."

"No, I want you to wash my feet. The last time you felt comfortable washing my feet, please help me wash my feet." Liang Siyao's voice was very gentle.

Her legs are the most beautiful legs of all his women. She likes him to wash his feet best, because then she can show her the best things to him without doing anything.

She sat on the plastic stool and stretched her legs forward. The legs were as delicate and beautiful as ivory carvings, adding one point to being fat and losing one point to being thin.The skin color is like beautiful jade, with a sense of transparency of jade, and dark blood vessels are faintly visible under the smooth shampoo.Her legs are tightly closed, there is no gap, of course, not absolute ...

"How long do you have to wait for me to wash my feet?" Liang Siyao's voice was soft, endlessly gentle, and full of temptations.

"I won't wash it!" Xia Lei changed her mind again and dragged her into his arms ...

The water in the bathroom was flowing, and the clothes outside the bathroom door were scattered with two people's clothes. They seemed to be silently telling stories that only adults can hear.

An hour later, Liang Siyao fell asleep.There was a happy smile in the corner of her mouth.

Xia Lei covered her with a quilt and left her room.The indulgence just made him feel better, and as his mood improved, his thinking seemed to become clearer and sharper accordingly.

He came to his study, sat down for a while, and then took out the phone that communicated with the zodiac team members.He contacted Saimu.

"It's me." Xia Lei's voice was low.

"Boss, we have avoided it." Sayim's voice, "Special forces surrounded your home, and there are 101 agents, we can't stay in Kyoto."

Xia Lei said: "I know, you will temporarily disappear for a while. By the way, do you know where my father went?"

"Don't know, did he leave?"

"Well, last night."

"Daddy didn't contact us." Sayim's voice, "but I know that Daddy will not stay long. He wants to go, and nobody can stop him. Boss, do you want me to find him?"

"No, he didn't tell me where he was going, nor did he contact you. He obviously didn't want people to know his whereabouts. For now, let's just wait for his news, and contact me immediately after he has news." Xia Lei said.

"We know what trouble you are in and tell us what we need to do. In addition, I want to say something to you ..." Sayim stopped talking.

Xia Lei said: "Say what you want, don't worry about anything."

Saimu said: "Boss, you have now made money that you can't spend forever in your lifetime, you don't have to engage in your military factory anymore. If you continue this way, you won't be able to get out of it. Leave China now, buy one Kojima, take your woman to live the life of an invisible rich, isn't this better? "

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I didn't research and manufacture weapons for the sake of money. I know what you want. I will leave when I leave, but not now."

"Well, boss, keep in touch, goodbye."

"Wait." Xia Lei said: "I want to ask you something."

"You speak." Sayim's voice.

"The woman I asked you to follow before, Zhu Xuanyue, where was the last time your people saw her?"

"Hua Sheng. Dun, but you know ..."

"I know, so let's keep in touch, goodbye." Xia Lei hung up the phone.

After ending the call with Saim, Xia Lei took his hacked computer out of the safe.Although Sa Yimu lost Zhu Xuanyue, he had his own way to find her out, and that was his hacking method.

Although Saimu also knows some hacking methods, Saimu is far behind the late Amanda, not to mention Xia Lei, who is far better than Amanda.Xia Lei's brain is equivalent to a super computer. On this basis, plus the hacking methods he has mastered, he is fully capable of sitting in his study room to find Zhu Xuanyue far away in the United States.

Zhu Xuanyue was a bomb he placed in the United States.

The United States wants to push him into a desperate situation, and Lockheed Martin CEO Fawson also won a beautiful first battle for the United States.Now, it's time for him to do something.

In this world, except for the black robe and Zhu Xuanyue, no one can punch him but still avoid his counterattack.

There was silence in the study.The hacker's computer was running quietly, and Xia Lei's ten fingers flew on the keyboard, entering commands one by one.His speed was so fast that the naked eye could not lock it, and he could only see the "afterimage" left by his fingers moving on the keyboard.His brain, his thinking, and the coordination between his fingers are almost perfect, and the speed is extremely fast.Other hackers, and high-level hackers need ten minutes to get things done, he only needs one minute, or even less time.

Ten minutes later, Xia Lei's ten fingers slowed down, and monitoring screens appeared on the hacker's computer.That's the monitoring screen of Huasheng Dayton's traffic monitoring system, and it also runs a face recognition software.It checks among the faces, looking for matching faces.

Xia Lei did not choose to hack into Huasheng Dayton's police monitoring system, nor did he choose to invade the CIA network. Even if he did so, he would leave traces and then be traced and locked.He chose the transportation system with a relatively low level of protection for safety and concealment.

Time passed by one minute and one second, the facial recognition software was checked in the monitoring backup of the Huasheng Dayton traffic monitoring system, and the speed was very fast.However, due to the huge amount of information, half an hour later, he still couldn't find Zhu Xuanyue.

Xia Lei was bored, but had no other choice.He simply fetched pen and paper and began to draft his will.

The first one is for Liang Siyao and her children.

The second copy is for Jiang Ruyi and her children.

The third one is for Fanfan and her children.

The fourth copy is for Long Bing and her children.Although Long Bing is not pregnant yet, as long as he spends more time and energy, he can definitely get her children.So, even if she is not pregnant yet, he is still ready for her.

Each of these four women and their children will receive 15% of the original shares of the Rema Group.If the Lehma Group maintains its current scale and there are no major changes in assets, then every woman and their child can receive about 15 billion in property.If the Rema Group continues to grow, they and their children will receive more property.

The fifth is Xia Xue ’s, and he made a will to get 30% of the original shares of the Rema Group.After all, she is his sister and surnamed Xia. If he dies, she will become the hostess of the Rema Group.Her sisters-in-law will help her.

In the last will, he gave the remaining 10% to those who started business with him, Guan Lingshan, Zhou Xiaohong, Qin Xiang, Lu Sheng, and Anina and Sylvia.Even the Belarusian tribes far away in Afghanistan have not forgotten that Sirami will also get a rich legacy.

Of course, these wills are all drafted, and a lawyer is required to complete some details.

After writing these wills, an hour passed.

The face recognition software still failed to find a matching face.

Xia Lei got up and brewed a cup of coffee to wake himself up, but when he returned to the desk with his coffee, the face recognition software suddenly locked a face, and then a prompt popped up-100% match!

### 0911 Chapter Uncle Xia's Instructions

Xia Lei's gaze moved to the face locked by the facial recognition software. When he saw the face clearly, his gaze could no longer be removed.That's Zhu Xuanyue's face.

Zhu Xuanyue on the display wore a thin set of clothes, which was out of tune with the Americans around her who were wearing down jackets and winter clothes.But she didn't look cold and very energetic, her eyes staring in one direction, as if she was looking for something.That look is like the look of a hunting falcon.

She appeared at the door of a supermarket, and the roadside surveillance camera captured her image.

Xia Lei glanced at the time on the monitoring screen, and his brain calculated the time difference almost instantaneously.This image was taken ten minutes ago. As far as the direction of her toes is concerned, she seems to be entering the supermarket to buy something.He followed a series of instructions on the keyboard.The monitoring screen on the hacker's computer fast-forwarded ten times, and soon switched to the timely monitoring screen.

Zhu Xuanyue is no longer at the entrance of that supermarket.

Xia Lei opened Google Maps and found the exact location of the supermarket.Next, he saw the website of the supermarket and the service number from the billboard of the supermarket.About two minutes later, he entered the supermarket monitoring system.The monitoring screen on the hacker computer is also switched to the monitoring screen inside the supermarket.

He soon discovered Zhu Xuanyue, who was standing in front of a shelf, looking at a brand of sanitary napkins on the shelf.

"She ..." Xia Lei was surprised. "She actually has that kind of need?"

In his eyes, Zhu Xuanyue is almost a bottomless existence, even food is the human brain.She has gone beyond the scope of human beings and is a more advanced existence. It should be without the troubles of ordinary human women ’s aunts, but she did not expect that she actually picked aunt ’s towel in front of a shelf!

Zhu Xuanyue really took a pack of sanitary napkins and walked to the door.

Xia Lei secretly knew: "She built a nearly perfect human woman's body for herself, is it normal for her to come to auntie?"

I haven't seen him for a while. When he saw Zhu Xuanyue again, he was excited and excited, but Zhu Xuanyue's shopping behavior also made him a little embarrassed and speechless.

Zhu Xuanyue had no intention of giving money at all, and she went straight to the door.

"Hey! Miss, you haven't paid!" The cashier was a young blonde girl who warned Zhu Xuanyue.

Zhu Xuanyue stopped and looked at the blonde girl who shouted at her.There was a touch of anger in her eyes.

The blonde girl apparently did not realize that she had caused the demon, she said fiercely: "What do you want to do? Steal something? Pay and apologize to me! Otherwise I will call the police!"

Zhu Xuanyue frowned, then walked to the cash register.

Xia Lei suddenly realized what was about to happen, and he quickly tapped a few instructions on the keyboard.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...

On the hacker's computer screen, the phone next to the blonde girl rang suddenly.

The blonde girl subconsciously grabbed the phone, "Hey, here is ..."

Xia Lei interrupted her and said in English: "Please let the lady who is coming to you listen to the phone."

"You are ..." The blond girl's expression was surprised, she looked at Zhu Xuanyue again.

Xia Lei said: "Please keep calm. I am an agent of the CIA. I am performing a confidential mission. Your actions will determine the success or failure of my actions, which is very important. Please pass the phone in your hand to the woman. "

Upon hearing it was a CIA agent, the blonde girl's expression suddenly became tense and serious.She didn't hesitate, she followed and handed the phone to Zhu Xuanyue who had walked to the cash register, "Miss, your phone."

Zhu Xuanyue suddenly froze, "My phone?"

"Yes, your phone, please answer the phone. This is very important." The blonde girl looked around and then lowered her voice. "It was a very important person who called you."

"Very important person?" Zhu Xuanyue suddenly smiled. "Cough, is it my uncle Xia?"

Thousands of miles away, Uncle Xia almost spit out an old blood.

The blonde girl shrugged. "I don't know, but please answer the phone."

Such a plot is not uncommon in American spy warfare movies. Innocent and ignorant girls receive a call from some self-proclaimed agents, and then start a magical adventure, super sports car, fierce battle, sweet XXOO, what have what.For this blonde girl, she obviously felt that she had encountered such a thing. Where can she still remember the thing that Zhu Xuanyue took a pack of aunt's towels and was not going to give money? .

Zhu Xuanyue put the unpaid aunt's towel on the cash register and took the phone from the blonde girl. "Hello? Is it Uncle Xia?"

Xia Lei really wanted to vomit blood.

The hidden action of the super hacker was exposed. If he was in that supermarket, he would really be able to hold Zhu Xuanyue to the ground, and then slap her ass fiercely until she was swollen.

"Huh? No one talks? Uncle Xia, is that you?" Zhu Xuanyue frowned, looking anxious.In fact, based on her reaction just now, it is not difficult to see that in her mind, Xia Lei is almost an irreplaceable "family" and her most important person.

Xia Lei lowered his voice, "It's me, your uncle Xia."

"It's really you, Uncle Xia! When will you pick me up? I miss you so much!" Zhu Xuanyue was excited like a little girl who was rewarded.

"Be quiet, listen to me." Xia Lei said with a serious tone. "Someone wants to kill your uncle Xia, you have to help me, otherwise I will be in danger."

Zhu Xuanyue's eyes suddenly changed, terribly cold, "Who wants to kill you?"

"CIA".Xia Lei said: "The US intelligence service is not a person, but a lot of people.""

"No matter how many people they want to kill you, I will kill them all."

Xia Lei said: "Langley, do you remember that place?"

"Of course I remember, but I couldn't find that place. I asked a lot of people, but nobody wanted to help me, they all lied to me."

"Did you kill them?"

"No, no, no!" Zhu Xuanyue shook a worm like a rattle.

Her mind is less than ten years old, and even the way she lied is like a little girl who can't lie, and she can tell at a glance that she is lying.

But Xia Lei doesn't care about the lives of those people. He said: "Okay, I believe you. It's actually very simple to go to Langley. You need some money and then call a car and let the driver drive you over. Just do it. "

"Is it okay to have a driver?"

"Of course, it's that simple."

"So what do I need money for? I can let all drivers listen to me."

Xia Lei said "..."

"Uncle Xia, when are you coming to see me? I miss you so much. I dreamed of you last night. I slept with you and your body is so warm." A sweet smile appeared on Zhu Xuanyue's face, she seemed Is recalling that beautiful dream.

Xia Lei's mood is messy, "Trust me, we will meet soon. But you help me do this right now."

"Huh!" Zhu Xuanyue hummed a heavy nose.

Xia Lei said: "You think of a way to get a mobile phone and then tell me the number."

Zhu Xuanyue followed the blond girl who stretched her hand. She said nothing, but the blond girl took out her mobile phone and handed it to Zhu Xuanyue.

For Zhu Xuanyue, letting people do things according to her wishes is not a thing at all.

"Uncle Xia, I don't know how to use it?" Zhu Xuanyue flipped around with his mobile phone and looked sad.

Xia Lei was angry and funny, he instructed Zhu Xuanyue to operate the mobile phone, and soon turned to the phone number.He wrote down the number.

"Okay, go to Langley with this phone. When Langley arrives, I will call you and tell you what to do." Xia Lei urged.

Zhu Xuanyue said, "Will I just walk in and kill them?"

"Listen to my instructions, you must remember this, I will let you do what you do, otherwise Uncle Xia will be angry, and Uncle Xia will not come to see you when he is angry." Xia Lei threatened her.

"Don't leave me, Uncle Xia, can't I listen to you? I'll do what you want me to do. I don't have anything to eat now." Zhu Xuanyue was nervous.

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