Super Vision

907 907 The Knight's Wish (12)

Coming out of the airport, Xia Lei got out of the car and entered the Kyoto International Airport without removing the key from the car.He was carrying a backpack with his hacker computer in it, and a passport.That passport is a fake name of "Liang Fan", but in the ticket booking system and the files for issuing passports and visas, the identity of "Liang Fan" actually exists again ...

Fifteen hours later.

Washington, America.

Walking out of Huasheng Dayton National Airport, Xia Lei called a taxi, and then let the driver drive to the urban area. The destination was the supermarket where he found Zhu Xuanyue.

About twenty minutes later, the taxi arrived at the supermarket. Xia Lei paid the fare and got out.

A blonde came out of the supermarket, and Xia Lei walked face to face.The two accidentally touched together.

"What are you doing?" The blonde said dissatisfiedly: "Walk and watch!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Xia Lei apologized, and then entered the supermarket.There is already a mobile phone in his hand.

He actually carried the satellite phone used to contact the members of the Chinese zodiac team, but he shut down before coming to the United States.The mobile phone contains a positioning chip, and members of the Chinese zodiac team can find him based on that chip.But this time, he did not want to let members of the Chinese zodiac team participate in this operation.The reason is very simple, a Zhu Xuanyue is equivalent to an army, he does not need other helpers at all.What's more, if the Chinese Zodiac team is involved in this operation, there will be no harm but harm.

Entering the supermarket, Xia Lei dialed Zhu Xuanyue's number under a shelf. He opened the door and said: "I'm here, that supermarket, where are you?"

"Uncle Xia, have you already come?" Zhu Xuanyue's voice came from the phone, full of excitement and excitement.

"I've come, I'll wait for you in that supermarket." Xia Lei said.

"Okay, I'll come over immediately!" Zhu Xuanyue's voice.

Xia Lei picked something casually in the supermarket, and then left the supermarket after checking out.He saw Zhu Xuanyue as soon as he arrived at the door.Just when he saw Zhu Xuanyue, Zhu Xuanyue also saw him.After a pause of only one second, Zhu Xuanyue ran towards him and hugged him.

"Uncle Xia! I want to die you!" Zhu Xuanyue's face rubbed intimately against Xia Lei's face.She felt like a sticky kitten at the moment.

Xia Lei said secretly in her heart: "She recognized me almost without pause, even if I use perspective ability is not as fast as her. Is she also capable of perspective, and is stronger than me?"

Damn!Zhu Xuanyue took Xia Lei's face and kissed it, then giggled, "Uncle Xia, why wear a ..."

Xia Lei reached out and clamped her lips. "Don't say, this is a secret."

Zhu Xuanyue nodded vigorously, "Well!"

"Let's go." Xia Lei said.

"Go to Langley?" Zhu Xuanyue asked.

"No, go shopping first." Xia Lei thought for a while, "let's go to the white house to see it."

"White house?" Zhu Xuanyue blinked his eyes. "Is that house white?"

Xia Lei smiled, "Yes, that house is white."

"What's so beautiful about that?" Zhu Xuanyue raised her mouth. "It's boring."

She is like an emoticon, innocent and funny.

Xia Lei did not explain to her why she went to the White House.Now that he has come to the United States in person, the White House serves as his opponent's base camp, so he definitely wants to see it.

Not far from the white house, Xia Lei did not call the car, took Zhu Xuanyue to walk over.

"Have you eaten anything in these two days?" Xia Lei tried out.

"No, no." Zhu Xuanyue shook his head, but then said, "Yes, I have hamburgers and potato chips, and chicken legs. It's hard to eat, and none of the food you eat at your house is delicious."

Xia Lei watched her eyes flash, and she knew she was lying.But he did not reveal her lies.What's the use of it?If the earth is compared to a forest, then Zhu Xuanyue is a lion in this forest, and it exists at the top of the food chain.If she wants to exist, she has to eat, but she is born to eat meat, can he persuade her to eat grass?

The two walked down the sidewalk towards the white house, and Lao Yuan could see the Huasheng Dayton Monument standing under the sky.Its shape is like a sword plunging into the sky, majestic.

Zhu Xuanyue had originally followed Xia Lei, but when he came here, he got close to Xia Lei and held Xia Lei's arm.Her plump and soft chest gripped Xia Lei's upper arm with impunity.Xia Lei stiffened slightly, but did not refuse her.If he is in China, he will play the role of an uncle and teach her to do that.But in the United States, he had to count on her to help him do things, and only Pepsi could move.

"Uncle Xia, your body is so warm." Zhu Xuanyue snorted comfortably, "I want to sleep with you now."

Xia Lei coughed awkwardly. "How do you sleep in the daytime? Go to sleep at night."

"You sleep with me."

"That ... okay." Xia Lei nodded and said secretly in his heart: "Accommodate, accommodate, you must accommodate her."

"Uncle Xia, you are so kind to me, I only like you in this world." Zhu Xuanyue shook Xia Lei's arm, like a cute girl.

Xia Lei's heart suddenly moved, "Xuanyue, do you ...... feel warm when sleeping with others?"

Zhu Xuanyue shook his head, "I haven't slept with anyone else, but I know that only you can keep me warm."

Ps: Thank you Shanshui Town for the reward, thank you, 4 today!

### 0916 Chapter White House

Zhu Xuanyue's words reminded Xia Lei inexplicably of his experience on Dawang Snow Mountain.In that battle, he took all his clothes off to Tang Yuyan, but his body automatically adapted to the cold environment.When he and Zhu Xuanyue were sleeping together, Zhu Xuanyue's body was as cold as ice, but his body adapted itself automatically, generating heat and resisting the cold.

"Uncle Xia, you are insignificant, close to you, I will be very comfortable with you." Zhu Xuanyue put a head of worm on Xia Lei's shoulder.She shouted uncle in her mouth, but she and Xia Lei walked like a couple in love.

Xia Lei endured her "harassment" while secretly pondering, "When there is no body, she calls me the only one, and likes to take a hot bath with me. Now that she has a body, she likes me Sleep. Now I say this again, is there a connection between her and me that I do n’t know? No, even if it is related to me, it is also related to the mysterious energy in my body, how could it be Me? If it were n’t for that mysterious energy, I ’m afraid I still move bricks or burn electric welding on a construction site in Haizhu? ”

Zhu Xuanyue ignored the strange eyes thrown by him, holding Xia Lei's arm more and more intimately, and the kittens were generally sticky.

Xia Lei is still thinking about things, "Is this one and the only one in prehistory? Is it the same? In the content of the book of iron, the only prehistoric and Zhu Xuanyue had a fatal fight, the only one in prehistoric The battle armor was smashed, Zhu Xuanyue's body was gone, the two fought so violently, so maybe they are friends? If I am the only pre-historic successor, then Zhu Xuanyue and I are natural enemies. Intimacy? She even said that I am the only one who can keep her warm, and it seems that she likes to be with me ... why is she doing? "

Zhu Xuanyue, the only prehistoric man, the black robe, Da Vinci, and a mysterious piece of memory of the past, a brain rushed out of Xia Lei's brain and became a mess.

Without knowing it, he walked to the side of the white house.Some tourists stood by the fence and took photos of the white house, but they couldn't get close. Once approached, a guard with a live ammunition came to stop it.In addition to the guards with live ammunition, there are special agents in black suits around the white house. They have serious expressions and sharp and alert eyes.

Xia Lei was not close, he stood far away.

"Uncle Xia, do you want to go in and see?" Zhu Xuanyue said: "I have a way to go in."

Xia Lei gave her a white look, "The way you said is to turn people into fools?"

"Uh, how do you know?" Zhu Xuanyue looked surprised.

Xia Lei stopped talking to her. He moved his gaze to the white house. His left eye jumped slightly. After awakening his perspective, his left eye penetrated into the white house.

His eyes swept across a room, and soon stopped in an oval office.

The oval office is the office of the famous President of the United States. The bald eagle and the Stars and Stripes are notable signs.

Sitting in the office was a black man, about fifty years old, who looked majestic and full of gas.In fact, there is no need to make any guesses that Xia Lei already knows the identity of this black man. He is the current US President Bachoma.As long as anyone watching TV knows his identity, his every move also involves the nerves of the world.

Bagjoma was sitting on his swivel office chair with his legs on the desk, very comfortable.He held a signature pen in his hand and turned it casually, seeming to be thinking about something and waiting for someone.

This is the man with the most rights in the world, and he is now in the sight of Xia Lei.At the moment when he saw Baghoma, Xia Lei suddenly gave birth to an idea that he wanted Zhu Xuanyue to come in and visit him.

Now, if Zhu Xuanyue wants to enter the oval office inside the white house, neither these gun-loaded guards, nor the more senior presidential bodyguards and secret agents can stop her.Once Zhu Xuanyue entered the Oval Office, the US President ’s life was under her control. She could make him a fool, and she could even ... eat him!

This idea is tempting, because as long as he says a word, the US president will either become a fool or become a kind, and there is absolutely no third result.

This idea is crazy, because once Zhu Xuanyue approached the oval office, the world's structure might change, and even lead to the Third World War.

"Uncle Xia, are you looking at the black man?" Zhu Xuanyue frowned. "He's so ugly."

Xia Lei's thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and he suddenly awakened to find a cold sweat in his palm.He almost did that, and it was definitely not the right decision.

The US government is indeed assassinating him, and has even reached the point of recklessness. Letting the tanks of the Japanese Land Self-Defense Force fire at him is an obvious example.Then the US government instructed Ms. Ceo Folson of Lockheed Martin to reveal his secrets at the Boao Forum and put him in a very passive position.Judging from these two things, he has every reason to let Zhu Xuanyue walk into the oval office inside the white house to have an intimate contact with the President of the United States.And this will probably bring him a feeling of happy enmity.

But can this solve the problem?

Is this right?

the answer is negative.

The U.S. government is the most powerful national machine in the world. Bachoma sitting in an oval office is only a part of this national machine, not even the most central part.Let Zhu Xuanyue kill him, and soon there will be new people sitting on the throne of the US president.Then, the national machine of the United States will become a machine of revenge.Which country in the world today can bear the wild revenge of the United States and its allies?

It's easy to kill someone, but can he let Zhu Xuanyue wipe out the entire United States?This is something that is impossible to accomplish, and it is something that absolutely cannot be done.He is not a demon like Zhu Xuanyue who sees humans as "food ingredients" that can be harvested at will. He will never treat the innocent American people as enemies, nor will they harm them.

"Uncle Xia?" Zhu Xuanyue shook Xia Lei's arm. "Why don't you talk?"

Xia Lei recovered, and he smiled, "What do you want me to say?"

"Um ... say I'm good." Zhu Xuanyue looked very serious.

"Hehehe." Xia Lei said: "Good, Xuanyue is the best."

"Giggle." Zhu Xuanyue smiled happily, the silver bell was generally crisp.

Xia Lei's eyes penetrated into the oval office again. Just then, a woman entered the office.

This woman is no one else, it is the Fawson, the CEO of Lockheed Martin who attacked Xia Lei on the Boao Forum.

Fawson debuts, and Xia Lei locks Fawson and Bachoma almost without thinking, and at the same time starts the lip interpretation.

"Mr. President, hello." Folsom asked respectfully, and then handed a document in his hands to Baggio.

"Please sit down, Ms. Fawson." Bagjoma opened the file pocket and pulled out the file to read it.

Fawson seems to have made a special trip to send this document to Bagoma.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the document, and then enhanced the perspective.He saw a printed photo of the ZTZ100 main battle tank, and he was standing next to the ZTZ100 main battle tank.

This photo was taken secretly in Russia.

"Mr. President." Folsom said: "After the Russian tank biathlon, we obtained some intelligence and information from the Japanese. I asked our company's experts to carry out analysis and research. What you are looking at is our company. Research report from a team of experts. "

Baggio looked at the report and frowned, "Is the ZTZ100 main battle tank really so good?"

Folsom said: "Mr. President, there is a USB flash drive in the file bag, and the USB flash drive contains a video taken by a Japanese. In that video, Xia Lei easily won the ZTZ100 main battle tank in the tank biathlon. Japanese Type 10 tanks, and Russian T90 tanks. "

"Japanese and Russian tanks are not very good," Bachoma said.

Fawson said: "Mr. President, you would not say that if you watched the video. At that time, Xia Lei had won the competition. He and his ZTZ100 main battle tank were at a standstill. Three Japanese 10s The tank suddenly fired at him, he escaped one of the shells, but was still hit by two armor-piercing shells. But the ZTZ100 main battle tank was still able to move quickly, and finally even killed the three sneak attacks. His Type 10 tank. "

Baggio was immediately moved, and his feet were lowered from the desk.

Folsom continued: "Our team of experts has reached a consistent conclusion that the ZTZ100 main battle tank is ahead of our most advanced M1A3 main battle tank for at least ten years. If we fight with China on land, we At least two M1A3 tanks are required to compete with a ZTZ100 main battle tank. "

Baggio took out the USB stick that was in the file bag, but didn't plug it into the computer.He believed Fawson's words.

"Mr. President, Xia Lei and I met. He rejected the olive branch we threw at him. He is very hostile to us. He said that he will develop the most advanced unmanned machine in the next step. He wants to disintegrate. Our advantage in air combat against China. No country in the world is willing to fight a land battle with China. The advantages of the Air Force and Navy are our last guarantee to balance China. If we lose this advantage, our situation will be very good. Passive, we will not be able to protect the interests of us and our allies in Asia. "Fawson said.

"You have revealed his secret, is China not going to move him?" Bachoma said.

"CIA intelligence personnel have conducted investigations, and currently there is a special force stationed at the Reima Group's Kyoto headquarters, but it is just around, there is no more radical action." Fawson said.

"He has threatened the core interests of the United States. He is an enemy of the United States. His threat is greater than that of terrorist organizations in the Middle East."

"Yeah, once the overall strength of the Rema Group exceeds our Lockheed Martin Corporation, we will draw a dark history."

"Xia Lei must die, and the next action must be successful. You need to study and work out a feasible plan." Bachoma said: "You go back first, I will let the person in charge of CIA contact you."

"Okay, goodbye, Mr. President." Fawson got up and left.

Xia Lei withdrew his eyes, and then pulled Zhu Xuanyue forward.

"Uncle Xia, where are we going?" Zhu Xuanyue asked.

"We are going to visit an old friend." Xia Lei said.

"Then sleep?" Zhu Xuanyue stared at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei, "..."

Not far away, a Chevy Suburban off-road car came out of the fence and into the road.

Xia Lei's eyes locked on the license plate, remembering the string of numbers.

### 0917 Video conferencing of the arms giants

The night fell.

A brown building with the emblem of Lockheed Martin is immersed in the night, and the building's lighting system makes it dazzling and magnificent at night.

In a multi-functional meeting room, Fawson is making a video call with people.

One monitor is Boeing's CEO Mike Lam, one monitor is General Dynamics' CEO Foster, and one monitor is Raytheon's CEO McCarley.

Four American arms giants have video conferences. Such a thing has never happened before, even during the Gulf War when the United States sent troops to Iraq.For the first time, this was the first time because of a person and his company, that is Xia Lei and his Lehma Group.

The four companies headed by Lockheed Martin have almost propped up the entire defense and war system in the United States. From land to sea, from sky to space, these four companies have their products. The US military power overwhelms the world with an overwhelming advantage.However, until the emergence of Xia Lei and Lehma Group.

The emergence of Xia Lei and Lehma Group has made these four world-class arms giants feel tremendous pressure, such as gulp.

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