Super Vision

916 916 The Knight's Wish (21)

"People in the FA organization will obviously not directly enter Lockheed Martin. The US government will not let this matter fall into traces that can be traced. Lockheed Martin is also unwilling to become the object of retaliation and sanctions afterwards. Will send that Predator B to another place to hand over with the FA organization ... I have to enter Lockheed Martin to have the opportunity to obtain this information, and I must also go in and look at the nobody at Lockheed Martin. Aircraft and fighters, as well as their production lines, what I got from Jack ’s computer is simply not enough. I ’m all here. If I do n’t go to Lockheed Martin ’s headquarters to look at it, it ’s too bad. ”Jack went out. At that time, Xia Lei had already made a decision quickly.

Entering Lockheed Martin as Costa does not work.

Who can use it to enter?

A Dodge ram stopped by the road, and Xia Lei, who was standing at the door, gathered his thoughts. He looked over and saw Ton sitting in the cab at a glance.

Xia Lei's heart was slightly nervous, "What's this guy doing here so early?"

He moved a step from the doorway and stood behind the wooden wall.The sight of his left eye also penetrated the wall, peering into the roadside situation.

"Mr. Ton, are you okay to come here so early? If it's okay, just give me a call." Jack said, looking back at the door behind him as he spoke.He did not see Xia Lei.The Mexican kid must have returned to bed to have an intimate relationship with Caitlin?Animals!He thought so in his heart.

Ton walked down from the cab and he glanced at the door behind Jack before lowering his voice and saying, "Is that Mexican in your house?"

"Are you talking about Costa? Yes, he is at my house." Jack smiled bitterly. "I told you last night that he was already with my sister. It may be that Sister, hey. "

Ton was silent.

Jack said: "Relax, Mr. Ton, that Mexican kid is fine. I checked my computer the way you taught me, and he never touched my computer. If he was a spy, he would definitely I touched my computer. The most important thing is that he is a Mexican. If he is a drug dealer, I still believe it, but if he is a spy, I do n’t think so. "

"If he is not a Mexican, I have invited him to drink tea long ago." Ton said: "But it is better to be careful. The work in your hand is very important, and no mistakes can be made."

"I will, you can rest assured, Mr. Ton." Jack said.

Ton patted Jack on the shoulder. "You work hard. I will write a recommendation letter to you after this job and say good things to you in front of Mr. Williams. At that time, he will agree to make you an official CIA. Is a member of the company responsible for intelligence at Lockheed Martin. You will have a double identity and two salaries. "

Behind the wall, Xia Lei was surprised.He thought Ton was just a small person in the CIA, but he did not expect that Ton could actually speak in front of Williams.Who is Williams?That's the head of the CIA!In this conversation between Ton and Jack, his mind has changed the definition of Ton ’s identity, that is, this Ton is at least the person in charge of a certain area, and his identity should be the same as Liang Siyao ’s identity in the CIA period. almost!

On the roadside, Jack couldn't help laughing.Joining the CIA, with the status of CIA, he will be promoted by Rocket Martin in a rocket, because the CIA needs him to enter the top of Lockheed Martin.

"Okay, you go, call me after the test." Ton said.

Jack said: "Okay, then I went to the company."

Ton walked to Jack's house.

Xia Lei stepped back a few steps, avoiding Ton's sight and entered the aisle, then quickly walked towards Caitlin's room.In this process, he has obtained a very important information, that is, this Ton is the person who is in contact with the FA organization!

Entering Caitlin's room, Caitlin is still a lazy pig in her bed.When Xia Lei came in, she still closed her eyes and didn't want to wake up, but she knew Xia Lei was coming in. She mumbled, "My dear, let me sleep for a while."

Xia Lei didn't speak, and Xili Wula pulled out her clothes and pants, and then opened the quilt.

Caitlin opened her eyes and saw Xia Lei's grimace. She was taken aback "Dear, you ..."

"You are so charming, I can't stand it." Xia Lei rushed up anxiously.

"You didn't mean to ... um!" Before she could finish the sentence, her mouth was already blocked by Xia Lei.

The two rolled on the sheets, passionate.The door was not closed. From the perspective of the door, the two were like two vines entwined. You are in me, and you are in me.

Ton appeared at the door, froze for a second, then turned around, "Oh, sorry, I don't know about you ..."

"Ah!" Caitlin screamed.

On the bed, Xia Lei hurriedly climbed up from Caitlin, then jumped out of bed and dressed while saying, "Mr. Ton, are you here?"

Ton said: "Jack and I are good friends. He invited me to have breakfast."

Xia Lei secretly said: "Are you trying to test me yourself? Have a ghost's breakfast."

Caitlin covered her body with a quilt, but there was also a large piece of white flower skin exposed in the air. She said dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Ton, why don't you knock on the door?"

Ton shrugged. "Cateline, you didn't close the door at all."

Caitlin rolled Ton's eyes. "Mr. Ton, do you want to watch me get dressed?"

"Uh, sorry." Ton left the door.

Xia Lei leaned over and kissed Caitlin. "This guy is really annoying." He said it deliberately so loudly that Ton heard by the door.

Caitlin said intimately: "Honey, we will continue when he is gone, shall we?"

"Of course, baby, you are so charming." Xia Lei kissed her again.

There were rumbling voices in the room, as well as the peculiar panting voice of women.

Ton frowned.

Xia Lei went out, "Mr. Ton, thank you for your last help. Let's go eat first, Caitlin said she will take a bath. You know, women did that kind of thing, there ..."

"Uh huh." Ton couldn't listen anymore, he interrupted Xia Lei's words, "Then let's eat it first."

Two men sat at the table and had breakfast.Jack's breakfast is simple, with fried eggs and bread, and a sausage.But neither man's mind is clearly above breakfast.

"Mr. Costa, is your sister okay?" Ton tentatively said: "I heard the sheriff said that last night's explosion killed more than a dozen people. Those bodies were burnt and difficult to identify."

Xia Lei said: "My sister has returned to Mexico, God bless her, she is fine."

"Mr. Costa, are you really ..." Ton lowered his voice. "Do you really know Ohorda?"

Charley immediately frowned. "Mr. Ton, don't you think you have too many problems? Are you here to have breakfast or ask me questions? Are you from the US Drug Enforcement Administration?"

"No, no, Mr. Costa, please don't get me wrong. I'm just curious. Last night, when you only said a name and scared away the locomotive helpers, I admire you."

Xia Lei said: "No one knows in Mexico. Her name can stop the child from crying. I just used her name to scare the fools, but you also saw that, I still paid ten thousand dollars. . Nothing can be done without money, do you understand what I mean? "

"I understand, let's have breakfast, hehe." Ton said with a smile.

In the following time, Ton asked Xia Lei several questions side by side. Xia Lei saw the move and resolved it one by one.He had already prepared all the masquerading identities and was not in a panic.He fights with the CIA to this day. His rich experience and legendary experience are actually enough to write a book "How to Deal with CIA".

Caitlin hadn't finished the bath until the two men finished their breakfast.She was going to wash it white and fragrant, and then wait for her Costa to eat her pig.As for Ton, let him go to hell!

"I have to go, Mr. Costa, bye." Seemingly it seemed certain, Ton got up and said goodbye after eating breakfast.

"Well, all the way down, Mr. Ton." Xia Lei said.

Ton left Caitlin's house and walked towards the Dodge Ram on the roadside.He remembered all the details of meeting with Xia Lei, as meticulously and carefully as he was doing a math problem.But he did not find anything suspicious.

"Jack's judgment is correct. This guy is just a rich playboy. The Mexican, hum, only plays accordions and straw hats, and women ..." There was a scornful smile on Ton's mouth.Most white people have more or less racial discrimination, and he is no exception.

When Ton got into the cab and was about to drive, he walked Xia Lei out of Caitlin's house, and he held a bag of flour.

Ton looked at Xia Lei in surprise, "Mr. Costa, what are you doing with a bag of flour?"

Xia Lei walked to the Dodge Ram and rudely threw the bag of flour into the Dodge Ram ’s carriage and said, "Take it back and make breakfast for yourself. I don't want to see you tomorrow morning."

Ton, "..."

Xia Lei threw a middle finger at Ton, and then turned into Caitlin's house.

"Damn, bastard!" Ton scolded, then drove away.

When the Dodge Ram disappeared into sight, Xia Lei came out of Caitlin's house.He came to the side of the road and looked at the flour that was blown away by the wind, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

To deal with Ton, a CIA elite, putting a tracker on his body or putting a tracker on his car is a stupid choice.However, putting flour can solve this problem.

One bag of flour is not enough, then two bags.

However, one bag is enough.

### 0932 Chapter Lurk

A Yamaha 600cc locomotive drove away from the free Mary town and headed south.The rider on the locomotive is wearing a black leather jacket, wearing a helmet, and the body is full of shiny ornaments, skulls, rivets, crosses and the like.

The rider would stop the car every once in a while and look closely at the road and the roadside, as if looking for something.

This knight is Xia Lei.

The Yamaha 600cc locomotive and the other's leather clothing were bought from a member of the cycling gang and cost ten thousand dollars.Caitlin wanted to follow him, but he refused.He gave her anything for 100,000 knives to buy.He is a very interesting person. Although he uses others, he will not use them in vain, and will benefit others.

He spent a lot of money on Caitlin, but as far as the things he got from Jack ’s computer, if he took the formal channel, he would be given 100 million dollars, and the US government and Lockheed Martin also It won't give him a glance.Therefore, the money spent on picking up girls for action is very valuable.

Caitlin took a hundred thousand knives, and the people became well-behaved, and they were improper followers.Xia Lei told her to meet a business friend, but in fact to follow Ton.

He had a hunch that Ton was the one who went to see the FA organization.This is also a turning point in his trip to the United States.

There is no tracker, no satellite or unmanned machine surveillance lock, but the sack of flour he put in the carriage of the Dodge Ram driven by Ton played a crucial role.There is a small opening in the flour bag. When the car drives at a high speed, the flour bag placed in the compartment will be blown open by the wind, and the flour will fall on the road with the wind.

However, no one can see this level of sprinkling.Ordinary people may have to wear a magnifying glass to see it, but Xia Lei only needs to use the microscopic ability of his left eye, and he can follow it all the way.

A road leads to the south, which is the direction to Mexico.Lockheed Martin's headquarters and the free Mary town have long been left behind and can no longer be seen.The flour on the pavement and roadside is still extending, all the way south.Occasionally a village or small town appeared along the way, but the scale was small and not lively at all.

Just kept riding like this, about a hundred kilometers later, a lumbering field appeared in Xia Lei's field of vision.

The traces of flour extend all the way to the lumber yard, and they are not diverted like other intersections.Obviously, Ton entered this logging field.

Xia Lei didn't dare to get closer when he was one kilometer away from the logging site. He was worried that a surveillance camera would take him.He got out of the car and pushed the Yamaha 600cc into the woods on the roadside, then covered it with weeds and branches.After hiding the locomotive, he proceeded from the forest to the logging yard.There was actually a path in the forest, but he avoided the path and walked all the places where there was no road.

About half an hour later, Xia Lei approached the logging yard. There was no fence but an anti-theft net was built around this place. A stud made of steel pipe was also equipped with a surveillance camera. There would be a surveillance camera every distance. Very tight, no dead ends.

A lot of wood is piled up on an empty area of ​​the logging yard, mainly wood such as oak and longan. These wood are used as flooring materials, and a considerable part of them will be shipped to China.On some ropes, you can see the words of the Huaguo flooring brand, which were ordered by Huaguo manufacturers.

Xia Lei was not approaching the anti-theft network. He activated the hyperopia of his left eye and searched the logging field carefully and carefully.A few minutes later, he spotted the Dodge Ram skin truck driven by Ton in a place to the north.Ton was not in the car, and the bag of flour was also thrown on the ground of the logging yard by him.

There was a sneer in the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. It was obviously too late for Ton to throw away at this time.

Not far from the Dodge car there is a group of buildings, all of which are wooden structures, with wooden buildings and bungalows, as well as buildings like warehouses and production workshops.Xia Lei turned his attention to that place. He saw some people, but none of them were workers in the logging yard. They were armed men with guns. They were white and black, and Mexican.Those people look very fierce, with a very obvious banditry, even murderous, obviously not a soldier or agent of the US government.

Xia Lei secretly said: "I am afraid that these people are all from the FA organization. After the Russian base was taken off, the FA organization seems to have added some Mexican armed personnel. The FA organization sent so many people, it is definitely trying to The United States accepts the unmanned aircraft. This operation is related to whether the FA organization can wash its identity and whether it can catch the success or failure of the US luxury ship. ? This person should have a higher status in the FA organization than Ye Mosha? "

He will not imagine that the leader of the FA organization will appear here, but important figures such as second or third leaders are very likely to appear here.

It is a pity that after a careful perspective and long-sighted search, Xia Lei found no suspicious important figures except for the ordinary armed personnel of the FA organization.He did not find Ton.

"No? Where will Ton and FA's important people meet and talk? It seems that I always have to go in." Xia Lei made up his mind, and then walked along the edge of the anti-theft net to the depths of the logyard go with.He did not believe that this logging site would circle the entire forest with anti-theft nets, and then install monitoring monitors.

Sure enough, after walking about 500 meters forward, the anti-theft net turned a corner and extended laterally.After another walk, Xia Lei saw a simple gate about two hundred meters away, with a road leading to the forest area.There are some logs stacked along the road, as well as machinery for cutting trees and trucks for transporting logs.At the back door stood an armed man with a gun, holding a cigarette in his hand, smoking while holding a walkie-talkie and saying something.

"Damn, it's really guarded. There are people behind the back door." Xia Lei frowned.

He wanted to get rid of the sentinel of the FA organization at the back door. It was easy to touch it and solve the problem with a knife, but once he killed someone, the FA organization would notice that someone had attacked here.Then the action behind him is very dangerous, and more importantly, in his plan, he can't alert the FA organization, and he can't kill.

Actions that cannot kill people are very difficult.

After a closer look, Xia Lei's eyes moved to the side of the back door, and his eyes quickly fell to a place.That is a gutter.The topography of the forest farm is gradually rising, and the logging farm below must definitely solve the problem of drainage in the rainy season.Now it is not the rainy season, which means that the gutter is dry.

Xia Lei had an idea in his mind, and he went around from the forest.A few minutes later, he came to the upper part of the gutter. The gutter that appeared in front of him was two feet deep and two feet wide, enough for him to crawl forward without being discovered by people on the ground.

He jumped into the gutter and carefully climbed towards the lumber yard.

The FA organization will definitely not be the owner of this logging site. This place is likely to be temporarily requisitioned by Ton to hand over the Predator B with the FA organization.This lumberyard is close to Lockheed Martin and is very remote and very suitable.However, no matter whether it is the FA organization or Ton, they never think that he can follow here, so who cares about a gutter?

This gutter is the only way to enter the logging yard, and it is impossible for the FA organization to completely control a place that does not belong to them, so this passage is also a safe passage.

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