Super Vision

922 Chapter 922: The Knight's Wish (27)

Wow!The window was smashed by his body, and a second later he was adjusted to the inside downstairs.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The AK47's bullets frantically ripped through the small wooden building, as well as the rockets. The guy carrying the bazooka fired another rocket in this short time.

This time he did not fire on the second floor, he attacked a support column on the first floor.


A violent explosion sound was born under the night sky, and the sonic sound wave pushed the explosion heat wave into all directions, and it could be heard and seen from far away.

The attacking Xiaomulou shook and collapsed.

By this time Xia Lei had returned to the sugar cane field.He pulled a wooden thorn from his shoulder, and blood bleed out, wetting his shoulder.

"Are we killing him?" An armed man lying on the ground said nervously.

"Should I get rid of him?" Said another armed man lying on the ground. "Even if he was not killed, he should be buried underneath. The fire is so big that he will be burnt to death."

"Shall we go over and see?" The third armed man suggested.

"No, wait." The fourth armed man said with a lingering fear: "That guy is not simple, he is very powerful. Everyone in the wooden building is dead, we have to be careful."

Only the remaining four armed men were lying on the ground, looking at the ruins of the burning wooden building, daring not to pass, and at the same time not reconciled.They all know the importance of this mission. If the unmanned plane is destroyed by the gunman, even if they are still alive, they will become dead when they come to Yan Buddha.

However, the gunmen, whom they believed had been buried under the ruins of the wooden building, had touched them behind them without knowing it.

Xia Lei came out of the sugar cane field and fell silent.Through the darkness, he stopped when he was close to the four armed men and twenty meters away.He removed a grenade from the armed belt and pulled out the safety bolt.This time he only delayed for a second in his hand, and then threw it at the place where the four armed men held their guard.


A sound similar to a stone hitting the ground appeared in the middle of the dead fighter.

"What?" An armed man looked in surprise at the place where the sound was made, and then a desperate howl called "Grenade--ah!" In his throat.


The grenade exploded.

A ball of mud was lifted into the sky, and then fell down.

Two of the four armed men were killed on the spot, and two were half killed.

Xia Lei appeared from the dark, holding a pistol in his hand.

Two armed men who were still alive found him, desperately crawling towards the warehouse.One of them begged in Spanish: "Don't kill me, don't kill me ... My child is only one year old, he can't live without me ..."

puff!The pistol with the silencer shuddered, and a bullet plunged into the head of the armed man begging for mercy.

The other did not beg for mercy, and he reached for his pistol.He wanted to pull out the gun before Xia Lei killed him, and then shot to kill Xia Lei.But such an idea is purely wishful thinking, even naive.As soon as his hand reached the holster, Xia Lei's muzzle was aimed at him.

"Do not--"


Blood blooms like flowers, and a life dissipates like smoke.

Treating the enemy, Xia Lei has no mercy and no mercy.

So far, all 20 armed men have been killed by him, and the people who stayed here in the FA organization are left with only two professionals in the warehouse.

Xia Lei walked towards the warehouse.During the battle with the armed men, the two professionals had closed the warehouse door.His left eye jumped slightly, cutting into perspective mode, and the situation in the warehouse suddenly entered his sight.

Two professionals hold an AK47 on the side of the gate, the other holds a mobile phone and makes a call.

Xia Lei locked his lips and interpreted his lips with lip interpretation.

"Mr. Yan ... not good, not good!" The voice of the professional who was talking on the mobile phone was trembling. "Our people are dead, that person ... that person ... not a person! He is only one person , But he killed 20 of us! Come and save us, we won't be able to keep for long ... Protect no one. Machine? Mr. Yan, we ... we are not soldiers ... "

Xia Lei quietly came under the wall on the side of the gate, and pressed the TAR-21 assault rifle in his hand against the wooden wall.On the other side of the wall across the muzzle is the head of the professional guarding the door.

In the warehouse, a professional holding an AK47 guarding the door said nervously: "What does Mr. Yan say?"

The companion who just ended the call said: "Damn, he asked us to persevere, we must protect this unmanned machine. Just now, we should escape, not stay here, the guy will come over and kill soon we."

"Escape? Mr. Yan won't let me go ..." Before the sentence was finished, the wall shuddered suddenly, and there was a smoking bullet hole.The professional guarding the door is like a robot that suddenly loses power. It loses control of its body in an instant and falls to the ground softly.A round hole was added to his temple, and a burst of blood came out gurgling.

"Ah-" The last professional suddenly raised his AK47 in a frenzy and shot at the wall.AK47's bullets pierced the wooden wall, leaving bullet holes, but nothing more, he hit nothing.

"Asshole! You come out!" The emotion of the last professional was out of control, he scolded, and then raised the AK47 in his hand again, trembling and said: "I, I surrender! Do not kill me!"


A bullet penetrated the wall and plunged into the head of the last professional.

This is Xia Lei's response, he does not accept surrender.

Puff puff……

Xia Lei fired a shot at the warehouse door, slammed the door bolt and kicked the door open.The Predator B entered his line of sight, and under its wings were two precision-guided missiles, a "skunk gift", and a "hell's key".They stand still and look very cold.

Xia Lei walked over and entered an instruction on the computers of two experts.

Predator B suddenly started, slowly sliding out of the warehouse.It entered an abandoned highway, accelerated, and then rose into the night sky.

Xia Lei looked at Predator B flying far away in the night sky. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Enemies. "

### 0942 Chapter King appeared

Ten minutes ago.

Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

Caitlin walked towards the dock.The street light shone on her, her back was slim, and her hips wrapped in jeans twisted gently, making her extremely sexy.Not far behind him, a person lying on the fence beside the river looking at the opposite bank said to the miniature receiver hidden in the neckline: "The dancing girl is in place and the audience is in place."

Dancing girl, this is the action code that Ton gave Caitlyn.

Caitlin is a dancing girl, the dock is the stage, and the people organized by the CIA and FA are the audience.A good show is about to be staged, just waiting for the appearance of "Kai Zi".

That Kaizi was Xia Lei, but he never showed up.

Caitlin came to the pier, and the wind from the Grand River blew her cheek, which was very cold.She closed her collar and looked around.She did n’t dare to talk with a bug on her body, but she was fighting in heaven and earth in her heart, "Costa, do n’t come, you do n’t come ... If he does n’t come, what will that Ton do to me? He Are you really going to hand me over to Guantanamo Prison? My brother, he is a jerk! For his own future, he actually treated me like this ... "

Her heart was like a mess of long blond hair caressed by the night wind.

On the roof of a building 100 meters away, three snipers are already in place.There is a Chevrolet Suburban off-road car parked beneath the building. Ton and Jack are sitting in the car. Both are looking at Caitlin standing on the pier with a telescope.A CIA agent was sitting in the cab with a desert eagle on his thigh. Even if he was waiting for a drive, he maintained the highest vigilance and could enter the battle at any time.

"Will that guy come?" Several minutes have passed since arriving at the pier on the Rio Grande, but the target Costa still hasn't appeared, and Ton's heart is a bit uncertain.

"He wants to use my sister to threaten me. My sister is here, he will definitely show up." Jack still believed his judgment, and he was still full of confidence.

"Jack, you must have guessed the identity of that guy, tell me, what do you think?" Ton lowered his telescope and looked at Jack.

After thinking for a while, Jack said, "I'm not sure, but ..."

"But what? It doesn't matter, it's not for you to write a formal report." Ton said: "I'm just curious about how you spy genius think."

"I'm not a genius, I just work hard." Jack smiled. "Okay, let me talk about my thoughts. This Costa is going to bubble up my sister, and I'm the one who is responsible for making that Predator B , He came to the predator B. Who would be so nervous about the predator B? Who would be so nervous about the FA organization ’s actions? Only the kid from Hua Guo and 101 games. So, I guess this Costa is not The people of Xia Lei are the 101 players, but ... "

"When did the 101 game recruit Mexicans?" Ton said.

The 101 board recruited Mexicans, which is unlikely.Then there is only one possibility left.

Jack glanced at Ton, and there was a confident smile on the corner of his mouth. "He is a man of Xia Lei."

Ton nodded. "Xia Lei's men have a group of powerful people. This Costa may be one of them."

At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz GL450 off-road vehicle came slowly and stopped behind this Chevrolet Suburban off-road car.Driving the Mercedes-Benz GL450 off-road vehicle is the Xirita organized by FA. When she stopped the car, she flashed the front Chevrolet Suburban off-road car.

Ton frowned. "What does this woman want to do?"

Jack glanced in the rearview mirror. "She probably wants us to pass."

Sure enough, when Jack had just finished speaking, Sirita poked her head out of the window and waved to the Chevrolet Suburban off-road car.

"Asshole! Who does that Mexican woman think she is? And that Augustman and Yan Fo, they don't think they are irreplaceable, Benarden is their example!" Ton said a little bit angry.

Jack said: "Terrorists are terrorists, they can't change their nature. Let's go and see, maybe they want to talk to us. We have to warn them not to act rashly, otherwise they will destroy our operation. "

Ton nodded and got out of the car.Jack and Ton walked towards the Mercedes-Benz GL450 off-road vehicle in the back.

The doors of the Mercedes-Benz GL450 off-road vehicle also opened, and Xirita got off first, then Yan Fo and Augustman.

"Mr. Ton, it seems that the spy will not appear." Yan Fo said: "I think we should give up this operation and go back to the farm to test the unmanned machine. This is the most important thing."

"How can you be sure he won't show up?" Ton said. "We've only been here for a few minutes."

Yan Fo glanced at the watch on his hand, "Then we will wait another ten minutes, and when the ten minutes arrive, if the person has not yet appeared, we will go back to the farm to test the Predator B."

Ton said unpleasantly: "Mr. Yan, you have to make sure that this operation is under my command, not anyone from your FA organization."

Yan Fo shrugged, "Your CIA style is like this, are you used to direct everything?"

Toot, toot ...

The phone on Yan Fo suddenly rang.

Yan Fo took out his phone, and he glanced at the screen of the phone. "Look, my people are already urging."

"Then let them wait." Ton said.

Yan Fo slipped the answer button, "It's me, say ..."

"Mr. Yan is not good, it is not good!" A frightened and trembling voice came from the phone, "Our people are dead, that person ... that person ... not a person! He has only one person, but He killed 20 of us! Come and save us, we won't be able to keep it for long! "

The expression on Yan Fo's face suddenly became stiff, he shouted at the phone: "Hold me! Be sure to protect that unmanned machine!"

"Protect the unmanned. The machine? Mr. Yan, we ... we are not soldiers ..."


There was a gunshot from the phone.

Yan Fo can no longer listen to the phone anymore, he put down his phone, turned around and walked to the Mercedes-Benz GL450 off-road vehicle, while walking, said: "What happened! That guy attacked the farm!"

Sirita gave Jack a hard look, "Idiot!"

Her voice was very low, but Jack heard it.In an instant, the aura of confidence in him disappeared.He was like a weak man who was knocked off by KAO on the ring at the moment. This feeling made him collapse.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" Ton shouted at Jack.

Jack lowered his head into the car.He couldn't think of a problem there, but the result was in front of him again, and he fell into Costa's trap.

More than a dozen cars passed the bridge, the CIA's all-color Chevrolet Suburban off-road car opened, the police lights flashed, and the siren was harsh.Vehicles on the road slowed down or even stopped, letting this convoy of CIA and terrorists pass.

"What's the matter?" After a brief silence, Ton said angrily: "Jack, you promised me that Costa would appear, but he appeared on the farm and attacked the FA organization!"

Jack suddenly thought of something, his expression suddenly became excited, he even grabbed Ton's arm, "Mr. Ton, that person ... that person ... he is not Costa!"

"That's simply a fake name!"

"No, I don't mean that." Jack's voice shuddered. "Do you remember? We found him at Lockheed Martin, but so many people were dispatched, and there wasn't even a Global Hawk." Can catch him. Tonight, he dares to attack the FA organization base alone, and there are twenty FA organization people on that farm, and their fighting power is amazing ... who can have such ability? "

"You mean ..." Ton's expression also changed, his eyes full of excitement and excitement.

"Yes, that Costa ..." Jack paused slightly, and said it only after his emotions had stabilized a little, "He may be Xia Lei!"

Ton froze for a moment, and then grabbed a communicator. He said to the communicator: "All personnel pay attention, the other party's king appears, be sure to grab him!"

King, this is the codename CIA gave to Xia Lei.

Ton's voice appeared in all communicators.

In the Mercedes-Benz GL450 off-road vehicle, Augustman and Yan Fo looked at each other, and both eyes were full of surprise and shock.

Sirita slammed the throttle, and the Mercedes-Benz GL450 buggy rushed forward like a crazy bison.

"Ton said that Xia Lei appeared, how could this be possible?" Yan Fo said: "We have an eyeliner in Bailu Town of China. Xia Lei has always been at the Leima Military Factory. How could he appear here? A person!"

"One person killed twenty of our elite warriors, which seems to have explained the problem." Augustman said, his voice seemed to contain a force, and a little murderous!

Sirita said: "You forgot a person. When he appeared in the free Mary town, a woman was with him. He was not alone."

"That woman disappeared." Yan Fo said.

"If it was him, what did he want to do?" Augustman said: "Did such a great danger be used to destroy the unmanned machine we used to assassinate him? The United States is more than this unmanned machine, as long We want them to be able to give us new unmanned machines at any time. "

King, what does he want to do?

this is a problem.

This question silenced all three people in the car, and no one could guess the king's motives.

The convoy went through the city of El Paso and ran all the way to the farm.

The night sky was dark.In the clouds, a Predator B flew silently in the direction of El Paso.Under its wings are two precision guided missiles, a "skunk gift" and a "hell's key".

Opposite El Paso, on the banks of the Grand River in Ciudad Juarez, a Thai young man sits quietly in the driver's seat in a Land Rover guard car.There is a computer on his knee, and the computer's display is a ground image of the Predator B passing back through the camera.

It was a team that was doping.

### 0943 Chapter Skunk Gift

How tempting is it to kill Xia Lei?

For the CIA, this is almost the most important task since the establishment of the CIA.Xia Lei is not a terrorist, but the threat he poses to the United States is greater than the ten bin Nadens combined!Terrorists active in the Middle East at most only bring threats and trouble to Americans, and they cannot harm the foundations of the United States at all, nor can they threaten the dominance of the United States.But Xia Lei is different. Xia Lei and his Rema Group threaten the United States' leading global military strength and the current world order dominated by the United States!

In the Russian tank biathlon, under the command of the United States, the Japanese Land Self-Defense Force tank fired at Xia Lei, not even afraid of triggering a third world war.In this case, it is not hard to see how much the United States wants Xia Lei's life!

Xia Lei has been to France, Germany, Italy, Afghanistan and Japan, but he has never been to the United States.The United States has always been the restricted zone of Xia Lei. Who would believe Xia Lei will come to the United States?

Now, Xia Lei is in the United States.

This is Jack's judgment.

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