Super Vision

929 Chapter 929: The Knight's Wish (34)

Liang Siyao said: "A Bing, I know you are patriotic. The lovely country does not have to be in your current position. Each of us is building this country and contributing our own contribution to this country. Cleaners, doctors in hospitals, farmers in fields, teachers in teaching, we are all the same. "

Xia Lei said: "Yeah, Lockheed Martin has its own armed forces. The Rema Group faces the threat of the United States and Japan, and the Rema Group also needs its own armed forces. I want to build such a Rema The group ’s own armed forces, you are the leader of this armed force. I build the Lehma Group, you protect the Lehma Group, our husband and wife join forces, can you contribute more to this country? "

Long Bing was still silent.She has to make a decision, but this decision is very difficult for her, because it means she has to abandon the belief she has always adhered to, and the work she loves.

Xia Lei's hand was pressed against Long Bing's abdomen, rubbing gently, and said: "Son, help your father to persuade your mother, her thoughts can't turn, you persuade her not to do those dangerous It's something. "

Suddenly Long Bing laughed out loud, "I'm pregnant with you for a few days before I go to you. You can talk to him? Also, I give you a daughter."

Xia Lei also smiled.She said that, obviously she has already made a decision.

Fan Fan said with a smile: "Isn't that enough? No matter where we do things, we are building this country to make it stronger. In the future, if I can't continue in my current position, I will also resign Come to the Leima Group. "

Xia Lei said, "You can't resign. With you, some things will become easier."

"Okay, you know." Fan Fan gave Xia Lei a white look, "I ask you, why did you suddenly think of going to US stocks?"

Xia Lei said: "I have to earn some milk powder money. You all have children. There are four in your life. How can I do it if I am not diligent?"

The sentence immediately attracted three pairs of white eyes from three women.The owner of the Rema Group, his children want milk powder, even if they build a farm on Mars to raise cows.Will he go to speculate in US stocks to make milk powder?

Xia Lei smiled, "Well, I won't hide you this time. In addition to making money, I'm also going to trick or treat. There has never been only US capital in the third world, and never in the third world Yes, I want to be the first. Also, they have been dealing with me, and I have always been in a passive situation. I want to take the initiative to return to them. For this reason. "

"But you have never speculated in stocks, can you do it?" Fan Fan said with some concern.

Xia Lei shrugged. "Am I not studying?"

"You only start learning now?" Liang Siyao suddenly remembered something. "How much money do you invest in tuition now?"

Xia Lei said: "140 million knives."

Liang Siyao, "..."

Long Bing and Fan Fan couldn't help but looked at each other, both women had a strange expression on their faces.

Xia Lei smiled, "You can rest assured, when did I do a loss-making business? Our children will eat milk powder." He yawned, "I'm sleepy, let's go to sleep. If you still have What's the problem, how about we talk tomorrow? "

"We just came to see you, and after seeing it, we left, didn't we?" Liang Siyao glanced at Long Bing and Fan Fan.

"Well, this is the case." Long Bing said.

"We're going back to bed, you're busy with you." Fan Fan said, pursing her lips, a bit of a smile.

The three women said to go away, not to remember at all.

Xia Lei stared blankly at the door and was repeatedly teased by his own woman. He felt quite speechless.

But when he secretly depressed, a catkin protruded from the door frame.That was Liang Siyao's hand. She raised her index finger and then ticked Xia Lei.

This code is easy to understand.

Xia Lei smiled and got up and left.

His women still don't worry about him, they dare not let a vigorous him go wild.In the eyes of his women, he is a male lion.And if the male lion becomes docile and honest and does not go outside to hunt for food, then there is only one way to feed him.

Liang Siyao, Fan Fan and Long Bing walked ahead, and Xia Lei followed.

Long Bing seemed a little embarrassed and shy. He wanted to go to another corridor, but was pulled by Liang Siyao, otherwise she would go.

A happy flame is burning in Xia Lei's heart, what a rhythm of three and one!Think of Fan Fan ’s sensitivity, Liang Siyao ’s peerless legs, and Long Bing ’s wildness. His heart is uncontrollable.

Long Bing glanced back and saw Xia Lei quietly following, with a look of shame, but with a sense of longing and excitement.She, Liang Siyao and Fan Fan, whichever is the best woman, under normal circumstances, a man conquering one of them is already a blessing, but he not only conquered them all, but also got such an opportunity , This blessing has no idea that it has been cultivated for thousands of years.However, how many men like Xia Lei in the world?Let such three women be willing to serve him together?

There is no second one because he is the only one.

More importantly, he is a hero in the eyes of all Chinese!

The three entered a room, and Xia Lei could find it with his eyes closed, because that was his room.The three women turned off the lights when they entered the room, but this was not an obstacle for Xia Lei.With a slight jump in his left eye, he saw three women whispering in the room.

"That's ... not good?" Long Bing blushed. "I feel so embarrassed. I, I go back to my house and go to sleep."

Liang Siyao blocked her way, "I and Fan Fan have been there together, it's okay, it's fun, you try it and you know. We are a family, so it can enhance our family's feelings."

Fan Fan said: "Yes, feelings need to be nurtured. Also, we all have it, we can't toss it for too long, you know, the guy in our family ... well, it's safer to share together."

Long Bing, "..."

In the corridor, Xia Lei couldn't help laughing.At this time, he felt that he should be the happiest man in the world.

As he walked towards the door, he suddenly stopped, and then said: "Come out."

A black shadow protruded from the eaves, no one else, but Yueye Kyoko in a night suit, covering his head to his feet.

"Are you climbing so high to dig a bird's nest?" Xia Lei said.

"Neither of your women are ordinary people, and I worry about being discovered by them." Yue Ye Xingzi said.

"It's whatever you want." Xia Lei said: "You take someone to Japan first, secretly protect Long Bing, and help her complete the mission. The FA organization, see one kill one."

Kinoko nodded his head, "Got it, I will take them to Japan now."

Xia Lei waved his hand, "Be careful."

Suddenly, Yoshino Kyoko leaned out his head again, "You also take care of your waist."

Xia Lei, "..."

Open the door, a house of incense floating.

Women are not alcohol, but more intoxicating than alcohol.

### 0954 Chapter Queen's Artificial Respiration

Xia Lei arrived at the headquarters office building early in the morning the next morning.He opened the hacked computer and looked at the stock of Chlorella.As of five o'clock in the morning, the stock of Chlorella Inc. rose by 3%.All four of his accounts are opening positions at a low level, not making this 3% but 7%.That is, last night he cast 140 million knives, and he earned about 9 million knives.For such a large sum of money, most people can't make a lifetime or even several lifetimes, but for him it is only one night, and most of his time on this night is in three big belly women Spent in bed.

What is more terrible is that this is just the beginning. He just entered the field, and the real killer has not yet been used.Once the female reporter Isabel of the Wall Street Journal shook out his news, all kinds of capital must have swarmed in, and he can earn more than this 7%, he may earn 700%, or even more !

His snowball has already started on the top of the mountain. I don't know how big it will be until halfway up the mountain.This is an unpredictable number, and even his super brain cannot estimate an accurate number.After all, there are too many variables in this process to calculate.

A little later, three big belly women came to Xia Lei's office.

As soon as he entered the door, Liang Siyao said, "Just now I heard that your two German chief engineers were training people in the tank workshop. I will go and see."

Xia Lei said: "Go ahead, but don't be biased. The Germans are rigorous in their style. If our workers are wrong because they have been wronged, let them scold them."

"What if those two German women are wrong?" Liang Siyao said.

Xia Lei smiled, "Aren't you going to deal with it? You just do it."

Liang Siyao raised her lips. "I knew it was a problem for me. I hurt you white last night, hum."

Xia Lei, "..."

After Liang Siyao left, Long Bing also said, "I'm leaving too, the plane in the morning."

Xia Lei handed a satellite phone to Long Bing. "This phone is almost impossible to track down. If you hold it, the zodiac team will know where you are. They will be near you, Say. Mu will provide you with information, and Yoko Kyoko will provide you with an assassination service. In short, no matter what help you need, they can provide you with it. After you arrive in Japan, it is best to contact Yoko Kyoko. "

Long Bing nodded, "Well, I will contact her when I get to Japan."

Last night Xia Lei made a lot of effort to do ideological work for her, understand and talk deeply, and finally convince her.This will also be her last mission in the 101th bureau. After the completion of this mission, she will resign from the 101th bureau to the Reima Group to form and manage the armed forces belonging to the Rema Group for Xia Lei.Of course, the armed forces of the Rema Group will only act abroad to defend the international interests of the Rema Group.At home, there is no need to use this armed force.

"I'm going to work too, husband, don't be too tired, pay attention to your body." Fan Fan leaned over and sorted the tie for Xia Lei.

Xia Lei kissed her.

Fanfan's jade plume turned red, and her body shivered.Pregnancy did not change her sensitive physique, she was still so sensitive, as long as Xia Lei touched her a little, she would be extremely sensitive.

Long Bing turned around awkwardly, pretending not to see it.Although all four were like that last night, it was only one night after all. He did not cooperate with Liang Siyao and Fan Fan many times. She still needs some time to adapt.

But when Long Bing turned his head, Xia Lei came to her and kissed her.

"You ... shameless." Long Bing stared at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei smiled softly and said: "Be careful along the way, you have to remember, I'm waiting for you at home."

Just like this, there is nothing embarrassing in Long Bing's heart, her heart is warm.She looked at Xia Lei silently, and then a few seconds later, she hummed softly.

Fan Fan and Long Bing also left.

Xia Lei returned to his desk, but instead of working, he closed his eyes and cut his brain into a new extraordinary mode.After that, various drawings and figures rushed to his brain like tide. They rolled, merged, and changed, just like the sand particles that were torn to the sky by the tornado.It looks very chaotic, but in this chaos there is law and order.It is in this law and order that new drawings, new figures, and virtual objects are born in his brain ...

Lockheed Martin has developed unmanned aircraft since the 1994s. It has been studying combat unmanned aircraft from the initial predator to the current predator series and the global eagle, which has taken up to 20 years.During these two decades, the US government and Lockheed Martin have invested a lot of manpower and material resources to achieve world-leading achievements.But now, Xia Lei does all this with his eyes closed. He does n’t need hundreds of scientific researchers, engineers or assembly workers, not even the workshop. He just needs to close his eyes and then his The brain operates like a powerful military factory, designing and manufacturing new unmanned machines for him.

Based on this, does the United States need other reasons to destroy him?

Time passed by one minute and one second, but Xia Lei was unconscious.I didn't know how much time had passed before a series of knocks on the door awakened him.He subconsciously glanced at the Patek Philippe watch, and he was surprised to find that four hours had passed.He even spent so long in this state similar to "meditation" without realizing it!

Boom Boom ...

"Come, is it Siyao? I'm not hungry and I don't want to have lunch." Xia Lei said, got up and walked to the door, but the moment he got up, his eyes suddenly went dark, and the whole person fell He fell to the ground at once.

But he didn't faint, and there was a sober consciousness in his brain.That is a little sober consciousness that made him understand one thing, that is, the energy consumption of using this new super brain model is greater than his ability to use perspective, and much greater!

There is never anything in the world that can be gained in white, and what is gained and lost is always balanced.When any two objects touch each other, there will always be some kind of exchange between the two.This is the famous Lockard's law of matter exchange.His brain runs in an extraordinary mode, studying the unmanned machine for him, and his dedication is his energy, and that mysterious energy.The more he gets, the more he pays.

Confused, he heard the sound of opening the door, then the sound of footsteps, and finally the sound of his name.He was familiar with this voice, because it was Shen Tutianyin's voice.

"Lei Zi, Lei Zi? What's wrong with you? Are you okay? Hello? Don't you scare me ..." Her voice was full of anxiety and worry.

Xia Lei wanted to open his eyes, but he found he had no strength to lift his eyelids.He could not use his perspective ability to see Shen Tu Tianyin across his eyelids.

"Don't scare me, you wake up soon? What's wrong with you?" Maybe it's too anxious, and care is chaotic. Shen Tu Tianyin didn't ask anyone to help.Seeing that Xia Lei didn't respond, she followed and pressed her hands against Xia Lei's chest, then squeezed his chest.When Xia Lei's heart was still beating, she followed and squeezed Xia Lei's mouth open, her lips blowing against his lips and blowing into his mouth ...

Her lips are still so soft and gentle, and the smell between her lips is still so fragrant and charming.In an instant, Xia Lei felt like he was dreaming.Shen Tu Tianyin's artificial respiration resembling a kiss brought his mind back to the time he was with her.

During that time, she was his wife, and he was his husband.He and she are an enviable pair.

The past is like smoke, there are times when it is blown away.

Xia Lei suddenly opened his eyes.The collapse came violently, but his recovery was quick.This is of course the effect of that mysterious energy. In fact, it has always been growing, but he cannot calculate its amount.

Suddenly seeing Xia Lei waking up, Shen Tu Tianyin froze for a moment, followed by another laugh, and then wept with tears, "You woke up, you woke up, you just scared me to death."

Xia Lei struggled to get up, but just propped up and fell down.Although he was awake, his body still needed some time to recover.He secretly said in his heart: "It seems that I will use this model of the brain in the future, I have to control the time, and I must rest in the middle."

"What happened to you just now?" Shen Tu Tianyin said with concern, she reached out to help Xia Lei.

Xia Lei grabbed her arm and crawled up, "It's okay, it's too much overtime at this time, so I don't have a good rest."

"You, you are still so young, you have reached a height that others can't reach for decades or even a lifetime, you should also take a break, don't fight too hard." Shen Tu Tianyin said.

Xia Lei smiled, "Why do you still fight so hard? Can the Chinese market still satisfy you? You still have to go to the US to go public."

Shen Tu Tianyin froze for a moment, "You ... how do you know?"

"Of course I have my channels, tell me, why go to the US for listing?" Xia Lei looked at her, but he couldn't see through her mind.She used to be his wife, but he can't really see through her until now.

"Capital expansion to a certain extent will open up new markets." Shen Tu Tianyin looked out the window, looking at the vast sky, "Vientiane Group financing in the United States, the next step will be to develop industry in the United States. This is a necessary step The Chinese market is huge, but it is not the world after all. "

This is Shen Tu Tianyin, Xia Lei's familiar Shen Tu Tianyin, her ambition is enough to conquer the world.

Is it wrong for a woman to have such great ambitions, or ambitions?

He didn't think so, but he was required to admit that Shen Tu Tianyin was right, and he was unwilling.

Shen Tu Tianyin withdrew his eyes and looked straight at Xia Lei, "Are n’t you the same? The Chinese market is so big, but you still have to open up the international market, and you still use Lockheed Martin as your opponent to win. This opponent. We are actually the same person, aren't we? I just found out that you are actually the person who suits me best, and I am also the person who suits you best. "

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say.

If she regards her words from the perspective of capital expansion and enterprise development, she is right.Her talent in the business field is extremely high, and even this is beyond him.And her methods are also cruel and cruel. At the beginning, the love and marriage that gave up for the Vientiane Group is an example.

Xia Lei was silent, and Shen Tu Tianyin's eyes had a touch of sadness and grievances.

### 0955 The new material that failed

The atmosphere in the office suddenly became silent and embarrassed.The two of you looked at me, and I looked at you, as if there was a lot to say, but the mouth was closed, as if there was adhesive tape.

It was still Xia Lei who couldn't hold his breath first. He coughed. "Tianyin, sit down. I haven't asked you to sit down if you see you coming. What do you drink? I'll pour it for you."

"Are you polite to me?" Shen Tu Tianyin tilted his mouth in dissatisfaction.

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