Super Vision

958 958 The Knight's Wish (63)

From the perspective of the White House and the Pentagon, he has also reached the point where he must be killed.Because the threat this new material poses to the United States is extremely huge, once China has X secret gold that can absorb radar electromagnetic waves 100%, then the United States will lose its air combat advantage!The Rema Group is currently only involved in the field of unmanned aircraft. This threat is still controllable, but once the Rema Group uses this new material on fighters and strategic bombers, it is researched and produced by fighters and strategic bombers Not only will it lose its advantage in air combat, but it will also be in a disadvantaged position!Therefore, the wishes of the owner of the white house and the Pentagon are the same as those of the five major arms companies. That is, his research can only be ended here, and cannot be continued.

As a result, they launched Li Youdun, the top spy who broke into the Rema Group and worked out the so-called "S" plan.

To understand this, Xia Lei sneered in his heart, "You do n’t want the Rema Group to produce the X Mysterious Gold and the Unmanned. The Nero does not want the Rema Group to produce fighters and bombers. I want to do this. You want me If you die, I will die for you. The five arms dealers offer a reward of 100 million US dollars to let me kill myself. The money I send to you will not earn nothing. "

"Mr. Li," said Bubu Yibu: "Do you understand now?"

Xia Lei nodded, "Since this is Mr. Williams' order, I will execute it. Give me the antidote."

The bud clothing of the clothing department took out a small medicine bottle from her pocket. She gently shook the medicine bottle, and the sound of the capsule suddenly made a collision.

With a slight movement of Xia Lei's left eye, he saw the pill in the bottle, which was three white capsules. He said, "Isn't it a poison? When I finish the task, clear me away."

Bubu Yiyi said with a smile: "Mr. Li, please don't make such a joke. You are currently one of the most important characters in the CIA. The five major arms companies, the white house and the Pentagon are all expecting you to steal the X secret gold of the Rema Group. The formula and production technology, as well as their unmanned. Machine technology. You are so important, it is too late to protect you, who will kill you? "

Xia Lei said: "Give me."

The clothing department buds handed the medicine bottle to Xia Lei, and then said: "These two drugs cannot be mixed together, which is why I did not put them in the box. Before you start, you need to take the antidote one hour before. Take one more one hour after poisoning, and the last one will be taken eight hours later. "

Takebe said: "Relax, this drug was researched by the AE Research Center and has been tried in Africa. The poisoned people are dead, but the poisoned people have no health problems."

"Then I am relieved." Xia Lei put away the medicine. "Is there anything else? If not, I will go back. The Rema Group has entered the final preparation stage for the construction of a new material workshop. I have to be in the Rema Group. Work, otherwise it will cause Xia Lei's suspicion. "

"Of course, I have a problem." Bubu said.

"What's the problem?" Xia Lei asked.

Bubu Yibu said: "I want to know your plan."

Xia Lei said: "I just knew about it. You want to know my plan in a minute or two? Do you think I am a god?"

Haiya Buyi didn't mind Xia Lei's tone at all, she smiled, "I have a plan, please refer to it."

"What are your plans?" Xia Lei looked at her.

Bubu said: "Find a way to enter the safe house, poison him in his home, and finally when he is with his woman. You know, men are the least vigilant in front of beautiful women, not to mention he has Several women. "

"You want me to kill his woman together?" Xia Lei said.

The clothing department Bu Yi nodded, "This is not a personal grudge, this is your easiest chance to succeed."

Not a personal grudge?

Xia Lei stolen the artificial intelligence technology of the service department family and applied it to the ZTZ100 main battle tank and the scavenger infantry fighting vehicle. He also killed the service department Moonblade and the service department Baizhai.If there is no personal grudge, then there is no hatred in the world.

Xia Lei nodded and smiled, "I will consider it." After he finished, he turned and left.

Walking out of the tower, Xia Lei looked back at the wooden structure on the tower.He saw that the clothing department Buyi was talking to Yang Shan, and the two communicated in English.

"Is he credible?" Bubu asked.

"You can believe it." Yang Shan said: "He has no doubt about his ability. He is a person trained by the CIA's Peerless Program. I am not very clear about the plan, but I know the person trained by the training plan. Only perform tasks up to several times, and the success rate is extremely high. "

"A peerless warrior?" A sneering smile appeared on the corner of Yabu's mouth. "But he looks ordinary."

Yang Shan said: "You can't use combat agent or killer standards to measure him, the tasks he performs have different natures."

"Perhaps ..." said Buiyabu: "He is hidden, and he has a very special temperament. No matter what level of spy he is, once he gets the material formula of Rema Group's X Secret Gold And the production process, he has to ... "

Yang Shan nodded.

Xia Lei returned his gaze and strode away.

If it weren't for the conversation between the clothing department's bud clothes and Yang Shan, he still didn't know what Lee Youdun was a senior spy trained by the "peerless plan".Such information may seem meaningless, but in fact it is not.It is impossible for a "peerless plan" to train only a spy like Lee Youdun, there must be others.Right now, Li Youdun has been given the task of assassinating him, and it is hard to guarantee that the CIA will not send another "unusual" to break into the Rema Group's internal replacement Li Youdun.After all, Li Youdun is likely to die from a failed mission.And the probability of this possibility is actually very high, because now is the time when the Rema Group needs to recruit a large number of employees!

"You must not be careless in recruiting this time. You have plan S, and I will add a B behind your S." Xia Lei's mouth sneered.

### 1003 Chapter of the sex of the child

The Spring Festival is gone, and the Spring Festival will come back.

Time has gone, but time will not come back.

People, time is never retained.

The morning sun rose and the sky was bright red.Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, Xia Lei looked at the rising sun in the east sky, and he could feel its vigorous power.But even it will extinguish and collapse one day, everything in the universe, what else is eternal?

He looked away.A church stands under the sky, imitating the style of Sagrada Familia in Catalo, it looks very majestic.At the door of the church, Long Bing was talking to the women of the Gray family and the Russo family.Beside the five women stood a large group of believers from all over the world.An armed force belonging to the Rema Group is forming.

In the courtyard of Ping An Ju, Jiang Ruyi, who is full of belly, is knitting sweaters for children.She is not a woman like Long Bing and Liang Siyao who can accompany him on the battlefield to kill enemies. She is not a woman with a high weight like Fan Fan. She is just a very ordinary woman.But it is her ordinary and ordinary that makes him feel real, kind and cute.She is like a mirror with the attributes of time, allowing him to see how he used to be, and let him cherish everything he has now.

A long list of military heavy trucks drove out of the door of the Rema Group. Each truck carried a ZTZ100 main battle tank or a scavenger infantry fighting vehicle.After these two heavy equipments entered mass production, the military also began to replace tank equipment.In the near future, no country will dare to fight land war with China, including the United States.

All this, just like the rising sun, also has the vigor and vitality.

Footsteps were heard behind him, softly and inaudibly.It came from the direction of the door, deliberately hiding himself and approaching him.But he didn't have to look back to know that Liang Siyao was here.

Liang Siyao came from behind, reaching out to cover Xia Lei's eyes, and said playfully: "Guess who I am?"

"You are a pig." Xia Lei said with a smile.

Liang Siyao gave him a hit, "I hate it, I have a big belly, and I'm getting fat. You just call someone a pig. I have no conscience."

Xia Lei turned to hug her, "You are a pig."

Liang Siyao has charming eyes.She was originally the pig of the Chinese zodiac team, and Xia Lei was right.But her pig has almost lost its meaning, because she simply can not participate in any action of the zodiac team.

"These purchases going to Europe are back, what do they say?" Xia Lei shifted the topic to the business.

Liang Siyao sighed, "I just read their report and it turned out ..." She paused and said: "European equipment suppliers will not sell us equipment, even if we give them twice the market price. Sell."

Xia Lei said: "There must be American intervention in it. The Americans know that I will make X secret gold and unmanned machines. They will not let us import equipment from Europe."

Liang Siyao said: "Russia and Ukraine have no problems, but their equipment is not much more advanced than our domestic. I think, it is better to choose our own domestic supplier. You can actually do this, you will draw the drawings of those equipment After formulating, there are related standards. We place orders from suppliers all over the country, let them produce parts, and then get the parts back, we can finish the processing again, and we can get the equipment we want. "

Xia Lei thought for a while, "Although this is a bit more troublesome, but there is no way to solve the problem without choice. Give me three days and I will draw the drawings."

"Three days? So fast? That is a very complicated thing. How can you accomplish it?" Liang Siyao was surprised.

"Trust me, no problem." Xia Lei looked confident.

"Her husband, don't be too tired. Slow down this matter, no one urges you, don't worry." Liang Siyao's eyes were full of concern.

For three days, drawing all the equipment of a workshop, even the super brain could not complete it.Because even if he had all the drawings and data in his head, his hands could not reach that speed. Not to mention drawing on paper, even drawing on a computer was impossible.This is Liang Siyao's view.

However, Xia Lei has his own way to solve this problem.

"Don't worry about me, I have a sense of justice."

"However, in three days, the material workshop needs so much equipment. I can't believe you can accomplish this in three days." Liang Siyao stared at his man, as if he was trying to test her man. Joking with him.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Not only the material production workshop, but also the workshop for producing unmanned. Machines, all the equipment, all the drawings, three days. I will give them all after three days, you hold They screen suitable equipment suppliers nationwide and let them produce parts for us. We have Thunder Dragon intelligent machine tools and we can turn them into the best parts. "

Liang Siyao gave Xia Lei a blank look. "Her husband, can you tell me not at once? You have to appease people's appetite, but you said, what are you going to do?"

Xia Lei just pointed to the hacked computer on his desk.

Liang Siyao was stunned for a moment, but she was such a clever woman, she soon understood that her face also showed a "bad woman" -like smile, "So you are not talking about painting, but stealing."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "What stole? It's so ugly, it's copying."

"Yes, yes, it's a copy. I was wrong. My husband, I'll make you a cup of tea, and then move the bench to see if you copy it?" Liang Siyao came to please her man again.

Xia Lei smiled, "Okay, no problem."

Liang Siyao went to make tea for Xia Lei, Xia Lei turned on his hacked computer and began to prepare for his "copy" work.

Americans can send Lee Youdun to steal the Rema Group's secrets, and he can use the same methods to return.Only this time, the scope of his attack is not limited to the United States, but the United States and Europe.It is very difficult to use hacking to attack places like the CIA and Lockheed Martin, and there is no chance that it will not be discovered.But offensive to certain equipment suppliers and material manufacturers, this kind of thing is just as easy for him to go to the supermarket.

Spy incidents happen every minute and every second in this world. Such a thing cannot be measured from the perspective of justice and law, but it has existed from the beginning of the birth of human civilization, and it still exists until now.With such an existence, who can criticize it from the perspective of law and justice?

When Liang Siyao brought a cup of Tieguanyin to his desk, Xia Lei was already working.In just five minutes, he entered the file system of a French equipment supplier, and then searched for the graphic files of several kinds of equipment he needed, and found it and copied it. It's that simple.

"When can I have you so powerful." Liang Siyao is envious of Xia Lei's ability in the field of hacking.

Xia Lei said: "I'm afraid you can't do it anymore, but your son will definitely be able to do it. In the future, if you train him to be a very powerful hacker, won't you satisfy your wish?"

"My dad will kill me. He is already making plans for children to learn Wing Chun. I am really worried that if I have a daughter, he will be mad." Liang Siyao said.

Xia Lei glanced at her big belly and said with a smile: "Relax, it's son."

Liang Siyao leaned his head against Xia Lei's shoulder with a happy expression, "Well, I believe you, I believe everything you say."

Not only does Xia Lei know that Liang Siyao is pregnant with his son, he also knows that two women and three women are pregnant with men and women in their stomachs.After all, he only needs a deep perspective to see it.In the past, he dared not look into the stomachs of his four wives casually. That's because the children were very fragile. He was afraid that his perspective would hurt the children.This kind of worry gradually disappeared as the children grew up, but he didn't dare to do it often. He only looked through it once and saw that they were satisfied with men and women in their stomachs.

The four big belly women, Liang Siyao is pregnant with a boy, Long Bing is pregnant with a boy, Jiang Ruyi and Fan Fanhuai are a daughter.Two men and two women, two dragons and phoenixes.Long Bing and Liang Siyao can be compared to "Wu", Fan Fan and Jiang Ruyi can be compared to "Wen", Wu Shengzi, Wen Shengnv, Wen Wu Shuangquan, this is really a perfect result.

While chatting with Liang Siyao about the child's affairs, Xia Lei revised the copied graphic materials.He attacked the French equipment supplier, which was equivalent to getting a pile of blanks, and many places could not meet his requirements.However, after his modification, it was like the finishing touch, and it suddenly became perfect and perfect.

It only took a few minutes to attack and steal, but the modification was very slow, and I didn't change a few drawings for an hour.But once completed, they will undoubtedly become the top-of-the-line existence of similar products.

Liang Siyao began to have a lot of enthusiasm. After an hour, he lost patience and interest. "Her husband, I'll go to the workshop to see. You should also pay attention to rest. Don't be too tired."

Xia Lei stopped her, "Si Yao, tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei curiously.

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying: "Help me prepare a funeral."

"Ah?" Liang Siyao was shocked on the spot.

"You heard it right." Xia Lei looked serious. "Help me prepare a funeral. Don't ask for the most solemn one, as long as it's lively."

Suddenly Liang Siyao knocked a powder punch on Xia Lei's head, and there was a layer of mist in her eyes, "What are you talking nonsense? I don't want to listen to this, I don't allow you to talk nonsense. If you leave , What about our children? What about Fan Fan, A Bing and Ruyi? What about their children? "

"Fool, listen to me finish talking." Xia Lei took her hand, dragged her to his thigh, and leaned to her ear, "That's it ..."

There were tears in Liang Siyao's eyes, but with the truth told by Xia Lei, the tears in her eyes disappeared.

The CIA and the five major arms companies jointly developed the S plan. Lee Youdun is the executor. The ultimate goal of this plan is to assassinate Xia Lei.How can Xia Lei not cooperate with the performance when the other party is very kind?

"Why should I cooperate with them?" After listening to Xia Lei, Liang Siyao puzzled and said: "You can ignore them completely, you can even take out the CIA intelligence station in Kyoto."

Xia Lei said: "Destroy the CIA intelligence station in Kyoto and they will build another one. I cooperate with them and show them once. I will die if they die. At that time ..."

"What do you want to do?"

"I'll talk about it later." Xia Lei said.In fact, he already has a complete plan in mind, but he doesn't want to say it because Liang Siyao will worry about them.

"Then when do you plan to ..." Liang Siyao couldn't say the word "death".

Xia Lei said: "After a week, wait for me to arrange everything, then I can ..."

Liang Siyao suddenly covered Xia Lei's mouth, "I don't allow you to say that word."

Xia Lei smiled, his heart warm.

### 1004Chapter Xia Lei's Death

Three days later.

Several printers work non-stop, printing out drawings.Several stacks of drawings have been piled on Xia Lei's desk, and each stack of drawings is more than one foot thick.These are drawings that Xia Lei "copied" from Europe and the United States and modified, some drawings of materials and equipment, and some drawings of equipment for production of unmanned machines.After the modification of Xia Lei's super brain, they are more advanced and more perfect.

These drawings and related materials have been classified and cut, most of which are part drawings and related parameter descriptions, as well as the requirements for manufacturing materials.Xia Lei has done his job to the extreme, so he only has to send drawings and discuss orders to equipment manufacturers in China.

The remaining part will be completed by Liang Siyao and the employees of Leima Group.

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