Super Vision

963 Chapter 963: The Knight's Wish (68)

Yueye Kyoko avoided Xia Lei's eyes, "Boss, I can die for you, you don't have to say thank you ... yeah!"

With a cry, Xia Lei squeezed her wound.Under his hands, the plump big white ball was squeezed together, and more bright red blood came out of the wound.

Xia Lei let out a long sigh of relief, "Okay, it should be fine. The toxins on the hidden weapons are very powerful, but for too long, their toxicity has been weakened by time, otherwise you will be dead. You just died. Protect me like that ... is it worth it? "

"It's worth, I said, I can die for you." Yueye Kyoko did not avoid Xia Lei's eyes this time.

Xia Lei avoided her eyes, he looked at the opposite skull, and he quickly made a judgment, "The hidden weapons are emitted from the orbit of the opposite skull, and the corresponding position happens to be in a parallel position. We believe. Everyone has a hidden weapon in the skull. Once the person on the opposite side touches the mechanism, they will fire it. The speed of this hidden weapon is extremely fast, almost the same speed as the bullet. There is no chance to dodge. "

"That, boss ..." Yueye Kyoko said a little unnaturally: "Can you let go of my butt? I want to put on my pants."

"Ah?" Xia Lei realized that he knew that he was still holding other people's big white balls, and still maintained a posture of squeezing the wound.He hurriedly released it, then turned around.

He can unplug others' pants, but he is embarrassed to see others wearing them.

### 1011 Chapter of Kyoko's last wish

The sound of wearing trousers in his ears rang in his ears, and such a sound made Xia Lei unable to bear to recall her big white group.Men, men always fight with their other half at this time.

"Boom ..." Yue Ye Xingzi groaned and suddenly lay on Xia Lei's back.Her body is so soft and attractive.

Xia Lei suddenly became nervous, "Kyoko, you ..."

"I'm dizzy." Yue Ye Kyoko's voice was weak.

Xia Lei hurriedly looked back at her, only to find that her face was pale and bloodless.He grabbed her wrist and checked her pulse.Her pulse is very disordered, which is a manifestation of arrhythmia.This made him even more nervous, "You, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Yueye Kyoko said softly and weakly: "It's not uncomfortable, it's just that my heart beats very fast, and people have no strength."

"I will take you out now, and we will go to the hospital. You lie on my back, and I crawl out with you." Xia Lei released her and lay on the ground, waiting for her to climb onto his back.

Yet Kyoko said: "No, you have to find a way to get that crystal skull. I can see that it is very important to you."

"No matter how important it is, it's not as important as your life. Don't talk nonsense, climb up to my back!" Xia Lei was a little angry.

Yue Ye Xingzi said: "No, I'm really okay, I can hold on."

Xia Lei's expression is very serious, "Although I sucked out most of the toxins in your wounds, it is impossible to suck all the toxins out in this primitive way. We don't know the toxins, just in case ... "

"Don't delay time, boss." Yue Ye Xingzi said.

"You really are ..." Xia Lei sighed depressedly.He took an engineering plastic box from his backpack, and then took out the accessories of the blast assault rifle from the engineering plastic box.He assembled the blast assault rifle, then climbed to the entrance of the tunnel and shot at the skull above.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The skulls shattered, and the dense steel needle concealers also formed a lore net that even the flies could not fly through at the top of the pyramid.

Xia Lei emptied the five magazines carried in the equipment, and dug a channel through the rock wall.

The steel needle concealer stopped.Xia Lei took the rope and Yueye Kyoko to give him the special climbing gloves and carefully climbed to the crystal skull on the top of the tower.In the process of crawling, almost all of his body was suspended in the air, all relying on his arm to support his body, and at the same time, he must also guard against the attack of the steel needle hidden weapon.

Ten minutes later, Xia Lei approached the crystal skull at the top of the pyramid.At such a close distance, the crystal skull was clearly revealed in front of his eyes.It is indeed not the kind of crystal skull found in the Mayan ruins, nor the crystal skull in the collection of the British Museum, because it is not made of crystal at all!The crystal skull of the Maya is carved from a whole piece of crystal, but it looks like a natural skull with no trace of artificial carving!

"Real skull? Who's skull will look like this? God?" Xia Lei's heart was horrified.

"Boss ..." Yue Ye Kyoko's voice came from below, "Hurry up!"

Although her voice was weak, Xia Lei heard it all at once.Then he recovered from the horror, and he said, "I'll be fine soon, and hold on again."

That being said, he did not immediately reach for the skull, but first fixed the rope to the rock.The rope hangs down, and the other end just hangs down the entrance to the tunnel.This is the only way for him to escape after an unexpected situation.

Solve the problem of retreat, Xia Lei awakened the ability to perspective.But he didn't dare to see through the crystal skull. What he saw was the situation around the crystal skull and inside the rock.The surrounding rock structure of the crystal skull is very complicated and does not look like a natural structure.There are no hidden weapons behind the crystal skull, and there are no passages or gaps to the ground that let the light shine down.It's just embedded in the rock. If you want to take it down, it doesn't seem to be a very difficult thing.

"Why is the rock structure at the top so strange? Is it dangerous?" Xia Lei wondered the question.

On the one hand, Kyoko Kinono did n’t know how much time she could persist, and her condition would continue to deteriorate.On one side is a crystal skull in close proximity, which can be removed by reaching out.But the more this kind of thing can be achieved by reaching out, he felt a little alert in his heart.At this critical moment, his heart calmed down abnormally.

The inner structure of the rock at the top of the pyramid emerged from Xia Lei's brain. Pieces of rock, size, size, and even approximate weight were built in his brain, and then a triangular top was piled up.Immediately, his brain mimicked the crystal skull at the top.As soon as the crystal skull was removed, the top of the pyramid collapsed.Large blocks of stone fell down, and then the whole pyramid collapsed!

"Huh ..." Although it was a simulated scene, Xia Lei was scared out of cold sweat.

In the scene simulated by his brain, it took up to two seconds from the removal of the crystal skull to the collapse of the top of the pyramid.In two seconds, he couldn't escape into the tunnel at all.And even if he managed to escape into the passage, the subsequent collapse of the entire pyramid would have him and Yue Ye Kyoko buried in the mountain!

With this design, no one can take the crystal skull on top of the pyramid.

When he first came in, he had a guess as to why this crystal skull had not been taken away, but he had not guessed that he could not take this level.

Can't take it away, of course it is here.

Both the man with the tattoo of King Cobra and his father Xia Changhe probably understand some related situations.Otherwise, as long as one of them moved to take it away, the pyramid might have collapsed long ago, and he would never wait until he came!

"The person who built this pyramid is the only one in prehistory. From the message he gave me, he seems not to be my enemy. He even regarded me as his successor and let me kill Zhu Xuanyue. Then, this crystal skull is He put it on top of this pyramid. If he waited for me to take it, continue his unfinished journey of finding answers ... Will he leave me a channel to take the crystal skull? " Flashing, Xia Lei's brain suddenly entered an extraordinary mode.

This time, his brain no longer simulates the scene where the crystal skull is taken away and the pyramid is taken away, but where the balance point of the stone brick structure read in the calculation tower is.In his brain, the size, weight and position of each stone brick are used in the calculation.

After a few minutes, Xia Lei's eyes suddenly moved to a rock.He moved over and opened his mouth to breathe.The dust on the rock surface was blown away, and an "AE" pattern was exposed.His left eye jumped slightly and penetrated through the pattern.He found out that there was a gap under the pattern, and it, it was the balance point of the whole pyramid and even the whole pyramid!

"You really left me with a safe channel. I don't know why, I feel there are many similarities between us, I promise you, you will not finish the road, I will definitely finish it. I will unlock all Fan, that day, I will tell you the answer I found. "Xia Lei said to himself.He drew out his saber and thought hard about the "AE" pattern.

Click!There was a crunch.The rock surface with the "AE" pattern suddenly cracked, and the saber also plunged into the gap, and the blade body and the gap reached a 90% coincidence.

Without hesitation, Xia Lei reached out and grabbed the crystal skull on the top.He shook hard a few times, and then took it off.He grabbed the rope and slid down to the entrance of the tunnel in a blink of an eye.He swayed gently in the air, and his body rope fell at the entrance of the passage.

"Did you get it?" Yue Ye Kyoko looked excited, her face paler.

"It's time for us, we have to leave here." Xia Lei drilled the crystal skull into the equipment bag, and then lay on the ground, "Hurry up to my back."

Yueye Kyoko climbed to Xia Lei's back, his hands around his neck, and his legs also sandwiched his waist.

Xia Lei crawled to the entrance when he was traveling, with a glow stick in his mouth.Fortunately, a mark was engraved when he came, otherwise it would be easy to get lost in the tortuous karst tunnel.

"Boss, if I ... died, could you bury me in the backyard of Hepingju?" Yueye Kyoko murmured in Xia Lei's ear.

"Don't talk silly, you won't die!" Xia Lei said while crawling fast.

"I'm serious, can I?"

Xia Lei was stunned for a while, his tone heavy, "If yes ... of course."

"Can I plant a cherry tree next to my tombstone?"

"Yes. Don't say it, shall we not talk about this?" Xia Lei's mood got worse.If the price of getting a crystal skull is to sacrifice Yueye Kyoko, then he would rather not have a crystal skull.

Nothing is more important than life, not to mention the life of a woman who can die for herself at any time.

"Then I'm relieved." Yue Ye Xingzi laughed, and then sighed again, "It's a pity ..."

"What? Do you have any wish? Tell me, I will help you to complete it." Xia Lei already had tears in his eyes.


"Of course it is true, no matter what your wishes, I will help you achieve." Xia Lei said.

Yueye Kyoko hesitated for a while before saying, "I haven't even talked about my boyfriend, I'm still a woman who doesn't have that kind of experience, it would be a shame to die like this. You really want to help me achieve this desire?"

"I ..." Xia Lei's tongue suddenly knotted.

Buried in the backyard of Ping An Ju, and planting cherry trees next to the tombstone, these wishes are not a problem.Other wishes, such as the desire to spend money on a sports car mansion forever, can satisfy him.But it was this desire that made him embarrassed.

"Thank you." Yue Ye Kyoko said.

"Thank you? Thanks ... thank me?" Xia Lei really wanted to slap himself.

Yueye Kyoko said: "You promised me to fulfill my wish, I am so grateful, no, so moved. When I am better, let's talk again."

Xia Lei, "..."

Didn't she want the cemetery and cherry trees?Now she said that she would wait until she was okay?

what's going on?

Hey ...

There was a harsh noise behind him.

"Oops!" Xia Lei's face suddenly turned pale. He accelerated his crawling speed again. At this moment, he wished to become a dog and ran forward with four legs!

### 1012 Chapter out of danger and in distress

After all, the saber inserted on the balance point is not a perfect match, it only matches 90% of the balance point.If Xia Lei was given more time, he could find or make a perfectly matching inlay, but Yueye Kyoko's situation is getting worse, so he has no more time at all.

"Boss, let me go, you run away!" Yue Ye Xingzi said.

"Don't talk nonsense! Stay honest!" Xia Lei crawled forward.He wore Kinoko Kinoko on his hands to his special climbing gloves, they brought benefits to his crawl, but the hard limestone has already scratched his pants, his knees have been worn out Bloody.But he could not care so much, he had only one thought, that is, carrying Yueye Kyoko to escape before the pyramid collapsed!

Kaka Kaka ...

There was a noise behind him, and the whole mountain was shaking.From time to time, a piece of rock or a cloud of dust fell in the download channel.It feels like this place will collapse at any time and bury everything.

"Leave me down, let me down!" Yueye Kyoko begs for death, and she begins to struggle.She thought she had become a burden for Xia Lei, and she begged for it.

Xia Lei suddenly waved her hand and hugged her hips.He wore spiked climbing gloves on his hands. With this hug, the spikes on the gloves suddenly plunged into Kyoko's butt.

"Huh!" Yue Ye Xingzi snorted with a sigh of relief.It was this pier that her mind was awake.

Xia Lei scolded while crawling, "I will not leave you alone, either we will leave here together, or we will die here together, you choose one!"

Yueye Kyoko hugged Xia Lei's neck tightly, and the legs clamped on the waist were harder.She did not speak, but this is her response.

The sound behind him became louder and louder, and the tremor of the mountain became more and more violent, but it did not collapse at all.After all, the saber embedded in the balance point has a 90% match, and it is still playing a role in maintaining balance.Thanks to its role, Xia Lei finally climbed to the exit.

At the entrance of the cave, Xia Lei untied his belt, bound Yue Ye Xingzi to his body, and then crawled down against the rock wall.There is a lot of vibration inside the mountain, but there is not that strong tremor outside the mountain.With the spiked climbing gloves, he climbed down quickly.As the distance between him and the ground became shorter and shorter, the tremor outside the mountain became stronger and stronger, and it felt like an earthquake of magnitude eight.


The sound of an explosive exploded suddenly from inside the mountain, and the entire mountain top collapsed underground.

Xia Lei's feet propped on the rock wall, the whole person suddenly broke away from the rock wall, and then fell to the ground.


Suddenly the whole mountain was half short!

The rock that Xia Lei just grabbed sank directly into the ground!If it is a second slower, he and Yueye Kyoko are squeezed into a meat patty by the rock, and then buried!


The two fell to the ground.Xia Lei is below, Yue Ye Xing Zi is above.Originally, Yueye Kyoko was below, but before landing, Xia Lei twisted her body and changed her position.

"Poof!" Xia Lei opened a mouthful of blood under the violent impact and shock.

Yueye Kyoko rolled down from Xia Lei's body, but this time she fell without harm.Xia Lei used her body as a "life-saving air cushion".

"Boss, are you okay?" Yue Ye Xingzi said anxiously, she grabbed Xia Lei's hand to lift him, but she lacked strength.

"No, I'm fine ... Poof!" Xia Lei spurted blood again.But this is not aggravating the injury, but reducing the pressure on the internal organs.After this blood spurted out, he felt much better.After all, his body has a nearly perfect immune system, and his ability to self-regulate is far beyond ordinary people.The same injury, others need a few days, even half a month to recover, and he only needs a little time.

Although Xia Lei's feeling was much better, he still scared Yue Ye Kyoko when he sprayed two blood in a row. She said nervously: "Are you really okay? Tell me, what can I do for you?"

Xia Lei got up from the ground, "I'm really okay, don't worry about me ..." He looked around, his face suddenly changed, "We have already come out, but why haven't we seen Sayim?"

Yue Ye Xingzi also looked around, empty around, she did not see Saimu.

This is not normal.

A trace of alertness suddenly rose in Xia Lei's heart, and his gaze moved to Taniguchi's direction.The mouth of this valley is quiet, and it looks particularly desolate without vegetation.Yelena should be at the mouth of the valley, but he didn't see her at all.

Xia Lei followed his gaze to the hill half short, but he did not see An Gu Mi Khan.An Gu Mi Khan should be on the top of a mountain with pyramids. If there was such a strong shock just now, he would definitely leave.But he had seen the hills on the left and right, but unfortunately he could not see An Gu Mi Khan.

Yelena, Saim and Angu Mihan, who should have been outside, are gone. What is going on here?Xia Lei frowned. What happened outside when he and Yueye Kyoko were in the pyramid?

Yueye Kyoko pulled out the satellite phone, but didn't wait for her to dial it out. Suddenly, the sound of the engine roaring and the propeller tearing the air came from the direction of the valley valley.A black hawk helicopter suddenly appeared in the sky.

When the helicopter had just exposed its propeller, Xia Lei had picked up Yueye Kyoko and ran to a pile of rocks.The pile of rubble was just piled up. A few hundred meters high rock wall collapsed. The fallen stone can build a Versailles palace, and it became the hiding place of him and Yueye Xingzi.

Xia Lei just tucked the moonlight Kyoko into a gap between rocks and the helicopter appeared in the sky at the valley of the valley.He followed into the original crack.

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