Super Vision

969 Chapter 969: The Knight's Wish (74)

Xia Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he walked out of the door, and then used his ability to control nerves to restore his body to normal.He had to do it, because if he did n’t do anything, the two guys, An Gu Mi Khan and Sa Yi Mu, could easily discover the secret between him and Yue Ye Xing Zi.An Gu Mi Khan is nothing, but Sai Mu is a problem. He also knows that Sa Yimu likes Yueye Xingzi.Now, he does not know how to deal with this kind of thing.Thinking about this problem is a headache.

In the living room, Yelena, An Gu Mi Khan and Sa Yi Mu were sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

Xia Lei walked over, he placed his hacked computer on the coffee table in front of the three, and uncovered the screen.

After the screen wakes up, a monitoring screen is displayed, which is the monitoring screen at 48 Holy Cross Road.

"What is this place?" Saimu said curiously.

Xia Lei said: "Don't you know?"

Saimu shook his head. "I don't know. I'm from the Arab world. I'm an enemy with Israel. I don't really understand the situation in Jerusalem. I dare not develop my intelligence system here. Mossad, Who wants to fight against Mossad? "

Xia Lei also expected Saim to provide more information, but did not expect such a situation.He said, "Well, let me talk." He pointed to the screen. "I suspect that it is Mossad's headquarters, or a branch base."

"Boss, what do you want to do?" Yelena asked.

Xia Lei said: "This morning I found FA people contacted Mossad people, and then entered this building. I went to this street with Kyoko. I accidentally got a piece of information. An important prisoner, the FA organization probably came for that prisoner. "

An Gu Mi Khan said in surprise: "Boss, wouldn't you want to attack Mossad's headquarters and rescue the prisoner who we don't even know?"

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying, "This matter is very dangerous. I can't let you take such a dangerous risk for my reasons. So, we vote to decide that if you don't agree, we will not go."

"I agree." Yue Ye Kyoko's voice came from behind.She changed her clothes again and it was a normal casual outfit.

Yelena smiled, "Boss, why are you doing this? The zodiac team doesn't need this kind of hypocritical democracy. You are our leader and our boss. You can do what you say, we will. Listen to you. "

An Gu Mi Khan and Sa Yi Mu also said: "Yes, we all listen to you."

Xia Lei's heart moved.He lifted a backpack beside the sofa, put it on the coffee table, then unzipped it and took out the crystal skull inside.

Yelena, Saimu and An Gu Mihan stared at the crystal skull in dumbfounded.

Xia Lei said: "This is the reason why I want to figure out who the prisoner is. I suspect that the presence of the FA organization is related to our operation."

Yelena said: "Then do them!"

### 1021 The Beast in the Prison

There was a little rain in the early morning, the dry Jerusalem was nourished, and the ancient city was a little more breathy when spring came.

Had walked out of the restaurant. He carried a food bag in his hand. The food bag was filled with sour olives and a piece of dark, hard bread.He crossed the road into 48 Holy Cross Road.

Two special soldiers guarding the gate greeted him, and he smiled.

He walked through the hall and then into a corridor.At the end of the corridor is a stone staircase. He descends from the stone staircase and enters another corridor.The light in the hallway was dim, the air was very humid, and the stone slabs on the ground gave a non-dry feeling.

On both sides of the corridor is a cell, a very old cell.Some stone walls are engraved with Arabic text, which means that Allah is eternal, what is Allah long live.There are also some wishes, such as regaining freedom, getting love, or a piece of land.Judging from the content of the text engraved on the wall, this place is probably the prison used to hold prisoners of the Arab world during the Crusades.It was a chaotic age when one god beat another.

Harder continued to move forward, and a wood-iron door appeared at the end of the corridor. The wooden planks were very thick logs, and the iron was very thick. It looked very strong.There are two braziers on both sides of the door, made of copper, with the emblem of the Crusader on it. It looks very old.However, they are no longer in use, just hanging on the wall as decorations, replacing them with an LED ceiling lamp, the white light illuminates this space, and it looks particularly cold.

Had walked to the iron-wood door, he opened the door with the key, and walked in with the food bag.

Behind the iron-wood door is a cell about 20 square meters. There is no bed, just some weeds on the ground.A man lay in the weeds, his clothes ragged, skinny, and his messy hair dragged all the way to his waist.It is not difficult to see from his hair that he has been shut here for a long, long time, possibly for several years or even ten years.

There was a wooden barrel in the corner of the cell, which contained excrement, and the smell was very bad.But the long-haired man was sleeping soundly, and he didn't even lift his eyelids when Hard came in.

Harder threw the plastic food bag onto the haystack, and kicked the long-haired man ’s thigh with his foot, rudely: "Hey! Jerk! Your food is here, shit, hurry up and eat! You have visitors today . "

"Who?" The long-haired man finally opened his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Had scolded.

The man suddenly jumped from the haystack and kicked towards the vital part between Had's legs.When he was lying on the ground, he was like a dead dog, cramped, and his bones were removed, and he had no strength, but when he attacked, he was like a viper lurking in the grass, no It ’s time to move, and it ’s going to kill you!

Harder stepped back.

Click!The long-haired man's leg was suddenly caught by the chain, and his toes were only two centimeters away from Hard's point.But for those two centimeters, he couldn't kick it anymore.The iron chain holding him is only that long, not more than a centimeter.

But even in this way, Had was taken aback by him. He was so angry that he pulled out a desert eagle and pointed a gun at the head of the long-haired man. "Asshole! You really thought I didn't dare to kill You?"

The long-haired man raised his hands to separate the dirty hair that was blocking his face, revealing his face.It was a thin face with a long beard, which made him look like a man who was almost 50 years old, but he didn't have a little crow's feet in the corners of his eyes, which was a young feature.He looked terrible, but his eyes were very sharp, like the eyes of a bloodthirsty beast.

His raised arm has a tattoo of a king cobra, a cyan body, red eyes and a tongue, and it looks particularly daunting.

"If you dare to kill me, you won't be used to send me meals. You're just an errand, what pretend?" The long-haired man finally spoke, his voice hoarse and cold, full of disdain.

Hard suddenly stepped forward and hit the head of the long-haired man with a gun handle.

The long-haired man looked at Hard without a trace of sneer.

Had suddenly realized something, and he followed to stop his attack, and then retreated to a safe area.He smiled and shook his head. "I won't be fooled by you. The guy who was killed by you three years ago. How long did it take you to anger him?"

"Two years." The long-haired man said: "You are smarter, but I think it is only temporary. One day I will kill you, if I can escape, I will imprison your wife and children, I will Give them sour olives and crusty bread every day. I will let your wife taste the taste of my big bird, she will love it very much. "

Harder restrained the anger in his heart, "You are dreaming, you can't escape in your life. This is your end point, I advise you to say everything you know as soon as possible, as long as you tell you You can end this pain, and you can go to hell earlier. "

The long-haired man glanced at the food bag thrown by Hader on the ground. His eyes flashed with a hint of hatred, and then he raised his foot and stepped on it.

The plastic food bag is broken, the crusty bread is flat, and the sour olives are broken.

Hard sneered. "Don't do such boring things. You haven't done it. You are messing with food now, but you won't be able to eat them cleanly at night. I'll bring it to you It ’s your day ’s food. Normal people can only eat one meal. You are always hungry. Not to mention this kind of junk food, even if you are given a dead mouse, you will eat it. "

"Come on." The long-haired man was lying in the haystack again. He was too lazy to look at Hard again.

Just then the iron-wood door was opened again, and three people came in.Harder knew only one of them, and the one he knew made him immediately stand upright and salute him respectfully and honestly: "Mr. Cohens."

He said that the person he knew was named Cohens. He was tall and in his forties, and he looked very sophisticated.He is a senior intelligence officer of Mossad in Israel, second only to the director of the "Israel Intelligence and Special Mission Bureau" Ibola, which is the leader of Mossad.

The two people who followed Cohens were Yan Fo and Augustman.

"Had, you go out." Cohens said with a commanded tone.

"Yes." Hard turned and left the cell.

Cohens said after Hud left: "It was this family fire, no name, we called him a hyena. He spent five years in Guantanamo prison and five years with us, but neither Americans nor us There is no way for him to speak. "

"He was the one who found the AE capsule?" Yan Fo asked.

Cohen nodded, "It's him, but until now we didn't know where he found the AE capsules, and how did he know the existence of AE capsules. He killed everyone who knew the situation, he knew The truth, but he just didn't say it. "

"I probably have a way to let him speak." Yan Fo said.

At this time, the long-haired man lying in the weeds opened his eyes. He glanced at Yan Fo, and a smile of disdain appeared in the corner of his mouth.

The Americans at Guantanamo Prison could n’t let him speak, and the people of Mossad in Israel could n’t tell him. Why does this guy have such self-confidence in front of him?

Yan Fo also looked at the long-haired man, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, "I know that neither Americans nor Mossad can make you speak, but I want to tell you that I am not them. You heard Is it the FA organization? I do this specifically in the FA organization. Since I questioned the first person, no one has let me down until now. I think you are no exception. "

The long-haired man suddenly stood up, reaching for Yan Fo's neck.His nails are very long, like wolf claws made of engineering plastic.

Yan Fo didn't move, and Augustman punched him.

boom!Augustman's fist was like a shell on the palm of a long-haired man.In the muffled sound, the long-haired man's body rose from the ground and hit the stone wall fiercely.His right arm fell down.Just now, when Augustman's fist hit his right palm, the sound of the broken bones came from his right palm and arm!

The FA's chief instructor, the world's top killers such as Dareda and Celita are his disciples, you can imagine how strong he is.

The long-haired man looked at Augustman in surprise, "Who are you?"

Augustman said lightly: "You are about to die, you asked me what my name is, does this make sense to you? What you need is a relief, not an answer."

The long-haired man said: "The people of the FA organization, I know your existence. You want to know the secret you want to know from my mouth, don't dream."

"Then we will try it." Yan Fo said, his eyes full of confidence.It was a very strange self-confidence, and it looked abnormal.However, this look only lasted for about a second, and then returned to normal after a second.

Cohens said: "This guy hurt our brains, when are you going to start?"

"We are waiting for Mr. Williams' instructions." Yan Fo said: "He will probably find us a military base for the US military to carry out this matter within his control."

Cohenston frowned. "This is not what we both said before. The secrets this guy knows are very important to us. Do you want to enjoy those secrets?"

"No, no matter what I ask, Mossad will get the same share. I don't need to say anything about the relationship between the United States and Israel?" Yan Fo said.

Cohens thought for a while and said, "I have to stare at myself."

Yan Fo said: "No problem, when can we take him away?"

"I have to report to Mr. Ibola. What time is it, please wait for the notice." Cohens said.

Yan Fo and Augustman glanced at each other, then both nodded.

### 1022 Chapter CIA Tenjin System

Half an hour ago.

An Indian couple entered from the intersection of Holy Cross Road and walked slowly along the sidewalk.The petite Indian girl held the Indian boy's arm affectionately, and didn't mind the boy's arm making intimate contact with her chest.

"He went in." Yue Ye Xingzi said: "He probably bought the same food, very bad tamarind, and hard bread."

Xia Lei said: "It is indeed the same food. The guy is called Hard. He is torturing the prisoner in this way."

"FA is interested in prisoners, and it is at this time that I intervene. I'm curious who the prisoner is, but I can't guess." Yue Ye Xingzi said.

Xia Lei said, "What do you mean by this time?"

"After the pyramid collapsed," Yue Ye Kyoko said.

Xia Lei smiled, "You forgot a little."

"What did I forget?" Yue Ye Kyoko looked at Xia Lei curiously.

"I am dead." Xia Lei said: "I am dead, but the CIA will not give up on this. Their goal is no longer me, but the source of the AE capsules. They want to find out what happened that year, Look for clues. So the FA organization is here. The FA organization is now a dog raised by the US government. "

"You are right, I ignored this point." Yue Ye Xingzi said.She ignored one point but gave Xia Lei two more points.She held Xia Lei's arm tighter.

Xia Lei was a little embarrassed, but only suffered.This is the consequence of his impulse that night. Although there is only a two centimeter relationship, it is enough for Japanese women to confirm a relationship.What's more, he still plays a couple with her.

The two walked into the restaurant opposite Holy Cross Street 48.

Xia Lei ordered a meal and then ate breakfast with Yue Ye Xing Zi.He eats very slowly, looking at the situation in the ancient building opposite No. 48 while eating.

Yueye Kyoko observes the situation in the restaurant with the afterglow in the corner of his eye.

A waiter came with two egg tarts.

Yueye Kyoko kicked Xia Lei under the table with his foot.

Xia Lei smiled slightly and said he knew.

"Sir, miss, how are you." The waiter said politely: "Thank you for your support. This is the second time you have come to us for breakfast. It is the egg tart we gave you. . "

Xia Lei nodded and said in English: "Thank you."

The waiter placed the two egg tarts beside the plates of Xia Lei and Yue Ye Xingzi, and then asked casually, "Sir, miss, are you from the United States?"

Xia Lei said: "Yes, we are from South Dakota State, Pine Ridge, we are Sioux."

"I haven't been to that place, but I think it must be beautiful." The waiter said.

At this time, Yueye Kyoko suddenly came over, kissed on Xia Lei's cheek, and said, "Honey, please eat quickly, or the food will be cold."

"Huh." Xia Lei responded and stopped talking to the waiter, but he gave the waiter a tip of five dollars.

The waiter left with a smile.

Xia Lei looked at the body of the waiter, but found no weapons or spy equipment.He must be careful, because this restaurant is opposite the Mossad base. Who can guarantee that there are no Mossad agents in this restaurant?

Xia Lei's eyes once again moved to the ancient building No. 48 across the road, awakening the ability of perspective, searching for the Yanfo and Augustman organized by the FA.

This time he finally found Yan Fo and Augustman in an office on the third floor.When he saw the two of them, someone came and just followed an Israeli man into the office.

The sight of Xia Lei's left eye penetrated the thick curtains and locked the three people's faces in preparation for interpreting the conversation of the three people with lip interpretation.

The language used by the three is English.

"Mr. Cohens." As soon as the door of the office closed, Yan Fo opened the door and said: "We have obtained information that a mountain on the outskirts of Jerusalem suddenly collapsed. Is there such a thing?"

Cohen froze for a moment, "Who do you listen to?"

"Everyone is traveling together, why should we ask such meaningless questions?" Yan Fo said.

Cohen shook his head, "Maybe there is such a thing, but I have not received the relevant information. Wait a moment for me to investigate and verify it. Mr. Yan, can you tell me why I am so interested in this matter?"

"You know what our purpose is, the interests of the United States that we represent, and we are also doing things for the US government. We are carrying out Mr. Williams' order to investigate this matter, so please cooperate." Yan Fo said.

"Did you want to use the CIA to press us?" A flash of anger flashed in Cohen's eyes.

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