Super Vision

971 971 The Knight's Wish (76)

Xia Lei walked forward about 20 meters, and the originally flat ancient gutter suddenly settled down, with a drop of two meters.He jumped without hesitation.

Yueye Kyoko also jumped along.

Xia Lei walked ten meters further, and there was an exit of the well in front.When his eyes moved to the drain of the well, a stream of sewage flushed down from above.There was a slight smile on his lips, "That's it, we found it."

Yueye Kyoko said: "Is this sewer well leading to 48 Holy Cross Road?"

Xia Lei nodded his head and said, "It is the dungeon of Holy Cross 48. This drain is the sewage pipe of the dungeon. We go up from here, find the prisoner, and take him from here."

Yue Ye Xingzi said: "If it is a dungeon, it must have held more than one prisoner. We haven't even seen that prisoner. How do we know who should be taken away?"

This is a seemingly simple question, but it is also where Xia Lei is most concerned.He actually thought about this problem, but he simply couldn't find a solution.The only thing he relies on is his left eye and his brain, which is a combination of super analytical skills.Of course, there are actually gambling elements in it, and he is betting his luck.The left eye plus the brain plus luck, this reliance seems to be unreliable in the eyes of ordinary people, but here, his confidence index can reach 80%.In fact, not to mention 80%, even if it is only 50% chance, he will have to try it!

"Be careful, come with me." Xia Lei climbed up the iron ladder.The sewage from above splashed on him, and although he was wearing a breathing mask, he could still smell the disgusting smell.

Yueye Kyoko crawled up behind Xia Lei's butt, and the foul smell made her frown.

Climbing up about three meters high, a cast iron manhole cover blocked the way out.Xia Lei awakened the perspective ability of his left eye, and then passed his perspective from the edge of the cast iron manhole cover.He soon saw clearly that there was a public bathroom and toilet above, which was a convenient place for prisoners to bathe.

There was no one in the bathroom, and it seemed quiet and empty.

Xia Lei lowered his head, and then lifted the cast iron manhole cover up with his back.The manhole cover didn't know how long it hadn't been opened. The rust made it stubborn, and Xia Lei bumped it twice without ever pushing it up.

"Aw, rust." Xia Lei's mood suddenly became worse.He calculated everything, but he didn't count on the rusting of the manhole cover.

This is one hundred secrets, even the most clever people can't do everything, there are always missing areas.

"Let me blow it up," said Yueye Kyoko.

Xia Lei said: "No! If it detonates here, the explosion will be heard by the Mossad people."

"What should I do?" Yue Ye Xingzi looked at the multi-function watch in his hand and said anxiously: "We have 18 minutes left. If we delay again, we can't keep up with the agreed retreat time."

"Humph!" Xia Lei bumped again. This time he exhausted all his strength. The sound coming from his nostrils was like the sound of a cow plowing the field.

But the cast iron manhole cover was still.

This manhole cover is not welded, and no guardrails are installed, because Mossad is well aware of its structure. The ancient drainage system is a secret in Israel, and few people know it.The drainage system used at 48 Holy Cross Road is this ancient drainage system.Since its use, this manhole cover will not be opened more than five times, and every time it will cost a lot of money, so who will manage it that no one knows and is extremely difficult to open?

Another minute passed, and 17 minutes before the agreed retreat, Xia Lei was anxious.If this operation failed because of a rusty manhole cover, it was really a joke.

But at this moment, Yue Ye Kyoko suddenly climbed up, opened the zipper of Xia Lei, and then her hand grabbed a place that should not be caught.

"Kyoko, what do you want to do?" Xia Lei was stunned.

Yueye Kyoko said nothing, she took off her breathing mask, and suddenly put her head up.

"Don't--" Xia Lei seemed to be a very venomous snake, taking a bite, his body slammed up, trying to avoid Yue Ye Xingzi's invasion.The power of the instant eruption was amazing, and the rusty manhole cover moved!

Yueye Kyoko still did not speak, but her small mouth had strong persuasive power, and in a very short time she persuaded a sleeping lion with her three-inch tongue.

Xia Lei often slammed again.

Hey!The cover was completely loose.A ray of light shone down from the edge of the manhole cover and shone on Yueye Kyoko's face.A grinning smile appeared on her face, and the picture was like a bad girl eating a popsicle looking at the boy who was teased by her with a provocative look.

"Go back and I will settle the accounts with you!" Xia Lei said fiercely.

Yueye Kyoko returned to the place that had been invaded by her. She said softly: "No problem, you can do whatever you want." Xia Lei, "..."

With a sigh in Xia Lei's heart, he and Yueye Kyoko did not know when this confused account would be clear.However, the boldness and openness of the Japanese female ninja in some respects gave him insight.

The manhole cover was moved aside, and Xia Lei climbed up from the water well.All the environment that he can see when he glanced quickly.There is no one in the public bath, and no one in the toilet.He walked toward the door, and his left eye had already penetrated the door step by step into the new area.

Outside the door of the public bathroom is a corridor, on either side of the corridor is a cell.Both the corridors and the cells look very old, and there is a strong sense of history everywhere.

Yue Ye Xingzi came behind Xia Lei, and she already had a poisonous pistol with a silencer in her hand, and a poisoned shuriken.

Xia Lei glanced back at her, he suddenly stiffened, and then reached out and pulled a black beard from the cherry lips of Kinoko Kino.He grabbed it in his hands and dared not let her see it.

Yue Ye Xing Zi's face was baffled red somehow, and Xia Lei's ear-piercing behavior was obviously a failure.

This is a small episode of this operation, it did not affect the actions of the two.

Xia Lei pushed open the bathroom door and entered the corridor, followed by Yueye Kyoko.

The cells on both sides of the corridor were empty and no prisoners were held.This is not surprising. This place is not a professional prison. Mossad will only hold prisoners with special status here, and there cannot be many such prisoners.In fact, the situation has been explained from the fact that Harder goes to the restaurant opposite to buy breakfast every morning.If it is a professional prison that requires a lot of people, then it will definitely be equipped with a kitchen and a cook, and Harder does not need to go out to buy breakfast.

"If my luck is good enough, there is only one prisoner in this old prison, and that person is the person I am looking for, and there is no need to rule it out. In this way, my luck is still good. "The empty prison made Xia Lei happy. He didn't have to eliminate and analyze other prisoners, and his pace was much faster.

Turning around a corner, the corridor continues to extend forward, and at the end of the corridor is a stone staircase.It extends upwards and is obviously a passage to Mossad's base.Xia Lei's eyes moved to an iron-wood door near the corner, which was closed tightly.There are two copper basins on the stone walls on both sides of the door, which look very old and are not used.There is an LED ceiling light above the door, which is bright and exudes a cold light.

There was already a hunch in Xia Lei's heart. He moved over and his left eye penetrated the iron-wood door.A prisoner lying in a mess of grass entered his vision.

The prisoner looked terrible. His hair was messy and greasy. He didn't know he hadn't bathed in months.The clothes on his body were torn and rotten, and the greasy dirt on the fabric became dark and shiny due to friction.He curled up in the haystack, unable to see his face.

Xia Lei's gaze suddenly moved to his right arm protruding from the ragged sleeve, and his gaze could no longer be removed.The prisoner's right arm has a tattoo of a king cobra, a cyan snake body, red eyes and a tongue, and it looks particularly fierce.

A picture suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind. In the pyramid inside the hillside on the outskirts of Jerusalem, a tall man killed the Israeli archaeologist with a shot, and then took the piece of clothing from time. AE capsule amber ...

It was him!

### 1025 Chapter Killing the Dungeon

When he was about to reach the door, Xia Lei stopped suddenly. He looked up at a surveillance camera on the wall of the corridor. The camera was facing the iron-wood door of the cell.As long as he walked two more steps, he entered the surveillance range of the surveillance camera.

Just as he stopped, Yue Ye Kyoko just reached out and grabbed his arm.She also found a surveillance camera on the wall of the hallway, and she took his hand to prevent him from passing by.But her reminder did not come quickly without his alertness.

Xia Lei took a look at the multi-function watch in his hand. At this time, Yelena had 30 seconds to cut off the fiber.He secretly rejoiced that he had not made a low-level mistake.It is easy to ignore some very basic things when people are excited, and sometimes a small mistake can also cause irreparable consequences.

After 30 seconds of blinking, Xia Lei's vision locked camera.He saw a red warning light on the surveillance camera.

Yelena has cut the fiber at 48 Holy Cross Road, just in time.

Xia Lei walked quickly to the door of the iron-wood door. After 15 seconds, he opened the door with the unlocking tool.

The iron-wood door opened, and Xia Lei and Yue Ye Xingzi walked in.After entering the door, Yueye Kyoko closed the door again.She had to do this because the iron-wood door was facing the stone staircase leading to the Mossad base on the ground. If someone came down from above, the door would open at a glance.

There was a pungent smell of feces in the cell, and the air was cloudy.Yueye Kyoko's brow furrowed again. She, like most women, does not like the messy environment.

"Hey!" Xia Lei said in English: "Wake up!"

The man with the King Cobra tattoo did not move, as if he was asleep, and as if he had passed out.

Xia Lei approached him and touched him with his foot.

At this moment, the man with the king snake tattoo on his arm suddenly turned from the haystack, and his right leg slammed into the vital part between Xia Lei's legs!

A second ago, he was like a dead dog. Before this second, he went from a dead dog to a tiger, and he was about to die!

Unexpectedly, Xia Lei hurriedly raised his right leg and blocked his attack with the hardest knee.

boom!Xia Lei's body shook suddenly under the impact, and then took a small step back.After all, he supported the body on one leg, and it was difficult to maintain balance under violent impact.

The man with the king cobra tattoo is in such a bad condition, but his strength is still so powerful, and his speed is so fast. If he is in a healthy state, one can imagine how terrible his strength is!

The attack failed and the man with the king cobra tattoo jumped from the haystack.Without waiting for his attack, the snake pistol in Yue Ye Kyoko's hand was aimed at his head.

"Move again, your life." Yue Ye Kyoko's voice was cold.

The man with the King Cobra did n’t attack Xia Lei or Yueye Kyoko again. He did n’t know the identity and origin of the two Indians in front of him. If he continued to attack, the Indian woman might give him a bullet.

"You are not from Mossad, who are you? American CIA?" Said the man with the King Cobra tattoo.He also uses English.

Two Indians appeared in front of him, it is not surprising that he could have such a guess.

Xia Lei said: "Want to live? Follow us."

"Answer my question!" Sometimes the man with eye tattoos is not at all interested.It's not that he doesn't yearn for freedom. For him, if the two Indians were from the CIA, then he jumped from the wolf den to the tiger's den.

"Asshole!" Yueye Kyoko yelled angrily: "I took such a big risk to save you, what are you thinking?"

The man with the King Cobra tattoo glanced at Yue Ye Xing Zi, then stared at Xia Lei again.He seems to be making the last guess.

"Now is not the time to prove our identity and purpose." Xia Lei took a look at the multi-function watch on his wrist. "We still have 11 minutes. In 11 minutes, we must retreat outside Holy Cross. I will give you 30 Consider in seconds, either follow me or stay here. But you should know that you will be taken away by the FA organization soon. "

"There are still 20 seconds." Yue Ye Xingzi said, she was helping Xia Lei timing.

"Humph!" The man with the King Cobra tattoo sneered. "Want to lie to me? You haven't played such a show. Have I ever been there once?"

Yue Ye Xing Zi was about to scold him, but Xia Lei stopped Yue Ye Xing Zi.A person has been held in prison and black jail for too long, too long, tortured, and various scams. He can no longer easily believe anyone.

"Boss, 30 seconds have passed." Yue Ye Xingzi glanced at the multifunctional wrist watch to remind Xia Lei.

The person you are looking for is in front of you, Xia Lei is definitely not willing to give up.He thought for a moment, then suddenly reached out and rubbed it twice on his cheek, then peeled off the human skin. The corner of the mask revealed a little bit of the original skin.

Xia Lei hadn't spoken yet, and the man with the king cobra tattoo said in surprise: "How did you get this kind of mask here?"

He does not use English, but Chinese!

Xia Lei moved, "Are you Chinese?" He also uses Chinese.

The man with the King Cobra tattoo did not answer Xia Lei's question. He seemed anxious. "Tell me, where did you get this kind of human skin and mask?"

Xia Lei said: "I made it myself."

The man with the King Cobra tattoo suddenly became excited, "Who taught you?"

"I will talk after going out, we have no time." Xia Lei said.

"Okay, I'll go with you and help me open these chains." The man with the King Cobra tattoo finally made a decision.

Xia Lei unlocked his shackles and the chain lock on his hand with an unlocking tool.With four locks, he spent twenty seconds in total, almost as fast as the key.With the ability to see through, he can clearly see the internal structure of the lock, and the unlocking process is naturally very easy.

When the lock was opened, Kyoko Tsuno watched cautiously the man with the tattoo of King Cobra.As long as he has any aggression, she will shoot without hesitation.But her worries were superfluous. The man with the King Cobra tattoo did not move. He just moved his hands and feet, and then followed Xia Lei to the door.

Just walking to the door, Xia Lei suddenly stopped.He raised his right hand and raised two fingers.

Yueye Kyoko flashed to the side of the iron-wood door, and the viper pistol in his hand was raised parallel to the collarbone.Xia Lei's gestures are the tactical gestures of two people outside, but her movements are to prepare for a headshot.

Xia Lei was also ready to fight. He stood on the other side of Yueye Kyoko, and he also had a viper pistol equipped with a silencer.

The man with the King Cobra tattoo did not wait for Xia Lei to greet him any more, so he returned to the haystack, curled up, and pressed Xia Lei's unfastened chain lock under him.He became a dead dog again.

All three are ready.

Footsteps were heard outside the door, as well as voices.

"The field agent has gone to investigate, and there is something wrong with the fiber. Such a thing has never happened." A man's voice was in Hebrew.

Xia Lei was no stranger to this voice, he had already heard it, it was Had's voice.

Another man's voice came in. "Team leader, do you suspect this is a premeditated attack?"

Had's voice, "We have to be careful. The FA organization is very cunning. Who dares to ensure that they will not take that guy by other means?"

"Team leader, I come to see the door." Harder's men walked to the iron-wood door and opened the door with the key.

The iron-wood door opened, he pushed open the door, and stepped inside.The man with the King Cobra tattoo lying on the ground came into his sight, as he usually said to see.That guy is like a dead dog.

"This guy is like a pig." Harder's men entered the cell.

puff!Before Had's men noticed it, a bullet plunged into his brain from the side.Blood and brains splattered out, splashing Harder's face.

Harder's reaction was extremely fast, his legs kicked on the ground, his body slammed backwards.His body is still moving in the air, and his hand has finished pulling the gun.He opened his mouth and was about to warn people on the ground!

But at the moment of unification with his mouth open, a figure flew diagonally from the other side.He hadn't seen the man's face clearly, a bullet had penetrated his mouth, and a hole was opened in the back of his head.

After all, he still couldn't utter a cry or fire a shot.

Had's body fell to the ground.

Xia Lei's body just landed, and his hands gently stood up again, "Bring the corpse, we leave here."

Kyoko Nono nodded, and then picked up the body of Agent Mossad who was killed by her.Xia Lei also picked up Had's body.When he left, he also wiped the blood on the ground with his feet a few times.If you give him more time, he will deal with no traces, but he has no time at all.

The man with the King Cobra tattoo also wiped the blood stains in the cell with his feet, and then followed Xia Lei and Yue Ye Xingzi towards the public bathroom.

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