Super Vision

977 Chapter 977-The Knight's Wish (82)

Xia Lei's mouth showed a smile.Sai Mu is right, all his women are capable players.He took the members of the Chinese zodiac team to the fishing village port. It was a natural port, but it was not a deep-sea port. It was no problem for small ships such as fishing boats and speedboats to enter and exit, but the cargo ship was obviously unable to enter.

Yada drove the speedboat to the fishing village port first, and she waved to Saimu.Saimu ran to her with open arms and performed the role of romantic love to the fullest.

Xia Lei looked back.No unmanned machine appeared on the sky.He is not very worried now about armed groups in the Gaza Strip, because armed groups in the Gaza Strip simply do not have the capability of naval warfare.He is worried about Israel. If it is discovered by Israel ’s unmanned aircraft at this time, the cargo ship traveling on the sea will become the target of unmanned aircraft missile attacks.

Make sure that the sky is empty. Xia Lei sighed with relief after the machine tracked, but when he was about to take back his eyes and board the speedboat, a house door in the fishing village opened.A child poked his head from behind the door, and the child was holding a mobile phone in his hand.

Xia Lei's heart suddenly became tense, his eyes locked on the child's lips.

puff!A bullet pierced the child's head and his head burst open.The phone in his hand fell to the ground, and his body fell backwards.

Xia Lei's eyes fell on the mobile phone that fell to the ground. In a flash, his heart seemed to be stabbed with a needle, which was uncomfortable.

That's not a real phone, it's just a child's toy.

Xia Lei withdrew his eyes and looked at the Qianjun standing beside him.

The one who shot and killed the child was Qianjun. He observed the child holding the mobile phone in the sniper rifle's scope.His first reaction was that the child was an informant from an armed organization in Gaza, or an informant from Mossad, who was about to report on his mobile phone, so he killed the child with one shot.

Qianjun put down the flat sniper rifle, then turned and boarded the speedboat.He didn't explain anything.

Xia Lei's lips moved, but he said nothing.This kind of thing should never happen, but he couldn't blame the thousand troops.No one can see whether a mobile phone that is 100 meters away is a real mobile phone or a fake mobile phone like him. If the child is really an armed organization or a source of Mossad, then the members of his zodiac team will be extremely dangerous. situation.Therefore, looking at this matter from this angle, Qian Jun did not make a mistake. On the contrary, he did what a warrior should do.

This is war, the cruelest act of mankind.

The biggest example is the Arab Spring movement launched by the United States in the Middle East.The US flag is to bring freedom and peace to the Arabs in this land, but it is actually a war.American warplanes are rampant in the sky of the Arab world, but a large part of the targets killed are elderly, women and children.

Xia Lei also boarded the speedboat. This is not the time when he was required to feel war and pity the victims.To survive on the battlefield, sometimes it must become cruel.

Yada returned to the cargo ship in a speedboat. After the speedboat was hoisted onto the cargo ship, she threw a lifebuoy into the sea.

Saimu and Yada hugged and kissed and said some nasty words.

The other members of the Chinese zodiac team did not want to see this scene of numbness. They left and inspected the cargo ship.

Xia Lei did not leave. When Saim and Yada were separated, he walked to Yada's side and took out all the cash in the equipment package.That's a lot of money, about 300,000 US dollars.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Saimu said: "You don't need to give her money at all."

Xia Lei said: "It's not for her." He said to Yada: "Yada, that child ... he's not an informant. You give the money to his family, it's a kind of compensation."

Yada smiled in the corner of her mouth, "I will, sir, you are a good person."

"Pay attention to safety," Xia Lei urged.

Yada nodded, turned around, and plunged into the sea.

The cargo ship started and sailed in the direction of Egypt.

The members of the Chinese zodiac team soon completed the search for the entire cargo ship.The crew of this cargo ship are mostly from the third world countries in Asia, and the owner is an Iraqi.Yada used the relationship between Saim and the shipowner to solve the problem of retreat.

Saimu chatted with the owner in the captain's room. The other members of the Chinese zodiac team concealed the guns and ammunition and replaced the crew's sailor suits, becoming the sailor of this cargo ship.

While handling his skills, Xia Lei came to the aft deck.

The Thousand Armies were also on the stern deck, and he looked into the direction of Israel.He was tortured in that place, and now he left the other side and regained his freedom.His feeling at this moment can only be felt by himself.

Xia Lei came to his side and stood side by side with him.He also looked at the direction of Israel, but he thought of the pyramid and the bizarre things that happened in the pyramid.

The two men stood like this, watching, remembering, and no one spoke.

For a time, Xia Lei broke his silence. "That kid ... he is holding a toy, not a real cell phone."

Qian Jun said: "I know, I killed him, your look changed at once, and I knew then that I killed the wrong person."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I'm not trying to say anything about you, but the next time it's better to wait until the situation is confirmed before shooting."

Qianjun nodded.

"Okay, let's talk about the business." Xia Lei said: "You promised that if we can leave Gaza alive, you will tell me everything you know."

Qianjun returned his gaze from afar, and he sat on the deck.

Xia Lei froze a little, then sat on the deck.

"Your father ..." It was still difficult to speak. Qian Jun took a deep breath and organized the ideas before continuing, "Last time I talked about the story between me and your father, this time Let me start there. "

Xia Lei listened quietly, his heart full of anticipation.

"Daddy gave me a task. He asked me to go to Jerusalem to get acquainted with the environment and learn Hebrew. This is a very strange task, but I will do whatever the dad asked me to do. So I came When I arrived in Jerusalem, my footprints were all over every street and every monument in Jerusalem. After one year, my Hebrew language was almost learned, and I was able to communicate with the Jews normally, and my father gave me a new task ... … "

"Daddy gave me a human skin mask. It turned me into a student who was a student in the Department of Archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I killed the student and I replaced him. I entered Hebrew University in Jerusalem went to school, but that was n’t true school. The real purpose of the father was to let me contact Professor Mark ... "

Professor Mark, Xia Lei remembers this person. In the video taken by American archaeologist George, Mark ’s life ended with a thousand headshot.

Xia Lei interrupted Qian Jun's words, "My father asked you to fake Professor Mark's students, but you haven't even attended school. How can you hide a professor?"

Qian Jun said: "I have spy equipment on my body, through which I can receive the knowledge I want. In class, if Professor Mark asks me questions, I do n’t know anything about them, but Dad arranges People will give me the correct answer through the spy equipment. So, my performance is very good, and soon I was liked by Professor Mark. Two months later, I joined an archaeological project of Professor Mark ... "

"He needs helpers, and I have the best grades and unique insights. He is the one he needs. I became Professor Mark's assistant and got the opportunity and permission to enter his studio."

Xia Lei said anxiously: "Is Professor Mark's archaeological project the pyramid?"

Qian Jun was silent for a while before saying, "That's not a pyramid, it just looks like a pyramid."

Charlie was stunned for a moment, "So what is it called?"

"What's its real name, maybe no one knows. Professor Mark calls it the 'Prometheus' grave.'"

Prometheus, the god of wisdom in Greek mythology, he created mankind and taught mankind to use fire and farming techniques.Professor Mark likens the pyramid in the middle of the mountain to "the tomb of Prometheus." What is his basis?

Xia Lei couldn't help thinking about this problem.

Qian Jun went on to say, "But that is about the end of the study. When I entered Professor Mark's studio, he was still looking for clues from a lot of historical books."

"What clues are he looking for?"

"Of course it is the clue of the tomb." Qian Jun said: "The project he studied was as long as thirty years ago, which means that he started when he was still young. At that time, he was not a professor himself. Collecting information and researching alone. Almost all the money he made was spent on the project. Later, after he became a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, his situation improved. I actually entered the final stage of the project. I have read the ancient books he has collected for most of his life, and the clues he has found. The most important clue is ... crystal skull. "

Xia Lei's heart was struck, a tremor.

### 1035 The memory of Qian Jun

Blue sky and white clouds, cargo ship going to Egypt.

Qian Jun ’s narrative continued, “I do n’t know what a crystal skull is, but I know it must be what Dad wants. I began to pay attention to Professor Mark ’s research, and I secretly photographed some important information and sent it to Dad. Dad asked me not to worry, he asked me to be patient, and let me stay with Professor Mark. Although I am Professor Mark ’s assistant, I do n’t have much trust from him and I ca n’t get in touch. To the core ... "

"Later the dad arranged a scene, he bought the bad guys to attack Mark ’s granddaughter, and I showed up at the most appropriate time, and saved his granddaughter when Professor Mark ’s granddaughter was about to be insulted. Of course, that Several bad guys who were bought were also killed by me, and I had to keep them shut forever. After that, I gained the absolute trust of Professor Mark ... "

"One night, Professor Mark finished his work, I poured him a glass of wine, and he chatted with me. He asked me some very strange questions. He asked me, where did I go a minute ago. I said I It ’s still here, but he said, this is me this minute, not me a minute ago. I laughed, at that time I felt something went wrong with his brain ... "

"He told me again that our human concept of time is too superficial, one minute and sixty seconds, one hour and sixty, one day and twenty-four hours, thirty days in January and three hundred and sixty-five days a year. In a sense, human time is just a record and reminder, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, important festivals, time to work, time to work, etc., there is nothing but these. But the real time, it "Yes ..." Speaking of where the thousand troops paused, his eyes were a little hollow, and he seemed to recall the past ten years ago.

Xia Lei said anxiously: "What is it?"

"I think about it ..." Qian Jun closed his eyes and didn't open it until a minute later. "He said that the real time is the door and the passage."

"Door? Passage? What does he mean? You need to be more detailed."

"I asked him the same question. He told me that everything in this world will not really disappear. A stone, after hundreds of millions of years of weathering, it will become sand. The wind will take away the sand The grains sink to the bottom of the river, and they will accumulate in the river bed, and the sand grains will become rocks after hundreds of millions of years. The same is true for the time, the past minute, the past hour, the past year, the past 100 years , No matter what minute or second will not disappear. They are all around us, as long as we find the door and passage, we can enter the world of the past, see us a minute ago, we were a year ago. He said he would like to know what the past world looked like. People are moving or still. "

Xia Lei suddenly thought of the ancient alloy box.He has done relevant experiments. He threw things into the world of boxes, and the things that came out were all weathered, just like trying to spend thousands of years.He exclaimed in his heart, "Could it be that the ancient alloy box is the door and passage that Professor Mark said?"

"He talked a lot about time, but I was not interested in those. Later, he finally talked about his research. He said that his research was actually a subject that the Mayans of the classical period had been studying. He was in Maya. Some clues have been found in the documents left by the classical period of man. The crystal skull made by the Maya is just a replica. The real crystal skull is not an artwork, but a human skull. It is in this world, Hidden in a triangular tomb. The Mayans of the classical period thought that finding the crystal skull would solve their origin problems and the mystery of time. He said that the Maya of the classical period had mastered time since the Stone Age It's equivalent to today's level, incredible ... "

Xia Lei's mind suddenly popped up with a read: the Maya were the first people to invent the "0", which was 800 and 1000 years earlier than China and Europe.The Earth year of the Maya budget is 365.2420 days, and now the accurate calculation is 365.2422 days, the error is only 0.0002 days, only one day in 5000 years.The Mayans use the binary system, the largest number is 4 billion, and the calculation of the number can be used 4 million years later.The Mayans used a method similar to the abacus, using two marks "points and lines". The two marks are the basis of today's computers.The calendar used by the Mayans is called the "Zhuojin calendar", which is calculated in 260 days a year, but today's scientists point out that no planet in the solar system can apply this calendar ...

There are many secrets about Maya, but Xia Lei is not very interested in those secrets.The reason why his brain will reveal these materials about the Maya and think about it is because the Maya have faked the crystal skull!

Ancient alloy, the only prehistoric warframe, Zhu Xuanyue, and the black robe ...

These people and things came to his mind again, like a net trapping him in the middle of the net.Now a new element has been added-the crystal skull.His thinking was completely chaotic.

"Professor Mark said that the Maya people were always looking for real crystal skulls. The Maya people were unsuccessful because they could n’t get to Jerusalem today. And he could succeed because he had already determined a location. He said that as soon as he found the crystal skull, he would Can unravel the secrets of time and human origins ... "Speaking of which, Qian Qian was silent.

Xia Lei said: "Did he say who is the owner of the crystal skull?"

Qian Jun shook his head, "No, he couldn't know everything, otherwise he wouldn't study for decades to find the pyramid located in the hillside. Shortly after the conversation that night, he hired some people to go That area. All the detection instruments are useless, there is a mysterious magnetic field, it will point the person looking for the crystal skull to the wrong place ... "

Xia Lei's heart moved, "Is that magnetic field related to the crystal skull? But if it can release the energy that interferes with modern instruments, how can the cargo ship I'm on now sail normally? If it's not the crystal skull, that mystery How is the magnetic field formed? "

"Professor Mark spent a lot of time in that area to find the right place. The person he hired cut the stone wall and found the entrance to the passage. That day I followed him in, and I was given the magical sight there. Shocked. Professor Mark found the skull at the top of the pyramid and the crystal skull. He sent two people up, but he was shot before reaching the crystal skull. He gave the family members of the two dead The sealing fee, and the corpse was personally dealt with, and the matter was covered up ... "

Xia Lei cut in. "Mark is just an ordinary university professor. Where did he get so much money? Not only did he hire people, but he could also use the money to smooth things out."

"I'm also curious about this question, but I didn't ask Mark. I just installed an eavesdropper in his mobile phone. This question soon came to an answer. Professor Mark was funded by an American. Professor Mark kept hiding from everyone ,including me."

Xia Lei already has a hunch, Qian Jun will soon talk about AE capsules, and this is what he most wants to know.

"The dead man, Professor Mark dared not try again, and nobody wants to go up. He turned his attention to the sarcophagus in the pyramid. He joked to me that Prometheus was lying inside, God who created human beings. If he does n’t say it, I still do n’t understand why he called this place 'The Tomb of Prometheus.' He said that, and I knew that at that time he really pinned the mystery of human origin In the crystal skull and sarcophagus ... "

"All the instruments were useless, and nothing in the sarcophagus could be detected. Professor Mark contacted the Americans, and the United States sent two of the top archaeologists. At the same time, Professor Mark asked people to start cutting the crevices of the sarcophagus. He is ready to open the sarcophagus when the Americans come here, in return for the American kindness ... "

"I know roughly when the sarcophagus will be cut, but on the day the sarcophagus is about to be cut, Professor Mark asked me to go to school. He also comforted me and said that he would tell me everything he found. What he solved My secret will also be shared with me. I know this is what the Americans demanded. He is doing things as the Americans told me. I told my father, and the father sent several people to me ... "

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