Super Vision

980 Chapter 980: The Knight's Wish (85)

"Okay, I know what to do." Saimu said.He and Qianjun left the cabin.

Leave the cargo ship and drive the speedboat to leave.This is already the best way Xia Lei can think of. Apart from this, he really can't think of any other way to resolve this crisis.

As for the captain friend of Saimu and his sailors, they do take a lot of risks, but as long as they can survive it, they will live a prosperous life, and no longer have to wander hard on the sea.Everything has a price. This is the price they have to pay.

Xia Lei came to the deck a few minutes later.Kyoko Kyoko, Yelena, and Angu Mihan have already secured the storage of speedboats, fuel, food, and water.Saimu and Qianjun also got the captain and his sailors.

"Goodbye, my friend, Allah bless you." The captain of the Iraqi captain who was beaten with a bruised face greeted Xia Lei with a smile on his face. If it were not for his hands that were tied, he might want to hug Xia Lei.

And the sailors who were bundled into dumplings also laughed heartlessly.Their smiles went to the 500,000 dollars.Half a million dollars is not much for the rich, but for these bitter sailors, it is lifelong wealth.

"Remember what Saymu said to you and put all the blame on us. You do n’t know anything. Act better, do n’t mess up. Allah bless you." Xia Lei left this in Arabic Words, and then descended from the rope ladder on the side of the ship to the speedboat.

The members of the Chinese zodiac team boarded the speedboat one after another.

Saimu drove the speedboat to the east.

A speedboat has a standard crew of five, but Xia Lei and the members of the Chinese zodiac team add up to six.It does n’t matter if you ride one more person, it only affects the reserves of fuel, food and water.Calculated based on a person's weight of 120 kg, if this weight is replaced by fuel, food and water, it will be enough for a few people to eat for a few days, and fuel can also make the speedboat go further.

"Boss, the food and water on the speedboat are only enough to support us for three days. Originally I wanted to take more, but the speedboat could not bear more weight." An Gu Mihan said.

Xia Lei frowned, "What about fuel?"

Yelena said: "The fuel is prepared by me. If this speedboat sails uninterrupted for 24 hours, we will run out of fuel after 30 hours."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, the fuel problem was more serious than the food and water problems.After all, this is just a speedboat, it can't carry so many people, and it can bring a lot of supplies.

"If it doesn't work, we can go by boat." Yueye Kyoko looked very relaxed, "we can catch fish without eating."

"What about the water?" Saim asked.

Yueye Kyoko's eyes were like a knife, "Solve it yourself!"

Saimu, "..."

A water problem has made everyone's mood heavy.Indeed, the speedboat can be rowed by hand without fuel.There is no food to catch sea fish.But if there is no water, should we drink seawater?In that case, die faster.

Xia Lei thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Kyoko, do you have a bra?"

"Ah?" Yueye Kyoko suddenly froze on the spot, and there was also an awkward and shy expression on her face.If Xia Lei asked her such a question when there were only two people, she would not only answer Xia Lei's question, she would even pick up her clothes generously.What is a bra?Milk can show you.But Xia Lei asked her such a question in front of so many people, she didn't know how to answer it.

Xia Lei glanced at her chest carefully, "If you have it, then wear it. Give it to me when there is no water." Then he looked at Yelena again and said, "You have it too. Wear it, give it to me when there is no water. "

Yelena, "..."

An Gu Mi Khan said with a smile: "Boss, wouldn't you use their bra to scoop water for us?"

Yelena slapped on the back of An Gu Mi Khan with a slap.

An Gu Mi Khan was beaten, but he smiled happily.

Qian Jun said: "Boss, if you want to use their breastshield to filter seawater, the filtering performance of their breastshield is almost negligible."

An Gu Mi Khan mentioned the bras of the two women and he was beaten.Qian Jun also mentioned the bras of the two women, but no one beat him.

This is also the first time Qian Qian called Xia Lei "boss".

Although this is just a title, for a man like Qianjun, it represents his allegiance!

The snake of the Chinese zodiac team has really returned!

Xia Lei was happy, he smiled, "What I want is not the filtering performance of the bras, but their water absorption performance. There are sponges in the bras, and the sponges have a strong ability to absorb water. In addition, we also have food packaging bags. Most packaging bags have tin foil, we just need to stitch those tin foil into the shape of a pot lid, and then put it on the breast cup full of water. When the sun shines, the seawater evaporates and the water vapor will be on the tin foil. Condensed into water droplets. We collect those water droplets, can't we get pure water? "

Qian Jun did not expect that the explanation given by Xia Lei would be like this. He froze a little, then smiled.

"Wow! Boss, you're a ganesha!" An Gu Mi Khan also smiled, thief laughed, because he was in the brain to fill Yue Ye Xingzi and Ye Lena lost their bras, and their shirtless upper body Picture of collecting distilled water from the breastshield.

Snapped!Yelena's slap fell on the back of An Gu Mi Khan again.

"Why did you hit me again? Why didn't you fight the Thousand Army?" An Gu Mi Khan looked very depressed, but he was very happy.He can actually hide, but he didn't, he likes to be slapped by Russian women.Xia Lei can hook a woman without doing anything, but he can't, he has to work harder.

Qian Jun just smiled and said nothing.He is not familiar with the members of the Chinese zodiac team, he needs some time to integrate into this team.

The speedboat was riding the wind and the waves, and the speed was very fast. The cargo ship was quickly thrown behind it, far away, and could not be seen with a telescope.

Just one hour after the speedboat left, three super hornets escorted a shadow reconnaissance plane appeared in the sea where the cargo ship was located.By this time the cargo ship had completely stopped, without anchoring, it drifted along the sea water at a speed almost negligible.

"Command center, we have rushed to the target sea area and are scanning and reconnaissing the target." On the shadow reconnaissance plane, the captain took the communicator to report the mission execution status to the command center of the Sixth Fleet.

Three super hornets flew over the cargo ship, and one of them dropped a cluster bomb.


The cluster bomb exploded in the sea water, setting off a sky-high water column, and the cargo ship swayed violently in the surge of sea water.

However, this wasn't due to any interference from the bombarded Super Hornet, but the pilot executed the command of the Sixth Fleet Commander and tested the cargo ship's response in this way.

No response from the cargo ship.

The three super hornets and shadow reconnaissance aircraft are also normal, without any interference.

"No interference, all instruments are normal ..." The captain of the shadow reconnaissance aircraft continued to report on the progress of the mission. "After the scan, there were no armed personnel on board, and the crew was tied up ... requesting instructions for the next move ..."

At the same time, the CIA headquarters of Langley, USA.

Williams stared closely at a monitor on the office wall, looking at the synchrotron satellite image sent by the Sixth Fleet Command Center.The voice of the captain of the shadow reconnaissance aircraft also appeared in his office synchronously, and it was the captain's description that made him worried.

Only the captain and the crew, Xia Lei and his men could not see it. This is the Mediterranean, not the virgin forest. How could those guys disappear without an hour?

In the loudspeaker, the voice of the captain of the shadow reconnaissance aircraft said, "As a result of radar reconnaissance, there are no ships in this sea ..."

Williams couldn't listen anymore, he grabbed the telephone on the table, "Immediately let the commando of the Sixth Fleet board the cargo ship, arrest all the people for questioning. Let the shadow reconnaissance machine expand the search Range, do n’t miss any boat, even a small fishing boat in Cyprus must be scouted carefully! Also, immediately let the spy satellites intervene in the Mediterranean. This time, even if the Mediterranean water is scooped, the guy must be found! "

"Yes, execute immediately!" There was a voice on the phone.

Williams put down the phone and tapped the oak desktop with his finger.Ten seconds later, he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

This call was made to Yang Shan, the director of the CIA China Kyoto Information Station.

"Yang Shan, you immediately evacuated and temporarily closed the intelligence station."

"what happened?"

"Xia Lei may not have died."

"What?" Yang Shan's voice was full of surprise. "How is this possible? Our observer confirmed that he was dead and he could not be alive."

Williams said: "Go to confirm again. In addition, immediately contact Li Youdun to let him steal the formula and production technology of X Mi Jin in advance. If Xia Lei is really not dead, he may be exposed at any time.

"Okay, I'll do it immediately." Yang Shan's voice.

Williams put the phone down again and tapped the oak desktop with his finger.

Get it, get it ...

How reliable is Israeli intelligence?

Is Xia Lei dead or alive?

This is the question he wants to figure out.

### 1040 Chapter Uninhabited Island

Yelena's prediction came true. The fuel was exhausted before food and water problems.The horizon is a vast sea, and I don't know where the end is.Thirty hours of sailing, when the speedboat stopped, it was night.The multi-function watch of the Chinese zodiac team cannot be used normally. The displayed time is 12 noon, and the displayed position is close to the waters of Tunisia.But the speedboat has been traveling eastward, the reference object is also the sun, and the crystal skull obviously cannot interfere with the movement of the sun.Therefore, although the specific location is not known, it is estimated that it is going to the waters of Turkey.

The oil was gone, and the spare pulp came in handy, and rowers Angu Mihan and Saimu.

"I knew I had less water and more oil. An Gu Mihan rowed the escape boat and regretted that he had loaded too much water and food on the speedboat. And he didn't put a curry on the speedboat!

Saimu also complained and said: "Kyoko, Yelena, please come to row the boat. You have been sitting for too long, you need to move your muscles."

Yelena said: "Are you sorry to ask women to do this kind of work?"

Saimu, "..."

"I'll paddle." Qian Jun said.

"Okay, okay." Saimu then gave way and handed the oar into the hands of the Thousand Armies.

The reason why Qianjun wanted to replace Xia Yimu was that he wanted to integrate into this team in this way.

Xia Lei also said: "An Gu Mi Khan, you take a break, let me come."

"It's okay, I can still draw." An Gu Mihan said with a smile: "You are my ganesha, how can I let you do this kind of work."

Ganesha, in the minds of Indians, is the God of Wisdom, the God who removes obstacles, and the God of Wealth.Is there someone who asked Guan Er to go boating but was sitting and resting?

Xia Lei grabbed the oar from An Gu Mi Khan and replaced him with the boat.

"Boss, let me row a boat." Yue Ye Xingzi said.

Xia Lei smiled, "Yelena is right, how can a woman do this job. Men do the boating, and the water problem is left to you. From tomorrow on, you will use that method to get water. Now. "

Yueye Kyoko and Yelena couldn't help but looked at each other, both women's faces showed an embarrassed look.

An Gu Mi Khan said with a smile: "Boss, isn't it the milk cover to get the water? Is there any embarrassment to say, but will the water taken in this way have a milk smell?"

His words were just finished, and a slap in the back of his head.It was Yelena, the temper of the Russian woman with vodka's attributes.Women of this nature are not acceptable to every man, but An Gu Mi Khan is obviously one of them.

Without chasing soldiers, several people talked and laughed, and the atmosphere seemed very relaxed.

Rowing with a paddle is not much faster than walking. Xia Lei and Qian Jun paddled for almost three hours before the speedboat moved about 30 kilometers.At this rate, if you want to land from Turkey, I am afraid it will take a month or even longer.For such a long time, even if fish is used to solve the food problem, and two milk covers are used to solve the problem of drinking water, so many people cannot reach Turkey.Because the human body needs many kinds of elements, eating fish every day simply cannot meet the needs of the human body, such as potassium, which can affect the heartbeat, and various trace elements necessary for the human body.If these elements are not ingested for a few days, it is not a problem, but if you ca n’t ingest them for up to a month, your body ’s function will definitely decline. At that time, getting sick is the mildest symptom. If it is serious, it will even kill you.

Xia Lei didn't know this, he just didn't want to make the atmosphere heavy.He is the leader of the Chinese zodiac team, and it is his responsibility to maintain the morale of the team.Therefore, he knew that the problem was serious, but he would not raise it at this time.

"Boss, I really ..." An Gu Mihan's expression seemed strange for a time.

Xia Lei said: "Just say what you want, what are you doing?"

An Gu Mihan said: "I'm about to hold back, I want to be convenient!"

Xia Lei, "..."

This is also a problem that needs to be solved.The speedboat is not a yacht, and there is no bathroom at all in the narrow space.If the passengers on this speedboat are all men, then it ’s easy to solve, and turning around to unzip can solve the problem.But the problem is that there are still two women on this speedboat, Kinoko and Yelena. Men can't solve that kind of problem in front of them?Also, Yue Ye Kyoko and Ye Lena are less likely to solve that kind of problem in front of men?

"I don't care anymore, I want to solve the problem!" An Gu Mi Khan turned around and opened the zipper.

In fact, not only An Gu Mi Khan, other people also have this need, including Xia Lei.

But when An Gu Mi Khan pulled out that, Yelena kicked him on the buttocks, kicking him into the sea.

"You ..." An Gu Mihan stared at Yelena, looking a little angry.

Yelena said, "Resolve in the sea." After that, she also jumped into the sea.

An Gu Mi Khan was still a little angry, but Yelena also jumped into the sea to solve that kind of problem, and he had nothing in his heart.He was staring at Yelena's body soaked in seawater, trying very hard to see something, but he couldn't see anything but seawater.

"What are you looking at, look at me and dig your eyes." Yelena said fiercely.

An Gu Mi Khan smiled cheeky: "Do you know this woman is gentle?"

Yelena looked at An Gu Mihan, "Do you like gentle women?"

An Gu Mihan said: "No, I like women like you, just a little gentler."

Yelena suddenly went to An Gu Mi Khan.

An Gu Mi Khan looked at Yelena in surprise.He was a little embarrassed because he was now in the men ’s bathroom and Yelena was in the women ’s bathroom.Yelena suddenly swam over to him, which was equivalent to rushing from the female toilet to the male toilet.

But while An Gu Mi Khan was stunned, Yelena suddenly reached out and hooked An Gu Mi Khan's neck, and kissed his lips with a sip.At that moment, he was nervous like a child, and the kissing movement was stiff.

"What's the matter?" Saimu said with a smile: "Shall we make room for you? Do you two want to do it once?"

"Shut up!" Yelena and Angu Mihan yelled at Saim at almost the same time.

Sai Mu shrugged his shoulders, his face grinning.

On the speedboat, Yue Ye Kyoko's eyes moved to Xia Lei's body, her eyes full of anticipation and excitement.This time escape, Yelena and An Gu Mihan are together, should she and Xia Lei also do something to celebrate?

Xia Lei avoided Yueye Kyoko's sight and looked far away. Two seconds later, he exclaimed suddenly, "There is an island in front!"

"Where?" Saimu followed, but he saw nothing.

Looking at the sight of the thousand military sniper rifle, it is still unclear.

Xia Lei said: "It seems there is an island, we can draw a little more to see clearly."

Elena and An Gu Mihan climbed onto the speedboat.An Gu Mi Khan took the paddle from Xia Lei, Sai Mu took the paddle from the Thousand Army, and the two continued to paddle.

About ten minutes later, everyone saw the island.It is not big, and the shoreline of the island is ten kilometers away, in the shape of a gourd.The main body of the island is two bun-shaped mountains covered with dense virgin forest.No lights, no docks, it looks like an uninhabited island.

The speedboat came to the shallow water of the island.An Gu Mi Khan anchored the anchor into the mud and saw it fixed.Everyone took the supplies off the speedboat, wading and climbing the beach of the island.

Yelena and An Gu Mi Khan distributed food, and Qian Jun and Sai Mu used knives to cut branches and vines to cover up the speedboat.Doing so can avoid being discovered by US spy satellites.

Xia Lei stood on the beach and observed the environment of the island.He used the ability of hyperopia and microvision, and carefully observed every place he could see.In the end he confirmed again that this island is an uninhabited island.

This judgment made him a little depressed, because he did not want the island to be uninhabited. On the contrary, he wanted a village on the island where he could buy fuel and other materials.Even a bigger and faster boat, then go to Turkey, take Istanbul, then Russia, and finally return to China.This is the safest route.If you want faster, then fly back to China in Turkey.But doing so would be very risky.

"Boss, have something to eat." Yueye Kyoko brought Xia Lei a bottle of mineral water, a piece of bread, and a ham sausage.

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