Super Vision

994 994 The Knight's Wish (99)

The goal was achieved, and the mood of the two German women was better, and the efficiency was much faster when working.For them, the salary has increased tenfold, the annual income is tens of millions of euros, and both money and men are available.Today is indeed a good day for them.

Xia Lei also quickly put into work, he only needs to process the most core parts.

"Lucas, you're sweating, I'll wipe you." For a time, Anina came to Xia Lei's side and wiped his sweat.Her plump upper body squeezed Xia Lei's chest without shyness. The coordination of her hand and towel was to wipe Xia Lei's face, but the combination of her fullness and clothes was to make Xia Lei's sweat. .

"Lucas, your pants are dirty, you look at you, be careful." For a time, Sylvia approached and reached out to pat the dust on Xia Lei's pants and pat Xia Lei's ass. Crackling.

Xia Lei was able to maintain restraint at first, but he could not hold it anytime soon.Although he didn't stretch his foot, his left and right eyes were unkind.The combination of his left and right eyes is not a rogue mode.

"Chest circumference 90CM, waist circumference 60CM, hip circumference 89CM, leg length 116CM ... 4189 roots, Sylvia 101 more than Anina ..." This is only part of the rogue data.

Working with men and women is not tiring.

### 1062 Chapter Storm

The Rema Group was upgraded again. The new material workshop and the unmanned machine workshop rose from the ground, and the construction speed was very fast.Not only the construction company's part is progressing quickly, but the Rema Group's own part, that is, the equipment transformation and assembly and the construction of the production line, has also made rapid progress.According to the current development of this momentum, it is impossible to wait until June 1st promised by Xia Lei. The Rema Group will produce its own aerospace materials and new unmanned aircraft.

The reason why it is so fast is not only the reason why the funds are in place, the Rema Group is working together, but also the reason for the intervention of national forces.Under the impetus of the state machine, the Rema Group could not slow down.

On the other hand, the state has also increased the level of personal protection for Reima Group and Xia Lei.A large number of elite special forces troops were stationed around the Reima Group and Ping Anju, and two sets of air defense missiles were also added.At this level of security, unless an army is sent to attack, it is fine to send a killer, no matter how powerful the killer is.

Time goes by day by day.

Three months later.

Israel, a wilderness southeast of Jerusalem.

"Get up, get up, get up!" An Israeli engineer commanded a crane to lift the statue of a faceless warrior buried in the rock.

On an open area behind the crane are three black faceless warrior statues, countless skull fragments, and surviving still-complete skulls.

"Three months later, this place was finally dug out." Cohens, a senior intelligence officer in Mossad, Israel exclaimed a little.

"Mr. Cohens, what's the point of digging out these things? Xia Lei stole the most important things from here, but these were just thrown away by him," Yan Fo said. What a pleasure. "

"Mr. Yan, are you satire us?" There was a sneer in the corner of Cohen's mouth. "Then should I also satire about your actions in Kyoto, China? I heard that the CIA's intelligence station in Kyoto It was taken away by the 101st bureau of Hua Guo. Your FA organization used the dead and 500 kg of explosives, but not even a Chinese ant was killed. Do n’t you think you are more funny and more sympathetic? ”

Yan Fo shrugged his shoulders, "Mr. Cohens, this time I came to Israel, I did n’t come to mock you with each other. Xia Lei is the only person in the world that has evolved beyond the whole of humanity, using the American favorite. To describe him, that is Superman. In the face of a Superman-like existence, do you think you can succeed casually? "

Cohens said: "What is the purpose of your coming to Israel this time?"

Yan Fo said: "I'm going to take these four faceless warrior statues back with some skulls and other artifacts."

"Who do you think you are? Actually made such a request to me!" Cohens' face suddenly became somber.

"This is not what I mean, this is what Mr. Williams means. Of course, if you think Mr. Williams is not enough weight, then this is what President Bachoma meant." Yan Fo said unhurriedly: "This is a national-level exchange between the United States and Israel. We are just those who run under the big guys, Mr. Cohens. If I say this, you should understand what I mean?"

His meaning is very simple, I want to take away statues and cultural relics, you ca n’t stop it!

Cohen sneered. "It's really American style. Since Mr. Williams and Mr. Bachoma have come forward, I certainly can't stop you from shipping the statue to the United States. But I want to know that Americans transport these stones to the United States. What are you going to do? "

"Mr. Cohens, I can't answer this question for you. I said I was just an errand. But there is someone who can answer your question. I will introduce you now." Yan Fo said.He waved his hand to a group of people standing next to a statue and said aloud: "Mr. Alec, please come over. Mr. Cohens wants to talk to you."

A bald white man approached here. At about 60 years of age, his face was slightly thinner and his head and chin were shaved, which made one of his heads look like a peel. Eggs In The Shell.His figure is tall and thin, giving people a feeling of being weak and unable to control the wind, but his eyes are very special, deep and wise, and can make a deep impression at first sight.

The old American called Alec hadn't come yet, and Cohens asked aloud, "What is he from? CIA? Or is it a cabinet member?"

Yan Fo said: "No, he is the head of the AE Research Center, the best bioengineer in the United States."

"It turned out to be him." Cohens seemed to understand a lot of things in a flash. "It was he who took the medicine in the amber to the AE Research Center for research. Well, he lost those medicines and made Xia. A superman like Lei came out, and Xia Lei is now threatening the national interests of the United States, and even the existing world pattern. Isn't this a rock thrown and his own feet? "

Yan Fo just listened and said nothing.The Israelis have complained about the AE incident, and he can fully understand it.If that piece of amber remains in Israel and is studied by Israeli scientists, there may be no such trouble as Xia Lei, then those things that have already happened will not happen.

However, time will not go backwards.

Alec came over and took the initiative to shake hands with Cohens, and then introduced himself, "My name is Alec, I am engaged in biological research. Mr. Cohens, I am very happy to meet you."

Cohens shook hands with Alec and said politely, "Mr. Alec, I am also very happy to meet you. I am a very direct person, and I will just say it. You will ship these statues back to the United States, you What do you want to do? "

"Mr. Cohens, although your question is beyond your authority, I am still willing to tell you. The materials of these statues are extraordinary, and they themselves have a value that is worth studying, so we will ship them back to the United States for research. Of course, all the research results will be shared with Israel, and Israel is an ally of the United States in the Middle East. In this matter, the interests of both of us are the same. "Alec ’s answer is very skillful, and it makes people think Very comfortable, but did not solve the actual problem.

Cohen frowned, "Mr. Alec, you came here from the United States to take away the statue. You must know something, and you have a specific research direction. As an ally, you would not even share this information with us. ?"

"It's not unwilling, Mr. Cohens, just because your authority is not enough. Your boss and senior Israelis must know that. If you really want to know, I suggest you go through other channels," said Alec.

Cohens' mood suddenly became worse. He wanted to know what the Americans did to carry the statues back to the United States to do research, but the other party obviously didn't take his intelligence officer's eyes.

At this moment, an assistant of Alec suddenly fell to the ground.A group of experts and entourages from the United States immediately panicked. Some people were calling for help, some people took out their mobile phones to make emergency calls, and some people who knew first-aid knowledge were doing rescue work.

Yan Fo, Alec and Cohens ran quickly.The three quickly figured out the situation, and an American archaeologist with a history of heart disease suddenly fell to the ground with a heart attack.He had a pacemaker in his heart, but he didn't know why that pacemaker suddenly failed.

"What's going on?" An American worker holding a mobile phone to make a call looked surprised. "It was fine before, but why suddenly there was no signal?"

"My phone has no signal."

"What's going on? What's wrong with my watch, the time shown is actually 2 AM!"

The scene was chaotic.

In a mess, the unlucky archeologist with heart disease stopped breathing.

"That's ... what's going on?" Someone suddenly pointed to the sky to the east.

All eyes were gathered on the sky, and a cloud of black clouds was moving quickly, accompanied by lightning and thunder.

Israel is a dry and less rainy place, and the next two or one rains are rare in a year. Severe storms like this almost never happen.But now, under that thick rain cloud, the dry Israel seems to have moved to the Amazon basin as a whole, and a torrential rain came.


Dark clouds hit the top, and a flash of lightning fell down the sky.Dou Da's raindrops fell from the sky, blocking his sight in the blink of an eye.

Boom!The steel hemp on the crane suddenly broke, and the statue of a faceless warrior lifted off the ground fell.The Israeli engineer who was in charge of the crane had no time to react, and at least a two-ton statue of a faceless warrior smashed him.He was squashed suddenly, the thickness of his head was only the thickness of a cake.Blood and brains spattered everywhere, but was quickly washed away by rain.

"Gather! Gather!" An engineer commander took the communicator to give the command to gather, but his voice could not be transmitted at all.The communicator has failed.

"What's that?" Someone suddenly shouted in English during the storm, it was an archaeologist from the United States.

Yan Fo looked down at his finger and froze with just one glance.In the storm, thunder and thunder, there seemed to be a woman coming here about fifty meters away.She was wearing very strange clothes. Those clothes were soaked in rain and completely attached to her almost, so she looked like she was not wearing clothes.He opened his eyes wide and wanted to see her face clearly, but he couldn't see clearly. The rain was too big.

"Is that a woman?" Someone also found out.

"Yes, it's a woman!"

"How could she appear here?"

"Hey! Who are you?" Someone tried to talk to the woman.

"What does she want to do?"

Bang Bang Bang!

Israeli engineers fired at the sky.

"Don't shoot! Bastard!" Cohen roared.

No one shot again, but the woman in the storm suddenly disappeared.

The torrential rain lasted for half an hour and ended. The sky suddenly cleared and the sun was shining.What happened just like an illusion.

"There are words!" Said an engineer, suddenly pointing at a statue.

Yan Fo, Cohens, and Alec ran along.

There is a piece of English written in blood on the statue: below the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

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