Super Vision

996 996 Suicide Jing Ke

A silver unmanned aircraft rushed into the sky from the car launcher, and flew a hundred meters high in the blink of an eye.There is no logo on the fuselage of the unmanned aircraft, nor does it seem to be painted. The silver on the fuselage is only the color of the metal itself.

The unmanned aircraft is flying higher and higher, and the argument on the ground is becoming more and more intense.

"Is this the new unmanned machine of the Rema Group? What a joke? I look like it was bought from Taobao."

"It's just that big. It can't carry any weapon systems at all, not even weapon systems. What is the most advanced unmanned aircraft in the world?"

"On this level of unmanned. The machine can dare to say that it is the most advanced unmanned machine in the world. The Rema Group's face is really thick."

"On this level of unmanned. Not to mention that the machine is comparable to the United States, not even Vietnam? Is the Lehma Group funny? If so, Xia Lei's purpose has been achieved."

"What's going on? At the level of the Rema Group, the unmanned machine produced by the Rema Group will not be such a simple type?" Not only foreign reporters were surprised, but even domestic reporters were surprised. , Unable to understand.

These remarks fell in Xia Lei's ears, but the mocking and questioning voices did not seem to affect his mood.With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he still looked so calm.

"Baby, these guys are really unpleasant to speak." Qin Xiang frowned.

Xia Lei shook his eyes, "Who is your baby, all here are reporters, if someone writes a mess, my name will be destroyed in your hands."

"Okay, I won't say the head office, baby." Qin Xiang said.

Xia Lei, "..."

Faced with such a monster, Xia Lei really made no mistake.

The unmanned aircraft soared in the sky, sometimes stretching its height, sometimes dive to the ground, and sometimes hovering over the Rema Group. The one flying was called a cheerful one, as if charging it without spending money.Yes, such a small unmanned machine, it is impossible to burn oil at all, it must be an electric power engine.

"Xia Dong, is this the most advanced unmanned machine in the world that you just mentioned?" The blonde female reporter from the United States asked Xia Lei again.

Xia Lei withdrew his gaze from the unmanned aircraft in the sky. He looked at the blonde female reporter in front of him. His tone was very certain, "Of course, this is the most advanced unmanned aircraft produced by our Lehma Group."

"The most advanced unmanned machine." The blonde female reporter smiled disdainfully. "I don't know what advanced it has?"

Xia Lei said: "That's confidential, I can't tell you."

"Sorry to say?" The former reporter from Southeast Asia sneered.

Xia Lei said: "Well, I don't think I will talk about any advanced features in it, you will not be satisfied. The new type of unmanned produced by our Leima Group. Jiqianpu has many domestic blanks, even international Blank. At present, we have applied for more than 130 patented technologies. I believe that you are most interested in its stealth performance. Well, it is invisible in front of all current radars. "

"Just such an unmanned machine is actually still invisible?" A reporter from Japan disdainfully said: "Is the radar of this unmanned machine tested during World War II?"

"Xia Dong, why don't you open your operating room? We want to see its invisible performance for yourself. I believe your radar can provide real data." The blonde female reporter from the United States said.

Xia Lei said: "That's not enough, our operation room does not allow non-workers to enter."

"That won't work, it won't work, how can you prove that your unmanned machine is the most advanced unmanned machine in the world?" Said a reporter from Southeast Asia.

"Of course it is what I say, you come voluntarily, but not by my invitation. Am I obligated to satisfy your curiosity?" Xia Lei said.

The reporter from Southeast Asia suddenly died on the spot.

"Xia Dong, the Lehma Group is flying a new type of unmanned aircraft during this sensitive period, using new aeronautical materials developed by you and your group. I think you are sending a dangerous signal to the United States and its allies, If your unmanned machine is indeed the most advanced in the world, the so-called x mysterious gold is also true, then this signal is an honest signal. It will help solve the current problem. But if you do n’t have any Research out the x secret gold and the most advanced unmanned machine, then the signal you release is not an honest signal, you are adding trouble to a situation that is already dangerous enough. You do n’t think your behavior is irresponsible Behavior? "Said the blonde female reporter.

Xia Lei just smiled and said nothing.

The scene remembering the question also temporarily stopped.It can be said that no reporter is satisfied with the official statement of the Rema Group. They waited the longest here for almost a month, and the shortest was ten days and a half.Finally, Xia Lei was expected to come out to make official remarks, but what he waited for was definitely a big flicker.A drone-like unmanned machine. The machine is a flicker. All of Xia Lei's remarks are flicker, and they are flickered one after another, not to mention those arrogant foreign reporters, even the local reporters in China have complaints. , Very dissatisfied.

"Forget it, Xia Dong, I don't think you intend to answer my question." The blonde female reporter said: "When I go back, I will write about the so-called new aviation materials and unmanned aircraft of the Rema Group. It is a scam. The United States and its allies do not need to worry about any new technology from the Rema Group. The myth of the black horse of the Rema Group should also end. "

Her voice had just fallen, and the silver nobody hovering above the Rema Group. The machine suddenly lost power, and fell from the sky at once.

"It fell down!"

"It actually fell!"

"Hahaha!" Reporters from Southeast Asia laughed the most. "What the world's most advanced unmanned. This is a joke!"

Bang!There was a loud noise, and the silver unmanned machine crashed into a piece of farmland opposite the Rema Group's gate.At that moment, the fire rose into the sky, and the violent explosion shock wave pushed in all directions, and the place passed by was a lot of powder!

That silver unmanned. The location where the plane fell was at least one kilometer away from the gate, but even at such a long distance, the reporters standing at the gate can feel the shock and the scorching heat wave caused by the explosion shock wave!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Where is this one unmanned. Machine!It is simply a medium-sized missile!Its power is no worse than the American Tomahawk cruise missile.

"It ..." The blonde female reporter was uncomfortable, and she froze for a while before she came out with a sentence, "Xia ... Xia Dong, is it, it's unmanned?"

Xia Lei didn't seem to hear what she was saying. He looked at the farmland where a big pit was blown out, his brow furrowed slightly, "Who chose that place?"

Qin Xiang shrugged, "How do I know, or let me ask you."

"Of course I have to ask clearly, I want to find that guy and deduct his salary!" Xia Lei said angrily: "That's a wheat field, and the wheat is about to be harvested! It ’s time to harvest, he ’s good, he ’s burned out! He ’s got to be deducted! ”

"Don't be angry, don't be angry." Qin Xiang said: "I'll check if I go to you right away?"

Xia Lei said sharply: "Check, you must check! What a good piece of wheat, there seems to be peanuts, right?"

Qin Xiang, "..."

A large group of reporters looked at each other.

The unmanned aircraft of the Reima Group suddenly crashed and a big pit was exploded on the ground. In terms of the power of the explosion, it is absolutely not lower than that of the American Tomahawk cruise missile.It is such a thing that on the surface it seems to be an accident.The unmanned machine research of the Rema Group failed, and it crashed on the first test flight, making a big joke.But is this the truth?However, Xia Lei and Qin Xiang also wrote, directed and directed themselves next to them, talking about wheat and peanuts.If the acting skills of the two are better, these reporters may have less association.But the acting skills of the two of them seemed very clumsy, from beginning to end, including every line of speech gave people a feeling of hypocrisy.In this way, the reporters guess more.

"Xia Dong, the Lehma Group's research this time is actually not unmanned, right?" A local Chinese reporter asked the question, and he looked very excited and excited.

Xia Lei said: "It's not unmanned. What is the machine?"

"It's a flying missile!" Said the Chinese reporter who asked questions.

Xia Lei looked at him with strange eyes, "Brother, have you seen missiles that can't fly? Or, have you seen missiles that walk?"

Chinese reporter, "..."

"Xia Dong, why is there such a violent explosion in the unmanned machine of the Lehma Group?" The blonde female reporter who went to the United States tried out the tunnel.

Xia Lei said: "I don't know, there must be something wrong. I will investigate the matter clearly and give you a satisfactory answer."

"Xia Dong, the unmanned machine of the Lehma Group is obviously driven by a lithium battery, and he does not carry fuel at all, but why did he explode so violently? Its power is even greater than that of the ordinary island, it is actually a thunder Horse Group's new weapon, right? "A reporter from Japan tried out the authenticity.

Xia Lei said: "Remember friends, don't make random guesses. This is just a test flight, and it is a very failed test flight. I will now be ashamed of what I just said, just such an unmanned aircraft, flying flying Just fell off the ground, and you saw it too. The explosion just now was scary, right? Fortunately, it was just an unmanned farmland. If it was a city, an airport, or a military target like a military target, would n’t it be dangerous? "

"Xia Dong, there is something in your words." A reporter from Japan tried again. "What is this unmanned aircraft of the Lehma Group?"

Xia Lei said: "I can satisfy you with this problem, it is called Jing Ke."

Jing Ke, it is the name of this new type of unmanned.

"Jing Ke?" The blonde female reporter said puzzledly: "What a strange name, what do you mean?"

A reporter from Japan looked solemnly, "Jing Ke, the most famous assassin in the history of China, he once assassinated the most famous emperor of the country!"

This reporter from Japan is obviously not a real reporter. He is a Japanese intelligence officer. He has some research on the history and culture of China.

Xia Leiming knew his identity, but he didn't care.

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