Qin Feng looked at Song Wenxuan and said.

"You are sick!"

"You, you can see that too!"

Song Wenxuan is a little surprised. Qin Feng is much more powerful than he thought. He can see that he is ill.

"It's not very difficult for me! Because I am a miracle doctor

"Doctor? Ha ha, I'm really laughing. You are still a miracle doctor. Do you know that Ding family castle is the real miracle doctor family? "

At this time Ding Peng chirps again. Qin Feng regards him as the air and has no interest in connecting words. In fact, he's a little interested in Song Wenxuan. He's a congenital master. It's very good if he can earn his own money.

After this incident, Qin Feng feels that he wants to find someone who can really help him. Of course, Lin Tianyu is not really willing to help him. Qin Feng knows very well that if Lin Tianyu was not controlled by his own medicine, he would be the first to kill himself.

So Qin Feng wants to find some reliable experts. If there are such experts willing to help him, he can also help him improve the accomplishments of those below him.

Originally, he wanted Lin Tianyu to help him to bring some apprentices out, but let's forget it. That guy is also a master at any rate. A master of that level can't let him do such a poor thing.

"You are poisoned!"

"Yes! To be honest, the reason why I am attached to the Ding family is that I can't help it. My poison is actually poison and it's not poison! "

Song Wenxuan is grateful for Qin Feng's mercy on him. If it wasn't for Qin Feng's mercy, maybe he would die today!

This kind of level master is really powerful.

"If I read it correctly, you should have practiced alchemy!"

"You, you can see that!"

Song Wenxuan was completely shocked at this time. He didn't expect that Qin Feng was so powerful. He could see that his mental skill was alchemy!

"Alchemy is a very fast way to cultivate and improve. Now there is a lack of aura in heaven and earth, so it's very difficult for practitioners to practice. It's very difficult to reach the period of refining. Alchemy is a special way to cultivate and improve Qi by absorbing the energy in the environment. This kind of cultivation and improvement is very fast!"

"Yes, my internal mental skill is indeed alchemy!"

"Alchemy is very powerful and has a strong breath, but there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. Alchemy is like taking drugs. The more you absorb, the deeper your strength will be. You can't live without gold now. As long as you don't absorb it for a day, your skin will seem to crack, That kind of pain can even make people feel fear from the heart

"Yes The man was very helpless to say, some pain, in fact, alchemy this kind of thing is obviously a kind of constant special cultivation method, his early cultivation is like absorbing drugs in general, in the early very fast, also won't need a lot of cost, but the more to the back, the higher the cost.

Especially when the breakthrough comes to the congenital stage, it's like a pit father. A strong person in the congenital stage needs to absorb at least 15 Jin of gold every day. That's because he has to absorb so much gold every day. He can't stop it. Otherwise, his skin will crack and he will feel very uncomfortable.

What is the concept of 15 Jin of gold? According to the current market situation, a gram of gold costs 300, so the environment is 150000, and the environment he consumes every day is 150000.

Although some of the congenital experts are not short of money, not all of them are really rich. For example, this congenital expert does not have so much money.

So he can only be attached to one family, but after he followed the Ding family, he also felt quite subdued. He was a congenital master who was called around. Sometimes he didn't look up to himself. He found that he was like an addict and couldn't control himself.

"In fact, it's just a sequela of alchemy. If you continue to absorb it like this, sooner or later, you will need more and more, and you will need to absorb it all the time, and then you will have to sit on the golden mountain."

"I also know that I can't help it now. If I don't absorb it for one day, it's very uncomfortable. I tried not to absorb it for three days, and I almost died!"

"In fact, it can be treated. It's just a sequela. I can help you cure it with a special method."

"You, are you telling the truth?"

This really shocked him. He couldn't believe what Qin Feng said was true. He was able to treat his own disease. Is this a joke.

"In fact, it's very simple, and the principle is also very simple. In fact, gold is like medicine. If you eat too much, impurities will stay in your body, so the harm will come out, just like absorption is the same

"So it is!"

Looking at Qin Feng, he was also surprised.

"Well, is the treatment troublesome?"

"I can cure you in three days at most."

"You, you mean I can get rid of the non absorption of gold in three days!"

"Yes. You can completely get rid of the shackles of absorbing environment to survive. You can also absorb it and enhance your cultivation. "

"This... What conditions do you have?"

In fact, song Wenxuan is also a smart man. Qin Feng is such a stickler. He can't help himself unconditionally, so he asked directly. He knew that Qin Feng should have requirements, but he was very curious about how Qin Feng did it!

"There must be conditions. I won't help others for nothing! If I cure you, you will work for me for three years. Of course, I won't let you do this kind of thing. You just work for me. In other words, you are free. You can do what you want! And you have a salary!

Qin Feng is very calm said, he knows if this kind of person is willing to help themselves, do things to win more damned very much.

Qin Feng needs a more powerful assistant to help himself. It's very good to have him to help him.

"It's that simple!"

Sure enough, this time he is really heart, naturally heart, can not be strange heart. In fact, he has no self-esteem now. With such a smelly boy, he yells at him. If he doesn't look at the golden face, he really wants to slap him to death. Qin Feng's request is obviously in line with his idea.

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