Super War Soldier

Chapter 205 - The Traitor of the Dragon Gate

Su Xiaoxiao walked shyly out of the bathroom with Xiao Bing. Soon after, she restored her customary aloofness to hide her true emotions inside.

When the two walked into the dining room, the food was already served. There were four dishes and one bowl of soup on the table. And the quantity was huge. As the four of them sat around the table, Li Chunlan even took out a bottle of wine.

Li Chunlan smiled and explained, “Sometimes I will take a sip. But the doctor advised me to drink less, saying that it’s good for the body.”

Xiao Bing grinned. “Then you should listen to him. And you should consume the nutritional products I bought for you. Don’t leave them untouched. It’s good for your health.”

Li Chunlan sighed. “They must be expensive. You don’t need to spend that much money on me. Lil Bing, you have done enough for my family and I know you took good care of Xiaoxiao when I was in the hospital. And it’s you that introduced that doctor to me. The noodle house is all her father and I have. It could have been closed if it weren’t for you. I’m really grateful for that.”

Xiao Bing stood up in all haste and said gravely, “Auntie, I’m merely doing what I ought to do. Peiya was a good friend of mine and…”

Xiao Bing suddenly was at a loss for words. Xiao Bing had always been feeling extremely guilty since Peiya died because of him. Though Yezi had gradually wiped out that haze looming over him, he felt that he still owed Peiya so much.

Besides which, he didn’t even know who had planned it and it had been about four months and he still could not avenge her. Xiao Bing felt deeply sorry for Su Peiya whenever he thought of it.

Su Xiaoxiao noticed Xiao Bing’s emotional ups and downs. She feared that Xiao Bing might blurt out something that was not supposed to be known by her mother. “Brother Bing, you’re right. But we are like a family now. You don’t need to be so courteous with us, okay?”

Li Chunlan grinned. “Xiaoxiao is right. Lil Bing, why are you still standing? There’s no need to be so courteous. Please be seated.”

Xiao Bing then sat down. Li Chunlan looked at Su Xiaoxiao and asked, “Xiaoxiao, why didn’t you invite Lil Bei to dinner?”

“Lil Bei said that he has already had dinner at home.”

Li Chunlan complained, “Why couldn’t he have waited a little longer. Lil Bing, I assume that you have met that Lil Bei. He’s a good boy who always comes to the noodle house with Xiaoxiao. He often helps me with the trifles in our family… He’s a good lad and is always good to Xiaoxiao…”

Xiao Bing didn’t tell Li Chunlan about Lil Bei’s true identity because he didn’t want to this woman to be worried. Hence, Li Chunlan just took Lil Bei as a normal neighbor and she even thought that Lil Bei had a crush on Su Xiaoxiao. Though she did not want her daughter to be involved in puppy love, she was quite satisfied with Lil Bei. And besides, there were just Su Xiaoxiao and her in this home, which made her family in need of man to be its pillar. So she didn’t say anything about their relationship. However, she didn’t know that their true relationship differed greatly from what she imagined.

Xiao Bing found it somewhat amusing. He believed that he would also have regarded the two as a lovely couple if he didn’t know who Lil Bei really was because the two spent so much time together.

Suddenly, there came a din drifting in from the outside. The source seemed to be a bunch of jolly men and women. Li Chunlan stood up and chuckled. “It’s the Chang family. They must have just come back from their trip to Sanya.”

Smiling, Su Xiaoxiao spoke to Xiao Bing in a low voice as Li Chunlan headed toward the door. “Uncle Chang often comes to our home, and we have been neighbors for many years. Nowadays, people scarcely have a good relationship with their neighbors. But Uncle Chang and his family are all nice people. We often go to each other’s home to share food.”

Xiao Bing grinned. “That’s nice.”

“Yes. Uncle Chang has just retired and he took his family to Sanya. They’ve finally come back after half a year.”

Li Chunlan chatted with her neighbor beside the door for about four or five minutes and then she came back reluctantly, with an envelope in her hand. “Your Uncle Chang had a great time in Sanya, so I was told. And he still looks energetic. He finally can enjoy his life after retirement. By the way, this letter is for you.”

Then she gave the envelope to Su Xiaoxiao, who looked nonplussed. “For me?”

She could not recall a person who would send her a letter from another city.

“Of course.” Li Chunlan grinned. “Your Uncle Chang is a little forgetful. He received this letter before they went to Sanya half a year ago. We weren’t home at that time, so he kept it for us. However, perhaps because he was too busy with his trip to Sanya, he forgot to give it to you. Actually, he apologized for the delay just now. He hoped that this half year’s delay won’t cause you any trouble.”

Xiao Bing, Su Xiaoxiao, and Ye Xiaoxi all suddenly thought of something. They could not help fixing their eyes on this envelope nervously.

Holding the envelope firmly, Su Xiaoxiao suddenly stood up and put on a smile. “Mom, I’m finished. You guys can keep enjoying your food.”

Ye Xiaoxi took a look at her watch and spoke brusquely. “Auntie, I suddenly recalled that I have something waiting to be done in the company. Can we pay you a visit tomorrow?”

Xiao Bing said, “I’m full. I will go with you.”

Upon seeing Ye Xiaoxi in such a hurry, Li Chunlan could not help asking, “Are you really full? Although business is important, one can’t work well on an empty stomach.”

“I literally can’t be any fuller.”

“All right. Xiaoxiao, can you send them off?”


Su Xiaoxiao answered. Then the three of them put on their coats and walked out of the door. Su Xiaoxiao and Xiao Bing seemed nervous along the way. Ye Xiaoxi noticed it and intended to say something to ease them. But she didn’t because she knew that at this moment, no word would be of any help. What was important was the contents of the letter. Did it contain the answer that Xiao Bing had been looking for, or was it just a normal letter?

Su Xiaoxiao took out the envelope after the three of them had entered the car. She read through it carefully. The receiver’s name was Su Xiaoxiao and the other blanks were left unfilled, which made them believe that it was not delivered by the post office. Instead, it was delivered by someone privately, which made their guess seem more and more possible.

Xiao Bing inhaled deeply as Ye Xiaoxi grabbed his hand. “Brother Bing…” said the girl in a soft voice.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine… If the truth is in there, I swear that whoever has a part in Peiya’s death will be torn to pieces!”

Su Xiaoxiao opened the envelope gradually. There was no sheet of paper, only a photo. Su Xiaoxiao took it out and fixed her eyes on it, but then she seemed confused.

Xiao Bing reached out his hand and said gravely, “Let me have a look at it.”


Xiao Bing took over the photo and found there were two people in it. Since the photographer seemed to be well away from those he was shooting, the images were not very clear.

One was a young man in a long golden robe. The photo only vaguely captured one side of his face, which made it hard for them to see clearly what he looked like. However, his features weren’t the most important part. What was important was that his temperament a mix of holiness and evilness.

It was hard for one to imagine that someone could bring these mixed feelings to others. The holiness made him seem like a divine monk who tried to save those who had gone astray, yet the evilness on him made him seem like a devil who wanted to drag all living creatures to hell!

These two feelings were so intense that Xiao Bing could feel them just from the photo. One moment, the three in Xiao Bing’s group felt like they were in heaven, but seconds later, they found themselves falling into a bottomless hell.

Xiao Bing had never met someone who could make people frightened from just being in a photo.

Mr. Buddha. He had to be Mr. Buddha!

In recent years, there were allegedly two misters in the dark world: one was Mr. Dragon and the other was Mr. Buddha. Mr. Dragon was Xiao Bing, who established the Dragon Gate and accomplished all the missions he was assigned, which made the Dragon Gate renowned as the strongest organization in the darn world.

Mr. Buddha was much more mysterious because no one knew what his true identity was, how many men he had, or how powerful he was. He decided the fate of those lesser like a god. Once he challenged several top martial artists in the world, but all of those challenged disappeared after the battle. Some said they were all dead while others said that they followed Mr. Buddha. As for the ones who once met Mr. Buddha, they all lost the memories of him. No one knew what he looked like.

Xiao Bing once was very curious about what level his counterpart had reached and he even wanted to challenge Mr. Buddha. But the two never had the chance to meet. Xiao Bing didn’t even know where this mysterious man was.

Word had it in the dark world that these two could never meet, otherwise one of them would definitely be dead.

He was none other than Mr. Buddha, who was the combination of evilness and holiness, and could be this frightening merely by being in a photo.

Could it be that Mr. Buddha was the one behind Peiya’s murder?

Xiao Bing fixed his eyes on the other person in the photo. His figure seemed faint but quite familiar. That one looked like a wolf, straight of hair and tall of body, and there was a crimson red tattoo on the back of the hand, which he used to shake Mr. Buddha’s.

Eventually, Xiao Bing was sure who this one was. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply because the one that Mr. Buddha was secretly meeting was Blood Wolf, the second-in-command in the Dragon Gate. He was a powerful martial artist who was merely one step away from the level of Void-breaking.

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