Super War Soldier

Chapter 216 - You Merely Love Yourself

Chapter 216 You Merely Love Yourself

Liu Sheng was the eternal pain in her heart, the scourge of her hatred.

As long as this name existed in her memory, the resentment she held towards this world would never disappear. Instead, it would only grow stronger and stronger, until the world was destroyed or she was destroyed by this cruel world.

While Zhang Hongyan was driving the car, Dumbass was sitting beside Femme Fatale, not daring to move even one finger. There were few people on this earth, who could frighten Dumbass. And even if they were much stronger than him, Dumbass was not afraid of fighting with them. But this woman nearly killed him, without his knowledge. He did not even know what had happened to him, exactly at that moment, which was a feeling that made him feel very terrified.

Femme Fatale was silent, along the journey. Memories kept creeping into her head, and it was tearing but also healing the seams in her heart, which then turned dark and gloomy.

Finally, the car stopped in front of the yard of a house, at an isolated area, where there were no other houses or people.

The three got out of the car, and strode into the house. It was not until this time, that Zhan Hongyan and Dumbass felt relieved. Though they had made stunning recoveries, they still felt vulnerable, when standing beside this poisonous woman. They could only feel safe when they were with Xiao Bing, which was an important reason why they were willing to follow Xiao Bing.

It was quite a big yard and there was a bungalow with an open door, in it. Xiao Bing was not inside. Instead, he was sitting on a chair in front of the door, and staring at Femme Fatale, with his legs crossed.

There were still a few chairs in the yard. Zhan Hongyan and Dumbass stood behind Xiao Bing and the poisonous woman did not sit down, either. She walked up to Xiao Bing and asked, “What do you know about Liu Sheng? What are you going to tell me?”

Xiao Bing grinned and asked, “Why don’t you ask who I am, first?”

Xiao Bing was at the pinnacle of the Transforming Strength and, given his comprehension that was beyond Transforming-strength, he was not afraid of this woman, in terms of martial arts skills. He even believed it was highly possible for him to defeat a master at the pinnacle of Transforming Strength. He only feared this woman, who was born with lethal poison in her system. Poison was much more unpredictable than any martial arts.

Ever since Femme Fatale walked into the yard, Xiao Bing had not removed his eyes from her. Though he seemed placid and confident, he was vigilant about this woman’s every movement.

There were flickers of madness, cruelty, resentment and agony in Femme Fatale’s eyes. Xiao Bing even noticed that her heart was beating faster and faster. So he put on a more placid smile and said, “I’m Xiao Bing. I came from Jiang City…”

“I just want to find out what you know about Liu Sheng. I don’t care what your name is, or where you came from.” This woman was becoming imposing. The extreme resentment in her eyes, even startled Zhang Hongyan, who was a killer with a strong mentality.

Xiao Bing’s face became stern. “Okay. But I don’t like someone to talk so condescendingly to me, no matter if that someone is a man or a woman.”

Xiao Bing pointed at the chair on the opposite side, as he said this.

Femme Fatale walked over and sat on the chair. Ever since she had walked in to this yard, she had been led by the nose. But she was not aware of this She was merely eager to know what secrets Xiao Bing knew about Liu Sheng.

Though that man had long been dead, she was still emotionally moved, whenever his name was mentioned.

Femme Fatale gazed at Xiao Bing, her gaze like a serpent targeting its prey, after she sat down. If she found Xiao Bing to be a liar, she would definitely do her best to kill this man. As long as she could slay this man who dared to speak that name, it would not matter if she was dead or not.

“Speak.” She sounded like a vengeful ghost. Even though Xiao Bing was a powerful martial artist now, he would not dare to strike the first blow, the moment this woman stepped into this yard. If she was truly willing to put up a desperate fight, she could cause enormous damage, even if Xiao Bing could defeat her.

Xiao Bing seemed composed, as he rested his hands on the handles of the chair. His eyes seemingly, could see through everything. “Liu Mei, female, was born in the Liu Village. When she was nine, her parents had a quarrel with others. She was angry and released her poisons, which then caused all others to become unconscious. They were saved, but from then on, all the villagers considered you as a monster. You must be in such agony, then. But you didn’t know that only one in a billion is endowed with such poison skills. You were a prodigy in the art of using poison.”

“Speaking of which, if you had a master of poison to train you, you would have been far more powerful than this.”

Femme Fatale was surprised that Xiao Bing knew about her past. Right now, however, the only thing that she cared about was Liu Sheng, and anything that involved his name. She became impatient, “Why are you talking about this. If you can’t tell me things that I don’t know about Liu Sheng, then what’s the point of me sitting here? You are all Lord Long’s enemies. I can kill you all here and now, as the price for lying to me.”

Xiao Bing was still calm, as he watched this woman start to get fretful. “I need to tell these things, one by one. We have plenty of time. Take it easy,” Xiao Bing said, smilingly.

“Fine. But if you can’t tell me something that interests me, I will poison you all to death. Don’t ever think that you can get away from my poison, even if we are at the same stage. No one can survive the poison of a master at the pinnacle of Transforming Strength, as long as he is below the innate stage. The poison would still work, even if he has reached the Elixir-strength, and is below the Gang-strength Stage.”

Xiao Bing grinned, “I suppose, that, compared with killing me and my friends, the information about Liu Sheng, should interest you more. Why don’t you listen to what I’m going to tell you, patiently?”

Femme Fatale stopped talking.

“Your poison grew stronger and stronger. One day, even you could not control it. The villagers and even your family estranged themselves from you. They regarded you as a monster and had you exiled. From then on you led a vagrant life and you didn’t even dare to get close to anyone, until you could control the poison inside you. Since then, you lived like any normal person in the city, and later you encountered this Liu Sheng…”

“Your relationship with him developed rapidly. You two even talked about marriage. However, one day, he had a conflict with a bunch of rascals, and was beaten up severely. You were so infuriated that you could not control the poison anymore. Several men went down, one died, some were crippled and some were permanently disabled. And later, you were arrested.”

“You had to face trial, but still, you did not regret what you did, because it was all for the man you loved most. But when you were in the prison, you heard that Liu Sheng would not be visiting you anymore, because he was with another girl, who would soon be married to him.”

“You hated him as much as you loved him. The love you had for him, turned into hatred overnight. You killed the guards with your poison, and escaped from the prison. You found Liu Sheng. He admitted to the affair, and tried to convince you to turn yourself in. Hence, you slaughtered Li Sheng and his family with your poison, as well as his new lover and her family. Liu Mei died that night and Femme Fatale was born.”

Xiao Bing stared at this woman and asked, “Am I right?”

Femme Fatale’s face was etched with hatred as she shivered. Obviously it was a painful memory for her in retrospect, and the bane of her darkness.

“Liu Mei…” Xiao Bing called out the name, which was now so unfamiliar to this woman. “Haven’t you ever wondered why he wanted to marry that woman?”

This poisonous woman laughed. Her laughter was strident and horrifying. Then she eyed Xiao Bing as if Xiao Bing was the one who had caused her pain. She smiled in a ghastly manner, “Was it not because you men are all prone to abandon the old for the new?”

“It’s not that simple.” Xiao Bing sighed, “You still believe that this man, who spent so many years with you and even wanted to marry you without the blessing of his family, would betray you only several days after you went to jail?”

“So tell me why!” She bellowed.

“Because he wanted to save you!”

“What…did you say?” Femme Fatale suddenly stood up. She gasped at first, then she shook her head in disbelief. Then she guffawed, “You want to use this ridiculous lie to convince me to shun evil and be a good person? What are you up to?”

“Take a look at this and you’ll know I’m not lying.”

Xiao Bing then threw a notebook on the floor, beside her feet. She trembled and bent down slowly. Her fingers were shaking, as well as her heart. On one hand she hoped that Xiao Bing was telling the truth, even though there was still disbelief from the bottom of her heart. She even thought it was a ridiculous lie. But she still picked up the notebook.

“That woman’s uncle was the Chief of the Police Bureau… Turn to the second page and you’ll find the official seal.”

The poisonous woman turned to the second page, and was shocked by what she saw. The book dropped to the floor with an audible thud, as her face turned pale.

Xiao Bing grinned, “I found this with my resources. It was recorded ten years ago and it’s lucky for you that I found it. That woman’s uncle changed your sentence from death to ten years’ imprisonment, by using his resources. Didn’t you know that? Why did he do it for you, in your opinion?”

“Because your man, in order to free you from prison as soon as possible, agreed to marry his niece, who had been in love with him, for many years already.”

“Why?” Femme Fatale slumped on the chair, and tears began trickling down her cheeks. It was the first time she had cried in ten years. “Why didn’t he tell me?”

“He did not expect that you could do something this horrible. I suppose that he just wanted you to be completely disappointed in him. Only by doing so, could you be saved and find your own happiness. However, he didn’t see you for who you really are.”

Xiao Bing’s sharp eyes pierced through this woman’s gloomy heart. “You didn’t love him at all. You just love yourself. You did not have any trust in him, which is why all of this did not occur to you!”

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