woo woo woo woo.

I am full of the unsatisfactory, and a strange dead tree stands on the ground. It is endless.

If there is no sadness, there is no sadness, walk around everyone's ear.

The dead trees dried the abstract creepy ghosts, focusing on a pair of double black cave eyes, looking to the king, Nakai, etc.

The tweet branch of the Zhang Dynamic claws obscures the sky, as if the next moment will tear them, and then flexiblely flexible with the tree roots.

"Hurry to apply the tree juice to the body, etc. It doesn't work."

Half people are very enthusiastic, and six steel tubes are rushing, pushing the trees on the ground to the rear.

Wang Xing took a deep breath, picked up a tree root with a long two meters, talled, and cut one end to the expected head.


A thick black tree root juice of chopsticks falls to the top of the king, flowing through the neck, shoulders, as if there is no stupid smell of stunned mud decades.


Wang Xing was smashed and heated, and he almost closed the past and hurriedly throw it on the ground.

"Hey! Futian, do you say that the sauce is smelling!"

"Yes, I think it is okay, only a little bit is hard, just like the meat that is broken in the refrigerator after the power outage."

Futian stretched out the right pliers, grab a black tree root in the mouth, and the mouth was eaten, and the wood cutting sound continued.

"You also taste, taste is not bad, a bit like natto."

Mao Mu Wei and Nashery, all over white, painted the stinky tree juice on the clothes, on the back.

After you finish these, everyone has become sinens and sources of smelling, spreading fatal tastes in the outside world.

Although it is very unspeakable, the tree juice is very good, the dead woods will be asked by themselves, there is no attack, and like the roots of the people who swallow people.

Three people have a strange shuttle in the dead forest, soon leaving three or four hundred meters of borders, even if they can't see the sky, I can't see the sky, and I will be afraid behind the desert.

"Futian, how far we have to go?"

Wang Xi slowed down, his face, staring at Futian in the leading road in front.

This kind of distance is already in-depth wood, a dangerous danger, but there is a destroy, which is different from the edges of Futian.

"Don't worry, we are very safe! This is not always an attack."

Futian facing, trying to explain, "I won't send yourself to the desperate, take the initiative to find it! The area that the Lord can control can be very wide, and even more than a dozen miles."

"See the big giant buman tree in front of you, our purpose is it."

Wang Xun frowned, and believed in Futian once, the footsteps did not stop moving, from hundreds of twisted weird trees, came to the giant dead tree.

This dry tree is highly striped, the crown of the dark branches is huge, and it is much better than the football court, just like a cranedium, very eye-catching.

Even if you are in the count, you can see this giant tree, just like Yao Ming standing in ordinary people, just as a light bulb.

"Seeing the streamed light behind it? Cut the huge tree, we can return to the surface from the light gate, return to the civilized society of humanity."

Futian pointed to the giant trees in front, excited, two pliers of arms constantly waved, six legs quickly drained, the first rushed up.

Mao wood is on the tip of the shot, and the last bomb is fitted, and the face is looked at the giant tree.

On the ground, the length of the ground tree root of a tree is often four or five times the height of the trunk above the ground, and the secondary root is more through the soil layer.

At the moment, there were a hundred meters high giant trees, and the main tree root had at least three or four hundred meters long, and the secondary is slightly short, but the quantity has more than ten and twenty.

Mao wood real hand finger is put on the trigger, there is no deduction of the trigger, and the tension is all sweat.

There are not many bullets. It is necessary to use it in the most critical moment, otherwise it is a waste of opportunities.

Let Mao Mu Wei Some strange things are that Wang Xing did not go forward, standing in the same place, then looked at Futian rushing to the giant tree.

Half-half of Futian is nearly three meters high, five meters long, like a truck head, much tall than ordinary people.

But he is alone, the giant bunch of 100 meters high, but it is like a wheel before a wheel, so weak weak weakness.


The black land of the square is dramatically vibrating, and the thick lacquer roots of the thigh drills out the ground. The quantity does not know how to have thousands, the vast potential is like a thousand horses.

"Wang Sang, we should support Futian."

Mao Mao is slightly frowned, and the face is shine.

Futian is obviously not the opponent of the giant tree, may have to support half a minute.

The three people did not join the battlefield, and they would help Futian to share the pressure. They will soon see Futian's death.

"You don't think, is this a good opportunity? Export is dozens of steps!"

Wang Xing took a footsteps, pulled the left hand of Nakhai, and rushed to the light of the export of underground world.


The sea, the sea, the small face, the face of the sea, the surprise, the struggle of the left hand is struggling, and the eye is looking to the back of Futian.

"This is betrayed!"

Mao Mao said loudly.

"He is a monster. We are people, it is not one side, is this not normal?"

Wang Xi Zhenzhen said, but also accelerated the pace.

In his opinion, Mao Mao seems to be the inspector of Futian as a hand, which is obviously a mistake, people blame two, but guidance principles.

Mao Mu Wu suddenly dredged, and he was still following it.

Wang Xing's mouth revealed a smile, and nodded, I wanted to understand so soon!

"Mao Mu Premier!"

Futian is in jeopardy, screaming in jeopardy and shouting.


A person who is waist and wrapped in the power of the power, and smashed on the crustal of Futian scorpion.

A large pit is comparable to the brown crust of steel, and the six scorpion legs in Futian deep into the black soil. The situation is very critical.

There are five trees around, the soldiers are scattered, entangled, when the head is pressed, and the left and right blocks, the Futian escape route is blocked.

Futian is going to be killed and the root, but the face is not unzyfirian, but revealing a strange smile, let him strand him into meat sauce.

I ran to the king of the light side, I saw that Futian was stranded by tree roots, whispered: "I remember not to cast a monster next time."

Futian paid a life, giving us an opportunity to escape, I will always remember him. "

The Nakai Gas is red and red, and the corner is rubbed.


Mao Mu Wei sighs, the look is complicated, there is a joy of Fukuda, and is also a joy to leave the underground world.

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