Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 1484 Competition

The Nakai Mei yarn is slightly feet, and it is like a hundred meters high, and it is far away.

Although this is not her first flying above, but it feels great, I haven't seen it, the small face is frightening, and I am saying: "Tokyo, land!"

The Neihai Gaury, who came to the height, seeing farther, four or five miles have been a suburban area, the high-rise building is relatively small, and there are many bungalows in the seven floors.

At this point, those bungalows are high, tounted for tens of meters high cliffs in the air, the three or forty high-rise buildings of Kaiyi market center.

The city's central bustling area, five or six regions of more than a thousand square kilometers, all falls from dozens of meters.

"What can I joking, how??"

"Yeah, who believes that the big urban will reduce tens of meters, which is unheard."

"We must hurry, maybe the city will drop down, fell to the deep magma layer directly."

"Sublimming you have to shut me! This kind of thing can't be joking."

The color of Mao Mao is strict, and his crow is closed, stopping his mildew.

Others have nodded, even if they knew how the city decreased, fell to the grades of the magma layer to be ignored, almost impossible, but they didn't want to hear a worse message.

Just like ostrich buried your head into the sand, it is not good for things, but the mood will be a lot.

"It's right here, go to the high cliff as soon as possible, no one against it?"

Wang Xing's looks seriously, and a face is dignified.

He feels that there is a terrible dramatic change in the depths of the ground, as if the feet stepped on the rolling volcano, very unsafe, and then picked the bones.

Pingping and the earth, is exuding fierce, let Wang Xing's moon, hate, so that the Nakai yarn is pulling himself, the feet leave the ground.

It's just a bit more than today, and he does not know that the Haimei yarn can not pull all the people to fly.

"Wang Sang said is right, I am afraid it will have a serious accident."

The first representation of Mao Mu.

Sugnocital is nodded, and it is fear on his face: "I have no opinion, it is better to do it now."

In addition, the two women's clerks leaned by the sea, and grabbed her clothes, just like grabbing the life of the straw.


Outside a dozen meters, from the pavement drainage fence, the dry, the dry twisted dead tree is rapidly growing, and the cement road is extruded out of the crack, spread to the distance.

The ice cream shop behind them suddenly broke down on the ground of the lobby, a twisted dead tree like the devil Daw, and drilled out of the ground.

Not only the same is true, the distance is the same, the number of unclear twists and trees are like the mushrooms after the rain, and the


Wang Xing saw the shape, the face changed, took the lead to a few miles away.

Mao Mu real with Shanboy, followed by him, struggling to run, no daren be half a bit slow.

They have seen it before, the roots of the dead trees will break human flesh and blood, and only one person will eat only more than ten seconds.

If you can't escape in a twisted dead wood, it is obviously an extremely bad thing, it is likely to be eaten by the roots.

"I beg you, I will fly from the sky to the cliff."

"I have my husband and son, can't die here, please save me in the sea sauce."

Two women's clerks hold a hand of the Nasheya, a arm, pain, pain, and a large teardrop, it looks pitiful.

"I will help you, but now please release."

Nahai gauze licked his arm, still failed to open the female clerk, slightly frowned, "You do this, affect my actions!"


The cement of the three feet cracks, dozens of dark twisted branches drilled out the ground, like living, grabbing the three people.

"Let go!"

Nashe Green is a ground, and the whole person will fly in the sky.

Just bring two cumbersome, I haven't upgraded it quickly, and the feet is more than ten centimeters.

Dozens of dark branches have fushed, grab a female clerk's right foot, like a throat, tightly, branches are rushed into the skin.

"Ah, good hurt! Save me!" The female clerk is full of sweating, and the hands of the hands of the sea, the right arm, exhausted all the strength.


NEW, Niki, you don't have to look, you know that the right arm is definitely blue and purple, like it is going to break, you will lose consciousness.

"I told you to let go!"

She is anger, no longer scruple, and fully urged the flying super power, and the body is moving.

, The coat of the coat of the Yue Yue, the right clothes, spurred, and she flew over more than ten meters of high altitude with a female clerk.

"help me!"

The lacquered branches grab the female clerk of the ankle, hit it in the sky, the face is paleble, and waving the coat sleevescent in the hands.

The dark branches are greedy to extend countless fine-shaped things, taking into this person's ankle skin, quickly absorb blood, and the surface is slightly red.

The Nakai gay is inexpected to stand on the left, caught the other female clerk who does not put the left arm, and asks: "Do you think we have to save her?"

"Can't go on, she has been caught by the strange tree." Another female clerk looked at the eyes of Nakhai, and the face was constantly shuck.

"We hurry up with Wang Sang."

Nakai Mei Yarn is picker, suddenly transferring the topic.

Wang Xing's right hand waving light blue ice gun, slamming three striking eggs rough tree roots, flying fast, and fell to four or five meters away.

The root surface has a layer of ice, and then like a drunk wine, shake, and finally falls.

Mao Mu Wu ran to sweat, tightly followed by Wang Xue.

Sushima is also the same, chasing, no one to relax, they know the result of the backwardness, that is, the dead tree blame, the flesh is being smoked.

On this way, they have seen some people who are flexible, such as the roots of the snake, and I can't be a pile of bones in half a minute. It is terrible.

These people are not slow, even faster than they.

Without the super power of the king, the unparalleled citizen fled that one or two roots can also avoid it. In the event of four or five roots, it is only over.

Some Unit saw that Wang Xing handed a extraordinary ice gun and easily slammed the root attack, quietly followed.

Not long, there is a dragon behind the Wang Xue, extends to more than ten meters.

However, the more the position is behind, the more dangerous, and the ice layer is melted by the knot of the King of Wang Xing, and begging to move.

"What do you do! Roll to us."

Sub-zon's anger is a middle-aged man, and the arm has stretched, and he crowded him to the perimeter.

"You are not qualified to say we! You are just the ordinary people who enjoy the benefits of super powers, everyone is equal." The middle-aged man tried to crowd it.

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